Conqueror of Daylight

By Slogus

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Meet teenagers Jim Lake and Y/N L/N. Two great kids here in his small town called Arcadia. Although every da... More

Prologue: Becoming
Prologue 1.5: Becoming (PT. 2)
Chapter 1: For The Glory Of...?
Chapter 2: Sudden Thought
Chapter 3: Bular
Chapter 4: Heartstone Trollmarket
Chapter 5: No More Lies
Chapter 6: A Lot To Take In
Chapter 7: Trollhunter Hunter?
Chapter 8: Y/N vs Jim
Chapter 9: Jim vs Draal
Chapter 10: For Jim's Sake
Chapter 11: Gnome Your Enemy
Chapter 12: Gnome Alone
Chapter 13: Happy Gnome
Chapter 14: Waka Chaka!
Chapter 15: Breaking & Rescuing
Chapter 16: Die Tomorrow?
Chapter 17: Win Lose or Draal
Chapter 18: Win Lose or Nomura
Chapter 19: Take Control
Chapter 20: To Catch a Changeling
Chapter 22: Jim's Bittersweet Sixteen
Chapter 23: A Stalker
Chapter 24: Crispy!
Chapter 25: Recipe For Disaster
Chapter 26: Claire & Present Danger
Chapter 27: Battle of The Bridges: Bular's Bane
Chapter 28: Claire, Welcome to Trollmarket
Chapter 29: Morgana's Reward
Chapter 30: Mudslinging
Chapter 31: Roaming Fees May Apply
Chapter 32: A Fate That's Worse Than Death
Chapter 33: The Shattered King
Chapter 34: Airheads
Chapter 35: Where Is My Mind?
Chapter 36: Life Of The Party
Chapter 37: It's About Time
Chapter 38: For AAARRRGGHH!!!
Chapter 39: Angor Management

Chapter 21: Y/N the Trollsitter

4.5K 184 207
By Slogus

Y/N, Jim, and Toby spent their day watching the new and improved Vespa slowly circle in the window that their reflections had bounced off of.

"Check that baby out," Toby said as they watched the red vehicle spin with smiles.

Y/N: "I can't lie; it's beautiful." Jim let out an exhale before speaking.

Jim: "...Vespa 300 GTS Super. Single-cylinder catalyzed four-stroke Quasar engine. Hmm... Can you imagine me going down the road on that? Wind whipping through my hair, Claire holding tight to my back..."

Toby cut in, trying to dream as Jim did. "And me, cruising in the sidecar next to ya."

Jim gave a slight glare; however, it didn't come out threatening; instead, the adorable glare still gave off a meaning but was not harmful.

Y/N: "I'm sure he meant just him and Claire, Tobes."

Jim moved away from the window, letting out a large sigh as Toby stepped between Jim and the window they no longer had their focus on.

Toby: "What are the chances of your mom getting you one for your birthday?"

Jim: "Only slightly worse than me winning the lottery and buying it myself."

Y/N: "How much money do you have now?"

Jim: "Only 328 bucks and 32 cents." Jim scoffs. "By the time I have enough, these things will drive themselves."

When Jim finished his sentence, an image in the window caught the Trollhunter's eyes. A small figure, what seemed to be a goblin, had jumped on the roof that was fortunately in Jim's view. In the goblin's arms was a baby who had cried.

Y/N raises his eyebrow at Jim's new expression as he quickly turns to see the goblin just before it is out of view.

Jim gasps. "Did you see that?"

Y/N: "I-I saw it." Y/N mentions, a bit shocked.

Jim pointed to the window's reflection as the goblin ran off. Of course, the furious pointing and the sudden gasp had startled Toby and caused him to turn in the direction Jim's finger pointed to while Jim turned away.

Toby had missed the evidence. His eyes watched as the leader of such revolting creatures ran across a power line after ensuring no human had seen him.

Toby: "What's going on?"

Y/N: "Goblin!"

Y/N cried out before he and Jim took off in the same direction the goblin had been going.

Toby: "What?" Toby turned quickly as his friends disappeared. He watched as the two ran after the evil creature.

Jim: "It's a goblin with a baby!" Toby chased after his friends, thinking that they had become delusional.

Toby: "Come on, guys! It's just a bird!"

Y/N and Jim turned down an alleyway, following the kidnapper. The goblin let out a winning yet, utterly disgusting laugh.

The two Trollhunters stopped at the edge of the alley, finding no goblin, for he was too quick compared to humans.

As you and Jim searched the area, your eyes landed on a small stuffed animal lying helplessly on the concrete.

Y/N's eyes angled on the bunny as his hand fell to retrieve the stuffed bunny gently.

While this happened, Toby finally caught up to his best friends.

Toby: "Guys, chill out! This trollhunting is making you hallucinate! I mean, what would a goblin want with a baby?"

As Toby ranted, Jim took his time inspecting the minor child's toy in Y/N's hands. Toby had caught the stuffed animal in Y/N's hands and peered over his shoulder to see.

Y/N: "I don't know, but we're gonna find out."

Jim and Y/N nod at each other.

