The Case of Raimon Mystery In...

By AnjiruSpirit

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This story is inspired by Scooby Doo and the Mystery Incorporated. Raimon Mystery Inc. is a group of detectiv... More

Chapter 1: Raimon Mystery Inc. Is No More?!
Chapter 2: After Four Years With A New Member
Chapter 3: A Disadvantage For Raimon Inc.
Chapter 4: The Storyteller's Warning
Chapter 6: A 'Golden' Success
Chapter 7: The Swamp Alien (Part 1: Alien In The City?!)
Chapter 8: The Swamp Alien (Part 2: A Heartfelt Reunion)
Chapter 9: The Swamp Alien (Part 3: A Student's Revenge)

Chapter 5: The Fallen Wings

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By AnjiruSpirit

Kirino's POV:

(Flashback continues)

At 3:30 P.M. at Wakura Mansion. I went to the post where the power cable and network cable does. I was shocked.

"I knew it.", he said in my mind.

Later, I'm going back to the mansion.

Third POV:

At the same time, at Wakura Mansion. The team have gathered in the bedroom.

Nishiki got annoyed. "First, the power blackout. Then, network cut off. And now, the bridge cut down. Ugh! I'm so sick of this."

"But, don't worry. This time, we can solve this.", Mari said.

"What do you mean, Mari?", Tenma asked

"Do you remember earlier? We fell down from the cliff when the bridge is gone. I shot something to the bird.", Mari remind something.

"Yeah. What was that thing?", Tenma asked again.

"It's a tracking device. So, we will know where the bird bring the villagers really is. ", Mari explained.

"But, since we can't contact and locate you. It's still no use.", Shindou said.

Kirino entered and interferes. "Not anymore."

"Kirino-senpai, where have you been?", Kariya asked.

"Long story short, but... Mari, check your GPS.", Kirino said.

Mari nodded. Then, she activated her GPS to locate. And...

"It's worked. My GPS working!", Mari said excitingly.

Then, they checked their phones. And their phone signal is back.

"My phone signal is back, too.", Shinsuke said excitingly.

"But, how?", Shindou asked.

"I will explain later, once we capture the bird.", Kirino said.

"So, it's our chance to solved this mystery before the ritual.", Tsurugi said.

Mari watched on her GPS. The red dot (the giant bird) went somewhere while carrying the white dot (villager). The red dot stopped in the middle of the forest (where the cursor focused in the same place).

"Bingo!", Mari confirmed.

"Did you find him?", Shindou asked as the team moved closer to Mari.

"Yes. And look that red one again. Watch.", Mari said.

The red one went to the house. It bring the white one. It carried the white to the area where the cursor focused at. Repeatedly...

"Soudesuka.", Shinsuke said in surprise.

"So, that bird brought them in the dark forest where no one can find him.", Nishiki concluded as he snapped his finger.

"Now. We need someone who will be a bait.", Mari has a plan as she raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

Later, At 5:30 P.M.

Someone is in the forest where the tile (which found by Kariya). It was Tenma.
He is about to step on the tile slowly. And someone's watching over Tenma as he's on the tree.

Tenma stepped on the tile. The giant bird made a loud screech. He appeared to get Tenma.

"Aaaaahhh!", Tenma cried out as the bird got Tenma.

Then, someone flew to follow Tenma and the bird. Until, the bird went inside the cave with Tenma , where located in the dark forest. Someone hide behind the tree.

In few minutes, the bird leaves from the cave. Someone came out from his hiding spot. It was Tsurugi. He checked his GPS to locate himself. Then, he looked the photo from Mari's GPS. His current location and the target location from Mari's GPS are the same.

"So, This is where the missing villagers was.", Tsurugi said in his mind.

Tsurugi entered the cave. Then, he saw a trapdoor. He opened it, then went inside. Once he entered underneath. It was a basement. He search Tenma and tried to call him through the doors,so that he can hear Tenma's voice.

"Tenma! Are you here?", Tsurugi shouted as he tried to response Tenma.

