Writing Prompts & Short Stori...

By actressjp95

65 6 0

2023. -Includes the short story "New Me", one of the winners of the Songkran 2023 Writing Contest by @APIRoma... More

New Me #Songkran2023 #ThaiNewYear2023

Burning Bridges... #SakuraBlossoms

11 3 0
By actressjp95

I'd been running for over six hours trying to put as much distance as I can between myself and the palace. Half the day had passed and the sun was close to setting. The wind was blowing all of the newly sprung foliage around in the air as I traveled through miles and miles of dense forest, past the peasant farm towns and merchant villages near the outskirts of the city. Despite the thumping of my heart and loud thoughts running through my brain, the journey today was quiet. Only the springtime songbirds were out and about, gathering twigs for nests and finding food for their families. Traveling through the thick forests, I spotted an occasional deer but that's it. 

I had lost the group of royal guards who managed to follow me out of the palace days ago, and I didn't spot any traces of spies or other enemies hiding along my route. Since I hadn't seen anyone in the last 48 hours, for the most part, I had to be in the clear. Those royal guards would never catch me anyway... I might be a woman, but I'm a fast runner and I know a thing or two about stealth thanks to my father's fighting lessons. 

He actually didn't personally teach me to fight, but in between my daily reading and writing lessons as a child, I would sneak out of the house and observe my father teaching my older brother how to fight with his hands and with his weapons. I also listened as he taught my brother all sorts of tricks on how to never be seen by enemies -- something he'd learned in the military. With my self-taught skills in martial arts and sword fighting, I was confident that if I did happen to run into an enemy, at least I'd be able to defend myself.

As my tired and achy feet kept running through the musty woods, my eyes caught hold of a rustic, wooden bridge several feet ahead. As I reached the end of the forest, digging the foot of my sandals into the grassy open plains, the sound of the mighty river flowing underneath the old bridge filled my spirit with hope. I was almost free! Just past that bridge and I'd officially be out of state bounds and someone else's problem. The imperial palace was far behind me now... my old life and my family would only be memories... there was no turning back after what had occurred.


My name is Tokugawa Ume, or Princess Ume as members of the imperial family liked to call me. My uncle is the Emperor of the Japanese nation. Well... he was. All was peaceful within and without the palace, as it usually is, up until a few weeks ago. That's when I initially overhead from some royal servants (who were not very good at whispering) about my uncle's involvement in several illegal dealings with other countries. The servants also claimed that my uncle was gambling money that was supposed to be used to build new housing for the villagers, had a prison of prostitutes who he illegally sold for money and materials, and refused to report his personal stocks, bonds, and most likely illegal monetary gifts for taxes. These were just a few of the rumors that I heard about my uncle around the palace... but he was involved in so much more. And I had proof. (Don't ask about a lady's connections, that's very rude. Just know that he's guilty.)

Once I discovered my uncle wasn't the righteous leader everyone thought he was, I couldn't just sit back in my fancy little room within the imperial palace and do nothing. Someone needed to make things right. And that someone would be me. Too many illegal acts were happening behind the scenes by the hands of someone that I called family... and it needed to stop. Millions of villagers looked up to my uncle and respected him as the Emperor. They trusted him to tell them the truth, feed them, clothe them, and protect them from danger. But he's putting the safety of our nation's people in jeopardy with his demeaning actions.

So I decided to confront him. I requested a meeting with him in his private office to discuss the rumors that I had heard and my concerns about them. Of course, once he knew that I knew what he'd done, it was either my head or his. So as he attempted to call a group of his royal guards to punish me... I swiftly took out my kaiken dagger hiding in the sleeve of my kimono and killed him...

It all happened so fast. As soon as I felt threatened, my fighting instincts kicked in...

Before I knew it, I was far away from the palace with only the clothes on my back and my handy weapon. Since I wasn't expecting to have to flee so suddenly, I didn't pack anything. No water, no food. I even left the diary that I've had since I was a teenage girl. I had nothing but myself and my thoughts. But I have no regrets. 

Of course, this isn't the most ideal situation for me or for the village to be without an Empire... but perhaps the city will be better without him.

They'll have to be.

In the meantime, I'll be halfway across the state border before anyone can ever find me. Not many people would venture out this far, especially if they didn't know where they were going. Call me bold. I usually don't make rash decisions like this too often, but this was a serious situation that called for quick action. I did the right thing... I saved the village from dishonor, disappointment, financial woes, and more.

I'm not... a murderer. I'm a hero.


