▪One Too Many Lies▪

By InoZenTan

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A Hanahaki Kaminari and Kirishima story WARNING: blood due to the hanahaki disease, some violent acts, and d... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Story Notes

Chapter One

271 14 30
By InoZenTan

"Hey, Denki, wanna hang out later today? I heard that the movie theater is giving out free popcorn!" Kirishima exclaimed happily, completely oblivious to the fact that his small proposal brings me terrible pain.

But I won't let him see that, of course, so I just grin through it and shake my head, "Sorry, Kiri, but I'm kinda busy, my work asked me to pick up some extra shifts and that pretty much takes up my schedule."

He frowned and I felt a surge of guilt. "Again? That sucks, we haven't had any time together lately!"

I sighed. I know, Kirishima, I'm doing it on purpose. It just hurts way too much to spend time with him, I don't think that my poor lungs could take it if we hung out anymore than usual.

So that was the way most of our conversations have gone for this past month or so. Him asking me something and me making up excuses not to spend time together, of course we have classes and live in the same dorm so I can't avoid him totally, but I try my hardest so my disease stays under control.

"I know! It's terrible, I miss spending time with you!" It's not acting when I put a pained expression on my face and grimace. I really do miss him. If I didn't, well, I wouldn't have hanahaki...

Then he activated his quirk in his arms and hit them together with a loud thud, "Then let's force everyone to let us be together-"

My heart skipped a beat.

"-This Sunday would be perfect! No classes, it's your day off from work, and you've already been picking up so many hours that they can't possibly make you go in! We can tell everyone in the dorms to just leave us alone for a while!"

That sounds great. I feel myself get excited. A whole day alone with Kirishima-! Wait. A whole day alone with Kirishima...

"Well- we totally should, but uh..." As I tried to come up with another excuse that I haven't already used someone hurdled themselves over the couch and landed inbetween me and Kirishima.

"Ah! Hey, Bakubro!" Kiri shouted happily, which caused the flowers in my lungs to stir.

"Hi Red, what're you doin- oh, hi Pikachu, I didn't see you there." Wow, it's nice to see you too, Kacchan.

I nodded my head and just decided to let those two talk, after all, Bakugo was obviously here to talk to Kirishima, not me.

"Anyways, I'm going somewhere this weekend and was wondering if you two wanted to tag along."

Kiri's face lit up at the invitation, but quickly looked over to me for confirmation.

I couldn't just take this from him especially since he looks so happy... I don't think I could be alone with him without spewing flowers, so I guess I don't have a choice if I want to spend time with him.

So, I forced myself to put on a smile for him, then he responded "Sure thing, I'm already looking forward to it!"

"Yeah." I added, but they weren't really paying me any attention, they were too busy talking about it with eachother.

After they discussed it a while more, me sitting there a little awkwardly,  Kiri got off the couch, saying he was hungry and headed towards the kitchen.

I glanced to my right to see Bakugo smiling as he watched Kirishima walk away, it made my stomach churn, I wish Kiri would look at me like that.

I excused myself and rushed swiftly into the closest bathroom, spitting out flowers with every cough.

I could feel the petals tickle the back of my throat as they came out of my lungs and filled my mouth.

Whenever my hanahaki flares up all I feel is a suffocating presence inside my body.

As I kneeled over the toilet, hacking, trying to clear my throat of tulips, I heard the door knob jiggle.

I started panicking, quickly flushed the toilet and ran over to the sink.

When the door swung open I splashed water on my face to hide the remaining petals from the person who entered the room.

"Hey, Kaminari, Kirishima made food, do you want some?"

I looked up slightly to see Sero standing in the doorway then I turned away again. "No thanks, I'm not hungry."

Another lie, but I just don't think I can swallow any food with all these flowers in the way.

I heard him start to leave, but he hesitated, "You okay, man? You've been acting kind of weird lately."

I felt sweat roll down my face, but I just laughed and said, "Ha! Weird's my specialty!"

Sero frowned at me, "I'm being serious."

"So am I!" He still didn't seem convinced, I just sighed, "Look, I'm completely fine, there's nothing to worry about!"

Well, there will be if I start coughing up blood with these flowers.

The sad expression on his face still lingered so I couldn't tell if he meant it when he said, "Whatever you say."

Once he left and closed the door behind him I slumped down on the floor and burried my head into my arms.

Is it that obvious? And if Sero noticed me being strange, then has Kiri seen it, too?

He's probably going to go tell everyone right now about how weird I just acted.

And what am I supposed to do? Just say 'Oh no guys, Sero was just seeing things, that's all.'

It took me about ten minutes to gather the courage to sneak out of the bathroom. When I left no one took any notice of me so I assumed that walking to my dorm would be easy.

Though I was still weary, I eventually made it upstairs and got all the way to my door. As I held the doorhandle in my hand I heard something behind me and I flung my head around.

I came face-to-face with Kirishima, we were standing awfuly close... "OH! HEY! What brings you here-?"

He held out the plate that was in his hands, "I just wanted to bring you some food, I haven't seen you eat at all today."

He's paying that much attention to me? Wait he's paying attention to me?

I shook those thoughts off and quickly explained, "I. Uh.. well I guess I forgot! Cause ya know, training and all."