- Now In The Heroes Forge -

A metal hand reaches for an aperture in a stone wall. The familiar grunt that Y/N always made had accompanied the armored hand, revealing Y/N in his armor, climbing a not-so-smooth rock side as a rope dangled in the shadows.

On the opposite side of the not-so-smooth rock was Jim, as the rope connected the two Trollhunters.

The center of the rope, however, was being held by Aaarrrgghh, keeping the Trollhunters safe.

Jim grunts. "Help us get this straight," Jim said while he trained. His ears and eyes had caught the sound of gears turning within the walls, which only meant one thing. A stream of fire bursts out from the wall where Jim had previously been after quickly releasing one hand and swinging back. The fire barely grazed him as he watched with fear. After the fire died out, Jim returned to the place and carried on up the wall.

Y/N: "They steal babies... So they can replace them... With changelings?" Y/N asks from the other side as he, too, avoids a burst of fire and regains his bearings.

Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, and Toby watch from above.

Blinky: "Precisely, Master Y/N."

Toby: "Uh, allegedly steal. I just saw a bird."

Blinky: "And, for a changeling to maintain its appearance in our world, no harm must come to the human child in theirs. I assure you, there is no safer place for a baby to be than the bowels of the Darklands nursery."

While Blinky spoke down to his trainees, Jim had pressed his back against the wall, slowly inching to the extra rope that had been dangling down for him. On the other side of the border was Y/N, who was also trying to get to the string. The two teens smirk at each other, happy to see each other professing in training.

However, as Jim was inching to the safety rope, fire again appeared from the walls, frightening Jim.

Y/N: "That doesn't sound scary at all." Y/N replies to Blinky.

Jim: "Hey, I mean, it's good to know." Jim adds.

Above, Toby had fed Aaarrrgghh a tape as he spoke while continuing to provide the giant troll.

Toby: "Whoa! Hold on, there. Okay, suppose they did take the baby to the Darklands. Isn't that where Gunmar is trying to escape from?"

Blinky: "The doorway to his realm is sealed for now, but it doesn't forgive the cracks that inevitably form over time. Cracks that allow small things to pass." For emphasis on his words, Blinky brought his fingers up to his face and pressed his fingers almost together.

Aaarrrgghh: "Small, like babies and goblins."

Jim: "So, if we can find out whose baby was stolen..."

Y/N: "We'll find a changeling in its place!" Y/N exclaims, maybe a little too excited as he wasn't paying attention to the sound of gears turning on Jim's side.

Y/N: "Jim, watch out!"

More gears turned, shooting out more streams of fire; however, Jim was cornered. On both farthest sides of the young man, the fire appeared. And the ones closest to him had popped as well. Knowing the last one, where Jim stood, was about to fry the Trollhunter, Jim had jumped from the rock as the previous torch blew and clung onto the rock above him. Sadly, he had nothing to grip onto.

Jim: "And once we have the changeling, we'll have the proof to convince Vendel finally-!" Losing his grip, his words were cut short as he uttered a piercing scream, tumbling off the rock and into the lonely, dark trench.

Since the Trollhunters' ropes were connected, Y/N was guilty by association as he, too, fell into the hole, Jim's weight dragging him down.

The rope slipped from Aaarrrggh's hand as Toby ran to catch the rope.

Toby: "Jim, Y/N!"

Aaarrrgghh: "No!"

Aaarrrgghh yelled and quickly caught Toby before he fell as well. Luckily, Toby had managed to catch the rope, causing the Trollhunters to bounce to a stop and collide with each other as they hung at least more than fifty feet from the ledge.

Y/N deadpans at Jim, face to face, who nervously smirks back.

Aaarrrgghh: "Got them!" Aaarrrgghh's deep voice said.

The sizeable vast troll sat Toby back on the ground before taking the rope and pulling the Trollhunters up to safety.

Finally, as they reached the surface, Jim spoke as he hung in mid-air.

Jim: "I told you I'd fall."

Y/N: "Doesn't mean I had to fall, too."

Blinky headed to Aaarrrgghh's side. "You fell because you knew you could. What if you're endangered, and we aren't there? Next time, we'll climb sans the safety line."

Jim: "We'll?"

Jim continued to hang from the rope as he folded his arms. Y/N, however, was still salty that he fell only because of Jim.

Blinky: "The only lesson learned here today is that, with this many changelings, Arcadia is far more dangerous than previously thought for the three of you. As Master Jim and Master Y/N have Draal now to protect their home, Tobias, you will now have Aaarrrgghh to protect yours."

Toby: "Really? For real? Are we going to be roomies? Yeah! High-five, big guy!"

The two high-five in celebration but make a fatal mistake by letting go of the rope.

Y/N and Jim scream as they fall once again.

Aaarrrgghh: "Oops."

- The Next Day -

Now at school, you accidentally dropped the stuffed bunny onto the school floor while digging into your pack, as it compressed and let out a squeak.

Toby: "Ugh! You're still carrying that germ-infested thing around?"

Y/N: "We gotta find out who it belongs to, and when we do..."

You continued to kneel on the floor as Toby hung over a bike rack with Jim next to him.