I came to a stop before the bridge, bending over and gripping my knees as I tried to catch my breath from the hours of intense cardio I'd just engaged in. I loosened the belt of my kimono to help me breathe a little easier then stood up straight. The river beneath the old wooden bridge flowed from the right to the left. My eyes scanned the grassy bank for any signs of danger or enemies: there were none. Then, my eyes scanned higher up the unfamiliar landscape, which is when I noticed the river bank was surrounded by rows of light pink cherry blossom trees, their branches dancing in the wind and leaving behind delicate gifts of sakura petals onto the water below.

"So pretty..."

The cherry blossoms aligned the bank on the other side of the bridge as well, which looked to be a mirror image of our village's vast, luscious green forest. A forest behind and a forest ahead. These cherry blossoms added some much-needed color to my journey. From the right, a strong gust of wind almost blew me off of my feet and carried dozens of sakura petals through the air. As I glanced up at the sky, I noticed an increase in dark clouds; the incoming smell of rain filled my nose and the air. Seems like a storm was brewing. That was my cue to continue my journey. I'd stopped for long enough. I needed to find a place to call shelter very soon.

I checked my surroundings once more and with a determined huff, I stepped onto the wooden bridge and grabbed a hold of the railing made of vines. I quickly ran across the bridge--

"Hey, you! Don't take one step further or that's your head."

My breath got caught in my throat and my body grew tense as I became like a statue, weary of going against the orders of the unknown stranger. The raspy, deep male voice surprised me because I didn't see any signs of any humans just seconds ago. Where could this stranger have come from? Were they hiding in a tree too high up for me to see? Do they live around this part of the state? Do they own parts of this land or something? Or maybe they're running away like me. Are they an enemy or a potential ally? It's best not to make any assumptions... everyone is an enemy until they can prove themself. I better be careful.

With my hands above my head in a sign of surrender, I slowly turned my head to the right and glanced over my shoulder. "Who are you?" I asked.

"You don't get to ask the questions, I do," the strong voice barked from several feet behind me. "Turn around and walk toward me. Now."

The mysterious voice didn't sound friendly at all. I didn't want to upset them, but I didn't want them to think that I'm some weak woman who'll do whatever they say either. I glanced towards the other side of the bank ahead... I was so close to freedom, only a few more steps. I could make a dash for it, but I'm unsure if the stranger had a weapon or not. If he's smart, he did.

"Stop trying to stall for time. Your life ends here regardless. But it's up to you if you want to leave this earth the easy way or the hard way..." the male voice threatened.

Ugh... this guy. What does he mean my life ends here?

"You didn't answer my question. If you tell me who you are, then maybe I'll consider listening to you," I replied, my feet still planted on the wooden bridge as the sound of thunder roared overhead. As the wind picked up its strength, I waited for the stranger to answer.

"...I'll consider this your last wish. My name is Takeda Tadatame and I've been ordered to find the culprit who murdered the Empire and kill them. A hundred of the late Empire's guards have been searching the entire village for anyone who seems suspicious... like you."

"So what, you're a royal guard?"

"I don't consider myself royalty... but I am... sort of like a guard. And you ask too many questions. I said come here!"

As I attempted to turn fully around, an arrow blazed past my right ear, grazing it. I felt the red liquid dripping down the side of my neck and quickly faced the stranger with angry eyes. It only took a second to recognize that the stranger was no royal guard, but a samurai. He wore their traditional floppy-sleeved black kimono tucked into a grey hakama; a basket-shaped jingasa made of bamboo covered his head and hid the top half of his face. An ebira quiver that held his arrows was slung over his back as he held his bow in his left hand.

"How dare you shoot an arrow at me. I'm bleeding!"

"Surrender yourself and this will be all over quickly," the samurai said.

"I didn't do anything wrong!"

The samurai drew their bow and arrow, pointed it at me, and took several giant steps in my direction. I remained frozen in place, holding my bleeding ear. I was pretty shocked that he shot at me but I held my ground. He was about five feet away, which gave me a chance to size him up. If he knew I was a royal, he would regret his actions.

"If that was true, then why are you being such a difficult little--" He sighed. "What are you doing out here in the forest by yourself? Where is your husband?"

"I was just taking a stroll through nature..." - the thunder suddenly roared and lightning lit up the depressing skies - "As you can see, I was trying to find a quick place to seek shelter before the storm came. That's when you stopped me. My husband... he's waiting for me across the bridge," I lied as I tried putting on my most pathetic-looking face. He may be a samurai, but he couldn't be cruel to a woman in need, right?

