Another Quest (Extremely Powe...

By GranytKaiser99

18.3K 468 107

I do not own anything RWBY The story of an individual who was taken from his home, raised as an experiment to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21 (L)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Help and A/N

Chapter 18

406 13 9
By GranytKaiser99

Y/N was standing in a vast empty plane. Nothing around but pure white, and odd, vague shaped that seemed to fail taking form of something real. Y/N rubbed his eyes as he glanced around and nothing had changed. "Hello?" He called out. His voice echoed throughout the vast emptiness. Y/N looked down and saw he was as naked as the day when he was born. At the moment, that didn't bother him. He continued to call out to nobody in particular, asking the same hello every time. Slowly, he began to walk around. As he got closer to a shape, the shape slowly formed into a vivid image of a mangled corpse, propped up by a long recognizable rotting red spike. Y/N backed away and the image returned to its misshapen blob form. Y/N backed away from it slowly, tripping over another blob he didn't see on the ground. He looked down and saw the corpse of his old professor, riddled with energy shots, lifeless. Y/N scrambled away backwards, his fear taking over him, as he backed into another blob. He turned around to see the corpses of Yang, Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, and Qrow, strung up in a row, hanging from their necks. The ropes led to a flying group of people. All featureless, but staring down at Y/N.

A man, tarnished gold with deer antlers held two ropes. His brother, a dark blue figure with goat horns held up one. Their mother, a woman with a thin figure and long, broken goat horns. A gray mushroom covered figure with sunken eyes, who had long but scraggly hair held another string, while a figure that looks similar to the aforementioned mushroom figure, although this one looked as though she was rusting away, but had the same sunken eyes, holding one string. An older looking male, with a slight red tinge, looked like a decaying tree with sunken in eyes, held one string. The one next to him, a young boy, youngest of the group, and the least decayed one, looked like a slightly decaying corpse. Sunken muscles, but the same dark sunken eyes.

"You can no longer run, Y/N." They all said in unison. The four decaying ones had raspy voices to match. "We will destroy all that you love. Nothing will remain." The figures taunted. Y/N turned around, and stood up.

"Over my dead body!" Y/N screamed.

"That's the plan." The oldest one, the purple woman with the broke goat horns spoke above the others. A dark black smile creeped across her face as she and the others began to move forward, dropping the corpses of Y/N's friends.

"No!" Y/N screamed out, bolting forward, and sitting up. Y/N was drenched in sweat, and no longer in that pure white void, but in his bed in the Bunker. Y/N gasped for air as he looked around. "Not here... thank goodness.." Y/N spoke softly to himself. He fell back onto his bed, staring up at the dark ceiling, the ceiling fan swaying slowly as it circled the air around the room. Y/N closed his eyes, as the vision of his friends being strung up by those.. things.. that Y/N knew to be the remaining gods. And they were hunting him.


A few weeks had passed since Y/N unlocked Blake's and Yang's power. They had been quiet about the whole situation since, Yang or Blake not seemingly bringing it up. Jaune and Pyrrha had returned to train and be with their friends after meeting with their families and staying with them for a few weeks. Weiss still hadn't returned, but luckily for her, and the teams, her father was too busy with work that she would be returning within the week back to Vale, where she could stay where she wanted before the new year started up. The teams had spent day after day training with Y/N, all staying in the Bunker. Team JNPR all had their magic unlocked, and it was revealed that during what was now being called the 'The Assault on Vale', Pyrrha had successfully merged her soul with the previous fall maiden's soul. Sadly, she didn't maintain any of the powers. The White Fang had been quiet ever since the assault, many of their highest ranking members were either killed or captured, and the leader of the Vale Detachment, Adam Taurus, was captured and put into Valerian prison.

Y/N was eating breakfast with the two teams, minus Weiss, and Blake and Yang kept giving him side glances, while Ruby kept looking at him, blushing, and looking away. Y/N, of course, didn't notice any of this, and was listening to the conversation at hand.

"So, finally, we were able to take down this huge grimm dragon, with the help of Y/N of course, and we harvested it's scales and teeth, and made a cool fireplace from it!" Nora explained. "Although Jaune had died, we mourned the loss of him, but he sacrificed himself, so that all of us could live!"

"That's a different dream than when we were in Beacon!" Jaune said, happily. "I'm just glad I actually did something cool this time."

"That just means that you're improving in Nora's eyes." Ren explained.

"How come I was there only at the end?" Y/N asked.

"Because you were busy saving the world from the candy cane invaders, duh." Nora said, as if Y/N was stupid.

"Oh yeah. That makes perfect sense." Y/N sarcastically mumbled.

"Are you three okay?" Pyrrha asked, looking at the three members of team RWBY. "You all have been awfully quiet this morning."

"Huh?" Blake looked afraid, but quickly gained her composure back to normal. "Uh.. yeah. I'm fine." Blake went back to looking at her food, before side glancing at Y/N.

"You sure Blake? You've been eyeing Y/N an awful lot.." Yang raised an eyebrow. "Something you to wanna tell us about?" Yang cocked a smile, teasingly.

"About the kiss?" Y/N said. The whole table went quiet, and everyone stared at Y/N. Yang's face went to a look of confusion, Blake's went to shock and horror, Ruby's face became bright red as she buried her face into her hands, while JPR looked confused. Nora kept eating as if nothing had happened.

