Don't ever scare me like that...

By hallowedchalices

802 30 51

"You should be glad my dick isn't made out of metal and steel." - WOWOWOWOW WHAT A KINKY DESCRIPTION (used... More



83 5 6
By hallowedchalices

-- X.borg < 3rd person  >

Headquarters, Kimmy's room.

You instinctively hold Kimmy's hand without notice and headed towards her room to help her with packing and moving.

As you almost reach her room you can feel Kimmy lightly tap on your arm.

You stopped walking to look at your arm and then look at Kimmy, giving her a visibly confused look.

"Uhm, I need to get my keys, can you let go of my hand?" Kimmy nervously asks while glancing at your hands interwined with hers, a small blush appearing on her face.

"Oh fuck sorry, didn't mean to do that, it's just reflex." You blabber as you gently let go of her hand and looking away to hide the embarrassment in your face.

"What kind of reflex is that?" Kimmy sarcastically asks while she slowly starts to walk with you.

"I just hold anyone's hand whenever I'm in a rush or if I feel like I trust them." You honestly answer, you know the question was sarcastic but you never know if she was actually genuinely curious. 

"You.. trust me?" Kimmy quietly questions, gazing down to the floor.

"No, we're in a rush that's why." You jokingly answer, hoping she won't feel hurt.

"Oh wow, what an asshole." Kimmy says while rolling her eyes, probably a bit hurt by the answer.

"I'm kidding. Isn't it obvious? I helped you fix the paint gun, I assisted you with using the autopilot system, I even asked if we could be roommates." You say in a soft tone.

"Yeah I know that, but I thought you were doing all that just to get on my nerves later on." Kimmy says, her tone a bit more serious but still soft.

"I know that we have a bad relationship, but that's all in the past. I would never hurt you for my own entertainment. I'm also very sorry for everything I've done in the past and for the trouble I caused to your family." You sincerely apologize.

Kimmy stays quiet as she reaches for her keys and unlocking the door to her room.

"Come inside, we'll talk more in here, I don't want anyone listening in to our conversation." Kimmy says as she gestures you to get in.

You get in with Kimmy following you from behind, after both of you guys get inside, Kimmy locks the door.

"I honestly don't know what to say.." Kimmy says as she rests her back on the door.

"I wanna thank you for leaving the past behind and not hurting me. But I don't know about forgiving you, I just feel like it's too soon, I need time to figure this out, sorry." Kimmy says while running her fingers through her soft blonde hair.

You gulped, your robotic heart beating with electricity as fast as light. This is not the time nor place for you to be flustered but you can't take it, Kimmy is gently leaning on the door while running her fingers through her hair, breathing very softly. How can you not be flustered?

You quickly start coming up with an answer, because you were probably staring at her for a solid 3 minutes looking dumbfounded or to be exact, mesmerized.

"Yeah, I understand. What I did was unforgivable anyway, I understand if you need time, I understand if you don't wanna forgive me at all." You say with a serious tone.

"I'll definitely forgive you, but.. not now, thanks for being understanding." Kimmy says, sounding a bit hesitant.

"My pleasure. If you feel uncomfortable with.. this, I mean like, the roommate thing, I'm okay with us not being roommates. I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable, pressured or forced." You say, gazing softly upon her.

"I'm okay with us being roommates. Like you said, it's better for us to bond and forget the past." Kimmy responds, gazing back at you.

"I'm glad to hear that." You say, quietly sighing in relief.

"I need the bathroom, I'll be right back." Kimmy says as she goes to the restroom.

"Stupid fucking robotic heart, since when did you have feelings? And why her? How did you beat so fast? Am I blushing?" You quietly whisper to yourself as you sat on Kimmy's bed.

You start to gently tap on your chest, feeling your face heat up as you think about love and affection.

"X.borg? You good? You've been tapping your chest for 2 minutes now" Kimmy asks while closing the door to the restroom.

"Holy shit I didn't see you there, yeah I'm good. I just didn't feel my chest for a moment" You answer surprised, you didn't wanna say the truth, at all, that would be embarassing.

"Anyways, what do you need help with? I have an extra bed in my room so we fortunately don't have to carry yours." You ask while looking around the room

Kimmy's room is very plain surprisingly, You half expected her room to be very wild and fun but it's still nice I guess.

"I'll pack the stuff and you'll help carry the boxes, it'll be hard for you to pack my stuff because my stuff are organized in a manner." Kimmy says while pointing on the spare boxes that's neatly folded.

You didn't expect her to have boxes ready but you took them anyway and hand them to her.

You know that Kimmy said you don't need to help her with packing but it would take forever if Kimmy did it herself.

So you started helping her with the weapons and clothing.

"You don't have to help me with this, it will be a headache" Kimmy says as she gently grips your arm to stop you.

"I rather have a headache than staying here forever, it'll be tiring for you anyways." You respond, staring deeply into her eyes.

"Fine, whatever." Kimmy says as she lets go of your arm, handing you some neatly folded clothes.

- 1 hour 57 minutes 34 seconds.

You were finally done with packing, Kimmy's stuff were already pretty neat so putting them in the box wasn't that much of a hassle.

... Except for when you accidentally saw her underwear.