"Your husband... is across that bridge?" The samurai asked in a disbelieving tone.

"That's correct. So I need to get back to him before he gets worried--" I explained.

"Why are you lying, Princess?"

I squinted my eyes at the samurai, his face still hidden by his hat. How does he know that I'm a princess?

The samurai lowered his bow and charged toward me. I gripped the handle of my dagger hiding within my kimono sleeve, ready for attack, but he immediately halted his steps once he stood in front of me. I peered up at his 6-foot frame with confused curiosity. Why isn't he attacking me? I felt his eyes gaze downward at my kimono where the crest of my family's clan was sewn into the silky fabric, a symbol of three dark green leaves which represented the imperial family and resided on all of our royal clothing. Of course, Ume. My clothing! I was wearing the imperial family's colors from head to toe. Even my front comb and hair sticks, which secured my vertical mage up-do hairstyle, were patterned with dark purple prints of my family's clan.

"It's really you..." The samurai spoke. He sounded a bit relieved, but also strangely sad. His previously harsh voice was suddenly gone - replaced by a tender timbre belonging to a more youthful host. "Why did you do it?"

"Do... what?" I asked with caution.

"It was your own uncle... why did you kill him?" The samurai asked as more thunder and lightning shook the atmosphere. I glanced around at the sakura trees that swayed in the wind, a few of their petals floating away toward better days. I wished that I could fly away with them and forget the burdens of this world.

"I didn't kill anyone, so let me get back to my husband and--"

The samurai grabbed my left arm with a powerful grip that could break bones and pulled me closer to him. I gritted my teeth and tried to swallow the pain as I watched him reach inside his kimono and pull out a tattered diary. He held it up to my face.

"I read your diary... you were secretly investigating your uncle's actions. You describe everything that he's done, all of his illegal acts, in this diary. In the last entry, you state how you think he needs to be stopped... that page was dated a few days ago, the same day that the Emperor was murdered in his own private office," he explained. 

My eyes widened as the samurai revealed all of my secrets. "Wait. How did you even get my diary?! Who are you?!"

He threw my diary somewhere in the grass and grabbed a hold of my other arm. "You, his beloved niece, were the only one that visited him just before he died. When everyone discovered that he was murdered, you suddenly disappeared."

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Don't lie to me," the samurai exhaled. "You didn't have to murder him. You could've just kept your mouth shut and minded your business. What the villagers didn't know wouldn't hurt them. But now I'm faced with the challenge of killing you... a friend... in order to defend the honor of a no-good, two-faced, greedy Emperor..."

I frowned and tried to read the emotions of the strange samurai who apparently knew a lot about me.

"Pardon? Did you just call me a friend?" I asked while glancing at his kimono. That's when I noticed his own family crest sewn on his sleeve. A pattern of four diamonds to represent the Takeda clan. I gasped as my memory came to... memories from the past and from my childhood within the royal palace. "Takeda Tadatame..."

The samurai let go of me and backed away. Finally free from his grasp, I approached him as he lifted his hat above his eyes and looked away. I recognized the birthmark above his eyebrow - the same one that I used to make fun of as a child. Tadatame, my brother's classmate, who trained beside him before they became samurai. 


From my study room within the imperial palace, I saw him only a couple of times as a child when he and my brother practiced sword fighting in the palace yard. We never talked too much, but he would occasionally bring us gifts of sweets that his mother crafted, and he'd always pet my head if he saw me in passing. He was a nice boy. Once they turned 13 and left for war... I didn't see them around the palace anymore.


The thunder roared and the lightning ripped patterns of energy throughout the dark sky. Now the rain started to pour. I covered my hair with my hands in a failed attempt to avoid getting wet. Tadatame looked up into the sky with a hand on his hat, then quickly looked at me.

"We can't be here. If the royal guards find us... we're dead," he said.

He ran toward me and grabbed my arm then pulled me across the wooden bridge, which was now swaying side to side thanks to the storm. In silent agreement, I quickly grabbed a hold of the vine which kept the bridge elevated, carefully and strategically making my way across with Tadatame to my right. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot. We ran across the bridge as the rain soaked our garments and sakura petals whipped past our faces.

Suddenly, a giant *BOOM* is heard and the sky lit up white for a second. I blinked my eyes into focus and scrunched up my nose.

"I smell something burning..." I said.

Tadatame looked behind us. The lightning had struck the vine of the bridge and ignited it on fire.

