1.2 | The Night and Its Stars...

נכתב על ידי saverics

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"WHEN THE WORLD AROUND YOU IS BURNING, LOOK AT THE STARS." Transfer student Minni Lee has a premonition. Not... עוד

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נכתב על ידי saverics






Min came to realize that Yeosang was not as good at abandoning his humanity like the others. It was a wild flame that licked at his eyes whether it be angry or languid. As much as he pretended to be emotionless, his eyes gave him away.

That photo, taken in secrecy, had done so more than ever. If she was being honest, it screwed her over as well. Because god she wanted to know what would cause him to have stared at her like he had in that photo. His face scrunched and eyes bleary, like the sky was falling apart around him.

He was afraid. That much was obvious. She didn't know if he was afraid of her or for her. She wanted to find out more than she should and could already feel herself being pulled into his gravity.

Her eyes stuck to him the moment she spotted him. He was astoundingly easy to find. A man like him didn't belong at Dailee's. Even in a simple black t-shirt and jeans, the bejeweled watch on his arm made it clear that he had the kind of money a scholarship student could only dream of.

A blocky pair of sunglasses were low on his nose, eyelashes peeking over the rim. The outdoor seating around him was quiescent and calm aside from the gentle ripple of a breeze ruffling his hair. At least he had enough sense to meet here. Other than the library, it was one of the few public places in the city that was isolated at this hour. Most NHU students would still be busy with class.

He was set at a glass table adjacent to the sidewalk, his gaze faraway and fidgety as it scanned the passing cars. All she could see was the tense curve of his jaw, his leg shaking beneath the table.

Minni approached, hood tight over her head and a fresh coffee warming her hands. No matter how much it steamed, the autumn chill seemed to build a home at the base of her spine. Her eyes were stinging and swollen, and she was late by ten minutes, but she did not have the pride or energy to care.

Yeosang wasn't the type to care about stuff like that anyway. When he saw her all he did was spare her a single look-uncaring and uninterested. He curled an eyebrow and adjusted himself in his seat, arms crossed.

"Finally," he murmured under his breath.

Min slumped into the chair across from him, not bothering to dignify his attitude with a response. "What do you want?"

"I need you to fix this," he repeated. He was bouncing his leg so much that wavering rings appeared in her coffee cup.

She sighed. "I can't. You know this."

"Then you need to find a way," he insisted, hands clenching on the table. "Because this isn't going to work."

"No, I had no idea," she scoffed, the sarcasm as thick and venomous as the ache in her chest.

The narrowing of his eyes and the taut set of his shoulders made it clear that he was not here to play around.

"Yeah, actually. You have no idea," he seethed. "You may be naively thinking you'll get through this, but you haven't seen even half of what is to come yet."

Her grip tightened around the cup. "Are you threatening me?"

"Think whatever you want. I don't care." He rose to his feet, palms flat as he pushed off the table. "Just follow me. I want you to see something."


Min looked after him, only just now noticing the sleek black car idling at the side of the road. The engine was humming but the windows were too tinted for her to get a peek at the driver. All she could see were the blue sky and clouds reflecting off the windows.

Yeosang ignored her shock, opening the door to the backseat and waving a hand at her to get in.

She gaped and sank further into her chair. "I am not getting into that car with you."

"I know you don't like or trust me. The feeling is mutual," he said, pinching his nose with a weighty exhale. "But you have a tail on you and, unfortunately, we have to talk."

Her heart dropped at that. She knew he was telling the truth without even checking to find a stalker. Min trusted Yeosang about as much as a fly trusts a web, but she did not want to be alone in the unfamiliar city. Not now when she couldn't even be sure that Kevin would come to her aid if she ever were to need it.

The photo flashed behind her eyes again and she remembered just how jumpy he had seemed at the charity event. She did not trust him, but she trusted his fear. He was no threat to her. Not right now, at least.


Swallowing her pride, she stood on shaky feet and reluctantly approached the vehicle. She kept her bag tight to her side, repressing the urge to run the other way.

She sat herself into one of the expensive, cushy leather seats. Yeosang got in on the other side. He rested an elbow on the door, face illuminated by the daylight as he faced the window.

The driver in the front wore a tailored suit with a crisp collar. The old man's dark, hooded eyes met Min's in the mirror before putting the car in drive. He cleared his throat and looked away.

"Your father would not like this, sir," the driver insisted.

Yeosang tensed. "He doesn't need to know."