Toby: "Maybe you didn't see what you thought you saw. You've been spending so much time in Trollmarket. Maybe your mind is starting to play tricks on you... You wanna avenge your grandfather so bad, and hearing the word "changeling" is what drives you..."

You look down at the toy, silently doubting yourself. "...Maybe you're right." You respond to Toby, as Jim, too, looks doubtful, considering he saw what you saw.

Jim: "...But, we both saw it. You were the only one who didn't, Tobes. What if you're the one that's hallucinating?" Jim fires back.

Toby: "I-"

Claire: "You have Suzy Snooze? My brother's bunny! I've been looking all over for him." Claire's voice suddenly chimed in, causing you to stand.

Y/N: "You've been looking for this?" You ask as you hand the bunny to Claire, who takes it.

Claire: "Yeah. He's been acting so weird without it. Where did you get it?"

Jim: "What do you mean, he hasn't been himself? Exactly how has he been acting?" Jim chimes in, stepping closer to you and Claire.

Toby had stepped around the bike rack and to you and Jim's side. "Easy, Jim!" He chuckles and snakes his arms around you and Jim's necks, standing between you two as you both give him a surprised look.

Toby: "Always concerned about the children. But just for clarification, are we super sure this is his? You could probably pick this up at, like, any store."

Claire: "I think I'd know the stuffed bunny I grew up with."

Suddenly, Mary runs up to Claire, pushing herself into the conversation.

Mary: "Claire, I'm sorry, but I can't babysit tonight. I can't. I really can't!"

Turning her attention away from the two boys, Claire faced Mary with a mix of emotions written on her face.

Claire: "You promised! My parents have a work thing, and the Papa Skull concert's tonight. Papa Skull! I, like, live in their shirt every day!"

Mary: "Sorry, but Dean finally asked me to a movie, and then Hank invited me to ice cream! "Tight jeans," Hank! Love can't choose, Claire!" As Mary spoke, she created many poses of her love.

Then, her eyes landed on you.

Mary: "You still owe me that date, L/N." She finishes as she prances off.

Claire looks at you with a raised eyebrow as you shrug.

Jim: "Can you believe this?"

Toby: "I know. Mary Wang's a player?"

Jim: "No! She doesn't know her brother's gone because Claire's brother is a changeling."

Your eyes widened as you instantly came up with a plan.

Y/N: "Claire, we can babysit!" You shout, gesturing to Jim.

Claire: "Tonight? Really? Would you? Wait, have you ever babysat before?"

Jim: "Uh, yeah. Heh. Yeah, no. They call me Jim the Baby-handed-!"

You elbow Jim in the side. "Of course we have."

Claire: "Oh, my gosh! You guys are lifesavers! I could kiss you!"

Claire plants a kiss on your cheek, then turns to Jim and plants a kiss on his cheek too.

Claire: "Just come by my house at seven, no sooner. Thank you, Y/N! Thank you, Jim!"

Jim presses his fingers against the spot Claire's tender lips had pressed against. Claire left while Toby turned in the direction of you two.

Toby: "Did she just kiss the both of you?"

Jim scrunches his face but sighs as his hand still rests on his cheek.

He thought about saying something about Claire kissing you, but he dropped it.

Toby: "He's not a changeling, guys."

Jim: "...Only one way to find out."

- Much Later -

The Nunez residence came into view for Jim and Y/N as the young figures quickly headed toward the intended house.

Jim had been the one to appear at her doorstep first as he leaned his bike against the house pole and knocked on the door. Y/N followed suit with his bike as he propped it next to Jim's. He walked up the steps and met Jim at the doorstep.

Inside, Claire was spoon-feeding her brother, who jumped excitedly in his bouncing chair.

Jim: "Hey, Claire!" Jim called from outside.

Claire: "Come on in!"

Jim opens the door for himself and Y/N, surprised to see it is unlocked.

Claire: "I put his routine up on the fridge. After playtime, you have to put him down. He's a good sleeper."

Y/N: "No problemo."

Claire: "Phone numbers are here for emergencies." Claire states as she lifts a small sheet of paper. "Whatever you do, do not call my parents first."

Jim: "Oh, because they don't know you're going to the concert, do they?" Jim grins as he points his finger accusingly.

Claire: "You're not the only one hiding a secret." She hands the slip of paper and a bowl to Jim. "So, if your secret is eating babies, now is the time to tell me." Claire jokes.

She let out a pity laugh as Jim gave her a weird look before sharing the awkward laugh.

Y/N looked at Claire quizzically, which made her cough and stop laughing.

A Vespa had appeared in the window, stopping in front of the house.

Claire: "O-Oh, there's my ride! Don't worry. He's buckled in good. Besides, he'd rather play with his food than eat it."

Y/N and Jim's eyes turned to the baby, who jumped around in his bouncing chair while Claire fixed her hair.

Y/N: "I gotta ask... Where are your parents?"

Claire: "They're at some kind of fundraiser, so that they won't be back until "late" late. I'll be two or three hours max. What else am I forgetting? He loves games. Peek-a-boo, hide-and-seek. What else?"

Y/N: "We got this, Claire."