"Oh my--"

"Don't worry," Tadatame said as he took out his katana sword from the belt of his kimono, lifting it above his head as if in preparation for an attack. "It'll be over soon." Though his voice was gentle, his eyes showed no weakness. I looked up at his tall frame with fear in my eyes... was he going to kill me right here on this bridge? I thought I'd be able to take him down if needed, but nothing is going as planned. I didn't predict a thunderstorm to form out of the blue, and I definitely didn't predict that the enemy I may be facing would be an old friend. Should I give in? Maybe this is where my hero's journey was supposed to end.

I squeezed my eyes shut and clutched my chest. "Just do it..."

Without hesitation, I hear an exasperated grunt release from Tadatame's throat as the sharp blade slashes through the air...

...then another grunt and a slash...

...and again.

I opened my eyes and glanced down at my body. There were no cuts or blood. My arms were still attached as well as my head. My legs still had feeling in them, too. After I realized I wasn't dead, I looked over at Tadatame who was slashing the fiery vine with his katana sword. A few slashes later, the vine collapsed which caused half the bridge to tumble sideways into the monstrous river below along with his katana sword. I lost my balance and started to tumble backward, but he quickly wrapped his arm around my waist, clutching me to his chest, as his other hand tightly grabbed the remaining vine which was attached to the other side of the bank.

"Hang on!" He yelled. 

I followed his orders, wrapping my arms around his waist with all my might. I was surprised by his super strength! He climbed along the remaining bridge with only one free hand as the latter half of the bridge became engulfed in flames. In seconds, he was able to get us both to the safe grassy riverbank. We stood back from the edge as we watched the old bridge burn and fall into the river, little by little. Talk about burning bridges...

I exhaled. Not only did I almost die, but now there's really no turning back. All of my family and friends from the royal palace are on the other side of this river. I won't ever see them again. My new life starts now.


"Why didn't you kill me?" Was the first question I asked him after we had found a safe place in the forest to wait out the storm. I rested my back against a tree and he did the same beside me. His bow and arrow laid in the grass along with his hat.

"Why did you kill the Emperor?" Tadatame asked.

I sighed. "Okay... you want to know? I killed him because I refused to live in the world knowing the injustice that he's committed. And no, I don't feel guilty about it..."

"That's pretty harsh."

"But you're a samurai. You're used to killing. Which brings me back to my question..." I furrowed my eyebrows and glared his way. His back was facing me, so I couldn't see his face. "Why did you spare me? I'm a criminal."

He sighed.

"I was going to resign anyway... living as a samurai just wasn't working out. I had a few marks against me and I wasn't performing well. The day they discovered the Emperor's body, I was there. I was summoned to his office to talk about my performance on the field... that's when I was going to turn in my letter, my uniform, my sword... but he was dead before I could talk to him thanks to you."

"Oh..." is all I said, though millions of questions filled my mind.

"The royal guards declared everybody of rank to search for the killer, so I was instantly put on this mission with no choice. Since I was already there, I took a glimpse inside his office... that's where I found your diary," he revealed.

"It must've dropped from my bosom... I kept it on me at all times since discovering my uncle's illegal acts, in fear of someone finding it," I mumbled with regret.

"I recognized it from when we were kids. You carried it around with you everywhere." He paused before continuing. "After learning that you were the killer... I prayed not to find you. I refused to kill any more innocent people."

"I'm not really innocent..."

"No, but-- you know what I mean. You were like my little sister. You always did right by your family, so I figured you had to have a real good reason to turn to murder."

"What if you didn't find me?" I asked.

He picked at the dirt underneath his fingernails. "I'd have an excuse to run free. If I made it this far without finding anyone, I planned to cross the river and never go back. Now that I lost my sword trying to save your life... looks like my resignation might just be official."

"Thank you, by the way," I said.

There was no reply... only the sound of rain pidder-paddering against the treetops.

"Looks like this situation worked out in a way for the both of us. We can both be free to do whatever we want without the confines of a corrupt leader. We can be our own bosses..." I said while twirling my dagger in my hands, gliding my finger along its sharp blade as a hopeful grin appeared on my lips.

"That sounds long overdue..."

I snickered and energetically tapped Tadatame on the shoulder. His right profile made an appearance as he turned his head toward me.

"This might sound out of the blue... but let's run away together. Two heads are better than one. Your arrows with my dagger could make a good team..." I proclaimed. "What do you say?"

I heard him snicker under his breath as he turned his head away, once again leaving me in elongated silence. Then,

"I have a feeling you're going to be a little troublemaker... but I'm in."

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