~MI AMOR~ heartbreak high

By v4lent1na_777

10.8K 187 53

"if you want to fuck me, just say so." More

map bitch


1.4K 46 10
By v4lent1na_777


"my immune system is too tough to beat."


"you coming to the gig?" spider asked some girl as she nodded so he gave her a slap band. spider was apart of a band which included dusty, ant and beatriz, they technically don't have a name yet but they're working on that part.

the four have had this band for about 5 years now and the gig they got at dusty's house is probably gonna be their best one yet so spider and ant are in charge of giving out slap bands to those who are attending whilst dusty and beatriz promote it.

"what is he doing?" beatriz asked ant as the two watched dusty bend down and help amerie pick up some tampons that fell out of her bag.

"he's so desperate." ant laughed at his friend who was helping the girl.

"cool shirt." dusty said to amerie pointing at her shirt causing spider to roll his eyes.

"name one dz death rays song." spider scoffed at the girl causing dusty and amerie to say in unison for him to shut up whilst beatriz and ant sniggered in the back.

"how'd you pull off after the cemetery?" amerie asked them but dusty specifically.

"oh, yeah. hangover anxiety and stuff, but all good, yeah. you?" dusty responded ignoring ant and bee who was mocking him and amerie by pretending to make out.

"yeah, had a really good night." breathed amerie smiling at the boy. "you rehearsing today?" she asked pointing at his bag as he nodded. "the cate blanchetts, right?"

"no, we're chronic fatigue now. but, um, i don't know if it'll stick." he answered putting his hand through his hair. "hopefully we'll figure it out by friday night."

"friday night?" amerie asked unaware of their gig at dusty's house.

"yeah, um, dad's letting us throw a gig at mine." he nodded. "we're raising money for the global women's project. bee's idea."

"oh that's so cool." amerie said seeming interested in such a boring topic. spider dragged ant and bee away from the two in annoyance that his friend to taking so long and walked past their school gates.

"yeah. look, we got slap band tickets and everything." dusty said showing the girl his slap band causing amerie to laugh. "yeah, 90s."

"so 90's. so can i buy one off you?" amerie asked the boy.

"yeah, um, ant and spider are handling all that." dusty pointed at them two, who were greeting malakai with chest bumps whilst bee awkwardky stood there waving at dusty and amerie as she saw them staring so dusty gave her a thumbs up.

"a-ant and spider?" amerie stuttered staring at the two conversing with malakai.

"yeah. it'd be good to see you there, amerie." dusty replied nodding leaving amerie behind to go to his friends.

"took you long enough jesus." exclaimed spider in annoyance that his friend was talking to the girl.

"she probably thinks you want to fuck her." beatriz chuckled remembering the destined to be line amerie made.

"well..." dusty hesitated but got cut of by beatriz.

"damn, you actually like map bitch?" the girl added in shock.

"she's not that bad." he shrugged looking around to see if anyone else agreed but it was just malakai who nodded in agreement whilst spider and ant ignored him and had their own conversation. "you see malakai gets me."

"whatever man." beatriz rolls her eyes walking away to her class.

"where you going?" malakai called to the girl who turned around.

"where else?" she tilted her head as she walked backwards facing malakai. "class." she turned around walking normally as malakai ran up to her.

"hey." he panted after running towards the girl.

"hello." she replied glancing at the boy for a moment before facing forward again.

"why don't you like amerie?" he raised an eyebrow in confusion as he thinks she's pretty cool.

"it's not that i don't like her." beatriz explained as malakai nodded while listening to the girl talk. "i just don't respect her after finding out that she did the map thing."

"fair enough." he said understanding the girl.

the two continued to talk about the people in school and beatriz explained to malakai the whole thing between amerie and harper before she stopped infront of her class door. "what class do you have now?"

"um, further maths. you?" she answered pointing at her class door.

"further maths? shit, you must be really smart." he chuckled at the girl. "i have business studies."

"dude, that's like the other side of the school and we only have a few more minutes before the bell rings." beatriz said confused at the boy. "you're risking a late card just to listen to me yap?"

"what can i say, you're just a really interesting person." he shrugged looking at the girl. "and anyways why would a give up a chance to talk to such a beautiful girl?"