Jim: "Enjoy that concert." Jim adds as he opens the front door for Claire.

Claire smiles. "And help yourselves out to anything in the fridge."

Y/N: "That's all-!"

A horn honks outside, signaling impatience.

Claire: "I'm coming! Sheesh-kebab!" Y/N and Jim walk Claire to the door, but as soon as they reach the doorstep, they see Steve.

Jim: "What?"

Steve: "What's up, my Juliet?" Steve questions, speaking with a lisp.

Jim: "You're going with him?"

Claire: "He, um, bought the last tickets." Clair headed to the back of the Vespa and lifted the helmet on the back seat before sliding it on her head and sitting down.

Steve: "Like my ride, buttsnack? Last, on the showroom floor. Handles like a dream. No big deal." Steve's eyes fall on Y/N. "Buttsnack and the orphan? It must be my lucky day." He lets out a laugh as Claire calls to the two boys.

Claire: "Thanks again, guys! You're my heroes!"

Steve: "Ha! Orphan buttsnack!" Steve childishly insults before driving off.

Y/N clenches his fists and steps inside the house while Jim walks in and closes the door with his elbow.

Inside, Enrique had been sucking on a spoon. The baby cooed and reached for Jim, who kneeled on the floor before him.

Jim: "I'll give you this much; you seem a little too adorable and drooly to be a changeling."

Y/N: "Adorable?"

Jim shoots Y/N visual daggers as he glares at the teen.

Y/N: "Sorry, sorry."

Jim rolls his eyes with a smirk as he turns back to Enrique and waves a finger before him. "Hey, are you now, or have you ever been a shape-shifting troll creature?" Enrique sucked on Jim's finger. He laughed warm-heartedly before pulling away his finger.

Jim: "Oh, man, what were we thinking? He's no monster."

Y/N: "I still don't trust it."

Jim: "It? Come on, Y/N. He's just a baby."

Y/N: "That's what he wants you to think." Y/N reasons as he steps over to Enrique and kneels before him. "How about we play the horseshoe game, Enrique?" Y/N digs into Jim's pack, only to find the gaggletack missing.

Jim: "Huh... That's weird. It was just here."

Enrique lifted his gaze off the backpack just as Y/N did. However, Y/N's eyes fell on the buckle that was suddenly no longer joined together.

Y/N: "Jim, his buckle!"

Jim spots the open buckle.

Y/N: "I told you!" Y/N exclaims as he eyes the baby.

Jim's eyes widen as he, too, turns to Enrique. "Where did you hide it? Speak." He questions.

Enrique's eyes almost popped out of his head before he regained himself and giggled.

Jim: "Oh, you want to play games, do you? Then let's play." Jim turns to Y/N, and the two nod at each other with a smirk.

- A Bit Later -

"I sorta... Lost it." Jim says to Toby through his phone while Y/N paces back and forth while holding Enrique.

Y/N: "You're lucky Jim is here, changeling. Otherwise-!"

Enrique spits all over Y/N's face as he bursts out into laughter.

Y/N snarls, his anger rising by the second.

Jim hangs up the phone and takes Enrique from Y/N, who wipes his face.

Y/N: "What did Toby say?"

Jim: "He's going to ask Aaarrrgghh and Blinky to get another gaggletack."

Y/N: "So we wait?"

Jim: "...We wait." Jim responds as he eyes Enrique.

A bit later, Enrique laughed while his little hands clasped together while he sat in his crib.

Jim: "You hid the horseshoe in the diaper bin, didn't you?" Enrique seemed to cheer as Jim slowly lifted the diaper bin cover.

Y/N: "Uh, Jim... I don't think that's a good idea."

Jim: "Of course it is; he's just a normal baby, and that's what normal babies do." He quickly closed it as he and Y/N plugged their noses, catching a whiff of the foul stench of dirty diapers.

"Ooh, doggy! Oh, it's really packed." Sadly, he stuck his hand in while Enrique rolled away. Jim looked in the bin to find nothing while Y/N's eyes moved to the empty crib.

Y/N: "Enrique!" Y/N shouted as he stood up and began to look around the room.

Jim shortly followed, gagging and choking at the reeking smell on his hand.

Y/N and Jim stepped into Claire's hall, their eyes peering down the steps.

They crept down the wooden staircase before heading into the living room, quiet as they scanned it.

Jim: "...Enrique?"

The baby quickly crawled over the living room floor with a giggle, causing the two teens to turn around. The Trollhunters stand and search the vacant area before scratching their heads. Suddenly, a sound erupted from another room; metal had clattered together.

Jim: "We gotta go investigate."

Y/N's face appears to drop.

Y/N: "Oh, heck no."

Jim: "What? Come on! We're Trollhunters!"

Y/N: "Then Trollhunting's not for me."

Jim rolls his eyes before he runs into the kitchen. Y/N hesitates, then scoffs as he follows Jim.

Y/N and Jim peer over from behind the wall before slowly searching for the missing baby. A small paper coffee cup had rolled to their feet as Jim shrugged and tried to pick the item off the floor, but a cat suddenly pounced on the piece of trash, causing the teens to yelp. The two had been surprised, but the cat hadn't stuck around long before it scurried off.

