Honey of the Rose (Penelope x...

By SSA-Writer

2.2K 66 49

"Happy endings aren't always what we think they'll be" (MAYBE SLOW UPDATING AT THE MOMENT) And that's exactly... More

Episode one
Episode two
Episode three
Episode four
Episode five
Episode six
Episode seven
Episode eight
Episode nine
Episode ten
Episode eleven
Episode twelve
Episode thirteen
Episode fourteen
Episode fifteen
Episode sixteen
Episode seventeen
Episode eighteen
Episode nineteen
Episode twenty
Episode twenty one
Episode twenty three
Episode twenty four
Episode twenty five
Episode twenty six
Episode twenty seven
Episode twenty eight
Episode twenty nine
Episode thirty
Episode thirty one
Episode thirty two
Episode thirty three
Episode thirty four
Episode thirty five
Episode thirty six
Episode thirty seven
Episode thirty eight
Episode thirty nine
Episode forty

Episode twenty two

43 1 0
By SSA-Writer

"As a BAU agent, i've always been brave, but as a mother, i've discovered a new kind of courage that fuels me in the field. It's not just the victims i'm fighting for anymore, it's also for the little girl waiting at home for me to come back."

Episode twenty two - Wed, October 6, 2010

Y/n pov

"Y/n, can you come to my office please?" Hotch's voice is serious as he comes into the bullpen and passes me. And i can almost feel a knot forming in my stomach at the tone.

"Of course." i reply, setting to the file in my hand and follow him into his office. We don't even sit as he closes the door behind me.

"We have a case. Are you ready to jump back into the field?" He asks and i take a deep breath. Thinking about everything i've been through since having my daughter. Bu i know that this is what i was trained for, and that it is about time i actually get back into it.

"Yes, i'm ready." I answer firmly.

Hotch nods, satisfied with my answer. "Good," And the two of us make out way out of the office and into the round table room. Where everyone is already waiting for us. And i sit down next to Penelope as usual, while Hotch sits down next to Emily and Rossi. Right, i forgot to ask about that. Now i just need to remember it during the case so i can ask her about it.

The team listens intently as JJ presents the details of the case in Portland. I furrow my brow, taking in the gruesome details. Its a horrifying case to work on, but i'm at least grateful to be back in the field.

We discuss the victimology, noting that all the victims were white high school teachers with previous allegations of sexual encounters with students. The MO is particular brutal - the victims are castrated and left to bleed to death. There are also ligature marks on their writs and lefts. I feel a wave of nausea wash over me a the though of the victims' last moments. At the memory that sent me into early labour, and how it almost runs across my mind. But in the last moment i focus in on the details of the crime scene pictures.

Spencer leans forward, this fingers tapping on his knee as he considers the details of the case. "Based on the victimology and the MO, it's possible that the killer has a personal vendetta against these teachers." He said thoughtfully. "They may have been a victim of the teachers themselves, or amy have a loved one who was."

Morgan nods in agreement, his eyes narrowing as he considered the possibly. "That's a good point." He says. "We should be looking for someone who has a connection to the school, or has a grudge against these teachers."

Emily adds. "But we can't discount the possibility of a copycat killer either. Someone who' seen or heard of a similar cases and is trying to replicate it."

Rossi chimes in. "Exactly. We need to be thorough in our investigation, looking for any connections or patterns that could give us a lead.

Penelope speaks up. "I'll start digging through social media and online forums to see if there's any chatter about similar cases. Maybe we can find something that'll lead us in the right direction."

Hotch nods. "Good plan. Wheels up in thirty, and Y/n is coming with us."

I nod, my resolve hardening. I'm ready for this, even though it is going to be an emotionally taxing. It's not like we can let this killer continue prey on innocent people.

"Great Y/n." Emily says, giving me a small smile as she raises from her chair. I return the smile, feeling a sense of belonging with the team that i hadn't realised i had missed so much. I'll forever be grateful for the supportive and collaborative environment we all have created.

Morgan passes behind me, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "Good to have you back, mama bear." He says with a grin. "We've missed your sharp eyes and inappropriately morbid jokes." I laugh, feeling a warmth spread through me a the nickname. It is good to be back, back in the field.


Penelope pov

I'm is typing away at her computer at Y/n's desk, my mind wandering back to the times Y/n has almost died. Being shot, giving birth. I can't help but feel a sense of guilt at how quickly i had given up hope, and how i had distanced herself from our friends during that difficult time. Not that they had let me, which i suspects was good.

Morgan approaches the desk, watching me with concern. "Hey, Garcia. You okay?" he asks, his brow furrowing.

I hesitate for a moment before speaking, my voice barely above a whisper. "I just can't help but feel like i failed her before. If anything happens to Y/n, i don't know if i can..."

Morgan cuts me off, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Hey, hey. Nothing's going to happen to Y/n. We've all got each other's backs, remember. And i would never let anything happen to her on my watch, nether would Prentiss."

I smile weakly, nodding in agreement. "You're right. Thank you, Morgan."


3rd pers pov

As they gather their things and make their way to the jet, Morgan keps a close eye on Y/n. He could sense her determination and drive, but he also knew how emotionally taxing this case could be. And he is determined to make sure she is safe and supported, no matter what. Because this is the first case she is with on after they all found out what had happened to her. Not that it would change anything, just that they would be more careful with their words. Even though cases involving rape has never effected her visably before.

As they board the jet. Hotch redressed the team's plan of action. "Remember, we don't want to spook the unsub. We need to approach this carefully and methodically." And the team nods in agreement as they took their seats, Y/n staring out the window, already lost in thought about the case ahead.

Morgan catches her eye and gives her a small smile, silently promising to keep her safe. She smiles back, grateful for the support and camaraderie of her team. Together, they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead on this case.


Y/n pov

As we boarded the jet, i slipped into my seat, feeling a jolt of excitement mixed with nervousness. This is my first case back in the field after having my daughter, and i'm determined to prove that i'm still a valuable member of the team. JJ takes the seat beside me, and offers a reassuring smile.

"You got this." She says. "It's good to have you back." I smile gratefully, feeling a bit of the tension in my shoulders ease. I had missed being around the team, and it is good to be back in their company on the jet.

Reid turners in his seat across from us, his eyes flickering with interest. "This case is fascinating, isn't it?" He says. "The escalation between the victims, and the killer's need to have the cooling off day between... it's all very intriguing."

I nod, feeling a mix of revulsion and fascination at the same time. It is hard to wrap my head around the fact that someone could do something so horrific to another human being, but at the same time it's fascinating to figure out.

As we flew towards Portland, i feel my mind racing with different theories and ideas. I know that we have a job to do, and she is ready to put all her focus and energy into finding the killer before he can hurt anyone else.

The jet touches down in Portland, and the team springs into action. I feel my senses heighten as we hit the ground, eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings, searching for any sign of danger. That was it, the moment i've been waiting for and didn't think would come back. I am back in the field, and i'm ready to do what it takes to bring this killer to justice. 

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