Paranoid Girlfriend[GL] - (Tr...

By An-errr

340K 17.8K 1.3K

Dai Shiyuan has a girlfriend who is very beautiful, with gentle eyebrows and eyes. Every time she calls her "... More

Sister-in-law 1
Sister-in-law 2
Sister-in-law 3
Sister-in-law 4
Sister-in-law 5
Sister-in-law 6
Sister-in-law 7
Sister-in-law 8
Sister-in-Law 9
Sister-in-Law 10
Sister-in-law 11
Sister-in-law 12
Sister-in-law 13
Sister-in-law 14
Sister-in-law 15
Sister-in-Law 16
Sister-in-law 17
Sister-in-Law 18
Sister-in-law 19
Sister-in-Law 20
Sister-in-law 21
Sister-in-law 22
Sister-in-law 23
Chapter 24 Teacher 1
Chapter 25 Teacher 2
Chapter 26: Teacher 3
Chapter 27 Teacher 4
Chapter 28 Teacher 5
Chapter 29 Teacher 6
Chapter 30 Teacher 7
Chapter 31, Teacher 8
Chapter 32 Teacher 9
Chapter 33 Teacher 10
Chapter 34 Teacher 11
Chapter 35 Teacher 12
Chapter 36 Teacher 13
Chapter 37 Teacher 14
Chapter 38 Teacher 15
Chapter 39 Teacher 16
Chapter 40 Teacher 17
Chapter 41 Teacher 18
Chapter 42 Teacher 19
Chapter 43 Teacher 20
Chapter 44 Teacher 21
Chapter 45 Teacher 22
Chapter 46 Teacher 23
Chapter 47 Teacher 24
Chapter 48 Teacher 25
Chapter 49 Teacher 26
Chapter 50 Teacher 27
Chapter 51 Teacher 28
Chapter 52 Teacher 28
Chapter 53 Teacher 30
Chapter 54 Teacher 31
Chapter 55 Teacher 32
Chapter 56 Teacher 33
Chapter 57 Teacher 34
Chapter 58 Teacher 35
Chapter 59 Teacher 36
Chapter 60 Teacher 37
Chapter 61 Teacher 38
Chapter 62 Teacher 39
Chapter 63 Teacher 40
Chapter 64 Teacher 41
Chapter 65 Teacher 42
Chapter 66 Teacher 43
Chapter 67 Teacher 44
Chapter 68 Teacher 45
Chapter 69 Teacher 46
Chapter 70 Teacher 47
Chapter 71 Teacher 48
Chapter 72 Teacher 49
Chapter 73 Teacher 50
Chapter 74 Teacher 51
Chapter 75 Teacher 52
Chapter 76 Teacher 53
Chapter 77 Teacher 54
Chapter 78 Teacher 55
Chapter 79 Teacher 56
Chapter 80 Teacher 57
Chapter 81 Shan Yaxin 1
Chapter 82 Shan Yaxin 2
Chapter 83 Shan Yaxin 3
Chapter 84 Shan Yaxin 4
Chapter 85 Shan Yaxin 5
Chapter 86 Shan Yaxin 6
Chapter 87 Shan Yaxin 7
Chapter 88 Shan Yaxin 8
Chapter 89 Shan Yaxin 9
Chapter 90 Shan Yaxin 10
Chapter 91 Shan Yaxin 11
Chapter 92 Shan Yaxin 12
Chapter 93 Shan Yaxin 13
Chapter 94 Shan Yaxin 14
Chapter 95 Shan Yaxin 15
Chapter 96 Shan Yaxin 16
Chapter 97 Shan Yaxin 17
Chapter 98 Shan Yaxin 18
Chaparral 99 Shan Yaxin 19
Chapter 100 Shan Yaxin 20
Chapter 101 Shan Yaxin 21
Chapter: 102 Shan Yaxin 22
Chapter 103: Shan Yaxin 23
Chapter 104: Shan Yaxin 24
Chapter 105: Shan Yaxin 25
Chapter 106: Shan Yaxin 26
Chapter 107: Shan Yaxin 27
Chapter 108: Shan Yaxin 28
Chapter 109: Shan Yaxin 29
Chapter 110: Shan Yaxin 30
Chapter 111: Shan Yaxin 31
Chapter 112: Shan Yaxin 32
Chapter 113: Shan Yaxin 33
Chapter 114: Shan Yaxin 34
Chapter 115: Shan Yaxin 35
Chapter 116: Shan Yaxin 36
Chapter 117: Shan Yaxin 37
Chapter 118: Shan Yaxin 38
Chapter 119: Shan Yaxin 39
Chapter 120: Shan Yaxin 40
Chapter 121: Shan Yaxin 41
Chapter 122: Shan Yaxin 42
Chapter 123: Shan Yaxin 43
Chapter 124: Shan Yaxin 44
Chapter 125: Shan Yaxin 45
Chapter 126: Shan Yaxin 46
Chapter 127: Shan Yaxin 47
Chapter 128: Shan Yaxin 48
Chapter 129: Shan Yaxin 49
Chapter 131: Shan Yaxin 51
Chapter 132: Shan Yaxin 52
Chapter 133: Shan Yaxin 53
Chapter 134: Shan Yaxin 54
Chapter 135: Shan Yaxin 55
Chapter 136: Shan Yaxin 56
Chapter 137: Shan Yaxin 57
Chapter 138: Shan Yaxin 58
Chapter 139: Shan Yaxin 59
Chapter 140: Shan Yaxin 60
Chapter 141: Shan Yaxin 61
Chapter 142: Shan Yaxin 62
Chapter 143: Shan Yaxin 63
Chapter 144: Shan Yaxin 64
Chapter 145: Shan Yaxin 65
Chapter 146: Shan Yaxin 66
Chapter 147: Shan Yaxin 67
Chapter 148: Girlfriend 1
Chapter 149: Girlfriend 2
Chapter 150: Girlfriend 3
Chapter 151: Girlfriend 4
Chapter 152: Girlfriend 5
Chapter 153: Girlfriend 6
Chapter 154: Girlfriend 7
Chapter 155: Girlfriend 8
Chapter 156: Girlfriend 9
Chapter 157: Girlfriend 10
Chapter 158: Extra 1
Chapter 159: Extra 2
Chapter 160: Extra 3
Chapter 161: Extra 4