Every door has no response about Tenma. Until... He saw something.

"What are those?", Tsurugi asked shockingly.

Tenma's POV:

2 minutes later, I gained my consciousness as my eyes opened. I was trapped inside the storage room. I heard someone's crying. When I turned around, turns out, it was the missing villagers from 1 month ago until now. I shocked.

"Are you guys, alright?", I asked.

One of the missing villagers said, "Please help me."

"We want to go home.", one of the villagers begged to me.

"It's okay. I will help you to get you all out.", I said.

I checked my GPS to locate Tsurugi. I saw that he was inside, trying to find me. When I came to the door. I tried to open it. But, it's locked. So, I will knock loudly while I shout.

"Tsurugi!!!", I shouted as I knocked on the door. Repeatedly.

Tsurugi heard something. He used his sense to follow my voice. He found the door of the storage room.

"Tenma! Are you here?", Tsurugi said.

"Hai!", I answered.

"Damn it! The door's locked.", Tsurugi said.

"Yeah. Find something. I think the culprit in a bird has the keys.", I responded.

"Okay. I'll be right back.", Tsurugi said as he leave to find something.

Tsurugi looked everywhere to find the object that can break the door. Until, he found an axe.

"This might be worked.", Tsurugi mumbled.

Then, He came back to me.

"Tenma?", Tsurugi tried to respond me.

"Yes?", I responded.

"Stay back! I got an axe!", He requested.

"Hai!", I did as he says.

I tell the missing villagers. "Don't get closer. My friend is about to break the door."

So, the missing villagers did as I says.

Tsurugi swung an axe to break the lock, repeatedly, until the lock is broken. He finally opened the door by pushing himself sideways.

"Tenma!", He shouted.

"Now! Let's get out of here!", I commanded to the missing villagers.

We escorted them until they got out from the basement.

"Tenma, I have to show you something.", Tsurugi was about to share the evidence that he gathered.

"What is it?", I asked.

He showed me a piece of paper. I was shocked as my eyes widened.

Kariya's POV:

Earlier, when the bird left from the cave in the same time, we prepared a trap near the another tile as I made myself as a bait.

I was about to stepped in the tile. I stepped it. Then, the bird appeared in front of me.

I put my hand in motion to give a signal.

Kirino threw a smoke bomb at me and the bird. When Shindou was coming toward us with a rope, the bird flew and grabbed me. Nishiki fires with his net gun, but the bird flew higher while carrying me. So, Nishiki fires at Shindou instead. He caught himself in the net. Right at the time, Shinsuke jump higher as he fires his grappling gun at the same time. He went up at the bird's back. Shinsuke tied the bird's neck with a rope. When the bird was about to made a loud screech, I used two loud speakers and opened it to made a loud sound. These sound waves from the speakers and a screech from the bird collides each other, which the bird's screech isn't working anymore. The giant bird keep flying. There's a waterfall. We noticed it, so, Shinsuke dragged the bird sideways, so the giant bird get wet.

"Whoo! It's worked!", Shinsuke and I said in unison.

When, the bird cannot fly anymore. We're falling.

"Uh oh.", I said.

Then, Shinsuke and I screamed as we cried out. When, we almost on the ground at the farm.

"Shinsuke!", I called.

"Kariya!", Shinsuke called.

"Jump!", We said in unison.

So, we're jump out from the bird. But, we keep falling as we cried out. The bird fell into a barn, while Shinsuke and I fell into the pile of hays.

Shindou, Kirino, and Nishiki have arrived.

"Kariya!", Kirino called.

Shinsuke and I got out from the pile of hays.

"We got him.", I said. "In the barn." I pointed the barn.

So, Shindou and Nishiki opened the door. We saw it that the giant bird was caught in the large pile of manure. The bird got stuck.

"Don't you say, the bird is smelly now.", Nishiki made a joke, then he laughs.

Shindou giggles because of Nishiki. "Yeah. It is his nest now.", he also made a joke.