"thanks." she said not really knowing how to take the compliment.

"so, um, i'll see you in slts, hopefully?" he scratched the back of his head, thinking about what he said earlier and her response.

"of course. i'm looking forward to see you there." she winked at him before entering her class.


during slts, jojo showed the teens a video of a woman forcing people to look at her noodles leaving beatriz with a disgusted face throughout. "oh, my God, kill me now." darren sighed watching the video.

"this seems kind of unhygienic." quinni called out as jojo ignored her.

"other people like my noodles," the woman in the video carried on. "they're so long and salty." she moaned whilst eating them.

"what the fuck is this?" beatriz muttered keeping her head on the table covering it with her arms, trying to fall asleep.

"okay, miss, i have no idea what that was trying to teach us." darren raised their hand in confusion.

"also, why was it the girl forcing them to eat her noodles?" quinni added on.

"it's because it's misogynist propaganda." sasha started. "women aren't such dick obsessed idiots."

"uh, all the ones i've met are." spider pointed out.

"your sims girlfriend doesn't count." harper sarcastically smiled at him causing beatriz to laugh with her head still down.

"was it supposed to be a joke?" malakai asked with a confused look on his face.

"uh no it's supposed to be about the dangers of sharing intimate-" miss obah got cut off by beatriz and dusty.

"noodles." the two said in unison, but with the girl's head still down.

"forget about the noodles, yeah." miss obah told them.

"i'm trying, but it's hard to unsee." ant said as spider laughed.

"it's basically telling us to be ashamed of our bodies." darren ranted.

"that's not..." miss obah continued. "what i think it's asking us to consider are the social consequences of sharing nudes with other-"

"that they'll see how hot i am?" missy called out rolling her eyes as a bunch of people started clapping and cheering for her.

"no. that theres risk like revenge porn, being excluded from friends" miss obah carried on but beatriz wasn't really listening.

"would you guys exclude me if i sent you my nudes?" bee asked lifting her head up for a few seconds.

"we would never." ant smiled at the girl as dusty nodded in agreement.

"of course not." dusty added on looking at the tired girl.

"i'll put it to good use and wank off to it every night in remembrance of you." spider said which disgusted bee at first.

"aww you guys are true friends." she smiled before dropping her head down on the table again as if she can't keep it up for any longer.

"yeah but people have been sharing naked pictures of themselves since dawn of time." sasha argued. "for example, cave paintings, art."

"renaissance titties." ant shouted out causing beatriz to start laughing all of a sudden.

"that's a good band name." beatriz spoke as dusty snapped his fingers in agreement.

"but nudes are like human love language, jo." sasha continues.

"look, i get that this video isn't going to stop you, but there are ways to be smarter about it." miss obah suggested. "like what if you don't put your face in it?"

"i have a very recognisable dick, miss." anthony scoffed, feeling offended.

"let's ask bee, since she sees it on a daily basis." spider smirked at the girl with her head down.

"piss off spider." she mumbled, not in the mood to argue with him.

"i'm going to ignore that." jojo commented. "like, take the photo, fine. but keep yourself incognito. you could even have some fun with it, wear a disguise, a mask or a costume. find artistic ways to take photos that doesn't include your face so it can't be used against you later. you're welcome."

"are we still talking about sending nudes or is this an invitation to a masquerade ball." beatriz rolled her eyes and her favourite teacher who stuttered in the sight of the principal.

"um, moving on swiftly to the next section, sharing images without consent." jojo started as she heard the principal clear her throat.

"wake me up when this is over." beatriz stated, finally sleeping, ignoring whatever the hell miss obah was talking about.


"watch this." missy said to the girl who rested her back on a tree for shade as she started to twerk on the grass.

"that was so incredibly hot." bee chuckled as she got up from the tree to watch the game properly. "oh my days remember our gymnastics phase."

"i'm telling you this right now our gym coach was a racist." missy declared in full seriousness causing bee to start laughing hysterically.

"i can't lie, she was a good teacher though." bee shrugged. "look." beatriz went down into the spilts.

