[ From Another World] Future...

By Hatsuko12

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you, you is (y/n) shiroka, a 14 year old girl. You are suddenly transported to a world you don't know where... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

134 3 1
By Hatsuko12

2 days later (y/n) finally recovered completely and was able to be active again, she got lots of notifications from all of her friends who asked about her condition including Gao who was one of her neighbors.

and thanks to a little help from the mikado family who know if ( y/n) is sick and no one helps her except her buddy so they help her little by little.

now she is healed and getting ready to travel to fuji photon metal mine so hurry up prepare herself.

"Are you ready Vedora?" asked (y/n).

" very ready!" he replied.

" let's do it! buddy skill: ON!" said (y/n).

"BUDDIES SKILLS : ON !!" said vedora.

then ( y/n) flew making her smile happily then they both flew towards school when on the way ( y/n)'s gaze accidentally turned towards gao and drums.

"Ah. They're both late like us." said vedora.

"uhm! let's help them." said (y/n).

The two fly towards them as the gao and drum run they see a shadow above them makes them stop and look up at them "gao! drum! hold my hand!" said (y/n).

gao smiled brightly "yes!" he said.

he then held (y/n)'s hand as well as the drums then the two of them were made to sit on vedora's body, the four of them immediately flew quickly towards school before they missed their tour bus.

after arriving they also ended up missing the bus that was going to take them on a tour but then there was a familiar voice heard by (y/n) making her look back to see all her friends were there.

" Huh? What are you all doing here!" gao said surprised.

"Why are you all still here!?" (y/n) said surprised too.

"We are waiting for you both." answered kuguru.

"We couldn't go without you two so we all agreed that we would wait for you two." She continued with a smile.

"Kuguru-chan." (y/n) said with emotion.

suddenly one of them immediately hugged (y/n) making her surprised and staring at the figure of a boy who looked familiar to her.

"uhh... who are you?" She asked.

"It's me! The person you and Mikado-san saved!" he replied.

"... uh!" surprised (y/n).

"I went to school here and didn't expect to meet you two." he said.

"...then what's your name?" asked (y/n).

" Hyoryu kiri! You can call me kiri!" Kiri answer.

"nice to meet you kiri-kun, my name is ( y/n) shiroka or you can call me ( y/n)." she said with a smile.

Kiri nodded with a little blush on his cheeks making (y/n) excited to hug the child in front of her.

when in Mr. Neginoyama's car and the conversation started there.

" sir neginoyama agreed to take the car with us." gao said.

"It doesn't matter at all, the important thing is that everyone can go" said Mr. Negnoyama.

"But still, you all waited for us, right?" Gao said.

"thank you very much, guys!" he said.

( y/n) nodded in agreement "right. thank you very much." She said too.

"No way." noboru said.

"but you came too late, noboru." Kiri said from behind him.

which Baku and Kuguru nod at making (y/n) chuckle "But I still got there before Gao and stupid buddy-" he said.

But Noboru was cut off by drum that suddenly came out of his card and appeared in front of Noboru.

"I'm not stupid! The only stupid one here is Gao!" said drums.

"I'm perfect in another way and-" noboru immediately covered the drum mouth.

"Teacher, Gao let his monsters out again." noboru said.

"huh!?" shock gao.

"I though I said monsters aren't allowed during class time, mr.gao." Mr. Nenoyama said.

" B-but sir neginoyama we are still in the car so how does this count in the lesson time?" said (y/n) while sweatdropping.

"but why didn't they do it?" asked kiri.

"They can't use their true strength outside of friendly combat, so they're not dangerous at all." he continued.

"That's right! And... sometimes they're cute." said kuguru with agreed.

"Rules don't apply only to dragons. Monsters are creatures that come to Earth from another world, and they may be dangerous." Mr. Neginoyama said.

"Really?" Gao asked while looking at drum card that had returned to card shape.

( y/n) clutched her necklace tightly with anxiety " this feeling ... something bad will happen." She thought worriedly.

"Really? That means we have to prepare if there's a big battle." asteria said.

" B-but I'm still new to this type of combat." said (y/n).

"Trust in who you are and in Vedora, it's your feelings that you should trust." said asteria softly.

"Yeah..." she said slowly.

( y/n) POV

when we arrived at the fuji photon metal mine, we saw no one, not even a bus carrying students or teachers at that place.

"It's pretty quiet, isn't it?" Mr. Nenoyama said.

"shouldn't another bus be here?" ask raw.

"Fuji photon metal mine. I believe there is something in here that will make me better at buddyfighting!" Gao said as he entered the venue.

"Wait gao! Don't go alone!" said kiri worried.

"This feeling again... this feeling is getting stronger." I muttered worriedly.