"The. Kiss?" Yang asked, holding her anger back.

"Yeah. Blake kissed me.. the night I unlocked both of your powers..." Y/N said, still not understanding the social queues of the people around him. Ruby muttered something about needing to go to the bathroom and zoomed off. Yang stared daggers at Blake. "So did you though." Y/N finished. Blake looked from Y/N to Yang with a look of anger.

"She did, did she?" Yang and Blake asked at the same time.

"Yeah, but Blake kissed me first, and I went to make up with Yang, but then you kissed me and you both seem to think we're in a relationship." Y/N kept digging himself a deeper hole, not catching onto the palpable tension in the room.

"We're.." Pyrrha started.

"Gonna go train! Yeah, lots of team exercises to do!" Jaune grabbed Pyrrha and Nora. Nora protested, but followed as Ren sighed, filled up a plate with ten pancakes, and carried them into the arena. Yang and Blake didn't break eye contact once.

"So you're trying to steal my man, huh?!" Blake and Yang yelled in unison again. They started to argue more and more as the morning dragged on, repeating each other almost perfectly each time. Y/N continued to butt in at inopportune times, to make his situation worse. The argument moved to the couch as Blake and Yang were still yelling at each other after Y/N had cleaned up the kitchen, and decided to watch the news.

"Well, at least I'm not the one trying to seduce him!" Blake said. "He and I both had a heartfelt moment. Probably better than what you did with your... assets."

"My assets?? You have an ass the size of a CCT, you were the one seducing him!" Yang defended herself. "Walking around in those leggings all the time, no wonder he kissed you, he was probably horny out of his mind!"

"Like your boobs don't do the same!" Blake yelled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yang asked, her eyes flashing red.

"You walk around in less clothes than a stripper in the slums of Vacuo, flirting with every man you see, of course he kissed you. He probably didn't know any better!" Blake argued.

"Guys!" Y/N finally yelled. His voice echoed in the room as he looked to both of them. "Enough! This is stupid! I wasn't the one who kissed either of you, you both moved in on me. I don't understand why this is such a big deal!" Both of the girls looked to Y/N mortified. Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Was it something I said?"

"What language did you just speak??" Yang asked, taking a slight step away from Y/N. "That.. that didn't sound human.."

"Ohhh... I must have accidentally slipped into deep speech." Y/N muttered. "Sorry, when I get mad I talk all angry." He smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Look.. all I'm saying is, can we just stop? There's got to be a way to resolve this.. you both.. admitted you loved me, and.. to be honest I haven't had almost any love in my life besides the woman who adopted me, so.. there's enough love to go around?"

"Well..." Blake recovered fast from Y/N outburst. "I uh.. I think we could do a Menagerie tradition."

"What's that?" Yang asked, her eyes turning back to their original lilac color.

"We could do.." Blake blushed. "A harem?"

"Harem?" Y/N asked, looking like he was out of the loop. "Is that like some sort of peace food here?"

"I-it's a faunus thing.. Female faunus are much more common than male, so.. to keep the population up.. sometime male faunus will marry and mate with.. several females..." Blake's ears flattened to her head as she looked away sheepishly, her face growing into a deeper shade of red as she talked. Yang's eyes widened and she blushed too, looking away from Y/N and Blake, holding her left arm with her right, rubbing it.

"Huh..." Y/N said, going into his own thoughts. "So... it's not like food?"

"No.." Yang said, blushing still, but holding her composure better than Blake. "It's a dating thing.. you date multiple girls at once"

"I mean.. if it will get you two to stop fighting?" Y/N smiled awkwardly. The girls' faces lit up as they looked from each other and back to Y/N. Y/N shook his head as he sighed. Suddenly, he felt a fast force hit the back of his chair, the girls stopped what they were talking about and looked back to Y/N to see Ruby with her arms wrapped around him from behind his chair. She was blushing madly.

"IfitsalrightwithyoucanIbeintheharemtoo????" Ruby blurted out, hiding her face from her teammates. Yang and Blake raised their eyebrows as they didn't follow what Ruby had said, but Y/N did.

"Sure!" Y/N said happily. "I'm still uh.. having trouble understanding what a harem exactly means, but you're in!" Y/N smiled at Ruby, who smiled back and Yang looked between the two of them.

"Woah woah woah, hold on Ruby, you're too young!" Yang stepped forward.

"I am not! I'm sixteen as of a month and a half ago!" Ruby crossed her arms, and stuck her tongue out at her sister.

"Wait!" Y/N shouted. "What's the date?"

"December 15th.. why?" Yang asked.

"Because we used to celebrate a holiday back home that was really fun! Maybe we could do it here as a fun thing? Make our own holiday from it! Also.." Y/N put his finger to his cheek. "I guess I'm seventeen now.." Y/N muttered. "Assuming this calendar is the same as the one at home.."

"This is your home now!" Ruby said happily. "My mom always said Home is where family is, so I would consider this your home now." Ruby smiled at Y/N again. Y/N smiled back and ruffled her hair.

"I guess it's settled then.." Blake cut in. "We're officially a harem." Blake blushed, but pushed through it.

"Okay, but no threesomes!" Yang interrupted.

"Alright!" Y/N said. "But uhh.. what's a threesome?"

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