Kirino saw it, then... "I least Kariya and Shinsuke landed at the hays, instead of manure. Stinky right, Kariya?", Kirino said in his mind as he smirk.

At the same time, Mari had arrived with Tenma, Tsurugi, and the missing townspeople who the two rescued.

"Thanks a lot, Mari.", Tenma said.

"Yeah. You helped us out a lot.", Tsurugi said.

Mari giggles,"Don't mention it."

Third POV:

Later, At 7:00 P.M., The Wakura Family, the villagers, the group of police (with Kudou), and Otonashi have arrived at the farm. A bunch of reporters and journalists are here as well.

"Now, let's see who this giant bird really is.", Shinsuke said.

Tsurugi lift Shinsuke, so that he can unmask the giant bird by himself. Shinsuke unmasked the giant bird by removing the bird-like helmet. Everyone gasps and shocked. It was Engineer Jiro Baron.

Raimon Mystery Inc. and Mari said in surprised in unison, "Engineer Jiro Baron?!"

Tenma continued, "Or his real name is... Haji Mitsuru."

Akihiro was shocked the most. "Mitsuru? Why?", he asked as his eyes widened.

Tsurugi explained, "Haji-san wanted to get revenge for rejected his ambition by buying the village's land by himself."

Nishiki also explained, "Every morning Haji-san came to the villagers as Jiro Baron, only to offer them and convinced them to leave. When they refused his offer, he always saying something disrespectful to its culture, especially its guardian deity. Earlier, I saw something on his ankle. It is familiar when Shinsuke paralyzed the same foot to help Tsurugi from last night."

Kariya continued, "I discovered that the tile was a lure to him to kidnapped the townspeople. However, last night, when he attacked the mansion, there's no tile around there. The reason why he attacked us in his costume is scare and threatened us, so that we would leave in no time. When he saw that we came to this village, he was worried that we would uncover his secrets, especially his past."

Tenma and Tsurugi showed the evidences to everyone from earlier. "Here's a proof. A newspaper when he died 25 years ago, A certification of changing his name...", Tsurugi said.

"A blueprint of the giant bird costume, A blueprint for this village. And the most of all...", Tenma said.

"A newpaper when Wakura-san got married to Moroha-san when she was a priestess and he became a mayor of this village.", Tenma and Tsurugi said in unison.

(Back at the basement in the cave, Tsurugi saw something when he searched for Tenma. So, he walked toward the papers pinned on the board. He read the newspapers, a blueprints, and the certificate of changing names. He shocked.)

("So, Jiro-san is Haji-san, who supposedly died 25 years ago.", Tsurugi mumbled. "That's why Nishiki-senpai got angry at him because of his plan.")

(So, He gathered the evidences he found, until he heard Tenma.)

(When he, Tenma, and the missing villagers got out from the basement. When Tsurugi showed to Tenma an evidences. Tenma shocked.)

("No way.", Tenma was confused. "Why did he do that to his own childhood hometown?")

("Maybe he wanted to get revenge on this village, especially The Wakura Family and us by scaring us all to get us out of here.", Tsurugi concluded.)

("So, that was a man who died 25 years ago. The old woman told me and Mari as a warning. That's why she asked us her question that will we respect to this village.", Tenma said.)

Tsurugi continued, "When you thought he died because of Otori's anger,he was actually survive. When he heard that all of you believed that he died, he decided to move out and went to Tokyo. That's where he finished his studies and became an engineer. That's when he started his plan of revenge. When Wakura-san rejected his offer, he decided to make his giant bird costume."

Tenma continued, "That's when the villagers gone missing every night. Then next day, he came a visit in every house only to offer. But, every one of them refused his offer. So, he use the giant bird costume at night. Again and again."

Kirino also explained, "And the one more thing is... The network and power cable cut off just because Otori's anger is actually stage out."

(Earlier, when Kirino witnessed something at the post of cables. There's was a henchman switched off the power and network generator. When, he was about to leave sneakily. He appeared right in front of the henchman. He knocked him out. Then, Kirino switched on the generator, so that the power and network lines has restored. Then, he was leaving with a henchman.)

