~MI AMOR~ heartbreak high

By v4lent1na_777

10.1K 179 53

"if you want to fuck me, just say so." More

map bitch


1.7K 34 12
By v4lent1na_777

"another more of this class and i'm killing myself."

Third person

missy and beatriz walked into classroom 5D and sat next to each other on the same then looked around the room to see amerie walk in then spencer and anthony started calling her map bitch before sitting on the same table as missy and beatriz, along with dusty.

beatriz sighed and rested her head in her hands waiting for woodsy and ms obah to start teaching. "so cemetery tomorrow?" spider asked.

"yeah bro." dusty replied whilst ant nodded in agreement.

"it's going to be a rager." spider exclaimed to the boys.

"oi, um what's the cemetery?" darren asked turning around to face the boys.

"none of your biz, you bong water." spider spat at them, then chuckled at his comment.

"it's a place where you dig up holes stuff dead people inside." beatriz sarcastically smiled as darren scoffed.

"hi everyone, im miss josephine obah but you can call me jojo. kinda like yoyo but with a j." she laughed and beatriz awkwardly laughed with her as she was her favourite english teacher. "i am an english, so i know some of you here."

"jojo!" beatriz shouting at her favourite teacher, making her smile. "thank you beatriz, ok so many of you must be wondering why you are here. well all of your names were on the map in the old the stairwells, the one that's out of bounds." she continued.

the new kid raised his hand. "uhm, what map?" he asked and beatriz started laughing quietly knowing that there was probably something wrong that happned.

"very funny. look peeps, we are not dumb. we know that a lot of you are sexually active." miss stated.

"cough cough, beatriz!" spencer said loudly, pissing off bea.

"go suck my dick." spat beatriz giving spencer a death stare.

"okay... but we're concerned this map demonstrates a lack of respect for one another when it comes to sexual relationships." spider leaned over and mimicked sucking a dick, making beatriz scoff but other people laugh.

"so we are going to address this situation head on. this is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex and intamacy."

"a sexual literacy tutorial." woodsy buts in crossing her arm. "s-l-t. so we are sluts?" darren asked scoffing. the entire class bursted into laughter then spider and ant stood up, air humping each other.

"this class will go back to the basics on sex an-" jojo got cut off by woodsy again. "because you clearly have a lot to learn in that department."

"it'll happen twice a week, in your own time." everyone groaned at that piece of news.

"until we judge that you've started to respect each other and yourselves, you have to attend every class or it will go on your permanent record."

"wait we have permanent records?" ant called out, looking confused.

"this is sex jail!" missy protested with beatriz nodding along with her.

"thanks a lot map bitch." ant huffed then threw a scrunched up piece of paper at amerie, luckily he missed.

beatriz couldn't say she felt sorry for amerie because she did share loads of peoples sex lives to the public but she knew that amerie didn't intend for it to go out to the public.

suddenly the new kid raised his hand up again. "sorry um it's actually my first day. i don't think im supposed to be here." he said shyly.

"legend! made it on the map before you even started!" cheered spider.

"alright everybody up!" woodsy said ignoring the new kids statement. "up up up up up!" everybody groaned and stood up from there seats.

"now clear the tables, lift them up and please don't scrape them along the floor." woodsy instructed but it was too late, beatriz kicked a chair across the room making it scrape loudly.

"my bad miss." she muttered picking up the chair and putting it away, awkwardly.

"thank you." woodsy nodded. "now i want you all to start walking around the room. come on, walking."

the teens slowly stepped forward and started walking around. "now i want you to pick three people to shake hands with."

beatriz obviously shook hands with missy first, then caught sight of ant and shook his hand but instead of shaking back, ant kissed her hand whilst beatriz started chuckling.

"i said shaking hands, anthony and beatriz!" woodsy exclaimed, her words immeadiately broke the two apart as they went there seperate ways.

beatriz saw dusty walking towards her so she grinned and gave him a big hand shake. "nice day isn't it?" dusty asked beatriz.

"yeah, besides from the fact that we are all put in sex jail because of a map that exposes our sex lives, it's a lovely day." she smiled back at the boy making him chuckle.

"and... stop." woodsy commanded, clapping her hands. "spencer, you have genital crabs."

"checks out." muttered darren. both ant and bea shared a look of confusion.

"not in real life, thank you darren." woodsy confirmed, rolling her eyes at the immature class. "but for the purposes of the game."

"ohhh." both bee and ant said in unison, looking straight at each other.

"put your hand up, please spencer." he crossed is arms in protest. "hand up spencer."

spencer put his hand up huffing at the embarrassment. "now hands up who shook hands with spencer."

ant shot up his arm enthusiastically whilst dusty was a bit hesitant to raise his hand but he still did. "and who shook hands with them?" beatriz and a few others raised their hands.

"and who shook hands with them." even more ppl raised their hand. "and them." now everyone besides amerie, had their hands up.