Min spared the violinist a glance, but she couldn't get a read on him. His sunglasses concealed his eyes and the rest of his face betrayed nothing. He crossed his arms and relaxed into his seat as if it were any other day.

"Where are you taking me?" Min asked, growing rapidly impatient. Her fingers fiddled with her charm bracelet.

He didn't even look at her. "To show you something."

"That wasn't the question."

He sighed and blurted, "Well that's the answer you're getting."

Min wanted to ask more questions, but she knew she wasn't going to get any answers on her terms. This was all Yeosang's territory and she was simply along for the ride.

The ride persisted in silence. The driver was taking them deeper into the city, the traffic around them thickening with every turn. Short buildings turned into towering skyscrapers the longer they drove. The car even rode over the Newhurst bridge, crossing the river. Min had never been to this side of the city before.

The car eventually came to a rolling stop on a busy street. They were surrounded by stores and businesses that were tucked away in skyscrapers. Many storefronts belonged to expensive name brands. She bit her lip anxiously and followed Yeosang as he exited the vehicle and waited on the sidewalk.

Minni stared up at the luxury apartment building before them in equal parts horror and amazement. It had to have been at least eighty stories. The sky and the bright sun reflected on every single window. It was blinding to look at.

Yeosang was already starting to walk up to the entrance without her.

"Hurry up," he said. She remained in place, not fully prepared for whatever it was that he wanted to show her at what was likely his apartment. His perceptive gaze fell on her. "If I wanted to hurt you I would have already done it."

"Well I guess you'll have to forgive me for being hesitant after what I've seen you do to Seungmin."

He did not even flinch at the accusation. "Whatever you say, Minni." Without any more words of comfort, he entered the revolving glass doors and did not bother to make sure she followed.

Stunned by his indifference, she trailed behind him into the cool, open lobby. The tiles were so clean that they sparkled and the high, airy ceilings were supported by sculpted columns. A geometric chandelier was mounted above the entry desk.

One of the attendants behind it stopped Yeosang on his way to the elevator, scurrying over with a clipboard in her hands.

"Sir!" The employee called out. "Your father just came to visit. He wanted to know your whereabouts."

"Class," Yeosang lied quickly and unconvincingly. Min almost opened her mouth to interject, but a single look in his direction and she knew it was best that she stay quiet. "And tell my father when you see him that I have no more plans to interfere with his work so he can stop this now."

If the employee found his behavior odd, she didn't show it. "Yes sir. I will pass that message on for you."

Min did not have as much tact. She held back until they got in the elevator. "What was that about?"

Yeosang, predictably, did not give her a solid answer. His eyes fell to her then away just as fast. "None of your business."

They took the elevator up over sixty stories in silence. Eventually the doors opened. Not to a hallway, but to a residence that occupied the entire floor.

Yeosang tossed his keys into a bowl in the entryway, removed his shoes, and disappeared around a corner without saying a word. Min followed suit, but she wasn't happy about it. She kept her bag close to her side as she turned into an expansive room with glazed, patterned tile and high ceilings. Floor to ceiling windows overlooked the river sprawling through the city. The walls were lined with painted cabinets and countertops. The kitchen island separated the kitchen from a smaller, informal dining area.

As beautiful and picturesque as it was, the penthouse felt more like a magazine cover than it did a home. No matter where she looked, Minni could not see family photos or many personal belongings at all. Even all of the floral arrangements had a waxy, plastic look to them. 

Yeosang cleared his throat and Min quickly snatched her gaze away, seating herself at the island with her coffee. He was shutting the refrigerator with his hip when she faced him, a fresh glass of water in hand.

Min suddenly felt out of place. As if she had seen something she was not supposed to. She swallowed an apology. "Why am I here, Yeosang?"

His face was stony as he leaned against one of the countertops. "You need to fix this."

"Yes, you've said that before."

"Because you still don't get it."

"Okay," she challenged. She had heard the phrase too many times and it was starting to grate on her nerves. "Then show me. Tell me what I need to do."

He took a sip of the water and set it down. "Open your bag."

She frowned. "Excuse me?"

"Just open it," he insisted, approaching the island.

Reluctantly, she unzipped her backpack like he asked and set it on the floor. He immediately reached for the crumpled newspaper article she had been looking at earlier that morning.

She almost wanted to ask how he knew about it, but the raise of his eyebrow said enough. That trick would have worked on the self-absorbed Juyeon, but Yeosang was far more astute than she gave him credit for. She would not make the mistake of underestimating him again.