He stood there for a moment, thinking about what I said, "Good thing I'm here to take care of you, then!"

And that's the reason why I got hanahaki for him. He's way too nice.

"Yeah, thanks dude! I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached." Then we both laughed and I felt the flowers in my lungs begin to stir.

He pushed the plate closer to me, insisting that I take it, and I didn't want to upset him.

So even if I don't eat it, I don't want him to know that.

I just accepted the fact that I couldn't talk my way out if this one, and when I put my hands around it I accidentally grabbed onto one of his hands.

Kirishima must not have noticed or cared, but I still jumped, totally embarrassed.

I took it from him with an awkward gulp and rushed into my room before he could say anything else.

I didn't turn the lights on, I just closed the door and sat down defeatedly in front of it, waiting there till I finally heard Kirishima's footsteps fading away.

Then I slammed the plate onto the floor, causing it to shatter and the food on it scattered around the area.

I couldn't tell how loud the noise was, but the sound of the porcelain hitting the ground rung in my ears to the point where all I couldn't hear my thoughts over the ringing.

I smashed my fist down into the smaller shards of the plate, causing my hand to bleed.

Then I hit the back my head against the door multiple times, why am I SO DUMB?!

I just had to fall in love with my best friend and develop this terrible disease.

And I can't even be mad at him, only at myself. Not only am I the one with the foolish crush, but I also won't even think about getting the surgery.

Then there was a knocking on the door, one that wasn't coming from me smacking my head against it.

"Uh... Kaminari?" Mina's voice came from behind the closed door. "You alright in there?"

I sat there for a second, once again cursing myself for being so dumb, then opened my mouth.

But my words died on the way out. I don't know why, but I really didn't want to lie to Mina. But what I want doesn't line up to what I have to do... Just like with Kirishima...


"Oh, yeah, fine! Just dropped my food!"

"Then your food hit the door repeatedly?" Mina jiggled the doorknob.

I quickly tried to scurry off the floor, but the fast movement sent a searing stab into my lungs and I hunched over with pain.

"Denki?!" She flung the door open.

I stood up as fast as my body would allow, "Mina- I dropped it- I was cleaning it right now!"

"Why is there blood everywhere-?!" Mina had started shouting as her eyes adjusted to the dark room, but I ran over to her and shoved my hand over her mouth.

She smacked it away from her, "Ew! Your hands covered in blood-!"

I closed the door with a thud and turned back to her, "Mina, stop screaming, please!"

She put her hands on her hips, "Only if you tell me what's going on!"

"I broke my plate!" I burst out, "Don't tell anyone, please, I don't want them to worry!"

She didn't look convinced, "Then what happened after you broke the plate. What were the noises?"

"Mina, nothing's wrong!" I huffed and started picking up the jagged porcelain pieces, coated in food and blood, off the floor.

"Don't do that." She said abruptly, moving towards the door, "You'll only cut yourself again."

I grabbed her wrist, "Please don't tell anyone!"

She looked at me, "I was going to get a broom, Denki."

I let go of her quickly, "Sorry, I just-" her sad facial expression hurt more than Sero's did, I hate making anyone feel this way.

"I'll be back in a second." Mina opened the door again and left it slightly ajar when she walked back to the kitchen.

I bit my lip, realizing how bad this really looked, my hands and the floor are covered in blood and everything else.

A few minutes passed and I started getting anxious, she's not saying any of this to anyone, right?! I have to trust her... but I don't know how much longer I can wait here.

I paced back and forth for ten more minutes, moving only slightly because of how badly my head throbbed.

What could be taking her so long???

Then the door creeked open and I saw Mina peek her head in, I moved to help her grab the cleaning supplies from her hands, but immediately saw that someone else was standing behind her.

"Mina!!?" I yelped, trying not to be so loud.

She rolled her eyes at me, "Like you said, it's just food, so I don't see the harm in letting Tsu help."

I can't really argue with that.

"Did all that happen by you dropping the plate? It looks like something smashed it into the floor. Ribbit." Tsu pointed out, sometimes she's a little too observant... "And the knuckles of your fists are all scratched. I don't think that happened from picking up the pieces."

Mina looked at me with a very unamused expression. "This is why I brought her! You can't exactly help me clean this up with your mangled hands."

I turned my hands around and frowned, I guess she's right, and at least Tsu isn't freaking out like Mina did.

"I can still help-" I kneeled down beside them and picked up a wash cloth, "I'll at least clean up my blood."

When I pressed it onto the floor I winced from the pressure, how hard did I hit those plates?!

Mina rested her hand on my wrist, "You need to go see Recovery Girl."

"But, I'm fine-!" I spit out, but let go of the rag and stood back up.

"She's right, Kaminari, we'll clean this up and you can go. Ribbit." Tsu didn't look at me as she started to sweep up the broken shards of porcelain onto the broom pan.

"Just go!" Mina yelled, not in a rude tone, she's only trying to make me leave to get help.

She opened the door for me and said "If you hurry then Kirishima, Bakugo, and Sero won't see you."

I stifled a cough when she mentioned Kiri and had to gulp down a petal I could feel rising in the back of my throat.

Then before I knew what happened, Tsu came up behind me and pushed me out the door.

I groaned, well, this just got a lot more complicated.

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