Chapter 130: Shan Yaxin 50

1.8K 98 4
By An-errr

On Monday, there are full classes and there's also an English class in the morning.

The English teacher for this semester is a young female teacher who is enthusiastic and creates an active classroom atmosphere, which many students enjoy.

However, for Dai Shiyuan, it doesn't make much of a difference. She still frequently sits at the back and slacks off during class.

In this particular class, Dai Shiyuan sits in the front row, which is unusual for her. She has already opened her English book before class even starts.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Jia is surprised and asks in a low voice, "Shiyuan, are you planning on studying English seriously?"

Hearing this, Dai Shiyuan's face turns red and she nervously responds with an "um."

If she had paid more attention during class, she wouldn't have had trouble understanding the conversation between Shan Yaxin and the foreign woman.

After listening for a while, Dai Shiyuan's attention gradually drifts and she can't help but take out her phone and start playing with it discreetly.

Just as she places her phone back on the desk, a message pops up from Shan Yaxin.

"Xiaoyuan, I have finished arranging for Xiaoxing's hospital discharge. I'll come to you at noon to get the keys."

Dai Shiyuan's heart skips a beat and she almost knocks over the book blocking her phone. She quickly pretends to take notes attentively.

After a while, when she feels the teacher's gaze has shifted, Dai Shiyuan secretly breathes a sigh of relief and replies to the message.

"I'll go back at noon. Give me a call when you guys arrive." Dai Shiyuan types quickly.

As she types this message, she looks up at the teacher several times.

If she had been sitting in the back row, she wouldn't have to be so careful.

Dai Shiyuan suddenly regrets sitting in the front row and pretending to listen attentively during class. Now, she can't check her phone or reply to messages at any time.

She anxiously waits for class to end and is the first one to rush out of the classroom.

The five-minute walk back home only takes her three minutes.

Dai Shiyuan opens the door and sits down on the couch, panting heavily.

After taking a sip of water, she calls Shan Yaxin and the call connects quickly.

"Sister Yaxin, I'm in the house. Come over." Dai Shiyuan controls her rapid breathing and speaks in a normal tone.

"Okay, we'll be there in five minutes." Shan Yaxin laughs lightly and pauses before asking, "Xiaoyuan, have you had lunch?"

"Not yet." Dai Shiyuan answers instinctively. After she finishes speaking, she regrets it and quickly adds, "I just came back to open the door for you guys. I'll go to the school cafeteria to eat later."

Her explanation sounds like she's trying to cover something up.

Dai Shiyuan frowned in annoyance, wanting to say more, but afraid of causing misunderstanding. She opened her mouth but swallowed back the rest of her words.

"Okay, see you later. Big sister, we're almost there..." came the cute voice of Shan Xiaoqing.

Dai Shiyuan couldn't help but smile, feeling her mood gradually calming down. She got up and went to the balcony.

After standing for a while, she saw a silver-white car driving towards her, followed by a large truck.

As the car got closer, Dai Shiyuan went downstairs to meet them.