"What about it?"

His brows furrowed as he sighed. "Hold on."

Without another word, he departed through the archway they entered. Min could hear the creak of steps and eventually, silence. Yeosang returned a few minutes later with a set of papers cradled in his hands. They all had that same texture as the article from the library.

"What is this?"

Yeosang slowly slid one of the papers across the countertop, letting the title speak for itself.

The Daily Newhurst. 1996.

Female theater student, LS, at NHU allegedly commits suicide after accusation and criticism in school publication, The Newhurt University Herald

After allegedly poisoning her competition at NHU's annual celebration of the arts ceremony, LS was found dead at the bottom of the luxury Riverside apartments building where she resided on the fifty-fifth floor. The NHPD speculate that no foul play was involved. The NHU gossip column that is believed to have been the cause of distress for LS could not be tracked down to any group of individuals. In any case, NHU officials ensure that steps are being taken to protect current students and their mental health-

"-What did you do to get Juyeon's attention?" Yeosang blurted before she could read the entire piece.

She didn't like that question, hated that he chose to say it as she was still picking her jaw up from the article. The similarities between the 1996 case and the present were too perfect to be coincidental. Everything about Somin's murder had been so hasty that it almost seemed like a mistake. But now Min wasn't so sure.

She snatched her gaze up to Yeosang. His chin was resting in his intertwined hands, eyes unwaveringly intense.

"What are you talking about?" she stuttered. "I don't know. I just...saw through him I guess. He took offense to that." When Yeosang said nothing, she continued. "Why are you showing me this?"

"Because this is bigger than the blog. These are lives we're playing with. Including mine and yours."

"Yeah, I got that part genius," she mumbled, arms crossed. "I just don't understand what this has to do with us and the performance."

"You're hopeless." His expression went flat and critical, aggravated by her constant questions. Nevertheless, his spine straightened and he swallowed thickly. Min took a mental note of that. He didn't look it, but he was far more patient than any of the others behind the blog.

"The game was never meant to end after her," he started, shifting his foot from one to the other. His posture tensed. "She wasn't the first and she won't be the last. If you don't understand that faster, you know what happens."

Min understood. She didn't want to, but she did. If the game kept progressing the way it was, she would be a target if she was not already. The Night had existed for decades, previously as a weekly publication in the school paper with anonymous authors, culminating in a murder and a suicide. Now, years later, half of that equation had been replicated again.

For whatever reason, Yeosang wasn't being straightforward, but she still picked up on what he was hinting at. The Night wanted someone dead again and they may use COTA as a cover to get it done.

What she had not expected was for Yeosang to approach her of all people. She didn't trust his intentions. He still could have easily killed Somin that night. Or if he didn't, she was lost as to why he continued to associate with the people who could have murdered his ex-girlfriend.

Minni was new to NHU and new to The Night. She had no idea what was going on. She would be easy to manipulate. If anything, Yeosang might want to use her to save his own skin. The same could be said for Juyeon. One thing was true. She could not take the risk of trusting them.

Seulgi had been right. She didn't need answers. She needed to know how to avoid becoming another dead dancer.

"No, I don't," she whispered.

He reached over the countertop to take back the article, unfazed by her reaction. "You're smarter than that. You just don't want to believe it."

"Why did you bring me here?" she snapped. Min felt her patience fraying, the thread holding her back slowly coming loose. "I know it wasn't to trade theories."

He finally slipped his sunglasses down his nose. His eyes were clear and curious, the most human she'd ever seen him. It was the most awake, alive, and invested he had ever looked. Perhaps that should have worried her more than it did.

"You tell me, Minni," he murmured lowly, an accusation hiding in the plain statement. The sudden downturn in his mood left her scrambling to catch up.

She shifted uncomfortably in the barstool. "What do you mean?"

"Why were you at PPO?" He blinked slowly, eyes slitted and serpentine. The light overhead made the curves of his face seem sharper. He was on the prowl without moving an inch.

"Because I was invited?" she lied, breathlessly. She couldn't be sure where he was going with this, but she felt she was walking a very narrow line either way. "They wanted me there for the blog."

"Sure they did." He turned to grab his glass with a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head to himself. It was humorless, and so unbelievably cold. Min belatedly got the feeling that the question itself had been a test. And she just failed, miserably.