"you all have genital warts." woodsy stated, smiling at the students. everyone groaned at that.

"i thought it was crabs?" the new kid asked.

"right, crabs, thank you um?" woodsy nodded.

"malakai." he answered. beatriz made a mental note to talk to him after class.

"malakai, thank you. you all have genital crabs. expect for you amerie well done. now what does this highlight the need for?" woodsy asked.

"to stay away from spider because he's chat." ca$h shrugged making most of the class laugh.

"very funny douglas." woodsy scoffed. "no, condoms!"

"okay, good class miss." ant nodded, about to grab his bag and leave.

"anthony, there is still half an hour of this class left. you're not going anywhere. everyone move the desks back where they were and sit down."

beatriz grabbed the back of anthony's bag and pulled him away from the door. "another more of this class and i'm going to kill myself." beatriz moaned, walking to her seat.

"awh, don't do that yet. i still haven't got to see you naked." whined spider in a mocking tone.

"i'll skype you." she winked at the boy then sat back down at her seat.

"dude, you totally sound like you and spider are going to fuck." missy exclaimed at the girl.

"arachnids are totally not my type." beatriz said.

"but insects are." missy winked causing bea to lightly shove missy away from her.


by the end of slts beatriz stayed behind just a bit later then others because she takes a long time to pack up. she could hear the boys from the back talking about the maps from their phones.

"hey uh, did we hook up?" dusty asked amerie who looked at him as if she was about to throw up.

"gold line means destined to be." spider sneered patting dusty on the back. "she uh, she wants ya dusty." amerie ran out of the room in tears. the poor girl, thought beatriz.

"yo bee, that gold line is connected to you and ant aswell." spider exclaimed at the girl who put her bag over her shoulder.

"wow i always knew that ant would be my knight in shining armour." she said sarcastically kissing ants cheek but anthony still blew a kiss to her, making her laugh.

"this is like some nusery level shit anyways, what the fuck is 'destined to be' sounds like an old fairytale." she shrugged before looking at dusty phone to see the map. "wow, jessica is a screamer?"

"didn't you know?" dusty asked at girl.

"nah, i never got the chance to fuck her yet." she answered shrugging.

"next time i have sex with her i'll make sure to record it just for you." spider smiled at the girl.

"wow spider, you flatter me sometimes." she smiled back before blowing them all kisses and leaving the room.

as she walked out of the classroom she heard the new guy shout to amerie about what the whole map thing was about but she just ran away, not looking back. beatriz felt bad so she walked up near malakai.

"yo, you're the new kid right?" bea asked malakai smiling.

"yeah. um about the whole map thing, what's it about?" he asked looking confused.

"it's basically about some students sex's lives." she explained.

"wow that sounds like a bad plot of a 90s show." malakai replied making beatriz laugh.

"well i hope you don't leave the school because of it." beatriz said, without making eye contact.

"and why is that?" he raised an eyebrow at the hispanic girl.

"we need more cute guys." she shrugged, walking next to him.


beatriz did NOT want to go home, she would try anything in how power just to avoid the awkward talks with her mum, so she texted missy but that bitch was unresponsive so she decided to go home and face whatever her mum throws at her.

she opened the door and thankfully she didn't see her mum in the living room or kitchen so she made her way to her room, to see her mum there sitting at her desk. "oh sh-! you scared me." bea shouted at her mum.

"beatriz maria ximena azariah diaz. i did not raise you to be having sex with half of your school!" she raised her voice at her daughter with a heavy mexican accent.

"mamá most of it is all lies." beatriz tried to plead her point.

"so you are telling me that you didn't have sex with anthony?" she asked angrily.

"well, that's uhm, not one of the lies but the ones about me giving wristys and scissoring half of the girls is a lie." she smiled back.

"you know, i clearly can't stop you from doing these stuff, and i can't give you the chancla because of it. so all i can do is ask you if you are using protection because i do not want to have a grandchild at 31."

"yes mamá i am using protection. i don't want to end up like you." beatriz laughed but she can tell by the looks on her mums face that she didn't find it amusing. "damn, too soon?"

"yes chica. now your punishment is that you aren't allowed to go to any parties or any one's house if i do not know their parents and if there is no adult supervision. anthony can sleep over but i want the door to be open at all times." her mum stated.

"but mamaaaa." moaned bea at her mums news.

"no moaning, now go and buy some milk at the shops." her mum commanded at the daughter before giving her a $20 note.

"twenty dollars just for milk?" beatriz asked smiling at her mum.

"buy yourself something nice aswell, a treat for you since you are cleaning up the house on saturday." her mum smiled back.

beatriz's jaw dropped as what her mum said but her mum left beatriz in her room by herself. she quickly changed into something more comfortable for the shops. (some joggers and a tank top.)

once she got to the store she decided to go over to the place that darren works at just to hopefully get free food.

"hey my favourite person ever!" she smiled as she talked to darren from inside whilst they stared behind the girl looking at amerie.