She had just arrived downstairs when Shan Yaxin arrived too.

"Big sister, we're here," Shan Xiaoqing sat in the car, sticking her head out and waving her little hand.

Dai Shiyuan immediately walked over, picked her up, and looked at the large truck asking, "Sister Yaxin, is the baby bed inside?"

"Yes, and some of our stuff," Shan Yaxin answered with a light laugh, "You and Xiaoqing can go up first, I'll arrange for them to move the things."

"Okay," Dai Shiyuan nodded and carried Shan Xiaoqing into the building.

She had originally planned to help with the moving, but Shan Yaxin had hired workers, so she was not needed.

The workers were very fast, and in less than ten minutes, all the things had been moved to the living room, and the bed had been placed in the room.

The room where Shan Yaxin lived was not small, even with an extra bed, it didn't look crowded.

"Xiaoyuan, you go to the cafeteria to eat. I'll clean up here," Shan Yaxin said with a smile, with sweat on her forehead.

Although she didn't need to move things, she had to keep an eye on and remind the workers constantly to avoid breaking any fragile items.

And she also occasionally helped out, not just watching from the sidelines.

"Sister Yaxin, you rest for a while, and clean up later," Dai Shiyuan said, handing her a tissue.

"Thank you, Xiaoyuan. I'll trouble you in the future," Shan Yaxin took the tissue and wiped her forehead gently, with a gentle and faint smile on her face.

Dai Shiyuan looked at her pale and cool face up close and couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat. She looked away and said, "I gave the key to Xiaoqing. Call me if you need anything."

"Okay," Shan Yaxin smiled and nodded.

Dai Shiyuan went to school after leaving home, holding her phone and checking it from time to time, but no one called her.

After eating a little casually in the cafeteria, Dai Shiyuan went to the dormitory and started playing with her phone.

"Shiyuan, you were so active after class today. I just finished packing and I couldn't find you. Is there anything urgent?" asked Zuo Jia with concern.

"Nothing," Dai Shiyuan quickly denied, unable to conceal her happiness on her face.

Zuo Jia looked puzzled, but didn't ask any more questions.

After a while of silence, Dai Shiyuan couldn't help but say, "Finally, I can eat delicious food again."

"You're so lucky, Shiyuan. You have Sister Shan cooking for you," said Zuo Jia, enviously smiling. "You and Sister Shan have a really good relationship, like a family."

"A family?" Dai Shiyuan repeated in a puzzled whisper.

"Yes, I can tell that Sister Shan really likes you. You told me before that she always makes the dishes you like, and even used to pick you up when you were working part-time. Even a boyfriend may not be able to do as well." Zuo Jia continued, counting each thing on her fingers.

When she heard the word "like," Dai Shiyuan's heart suddenly tightened, and she couldn't hear the rest of the sentence. She understood that Zuo Jia meant "like" in a general sense, but she knew that Shan Yaxin was a lesbian. The word "like" inevitably sounded different to her ears, especially when compared to a boyfriend.

Seeing Dai Shiyuan deep in thought with a serious expression, Zuo Jia couldn't help lowering her voice until it became quiet.

After a while, the dormitory remained silent, and Zuo Jia carefully asked, "Did I say something wrong, Shiyuan?"

"No, it's nothing." Dai Shiyuan snapped out of her thoughts, rubbing her forehead and looking troubled.

During the afternoon class, Dai Shiyuan didn't listen at all and seemed lost in thought, sometimes frowning and sometimes deeply contemplative, as if pondering some great matter of life.

Zuo Jia didn't dare to disturb her and listened attentively, taking notes.

As she unconsciously turned her head, Zuo Jia suddenly saw Dai Shiyuan typing happily on her phone, the curve of her lips now completely different from her serious silence before.

Zuo Jia was curious, but didn't disturb her, and continued to listen to the class.

"Sister Yaxin said she'll make braised pork ribs tonight. I haven't had ribs in a long time," Dai Shiyuan put down her phone and whispered excitedly.

As she spoke, her eyes sparkled with bright light, full of joy.

Zuo Jia noticed this and asked carefully, "Shiyuan, why did you suddenly stop talking when we were in the dormitory?"

"I..." Dai Shiyuan's smile froze on her face and turned into a troubled expression. She thought for a moment and said, "I just thought of something. Don't blame yourself. It has nothing to do with you."

"What's on your mind?" Zuo Jia asked with concern.

Dai Shiyuan was stuck for a moment and quickly shook her head. "It's nothing. Just listen to the lecture."

It's not that she doesn't want to tell Zuo Jia, but she doesn't know how to say it.