"Everyone, get back in the car!" said pack neginoyama suddenly.

"the field trip has been cancelled!" he continued.

" What!?" I said surprised.

"Did something happen?" asked the kuguru.

"the other bus is back." Mr. Nenoyama said.

"Teac, gao has gone alone." Kiri said.

I widened my eyes I immediately ran into the building regardless of the screams of my friends and teachers "GAO IS IN GREAT DANGER !!" I thought worried.

After I searched for Gao's whereabouts, I finally managed to find him, but I saw something that surprised me.

there was a male figure holding his weapon with a creature like a large dog with 3 heads and I saw a fainted drum with a wound "what the hell is that!?" I said surprised.

"( y/n) quickly help him before something happens to him!?" asteria said.

I nodded then I immediately ran towards Gao when I saw the 3-headed dog creature wanting to attack Gao "DON'T YOU DARE YOU HURT MY FRIEND!!" I shouted.

" What!?/!?" Gao and the man were shocked.

"VEDORA!" I shouted while taking out my card.

vedora immediately took out the card and withstood the attack from the creature, i glared at the man "tch, one more annoying person." he grumbled.

"(y/n) what are you doing here!?" gao said surprised.

"Of course coming to you! Mister Neginoyama got the message that our tour has been canceled due to something and it must be someone's doing!" I said while pointing at the person.

"So that's why he took photon metal from this place and did damage here!?" gao said surprised.

" What!?" I was surprised.

then we heard a sound of laughter made us look at him "It's too late for you two to come back! You will be able to get out of here." said the white-haired man.

I glared at him then stood behind Gao "Gao take the drums away from here ASAP before something worse happens to you." I said.

"B-but what about you!?" he said surprised.

"I'll be fine! As long as I still have Vedora to protect me then it's fine but if you stay here then Drum will be in danger too and it doesn't make up for the damage he got." I said seriously.

"(y/n)." gao said worriedly.

"Hurry gao! Trust me." I said with a smile.

gao looked unwilling but when he saw me give a nod he immediately took drum behind him then took off running, after seeing that i looked back at my enemy.

"You volunteered yourself here to save your friend from me? hahaha! really a very strong bond of friends." he said.

"But unfortunately you can't last long because I will finish you off first!" he continued.

then the creature was back to attack me before I ordered vedora to attack suddenly someone came from in front of me holding the attack from the creature "criminal fighters are!" said one man.

"buddy police!" exclaimed the white-haired man in surprise.

"buddy police barrier!" said man from the buddy police.

then the same barrier appears when the police buddy tackles the criminal "You can't get out of this area anymore." he said.

" police buddy... barrier." I muttered.

"This barrier cannot be taken down until one of our core decks is broken." said the man.

"And why should I!?" said the white-haired man.

he then charged towards the guy from the buddy cop with his card making a slight explosion and hitting that guy, i widened my eyes.

the man fell down from the attack "he attacked my core gadget head on! i never heard of such a thing before." said the man from buddy cop.

"You're done, buddy cop!" said the white-haired man.

" WATCH OUT!!" I shouted.

then suddenly jack came and hit the man until he was pushed back and then tasuku appeared in front of us.

"Ryuenji tasuku. perfect timing." said the white-haired man.

"You trash, who are you? What have you done to Mr. Takihara?" asked Taku.

"My name is Wolf." replied the man named wolf.

"Ryuenji-san!" call me.

he looked at me "( y/n)! you're fine!" he said.

"I take care of this." said Tasuku.

"You should return to your teacher." he said.

I shook my head "no way! something is wrong." I said.

"That person has a card that is very strange to me from all the existing buddy skills!" I said.

"In the end, people like you are only pretending to be heroes, and I'll make you realize it!" said wolf as he spun his weapon then stuck it into the ground.

the ground cracked towards tasuku and jack but they were able to dodge it and flew next to me "so that's it. that's not a buddy skill at all." he said.

I heard him say about the permission to use future force? then i feel something strong from tasuku and i see he has long hair!?

" how could that be!" I thought surprised.

' hey! he is like you, master.' said the phoenix.

' almost. our master can change her body to the size of a teenager when she enters the card fighting mode : ON.' said the galaxy dragon.

Correct. I also have a secret ability that I didn't even tell everyone including my own friend Gabriel, that I have had that ability since I entered the police organization in my world.

I stared admiringly at Tasuku's 'future force' "Awesome." I muttered.

"(y/n) get ready we will have guests." said asteria suddenly.

"!?" I widened my eyes when I saw a robed figure above with a grin.

" No way!? ASTERIA DON'T SAY IF ONE OF 'THEY' WAS HERE!!" I thought surprised.

"That's them ( y/n) ... the card hunters." asteria said.


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