"I'll help with this" you say as you open the last drawer on Kimmy's closet

"Hey don't that's my-!" Kimmy says as she tries to stop you from opening the drawer.

But, she was a bit too late. You opened the drawer to see it filled with bra's and panties.

You quickly close the drawer and look at the floor with wide eyes and open mouth.

"..Sorry, didn't mean to see that." You quietly say as you get up

"Yeah.." Kimmy responds while covering her face with a blue blanket.

Never wanna experience that again, it was very embarassing for both you and Kimmy.

You try to ignore the memory as you carry some of the boxes to your room.

You gently place the boxes beside the spare bed in your room and went back to Kimmy's room to get more.

As you reach Kimmy's room, you saw a fairly large box on the floor beside her bed. You decided to take the box as it would be heavy for her.

When you held the box you can feel a pair of soft hands on top of yours.

You slightly lift your head up and saw Kimmy, her face a bit red, her mouth agape.

"I'll carry this, it's probably a bit heavy, don't want you to break your back." You jokingly say.

"Yeah, thanks." Kimmy says as she takes her hand away and quickly goes to carry the other boxes.

"Why is so many embarassing shit happening today?" You curse under your breath as you carry the box to your room.

"This box is quite heavy surprisingly" you mumble as you place the box in your room.

"This is the last box, I already locked the door to my room, I also bought some bathroom essentials." Kimmy says as she places the box on the spare bed and locks the door to my room. 

"Alright, what about your closet?" You question as you help her unpack her stuff.

"I forgot about that, I'll probably ask help from Tigreal, we both won't be able to carry it ourselves." Kimmy answers as she plops on the bed.

"I'll go ask Tigreal right now, you can unpack your stuff. Throw me the keys to your room." You say as you get up and wait for Kimmy to throw her keys at you.

"Okay, here." Kimmy says as she throws you her keys.

You catch her keys and unlock your door, heading outside to find Tigreal.

It didn't take you long to find Tigreal, you found him in the Moniyan Warriors Lounge.

"Hey Tigreal, can you help me with something?" You ask as you walk towards Tigreal.

"Sure, what do you need help with?" Tigreal asks as he sets his cup of tea on the table.

"Can you help me lift a wardrobe and carry it to my room?" You nervously ask.

"What kind of wild request is that?" Tigreal asks while raising his eyebrows.

"Kimmy is moving in with me, and we need help with the closet, ..and the dresser, ..and the mirror." You answer hoping he won't start speculating some weird stuff.

"First I saw you guys doing some god knows what practice in the Shooting Range and now you guys are moving in together? And to add to all of that you guys are known as rivals. What's the news?" Tigreal asks while interwining his fingers and wiggling his eyebrows.

'Fuck, he did the opposite of what I was hoping for' You say to yourself.

"What.. what do you mean?" You nervously ask, trying to appear confused.

"You're so oblivious. Let me get straight to the point, are you guys dating?" Tigreal blatantly asks.

"Me and Kimmy? Hell no." You respond as you cross your arms.

"Then why are you guys suddenly acting so close to eachother?" Tigreal asks, trying to pressure you.

'Damn if he didn't wanna help he could've straight up said that.' You say to yourself.

"It just? Happened? She wanted help with her gun and we bonded through that. And we also decided to be roommates to stop the childish rivalry." You respond, your tone a bit more harsh than usual.

"Okay but you like her right? Even just little bit?" Tigreal asks, sipping some tea.

"I don't know? I just got to personally know her, and I still have a lot more to learn about her, so for now I just like her as a friend." You say as you uncross your arms and look blankly at the floor.

"Alright, I'll help you with carrying the stuff, let's go." Tigreal says as he gets up and takes his phone.

You innerly squeal with joy as you quickly lead Tigreal to Kimmy's room.

As you reach her room you reach for the keys in your pocket and unlock the door.

"So, this is the closet, this is the dresser, and this is the mirror." You say as you point to the things.

"This will be easy." Tigreal says as he singlehandedly carries the closet.

"Are.. are you sure you don't need help with that?" You ask, a bit surprised by this man's strength.

"Yeah I'm sure, carry the mirror, you can do it." Tigreal says as he walks out with the closet on his back.

You nod as you carry the mirror. It wasn't heavy although it was a bit weird to carry, but you did it anyway.

You catch up to Tigreal and placed the mirror on the floor to knock on the door.

The door opens to Kimmy, her faces looks surprised as she looks at Tigreal.

"Come in, it must be heavy for you." Kimmy says in a very surprised tone.

"It isn't a big deal, leave the door open I still need to get the dresser." Tigreal says as he places the closet and went back to Kimmy's room to get the dresser.

You followed Tigreal and helped him get the dresser through the door because it was a bit big, after it was out you locked the door and continued to help Tigreal with carrying it to your room.

As you reach your room you placed it beside the mirror and turned towards Tigreal.

"Thanks for helping" you sincerely say as you slightly bow.

"It's no biggie, you can ask me for help or advice anytime! Goodbye." Tigreal says as he goes away.

"What does he mean with 'advice'?" Kimmy asks, looking slightly dumbfounded.

"Long story." You respond as you lock the door to your room and plop down on your bed.

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