The Reality Reader

By writingb00ks

8K 183 121

Annabelle Flora was a nerdy girl who was completely obsessed with books/movies, especially the trilogy, The M... More



302 7 2
By writingb00ks

The yelling of the boys gets louder after Gally had punched Thomas squared in the face, "This is all you, Thomas! This is all your fault!"

The Gladers pull Gally back as he continues to yell nonsense, I remember those words from the movie, it's so different seeing it in reality.

"He's one of them!" Gally continues chanting, resisting the Gladers grip on him.

I quickly rush over to Thomas, grabbing the stinger before he did, shaking my head, I held it close to my chest, "Give it, Annabelle."

"Thomas.." Teresa rests her hand upon his arm, calming him down a little bit.

Ah yes. Teresa.

With a smile I approach her, stabbing her in the arm with the stinger. Thomas yells bloody murder, pushing me to the floor and pinning me down, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

All the boys eyes lock upon me, confused.

"Get the second serum." Minho demands, holding Teresa's shaky body.

I blink, exhaling slowly. They're so going to regret this. I give Thomas the deadliest stare I've ever given him. If only I could fucking talk or something I can write with, this would be much easier.

As the night turns over, it eventually reaches morning, my eyes adjust to the bright light, unfortunately there was barely any beds due to the grievers last night.

I feel a tap on my left shoulder, I slowly turn around with a groan, "Morning." Chuck speaks with a sweet smile.
He continues, "How'd you sleep on the grass?"

I put my thumbs down, pouting my lips down. He giggles, "I know you can't talk but I have to give you this."

He had me a white oak piece of wood with berries, "Write why you infected Teresa, I'm not going to judge you, but you kinda have never met her before."

As I'm handed this, I look over towards the other Gladers, who are talking quietly on a plan, but I know full well what the plan is.

Exhaling, I dip the corner of a piece of wood into the berry mix, slowly writing the words, "Promise not to tell anymore, Chuck?"

Chuck nods, "I promise."

I continue on writing, "Teresa works for WCKD, she's on this the whole time, you cannot trust her Chuck. I can't tell you much, incase everything gets messed up."

Chuck stares at me with his brow raised, "How do you know this?"

I turn over the wood, "It's best if you don't know buddy."

And with that I start to wipe the berry bits off of the board as I see Gally approaching, "Chuck can you bugger off I gotta talk to Annabelle."
"Well at least try to." He huffs, taking up Chucks seat.

My brow raised at him as he stares me down, speaking deeply, "I'm only gonna ask you yes or no questions, so just nod or shake your head."

I nod my head slowly, slightly concerned.

"Did you sting Teresa because you were angry at her?"

I nod.

"Are you still angry at her?"

I nod.

Gally eyes narrow, he's probably wondering that how can I be angry at her if I've never "met" her before.

"Did you know her before the maze?"

I shake my head.

He hums, "Do you recognize her from when you were in the Maze?"

I have no idea how to answer this question, I shake my head hesitantly.

Gally folds his arms, "If we planned out a party of people to go out into the Maze, would you go, since you must know it very well?"

I nod slowly.

Gally's not going on this party trip obviously. I don't want to mess up the future, but if I have to then I will.

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