Kirino continued, "It was Haji-san's plan to cut out the cables, so that no one can contact and locate themselves."

Shindou remembered something from earlier. "Souka.", he said in his mind.

One of the reporter asked, "But, where is his henchman?"

Kirino answered, "Actually..." He went into somewhere near the barn. Then...
"I put him in a wagon filled with manure." He showed the wagon with a henchman (who tied his hands with a rope on his back) on it. "Smelly henchy.", he mumbled with a smirk.

Kirino kicked the wagon to send to the in front of everyone.

Sumire walked toward to Haji (or Jiro).

Sumire got angry at Jiro/Haji, "I can't believe it that you have survived. But, you're still a disgrace to our village and to Otori."

The police get Haji and a henchman and the two got handcuffed.

"I would've get my revenge and fulfilled my plan, if it weren't for you meddling kids and that rude girl (pointed at Mari).", Haji got angry as the police dragged him to the police car.

Akihiro appeared to thanking them. "Raimon Mystery Inc., thank you for saving our village."

Sumire continued, "And Otori answered your wishes."

Tenma said, "You're welcome."

Mari said, "We're just doing our job."

Akihiro and Sumire leave.

Kudou and Otonashi appeared in front of the team and Mari.

"I knew that you can do it. Great job!", Kudou remarked gladly as he thumbs up.

"Thank you. And if wasn't Mari, Kirino, Kariya, and Shinsuke, we couldn't save the entire village and Haji-san would have get his revenge.", Shindou said.

Otonashi was about to announce, "But, I have something special announcement. Tenma, you know what to do."

The team got confused, while Tenma and Mari looked at each other with a smile.

(Earlier, when Tenma had a hangout with Mari.)

("Tenma.", Mari said.)

("Yes.", Tenma said.)

("About yesterday. That I'm probably not a fan of yours. It was a lie.", Mari confessed.)

("Why? What do you mean?", Tenma said in surprised.)

("I'm just too shy to tell ya the truth. Actually, I'm the biggest fan. When I watched you in the news. I was dreamed that I will become the one of you. When, Otonashi-sensei impressed my skills and we talked about Raimon Mystery Inc. She agreed and support my only dream.", Mari said.)

("You don't have to be shy just because of your dream. But, your motivation was inspiring.", Tenma said.)

(Both of them smiled.)

(Later, after they carried out their plan to capture the giant bird, Tenma and Mari have a conversation with Otonashi through Mari's phone.)

("Are you sure for this, Otonashi-san?", Tenma asked.)

("Yes. It might be a reward for solving this mystery.", Otonashi answered.)

("That's great. I'm sure everyone will love this.", Tenma was very excited.)

(Tenma said to Mari, "Mari.")

(Mari looked at him.)

("Once this case is solved, 'Welcome to the Raimon Mystery Incorporated'.", Tenma said.)

(Three of them smiled.)

The team was surprised, "Nani?!"

Shinsuke asked to Tenma, "So, Mari is one of us now?"

Tenma nodded with a smile.

"Yey!", Shinsuke jumped out of excitement.

The team came closed to Mari as they welcomed her.

"Congrats, girl.",Kariya said as he hugged.

"Welcome to Raimon Mystery Incorporated.", Tsurugi said as he gave his fistbump to her.

Mari fistbump to Tsurugi.

"Well. It suits for you. You can use your skills to solve mysteries.", Shindou said.

The team gave a group hug.

(Flashback ends)

Mari's POV:

Me, Tenma, and Tsurugi were still at the juice bar. We finished drinking the glasses of juice.

"Yeah. I made you all happy from the beginning.", I said.

"Tenma. Tsurugi. Mari.", someone called us. It was Shindou.

"Lunch time.", he said.

Three of us went out from the juice bar. We ate barbecue.

I noticed that Tenma saw at the sky. The wind is blowing, which our hair were swaying.

"Minna. Let's solve the mysteries. Together.", Tenma said to us.

All of us smiled.

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