"no free food today, babe." darren said still staring at amerie. "look at the bangs on map bitch." he chuckled causing bea to turn around and snigger as he took a photo of amerie and started to sing aboit her bangs.

"sup, dora?" beatriz asked as she sat down infront of amerie and darren followed her.

"do you want me to fix that for you?" darren asked the girl who looked like she's been crying.

"please." amerie quietly said in embarrassment whilst darren got up with beatriz and grabbed amerie's wrist making their way to the roof with quinni.

"it's bad isn't it? like irreversible bad?" amerie said holding the mirror as darren cuts her bangs with quinni and bea sharing a shopping cart, both sitting in it.

"nah, i shaved both of my eyebrows in year eight and they grew back." quinni answered.

"ha, way less shit!" darren exclaimed once they was done with the girls hair.

"more like heaps less shit, thanks." smiled amerie at her new hair.

"why did harper punch u in the face?" quinni questioned whilst beatriz nodded looking at the sky.

"i don't really know." amerie answered looking sad.

"you must've done something." darren said looking down at the girl in the shopping trolley.

"we went to a music festival last week. and after that she went ghost." amerie replied.

"i can't lie, harper sounds like a bitch. no offence or whatever. like fighting got no reason, what a pussy." beatriz shrugged.

"yeah but i can't remember what it was about. we always fight." amerie shook her head remembering the festival.

"when's harpers birthday?" darren asked.

"november 21." amerie answered pretty fast.

"oh my days, twins!" beatriz exclaimed causing everyone to look at her.

"really?" amerie asked the latina who laughed.

"nah." the girl answered smiling at amerie.

"good. scorpio. unsubscribe." darren said as quinni agreed.

"what yours?" amerie asked the three. "i'm a virgo."

"mmm. i'm an aquarius, quinni's a libra." darren asked.

"oh, idk i'm a capricorn i'm pretty sure." beatriz shrugged knowing she didn't know that much about zodiac signs she just found out on snapchat.

"are we compatible?" amerie smiled at the group.

"not all queer people are astrology experts." darren said ruining the mood.

"uh sorry." amerie awkwardly said.

"i'm kidding, we are. i'm going to need your time of birth because if you are a leo moon, i am not messing with you." darren said causing beatriz to start laughing but then stopping once she saw amerie's sad face.

"do you feel sad?" quinni asked getting up from the trolley looking at the girl as amerie nodded. "what do you feel sad about? that you're no longer popular, harper doesn't want to be friends, the fact that everyone knows you did the map, the fact that we're all in sex prison now because of you, or-."

"quinni." darren interrupted sending quinni was talking a bit too much and it might've hurt amerie's feelings.

"you should try scream therapy." quinni exclaimed clapping at the thought of it. "you scream your frustrations to the moon."

"no." amerie scrunched up her face at the excited girl.

"yes! you should. it's helped me before." quinni insisted dragging the two girls. "come on, let's go." darren started to push the trolley with amerie and bee in.

amerie got off first and glanced at the edge of the boules, taking a deep breath in before screaming, "my best friend dumped me! damn, that actually felt good."

the three girls looked at darren waiting for them to go. "i'm a reject!" they yelled as quinni smiled at them for doing it.

"i have a lazy kebab vagina!" quinni shouted causing beatriz to snicker.

"right, i'm really sorry about that. i should have never put it on the map." amerie confessed sympathetically. "spider's a lying dick."

"oh, it's okay. i'm not upset about it any more." quinni reassured the girl giving her a warm smile. "i just wanted to know if my flaps were too big."

"i'll still look at them if you want me too?" amerie offered.

"nah im good." quinni grinned then faced beatriz. "what about you bee? it's your turn."

"nah, i'd rather stay here." she shrugged lying on the trolley watching the three.

"come on, we all did." darren whined at the girl, dragging her out of the trolley.

"ok..." she said glaring at the three who was smiling at her. "i'm a slut." she said nonchalantly. "don't look at me like that, i'm not going any louder."

"oh well that was good enough." amerie shrugged patting beatriz on her back. "anyways im definitely changing schools."

"no, you can't just quit!" darren complained at the brown girl.

"everyone hates me" the girl sighed staring into the distance.

"we don't hate you." quinni put her hand on amerie to comfort her.

"eh well..." beatriz shrugged not sure how she feels about amerie now. "your alright."

"i'll take it." amerie smiled.

"so what's the cemetery thing?" darren asked the two girls.

"it's where everyone hangs out when our parents are home." amerie explained as beatriz nodded.

"let's go." darren looked at quinni smirking.

"no way." amerie scoffed.

"why not?" darren questioned. "you just need to strut out there and own your shit. ok cmon you've got both of ur eyebrows and a non shit fringe. what else do you need?"

"let's get mad!" darren and quinni screamed over the building as beatriz laughed.

what do you guys think??? im so sorry for the late update but like at least i did it💯😉- val

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