By Kangaroosoup

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This story is unfinished and I found it within the depths of my goodgle drive. Its an old story that is unfin... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

10 0 0
By Kangaroosoup

Casimir fled for his life away from the trouble he has gotten into. He was a thief that was barely caught but once he was he always had a plan to escape. He was just a lean teenage rat with white fur as a moonlit sail and dark grey spots on his left cheek. He also carried a bag with something jiggling inside. He'd thought he'd never get into a situation so devious.

But he's into the paws of Viggo his victim. Viggo was a stout grey rat with a white apron. The item that was stolen was very valuable to Viggo. The secret instructions to his popular ultimate bagel. Casimir ran away from him dodging crowds of dams with their pups and rats coming from their jobs. It was long until Casimir paused at the end of the kingdom. Where a rushing dark green smelly river ran.

Casimir's heart raced he had to leap across it. However, if he misses he would be swept away drowning under the darkness of the river. "I've got you right where I want cha ya miserable crook!" Viggo shouted from afar. Casimir shut his eyes and launched himself with all the force he could. He couldn't believe what he had done.

He barely made it but he succeeded to latch on to the edge. But as the water thrust against his back made it hard for him to get up. He climbed to the facade and throbbed. Casimir stood to his feet and turned his back to look at Viggo who had an enraged face. "I'll get ya and next time a river won't between us!"

"Oh, I'm counting on it!" Casimir scorned back and climbed up a latter against the paved wall and disappeared into the surface.

2 days later..

From the castle superimposed the kingdom waited a young princess rat named lady Mae. She wore a rosy dress and a dawn-tinted hair bow. She looked beyond her window from her room at the view of the whole realm. She lamented and overheard her sister, lady Cedar, who was weaving a dress with green and yellow fabrics in the distance. "Do you ever wonder what's up in the surface?." Mae mewled. "I never think about it," Cedar replied. "Besides father says it's dangerous." Mae glanced at her in disbelief.

"Do you always believe everything he says?"

"Yes of course."

Mae groaned and facepalmed. "Well I never plan on going to the surface I hope you don't too," Cedar scolded. "I don't think it's so bad like father says remember what Ozias said about it?" Ozias was the royal shaman who owns a mixing pot that can communicate with the rat idol, Mansi. "I don't care about what Ozias says if it's dangerous it's dangerous that's that."

Mae put her paws to her hip. "One day I'm gonna prove that it isn't dangerous at all!" Cedar shifted her gaze to her sister then looked back on her dress. Disregarding her declaration. "Fine then ignore me all you want, you're nothing but a slob who only wants father's trust!" Cedar shot a furious glance at her sibling.

"If you injure yourself don't come back crying and whining that you got a boo boo." Cedar snapped. Mae stuck her tongue out at her mockingly then stomped out of the room and into the castle's corridor. The room was filled with torches and portraits of kings and queens of the past. "You might be up here someday you know." Her father's voice muttered in her head as she looked at the paintings. Mae shook her head in revulsion she didn't believe she belonged in this royal heir.

Behind her she heard the padding sounds of small feet against the floor. She turned around to see the small assistant of her father king Fulton. His name was Wilfred he was smaller than the rest of the rats because he wasn't one. He was a dark golden brown field mouse with a dark green robe. He was charging closer to her quickly. Mae flicked her ears and paused at Wilfred in concern. Then the two rodents collided into each other slamming against the ground.

"I apologize lady Mae I'm just in a hurry for the meeting." Wilfred said quickly as he thrusted his arm to grab Mae's paw to pick her up. "You're fine." She replied softly. "Are you going too there's a new prophecy Mansi has delivered to us." Wilfred asked kindly. "If it's about humans and not going to the surface then count me out." Mae grumbled. Wilfred shook head no and Mae looked puzzled. "Well then take me I guess."

The two ran down the corridor to head to the meeting room. Wilfred opened the door in the middle of King Fulton starting the discussion. "Late again I suppose." Fulton said rolling his eyes. "Sorry sir I had a few papers to look over and a crazy rat to settle before coming." Wilfred sat down in an empty seat beside one of Fulton's advisors and medical expressionist named Leonie. Mae looked around the room. There was a round table that took up most of the room with seats where the rats sat. She noticed Ozias right beside his apprentice Teo and Fulton on the other side.

The royal healer named leonie was also beside Teo which then was Wilfred and Annabeth. She quickly looked for a chair cause her father stared at her patiently waiting for her to sit in the seat across from him. She followed his eyes and sat in the seat and he began to talk. "Anyways I'd like to say we haven't had a strange coated rat like this since Annabeth."

Most rats in Solarlandia had brown,chestnut,grey shades coats if 2 male and female of different colors conjoin they may have a litter with different markings and patterns markings. Mae was a normal light grey due to her mother being light grey as well with her father being a darkest grey. White rats however were very rare to be born since in Solarlandia genetics have changed drastically. There were very few white rats than before. Annabeth however was unusual she was pure white but with demonic red eyes. And the purple feathered scarf around her didn't make Mae feel comfortable.

Mae didn't really like Annabeth too much. She was very quiet and way too friendly. Just something felt off about her. Annabeth was the royal therapist any rat can come to her to talk about their problems. But a look like that didn't think anyone would dare to face Annabeth. "I'd like to add that

Viggo was chasing a white rat with black patches earlier I think that might be the one." Annabeth said. "You mean the thief we never caught could be the one?" Fulton gasped. "It's can't be how could Mansi choose such a foul fiend."

"Mansi chooses who thinks is best for rat kind." Ozias bellowed. "My body feels the breath of Mansi's wind that whispers upon my fur." Mae didn't really understand what Ozias meant. He stays enchanting stuff that sounds strange and sorta creepy. "But a thief oh man what is he thinking!" King Fulton groused. "But I believe Ozias' word is true Mansi has chosen this thief." Everyone around the room nodded in agreement other than leonie who just glared in anger. "Very well then I'll be sending arrow and oden up to the surface to find him." Fulton put his finger in the table.

Mae's ears perked up eagerly. This could be her chance to see what's above the kingdom. "I could be of assistance to Oden and Arrow Father." Fulton shook his head. "I'm not going to send you I don't want you getting hurt." "B-but!" Leonie put her tail on Mae's mouth to shush her. "He's doing it for your safety now shut your trap." Leonie retorted. "We don't want you ending up like one of my advisers." Fulton frowned. One of Fulton's best fighters was sent on a mission but never returned safely since the incident was happening during it.

The meeting had ended. Mae needed a way to follow Oden and Arrow up to the surface. She walked out the room with everyone else thinking of a plan. Mae felt something shove her on the side and looked up to see it was Leonie who ignored her disrespectful manner. "Excuse you!" Mae hissed. Leonie didn't listen to her remark and kept on walking. Annabeth loomed over Mae. "Need a hand?" Annabeth cooed in a soft gentle voice. Mae grabbed Annabeth's paw she held out to help her up. "Thank you." Mae said. "No problem!" Annabeth replied. The two rats walked side by side through the corridor. Mae gulped she's never expected her to be this close.

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