Y/N: "Ugh, I hate cats!"

A large thud and echo of child laughter occurred above the boy's heads, which caused them to stand and run up the steps.

Their eyebrows fell as they watched their surroundings.

Then, a small crack startled the fifteen-year-olds as their eyes darted to the window where Toby, Aaarrrgghh, and Blinky stood with a wave.

Y/N exhales, realizing it's just his friends. "I'm starting to really hate changelings."

- A Bit Later -

You and Jim run out the front door and hastily meet your friends at the side of Claire's house.

"I've brought the gaggletack. Now, where is the child?" Blinky asks, setting the artifact in Jim's hands.

Jim: "We sorta... Lost him." Jim rubs the back of his neck while you fold your arms and roll your eyes.

Blinky: "Are you not babysitting?"

Y/N: "Blinky, it's a changeling. How are we-?"

Blinky: "I don't understand how the baby could elude you if you were rightfully sitting on him."

You grow a confused expression, more specifically by leaning forward and raising your eyebrow.

Giving up, you return to your normal posture and facepalm.

Jim: "Babysitting doesn't literally mean you sit... Never mind. Just watch while me, Y/N, and Toby handle this."

The three of you head back to the front door, only to find you have been locked out. Jim's hand twisted on the golden handle before looking at it confusedly.

Jim: "What?" Frantically, he pulled at the doorknob before pressing his foot on the door, which was an utterly useless move in his hand.

Jim: "Do you see this? The little poop-bag locked us out!" Jim explains to Toby. "He's been playing us all along. Hook, line, and sinker."

Y/N: "Us?"

Jim lets out a frustrated sigh.

Toby: "Jim, he's a baby, not a poop-bag. Get a hold of yourself. He can't even reach the lock."

Jim's eyes twisted to the window before walking over to the glass pane and trying to pry it open.

Y/N: "Tobes, I'm telling you, this baby is a changeling, and this changeling knows about the bridge." Your eyes slowly reach a room on the second floor of Claire's house. "Besides, it'll be one step closer to me finding Nomura."

Toby sighs.

Y/N points to the exterior window on the second floor of the home. "We have to climb through Claire's window."

Jim: "I agree."

Toby: "Climb? Sure, why not pole vault while we're at it? Get your head in the game, Y/N!"

A few seconds later, you, Jim, and Toby were almost magically floating toward the small section of the roof leading to Claire's window. Aaarrrgghh had helped you three up.

Aaarrrgghh: "Pole vault." The troll mentioned you and the other two-step onto the roof. Toby, however, suddenly lost his balance, but a giant finger pushed him back safely.

Toby: "Thanks, wingman."

Your view now stood within Claire's room, facing the windows. You climbed along her windows and opened the right one before climbing in, Jim behind you.

Toby: "Whoa!"

Jim stealthily walked into her room as Toby instantly fell in, letting out a pity squeal.

Toby: "Ow!"

Y/N: "Enrique... Where are you, little guy?" You ask while Jim pulls out the gaggletack and searches the room with you.

Toby, however, forgot the mission to poke Claire's bed.

He positioned himself over the soft cot.

Toby: "Ah! I'm in a real girl's bedroom. Oh, Eli totally owes me five dollars."

He gasped as he hand-picked up something from her nightstand. He popped the item open to reveal a simple pink color of lipstick.

Suddenly, the soft sound of a baby crying filled you and Jim's ears.

You step to Claire's door while Jim slowly turns to find Toby with the lipstick and a large gash of pink wiped from the top of his lip to his chin. He chuckled in delight; Jim, however, gasped as Toby licked where he marked his lip. Jim dropped his eyebrows before pointing to a spot on his mouth.

You turn and grimace at Toby as he wipes the mess off his face.

Toby: "This is what a girl's lips taste like!"

Enrique's crying continued while you and Jim sighed.

You groaned before heading off toward the baby's cries, with Jim, again, right behind you. Toby followed as you headed into Enrique's room, only to find him helplessly in his crib.

Toby shoves his way through the two of you.

Toby: "Aw, there, there. Did the nasty Trollhunter-men scare you?"

Toby picked up the baby and pressed the little one against him. You and Jim watched as the baby sucked on Toby's shoulder before lifting his head and spitting out to the two of you.

Toby: "Oh, come here, come here, little baby boy. Don't worry. Don't cry. Shh. Come here. Yeah, yeah. Come here, come here."

You held an annoyed frown, not believing the baby's activity.

Jim: "Oh, hey, little guy!" Jim mentioned before rapidly holding up the gaggletack, a loud swish occurring as he lifted it. Awkwardly, Enrique let out a deep grunt before sobbing.

Toby: "Hey, what are you doing? You're freaking him out."

Y/N: "Tobes, he's freaking us out!"

Jim: "He made me stick my arm in a diaper bin!" Jim holds his hand up to Toby, who curiously sniffs it before retching away.

Toby: "Oh, no. Made you, Jim? Really? You're better than that." He turns his focus to the child. "Who's a baby boy? You're a little baby boy. You're such a baby." Toby's words instantly soothed the baby.