Although Shan Yaxin was really nice to her, it was all based on their friendship. Moreover, during their long time together, Shan Yaxin always behaved normally and never did anything that made her uncomfortable. If Shan Yaxin hadn't confessed her sexual orientation to her, she wouldn't have believed that Shan Yaxin was a lesbian.

Dai Shiyuan held her cheeks with her hands and stared at her phone, lost in thought. When she saw a message pop up, her eyes instantly lit up.

"The room is already cleaned up, I'm going to make dinner. Xiaoyuan should be able to eat when she finishes class," Shan Yaxin typed.

"Okay." Dai Shiyuan replied happily, her eyes forming a crescent moon shape.

The last class was over and the sky had turned dark, but it didn't affect Dai Shiyuan's good mood at all. She had packed up her things a few minutes before class ended and rushed out of the classroom when the bell rang.

Seeing Dai Shiyuan return to her usual post-class active state, Zuo Jia couldn't help but feel happy. For a while, Dai Shiyuan had no energy, didn't listen in class, was listless after school, and always slowly packed up her things with fewer smiles on her face.

Others would smile sweetly when they talked to their boyfriends, but Dai Shiyuan would always be happy when she talked to Shan Yaxin. Zuo Jia thought about her conversation with Shan Yaxin and couldn't help but feel envious.

Dai Shiyuan smelled the aroma of pork ribs as soon as she stood outside the door, and her eyebrows and eyes immediately curved in satisfaction. She was just about to open the door when someone opened it from the inside, revealing a young and innocent face.

"Big sister, you're back!" Shan Xiaoqing looked up happily with a soft and cute voice.

"Thank you, Xiaoqing." Dai Shiyuan smiled and walked into the house, feeling warm inside.

Being waited for like this really feels good and makes her no longer feel tired and lonely.

She no longer has to face the empty room and overly quiet space when she comes back alone.

Especially at night, it intensifies the feeling of loneliness and desolation in her heart.

But at this moment, even though it is already dark outside, her mood is still bright.

"Sister Yaxin, the pork ribs smell so good." Dai Shiyuan hugged Shan Xiaoqing and stood at the kitchen door, looking relaxed and happy.

"Xiaoyuan, you can sit for a while, it will be ready soon." Shan Yaxin turned around and smiled lightly.

Dai Shiyuan didn't move and still stood in place.

Under the white light, a slim and busy figure was reflected, showing a nearly flawless side face with elegance and composure in every gesture.

Perhaps it's because of her good looks, even if she wears an ordinary apron, she can't hide her noble and outstanding temperament.

"Xiaoyuan, I've finished cooking, you can go wash your hands first." Shan Yaxin scooped up the last bowl of food and said with a smile.

"Okay." Dai Shiyuan came back to her senses, nodded happily, and took Shan Xiaoqing to the bathroom.

Shan Yaxin made four dishes and a soup, all of which were dishes that Dai Shiyuan loves to eat.

Dai Shiyuan ate happily, leaning back on her chair and sipping the soup, she asked with a smile, "Sister Yaxin, you don't need to cook according to my taste in the future, buy more dishes that you and your sister like to eat."

"My sister and I are not picky eaters, we love all kinds of dishes." Shan Xiaoqing responded with a puffed up mouth, proud and confident.

Upon hearing Shan Xiaoqing's words, Dai Shiyuan blushed a little and said softly, "I'm not... a picky eater either."

Seeing Dai Shiyuan's embarrassment, Shan Yaxin immediately glared at Shan Xiaoqing and said softly, "What Xiaoqing means is that we all can eat whatever you like, and we also like to eat the dishes you love."

"That's what I mean..." Shan Xiaoqing blinked her eyes and repeated, feeling wronged.

Dai Shiyuan couldn't help but laugh, and reached out to touch Shan Xiaoqing's head, "I understand."

With the contrast of having Shan Xiaoqing as a child, she realized that Shan Yaxin often prioritized her wishes and put her first.

It seems like she is doing better than a "boyfriend".

This thought suddenly came to Dai Shiyuan's mind, her heart tightened, and she quickly pretended to lower her head and drink soup.

If in the future, Shan Yaxin finds a girlfriend, that person will definitely be very happy.

Shan Yaxin's appearance, ability, figure, and temperament are all top-notch.

In addition to being good at cooking, she is also gentle and considerate, without any bad habits. She is a perfect example of a lover.

I wonder who can be so lucky...

Dai Shiyuan lowered her eyes and couldn't help feeling a little sour in her heart.


Author's note: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution from 2021-07-04 23:32:34~2021-07-05 18:25:20.

Translator's note: I wonder who can be so lucky....?. Who do you think?. I gave you a clue her surname is Dai😉.


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