It made her feel smaller than she would have liked. The constant reminders that she would never fit in their world, the games, the lies, the stalkers. She was sick of all of it.

She gritted her teeth. "What's your problem?"

"You. You are my problem." He spun around, fixing her to her chair with just a single look. His stare was so full of resentment that if she weren't already on the verge of destruction, she would have wilted on the spot. "You have no idea what you've just been dragged into, no idea what you're being made to do."

Everything came back to that, her being completely clueless and unaware of NHU's inner machinations. Yet, no one ever gave her the full story. They just held it over her head, watched as she walked into traps she couldn't even see.

"You're the one who dragged me into this to begin with. If it bothers you that much, be honest for once and tell me what the fuck is going on."

"Why? So you can run and tell everyone all about it? About all my secrets and my mistakes?" His eyes were all seeing. He leisurely took another sip of his water. As if he had already won and she was still miles from the finish line. "Tough luck for you, but I don't have any. I've done nothing wrong. That's why he's desperate enough to put you up to this."

Min heaved a thick breath, unable to get in enough air under his watch. He had hit the nail on the head without even trying. He already knew about Juyeon. He was aware that The Night was seeking to add him to their long list of names. That they had made Min into a vessel for that same goal.

Juyeon would never forgive her if he knew she had messed up before she even started. It was pathetic, but she had too much to lose. It was one thing if she suffered for all of The Night's sins, but she would rather die than get her friends and family roped into this too.

So she crossed her arms, the pretense on her lips blatant and thick. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Yeosang expected this. He strolled across the kitchen to the island, putting his palms on the countertop. There was plenty of space still between the two, but it still felt like he was breathing down her neck.

"Yes, you do," he hissed, the curve of his jaw pulled taut. "Act innocent and clueless if you want, but I'm not Juyeon. Stop following me around. Stop asking questions. Just fix this."

How he could say something like that so sedately, without a single crack or rasp to his voice, was beyond her. He was so matter-of-fact that it was a knife to her chest.

It pissed her off.

"You're such a hypocrite," she rasped. Her life was being shattered, and only just now could she feel all of the anger, the trauma, seeping from the cracks all at once. "You broke into my room. You stole my diary. You blackmailed me into doing this in the first place. I was never given a choice. What makes you think I could pull out of COTA?"

"You have a choice. There's always a choice. You're just choosing to kiss Juyeon's ass in hopes that he'll give you an out. It's only going to make things worse for you."

"You're such an asshole." The air was suffocating her. She knew she should stop talking and walk away, but she couldn't stop herself until she got it out. "There is a girl that is fucking dead right now because of you and your friends, and you're worried about getting out of a performance-"

"Stop." Yeosang flinched, his face going ashen. His glare slid to her, sharp and wounded. "Don't say another word. I'm serious," his voice cracked, breath leaving him in a rush.

He was screaming. She was crying. It wasn't pretty.

Min couldn't look at him without being reminded of her. Her pearl necklaces and mean smile. Her body on top of that car. Seungmin broken and unable to move on the sidewalk and in an alleyway.

Everywhere Yeosang went, chaos seemed to follow. He didn't know mercy. He didn't deserve mercy. He was silent now, his back facing her. Every muscle in his body was tight. After a long moment, he spoke.

"I'm sorry." His voice came as a soft murmur and his words as a surprise. "You're on your own. This is the last time I help you. I tried to warn you. I really did. "

She squinted her eyes shut, wiped a stubborn tear away stiffly even as her throat burned.

He had never given her a reason to trust him. It was his fault that she was in this mess to begin with. If he had never taken her diary, had never showed up to the dance studio, she would have been none the wiser about the things happening at the university. She could have had that fresh start she so desperately needed.

"Don't fool yourself," she murmured spitefully, snatching up her bag and throwing it over her shoulder. "You've never helped me."

When she stormed out, he was speechless for once.



Her wobbly voice came through the receiver. "Could you give me a ride home?"

"Are you okay?" He froze and she imagined him frowning at the phone. It was unusual for Minni to ask for anything. After their last conversation, he was likely expecting her to avoid him.

Min could hear the rumble of his engine on the line. The sounds of honking meant that he was in traffic. He was a busy man and part of her felt guilty for asking for his time. But it was getting dark and after her fight with Kevin, she had forgotten to grab money for the bus or a taxi. So instead, she found herself awkwardly waiting in an expensive coffee shop adjacent to the building Yeosang stayed in.