Y/N: "That's it, I'm doing this." Growing impatient, you snatch the gaggletack from Jim and pursue the "baby."

As you advanced, Enrique began to cry, trying to escape Toby's grasp.

Toby: "Hey! Stop-! Slow-! Hey, can you not-?!" Toby gently shoves you back while you continue to pursue the child.

Toby: "Dude, get away from Enrique! You're scaring him!" Jim rolled his eyes and began to walk over to you to help; as Enrique had climbed onto Toby's head, Jim jumped at him, the three flipping in the room. Jim had landed upside down in the chair, but he quickly picked himself back up.

Y/N: "Alright... Come to daddy, poop-ling!" You grunted before diving for them, but Toby jumped out of the way. Toby whimpered as Enrique fussed in his hands, pulling to be free. You slowly walked towards them and held out the gaggletack.

Luckily for you, but unfortunately for Enrique and Toby, the baby had kicked Toby in the face before falling, but Toby had caught him, trapping him. You pressed the gaggletack against Enrique's head, and lightning shot from the combination of the gaggletack and the now-revealed changeling.

Toby flinched away when the two made eye contact as the now-revealed monster snorted.

Toby screamed and dropped the monster as he ran behind you and Jim.

Toby: "Oh, no, that is not Enrique!"

You and Jim stepped up to the crib as the blanket draped over the creature. As the two of you finally made it to the side of the crib, "NotEnrique" popped out from the covers with a slight growl.

NotEnrique: "Stupid flesh thing!"

NotEnrique snarled. As he jumped from the crib, you, Jim, and Toby let out a scream. The troll jumped onto the lamp before twisting around and knocking it over.

Toby: "Oh, no! That is not Enrique!"

Y/N: "We get it, Toby!" You respond to Toby as you and Jim chase after the changeling, Toby hesitantly following behind you.

You pant as you and the other two run around the second floor before looking down the steps.

Toby: "Where'd it go?"

Jim turns the corner. "There!" Jim calls out.

NotEnrique stood over the cat bed before turning around. Part of its tail and head were sticking out from the troll's large mouth.

Jim: "Put... The... Kitten... Down." Jim ordered as they advanced.

NotEnrique threw the kitten at your face, which made you fall back with a yelp.

Y/N: "Oh, come on! Why me?!" You shriek as you try your best to grab the nimble cat.

NotEnrique then jumped onto Toby, kicking him down as you managed to get the cat off. Nevertheless, you were still pounced on by NotEnrique. You groaned as NotEnrique's small hands pressed into your neck.

You grab the creature by the scruff.

NotEnrique: "Oi! Not me, scruff!"

And you launch him toward Jim, who tries to grab him but fails as the changeling avoids his mid-air grasp.

NotEnrique: "You're a real killjoy!" He quickly evacuated the area as you and Jim pulled out your amulets.

Toby: "That is not Enrique!"

Y/N: "Shut up, Toby!"

You and the other two stood, leaving the hallway and chasing after the wild changeling.

NotEnrique slid off the staircase railing before knocking down many pictures, a mirror, and other items.

Jim & Y/N: "For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!/For the glory of Morgana, daylight is mine to conquer!"

You and Jim's armors quickly appeared as you three tumbled down the stairs.

NotEnrique: "So it's true! The Pale Lady does have a champion!" The changeling acknowledged while still on the run.

You three chased after the creature who had managed to climb up on an arch before swinging off and kicking you three to the floor.

NotEnrique laughed long as he climbed upside down on the ceiling, you and the others already on his trail.

As NotEnrique jumped from the roof, the three of you dived for him, as the changeling somehow managed to miss the oncoming collision.

The three of you, however, knocked into one another as Toby landed on top of you and Jim and crushed you two into the floor.

Y/N: "Ack-! Jeez, Tobes, whatever happened to that diet?"

You cried out before picking yourself up off the floor.

NotEnrique left after blowing a raspberry; while you and the rest were still hot in pursuit.

NotEnrique then jumped onto an office chair, stopping you guys in your spots as he twisted the chair, a bottle in one hand and an open magazine in the other.

NotEnrique: "Do you realize how good you boys have it here? It's a party compared to those troll-turds in the Darklands."

Toby screams as he runs at the troll and tips the chair over. You and Jim decided to appear upon the troll behind Toby while NotEnrique laughed before jumping over the room as you followed.

Toby had finally stood as an open magazine was clutched between his fingertips. A sexy girl had seemed on the cover, meaning the contents inside were probably unchildlike.

Toby: "Hey! You're a naughty baby!"

Toby looked back into the magazine anyway and flipped the page.

Toby: "My word!"

The four of you then went to the kitchen, where the changeling hopped around wildly, making a mess of anything he came into contact with.

Y/N: "Just-! Stay-! Still-!" You exclaim, diving for the nimble changeling as the sounds of your metal armor clashing against various surfaces replayed with each dive.

NotEnrique: "Never! Stay away from me, you Baba Yaga reincarnation!"

Y/N: "Huh-? OOF!" A watermelon collides into your stomach, nearly wholly knocking the wind out of you.