"ah shit if i try that i'd tear something." missy winced watching her best friend get up from the spilts and did a back bend just to lie down on the grass facing up again.

"you should've been paying attention in class then." the latina sighed, staring at the sun.

"how are you not blind yet." sasha asked beatriz who sat up facing her.

"my immune system is too tough to beat." she shrugged as missy lied down on her, resting her head of her thighs.

"what's up with you and quinni?" missy asked tickling beatriz's chin causing the girl to slap missy hand away.

"uhm nothing really, she likes me so i asked her out on a date." sasha said, not knowing how missy would react to that after their break up.

"that doesn't sound like nothing." beatriz muttered, shrugging her shoulders.

"i'm happy for you sash." missy smiled, taking it surprisingly well.

"thanks missy." sasha grinned whilst beatriz played with missy's hair.

"can you get up, i hate this angle of myself." beatriz moaned, talking to missy who looked up at her.

"you look sexy in any angle." missy smirked, trying to kiss beatriz whilst the girl fought missy whilst screaming and laughing at the same time.

"can you two lesbians get up and actually start helping the team." spider complained as beatriz and missy stopped and stared at him.

"shut up spider." they said at the same time whilst missy flipped him off.

"our team already sucks so i doubt our help is gonna redeem it." beatriz rolled her eyes as missy nodded her head in agreement.

"whatever, have fun scissoring each other." spider rolled his eyes walking away.

"we will!" missy shouted to him whilst beatriz laughed.


"oi ant!" harper exclaimed riding on her bike as she stopped infront of their boy who was sitting upon a ledge.

"what are you doing here?" he asked the girl who stopped her bike.

"going home." she answered.

"don't you live in daceyville?" he questioned again sitting up properly.

"yeah, but i'm staying with an aunt." she replied leaning on her bike.

"oh cool." ant nodded. "gummy?" he offered the girl holding out some edibles.

"is it THC? or.." harper got off her bike moving to sit next to ant.

"either that or prenatal vitimins." ant chuckled as harper went to sit down next to him on the ledge.

"why'd you shave your head?" he asked placing his hand on her head whilst she ate the gummy.

"i dunno." she shrugged, taking a bite out of the edible. "cause i wanted to. why are you sitting out here?"

"hiding." ant sighed. "mum's still angry about the whole map shit. bee can't even come over any more without supervision after what we did got leaked."

"yeah, but it was worth it, right?" harper smiled at the boy who kept his head down.

"yeah." ant chuckled looking at the girl. "is that why you and amerie aren't friends anymore? it's pretty dumb what she did. i don't blame you."

"so what's up with you and beatriz?" harper asked the boy jokingly pushing him.

"nothing, we're just friends?" he answered confused as the girl smirked at him.

"really?" she asked as he nodded. "it doesn't seem like it."

"what does it seem like?" he raised an eyebrow at harper.

"that you guys are more than friends." she simply answered leaving him to go on her bike and ride home. "bye ant."

"bye harper." he replied smiling, still thinking about what harper said before.


beatriz was extremely bored in her room, her mum grounded her since she came home late when she went to the cemetery so now all she could do is sit in her room and figure out what to do. luckily for her, her mum wasn't home so she grabbed her phone from her mums 'secret' place. originally she was going to text missy but that girl never responds so all she had was ant.

anthony vaughn 🧎🏽‍♀️

what are you doing rn?

r u missing me😱

ok never mind then.

no don't go actually
i was js talking to harper
why'd you ask?

cuz im bored
and why not

yk she thinks there's smth
going on between us

i'm not suprised


you practically worship me
in class💀

who can blame me
you're so sexy i can't control it

woah, calm down buddy
what time is the gig again

i think like 6pm
you better arrive on time

who are you
my dad💀

i could be your daddy

i'll block you

my bad 😣

my mums home

your mum is sexy too

shut up
wish me luck
i'm about to ask her
if i can stay over at dusty's

my fingers and toes are crossed


anything for my girl
(beatriz disliked this message)

(anthony vaughn hearted this message)

ok that's it! i hoped you like it, and please comment on things cuz it makes my day. also i'm currently trying to finish this book before i watch season 2 so yeah!! - valentina

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