Many of the patrons were side-eyeing her as she hovered by the door without buying anything.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," she assured him, trying to keep her voice even and low. She kept a paranoid eye on the street to make sure she was not being watched. "I'm just kind of stranded right now."

"Alright," he said calmly. "Text me the address. I'll be on my way."

Min hated being in cars after the accident, but she had no choice. When Seonghwa arrived in a small white four-door she got in faster than she thought possible.

She did not realize she was shaking her leg until Seonghwa spoke up. "You seem agitated. What happened?"

She hesitated, averting her gaze to a pair of headlights in the side mirror.

"I'm asking as a friend, not a private investigator. If that helps."

It did. She hated that it did, that she had to protect people she despised. She would much rather tell Seonghwa everything and have him come to the rescue like he had for Cape Freewell years ago.

Instead she could only tell him half of the story. She sighed. "I fought with my roommate."

He quirked an eyebrow. "Is that how you got all the way out here?"

"No. I had to meet someone for a project, but I couldn't get back."

"I'm sorry to hear that," he hummed thoughtfully, eyes stuck on the road in front of them as he turned onto her street. Even then, Min got the feeling he was thinking about everything she said more than he let on. "If you ever need a place to crash, I'm sure Levi would love to see you."

Min felt her heart warm then break at the offer.

She felt guilty being made to lie to the people who had shown her nothing but patience and kindness. Maybe she said it because she wanted to help Seonghwa or maybe she just needed to repent for what she did to Serevena, but she blurted, "Lucas didn't do it."

For the first time since she met him, Seonghwa seemed stunned. He blinked rapidly, fingers tightening around the wheel.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Min couldn't take it back now. She didn't even want to. She needed to feel that she was doing something good for once. "I saw the news."

"Woah, slow down," he said, clearly taken aback as he put the car in park. Min had not given him any critical information. It wasn't anything he didn't already suspect, but he was surprised by her sudden willingness to speak on it. "So, he actually didn't know Somin?"

"No." Lucas had never done anything wrong. He just happened to be at the GI party with Jisoo that night. "They never even met-"

That same night where Yeosang was fighting Seungmin in the backyard and V was-

Min fell silent with realization, blood rushing out of her body. She felt several pieces fall into place at once.

"-Minni?" Seonghwa was staring at her with a frown. She blinked, tried to pull herself back to the present.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, not sure what she was even apologizing for anymore. She wrapped her arms around herself. Fortunately, Seonghwa did not press her for answers even though he knew she could be telling him more than she was.

Instead he asked, "Are you safe?"

She remembered the photographs tucked away in her bag and imagined the unknown photographer watching her as she talked to Seonghwa. She remembered all of the threats, the warnings.

No. She was anything but safe.

"Yes." Minni managed a convincing smile. She couldn't think about it without wanting to break down. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Thank you for the ride."

Before he could call her on her bullshit, she got out and closed the door. She already was on the steps of the brownstone she and Kevin were renting by the time Seonghwa realized and called after her. She pretended not to hear it and locked the door to the apartment behind herself.

Only once she heard the hum of his vehicle leave her street did her body want to move. Throwing her bag off of her shoulder, she sank to the floor and sobbed. All of the fear, adrenaline, anger had caught up to her at the same time and rushed out in one outburst. She was drowning before she ever realized it.

As she was hyperventilating, the mail slot in the front door creaked open. A thin, white piece of paper slid through and fluttered to her feet. She made the mistake of looking at it.

It was another photograph. This time, a polaroid. Even though her face was covered by her hoodie, she recognized herself, a coffee in her hands as she approached Yeosang outside of Dailee's. 

The photograph was accompanied by bold handwriting:

I know what you did. I hope you dance yourself to death. 


small ramble incoming (feel free to skip!)

Heads up: these characters will seem frustrating, confusing, and downright unlikeable at points. Most of them are morally grey or have poor intentions outright. 

Keep in mind that we are seeing this story from Minni's perspective and she has very little knowledge about what is going on. She and the other characters are making many assumptions about each other based off of the little information they do have. 

My goal is that this will be the kind of mystery that if you reread, you can pick up on the nuances in the characters, the foreshadowing, and their motivations, and understand why they behave the way they do. I want this to be the kind of story where you can look back and the answers are there the whole time, hiding in plain sight. > :)

Anyways, I finally finished all of my schooling so I wanted to put out a bigger update this week to celebrate the end of my semi-hiatus!

Thanks for reading as always!


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