Jim gets in front of you with a large frying pan which acts as a shield, while the changeling hurls random objects at you two.

Jim: "Where's the real Enrique, you filthy rugrat?"

Jim pushed you behind the island counter, then ducked and rolled behind it himself as NotEnrique stood in the fridge, continuing to chuck food at you two.

NotEnrique: "As if I'd ever tell you!"

NotEnrique spits. He threw more hard objects as they continued to break.

While you, Jim, and Toby took refuge behind the counter, a cake platter fell beside Toby, the slice of cake landing on the floor perfectly.

Toby: "Ooh, cake!" Toby cooed as he picked up the slice. Jim peaked his head around the counter, his sword appearing through a cloud of blue smoke. His eyebrows dropped again as NotEnrique threw another item from the fridge, but Jim quickly sliced it with Daylight. Blue smoke emitted around him.

You took this as your queue to brandish your blade; your katana appears in your dominant hand through a thick cloud of red smoke as you reveal yourself from the opposite side of the island counter.

Jim: "Don't make us use these." Jim threatened, which made the changeling laugh.

NotEnrique: "You can't touch me. I'm her baby brother. What do you suppose will happen when they come home and see something's happened to their precious? Ha! I'm untouchable, baby."

He continues to laugh. Jim frowned at the statement, knowing he was at a loss. Suddenly, Toby appeared at Jim's side with a broom while you grabbed a nearby metal spatula.

Y/N: "That's not gonna stop me."

Toby: "Jim, catch!" Toby yelled, tossing the broom to his friend, whose sword evaporated and was replaced by a standard household item.

NotEnrique: "Uh..." The troll sounds, looking between you and Jim, almost like he was weighing his options.

Avoiding the broom, NotEnrique jumped on top of the fridge before hopping into the divide of the cupboards and kicking the fridge door into Jim's back. Jim cried out in pain before smacking the area where NotEnrique stood last.

The changeling pulled himself into the cupboard with a laugh. Quickly, Jim's metal hand reached for the handle and pulled the small door open, only to find nothing there except for cans and glass containers.

Y/N: "Check the other one!" You outcry, preparing for a surprise attack.

Trying another cupboard, Jim opened it, finding the target buried under more tin cans. Jim grunted as the cans fell, his arm protecting his head as he was knocked to the floor.

The troll lands on Jim's armored chest but doesn't expect to see you right before him.


The metal of the spatula you weld collided with the small troll's hardened skull, making a loud "clank."

The troll, having tough skin, seemed unfazed as he looked up at you and smirked.

Y/N: "Now, Tobes!"

Luckily, Toby had been prepared with a large pan.

He dived at the changeling and hid said changeling under the steel trap, encasing him completely.

Toby laughs triumphantly.

But sadly, his joyous occasion was over when large dimples from the inside were created by NotEnrique's fists, causing the outside to blister.

Toby let out a scream as the pan bounced around the kitchen, carrying Toby with it. As it jumped, you and Jim climbed out of the way, and the pan led Toby into the kitchen and Enrique's bouncing swing.

The swing was pulled far back, the material of the ropes stretching with squeaks.

Toby: "Oh, no."

The swing acted like a slingshot, sending the two back with screams. They passed you and Jim, who watched with shock as they crashed into the wall.

Suddenly, you turned your head, hearing your phone going off.

You felt the back of your armor, searching for your phone as Toby and Enrique fought in the background.

Finally, you found your phone and answered it.

"It's Claire!" You mouthed to Jim, who became shocked.

Y/N: "Uh, h-hey, Claire, how's the concert?"

Claire (Through Phone): "Y/N, my parents just called! They're coming back early! I'm leaving now!"

You listened to her panicked voice before your eyes grew wide in realization. You let his armor disintegrate back into your amulet with your mouth agape.

Claire (Through Phone): "Who's there? What's that music?"

You look over to NotEnrique, who has his hand on the volume button of a boom box.

NotEnrique: "Tell her how he was elbow-deep in me dookie-bin!" The changeling teases as he points to Jim.

He turned up the music and started dancing.

Claire (Through Phone): "Are you having a party?"

Y/N: "What-? No, n-no, no parties! C'mon, Claire, you know I don't like parties!"

Claire (Through Phone): "Y/N, I sw-!"

Y/N: "Gotta go, bye!" You hang up the phone while ducking for cover as the changeling hurls books at you and Jim.

Jim: "What'd she say?!" Jim asks while ducking with you.

Y/N: "Her parents are on their way back, and she's coming too!"

Jim's face drops in agony, worse than yours did.

The changeling began to launch silverware at the two of you, which Jim blocked with the wide frying pan from before.

You roll to a different spot of the house, avoiding the changeling.

You and Jim found yourselves at the back door with Toby near the two of you.

Y/N: "Just let me kill him."

Jim: "Are you serious? We can't kill Claire's little brother!"

Y/N: "That's not her-!"

Unexpectedly, the back door fell forward and landed between you and Jim.

You and Jim gasp as you turn to the fallen door to see Blinky and Aaarrrgghh on the other side.

Blinky: "...Strength."

Aaarrrgghh: "Oops."

NotEnrique: "Stupid, smelly trolls!" NotEnrique says after finding you and Jim, dropping some cans he held and backing up.

Jim groans. "Their door! What did you guys do to their door?!"

Blinky forces a laugh. "We... Uh, we're here to... Help." He picks up the door as Jim pouts. The changeling speaks, causing you all to look.

NotEnrique: "Well, I don't remember inviting these two to dinner!"

He hopped from the fridge to the freezer.

NotEnrique: "First course, frozen peas!" The changeling grabs a box of frozen peas from the freezer before he grunts and stages onto the top of the fridge.

Blinky: "Don't make me climb up there, foul beast!" Blinky threatens.

Toby then takes a chicken leg and bites into the meat before throwing it at NotEnrique, who eats it in one gulp.

NotEnrique: "Whoa!" The changeling grunts before jumping from his taller pedestal to the lamp and begins loading his mouth with peas as he launches them like a machine gun at Blinky, who covers his eyes as he stumbles around.

Blinky: "My eyes, my eyes! Green balls of madness! They hurt very badly!"

You four take cover. NotEnrique laughs before loading more into his mouth and shooting more.

Toby: "Aaarrrgghh, it's just like our video game. You with me, buddy?"

Aaarrrgghh came out from beneath the small plate that did no justice to protect the giant troll from the peas. He smiled, however.

Aaarrrgghh: "Sushi."

Toby: "Yeah!" The two high-five.

Aaarrrgghh: "Draw fire?"

Toby: "No, it's my turn." Toby says while balling his fists and standing up with a proud smile. He ran as NotEnrique continuously blasted him with peas.

Toby: "Oh, it's hailing peas, and I hate peas! Oh, ooh, ow!" He fell over.

On top of the lamp, NotEnrique continued with the peas, aiming them at Toby. Suddenly, a giant fist belonging to Aaarrrgghh crushed the changeling into the ceiling, which gasped in pain.

The fist retracted, causing the smaller troll to gasp as he fell off the lamp. His arms and legs were stiff as he fell onto Aaarrrgghh's plate. Toby laughed as he joined his large friend's side.

Toby: "Way to go, wingman!"

Aaarrrgghh: "Boom, boom!" Aaarrrgghh added while they fist-bumped.

Y/N: "All right, that's enough!" You walk over to the recovering changeling that sat on the plate. "Where's the bridge?"

NotEnrique: "What bridge? London Bridge? I hear it's falling down."

Aaarrrgghh's hand crushed him.

NotEnrique: "Ow! Fleshbags... No sense of humor."

Y/N: "Where is the bridge?" You question again while Aaarrrgghh crushes him, causing the small troll to groan.

NotEnrique wheezes. "You grabbed me by me scruff! I ain't tellin'!"

Blinky: "Squeeze him till he pops!"

The giant troll followed the order and pressed down; the smaller troll's eyes began to bulge before he pushed the hand off of him.

NotEnrique: "Okay, okay, okay! Can't blame a guy for looking out for himself. But you can't tell anyone I told you. I got a pretty sweet deal going here. If the bossman hears I squealed, he'll feed me to Bular."

Blinky: "Bular's working with someone else?"

Jim: "Who? Who is Bular working with?"

NotEnrique: "Oh, er..." NotEnrique clears his throat. "Forget I said anything."

Suddenly, you and everyone else's eyes watched as headlights occurred on the walls as a car pulled into the driveway.

Jim: "Oh, no, someone's home!"

Blinky: "I suggest we make our egress." Blinky added, but of course, Aaarrrgghh questioned the new word.

Aaarrrgghh: "Egress?"

Blinky: "It means to exit." Blinky grabs the changeling.

Jim: "Whoa! We're supposed to be babysitting it!" Jim says, pulling on the smaller troll's legs, resulting in the changeling to yelp.

Blinky, on the other hand, pulled on NotEnrique's arm.

Blinky: "And I need the proof for Vendel!"

NotEnrique: "And I need not be split in two!"

The front door unlocks.

Y/N: "You guys have to go now!" You mutter as NotEnrique continues to push out of Jim's grip, but the boy has a tight hold on him despite getting punched and kicked in the face.

Blinky: "With haste." Blinky added.

They left, Aaarrrgghh had trouble putting on the door, but they went in time. The changeling continued to struggle as you stepped over to help Jim control the troll, but you all froze as a voice spoke out.

"Claire! We're home!" A masculine voice announced.

A pair walked into the kitchen as you pressed on NotEnrique.

Objects shattered as Jim struggled, but at the last second, you got the changeling to transform back into Enrique.

The now-revealed parents gasped at the sight of their kitchen and finding two random boys holding their child.

You and Jim force two smiles.

Y/N & Jim: "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Nunez... Heh..."

Something falls off the counter, making you and Jim's situation worse.

Jim: "I-I'm Jim, and this is Y/N; we're the babysitters."

Fast footsteps make their way to the kitchen, which revealed themselves as none other than Claire.

Enrique coos in your and Jim's grip.

Claire: "...Fudgeknuckle!"

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