The Case of Raimon Mystery In...

By AnjiruSpirit

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This story is inspired by Scooby Doo and the Mystery Incorporated. Raimon Mystery Inc. is a group of detectiv... More

Chapter 2: After Four Years With A New Member
Chapter 3: A Disadvantage For Raimon Inc.
Chapter 4: The Storyteller's Warning
Chapter 5: The Fallen Wings
Chapter 6: A 'Golden' Success
Chapter 7: The Swamp Alien (Part 1: Alien In The City?!)
Chapter 8: The Swamp Alien (Part 2: A Heartfelt Reunion)
Chapter 9: The Swamp Alien (Part 3: A Student's Revenge)

Chapter 1: Raimon Mystery Inc. Is No More?!

100 3 4
By AnjiruSpirit

Third POV:

One night at the toy factory, Raimon Mystery Inc. are going to solve The Case of the Luna Ghost, there's a loud scream from someone as The Luna Ghost grabbed him.

"Ahhhhh!", someone screams.

The ghost break the window while he held captive someone. The ghost laughs. The one who held captive by the ghost is Hayami. His hand were tied with a rope.

"Let me go! Get off of me!", Hayami shouted. As The Luna Ghost flew into elsewhere, so that he wouldn't get caught by someone. "Help! Somebody help me!", Hayami shouted for help.

Someone's coming at the catwalk, turns out, it was Shindou and Kirino. "Don't worry.", he said. Shindou grabbed his walkie talkie to speak someone, "Nishiki!"

Meanwhile, Nishiki was already prepared a trap with Tsurugi. Shindou repeated through his walkie talkie, "Nishiki! Can you hear me?"

Nishiki replies through his earpieces with a microphone on it, "Yes. Loud and clear."

Shindou said, "Okay, here's a plan. Once the ghost landed beside the conveyor belt, the three pairs will pop out from the each barrels."

Pair 1: Kariya and Kageyama
Pair 2: Aoyama and Ichino
Pair 3: Tenma and Shinsuke

Shindou continued, "Kirino will pressed the button to activate the conveyor belt to move a barrel of oil. Then, Sangoku-san will shoot the barrel of oil with his harpoon to make a hole, so that the oil spill on him. Once I gave a signal, Nishiki will spray him with a fire extinguisher, then Kurumada-san and Amagi-san will catch him with their force, so that he can't fly away. Then, Tsurugi will shoot him with his net gun. Get it?"

Kirino interferes, "Hide! He's coming!"

Shindou, Kirino, Nishiki, and Tsurugi hide to their perspective place.

Shindou reminds them as he whispered, "Just remember the plan."

The Luna Ghost landed to the conveyor belt with Hayami as Shindou expected.

When the ghost made a snake sound, Kariya pop out from the barrel. "Snakes!!!", Kariya screamed and scared as his eyes closed.

"Now!", Aoyama and Ichino said in unison as the two pop out from the barrel.

Tenma and Shinsuke were also pop out from the barrel.

Kagayama was lastly to pop out from the barrel. "Kariya, it's not a snake. It's The Luna Ghost."

Kirino saw it, then he press the button to activate the conveyor belt to move a barrel of oil. When the conveyor belt stopped at the spot, Sangoku aims at the barrel of oil, then he fires with his harpoon. It made a hole and the oil spilled. When The Luna Ghost light up the matches with fire, Kariya and Kageyama tried to run away as Kariya was on top of Kagayama inside the barrel as Tenma, Shinsuke, Aoyama, and Ichino tried to run away. But because of oil, they can't run.

However, Shindou gave a signal, "Nishiki, now!"

Nishiki came out from his hiding spot, but Kariya and Kageyama finally can run at the same time, which they bumped into Nishiki as Tenma and Shinsuke run when the ghost blew a fire toward them. Nishiki aims with fire extinguisher at the ghost. But, the ghost flies while carrying Hayami and Nishiki sprays at Aoyama and Ichino instead.

"Get him!", Kurumada and Amagi said in unison.

But... "Wait!", Sangoku said as he tried to stop them.

Kurumada and Amagi caught Aoyama and Ichino instead and the four are slipped on the oil on the floor. They fell on the ground. The barrel has broken. As Nishiki keeps spraying at the ghost with fire extinguisher, Tsurugi was caught in a smoke. Since Tsurugi cannot see the surroundings, he shoot randomly with his net gun.

"Shindou, Look out!", Kirino warns Shindou. They noticed the net.

When the smoke around Tsurugi is gone, he shocked awkwardly as he discovered that he shot Shindou and Kirino accidentally with his net gun. Shindou and Kirino were caught in the net.

"Gomenazai (Sorry), Shindou-senpai." Tsurugi apologized awkwardly.

Shindou said, "It's alright."

Tsurugi and Sangoku looked the surrounding in the toy factory. They're both shocked in awkward. Kariya and Kageyama got out from the barrel. Amagi help Kurumada to stand him up. And Aoyama and Ichino clenched their head after they fall on the floor.

"Ow!", Aoyama exclaimed.

"Hey! It's us!", Ichino said angrily at Kurumada and Amagi.

"Sorry." Kurumada apologized awkwardly.

Amagi looked at Nishiki and he shouted angrily, "Nishiki! You aimed at the wrong person!"

Nishiki scared at Amagi, later he complained, "It's not my fault. It's Kariya and Kagayama's fault." He pointed his finger at them.

"It's was Sangoku-senpai. He shot at the wrong timing.", Kariya blamed Sangoku as he pointed his finger at him.

Sangoku reacted awkwardly. But...

"Tsurugi, have you seen Tenma and Shinsuke?" Sangoku asked Tsurugi.

"I don't know. Maybe they ran way when we were about to capture the ghost.", Tsurugi said.

Meanwhile, there's a drone flying around inside the toy factory. Someone is controlled it. It was Hamano. He is inside the vehicle called 'Raimon Machine'. In a camera from his drone, he saw Tenma and Shinsuke are still running with Tenma was inside the barrel while Shinsuke was on top of Tenma. So, his drone flew toward to Tenma and Shinsuke.

"Shinsuke, is the ghost still chase us?", Tenma asked as he cried out.

"I don't know." Shinsuke noticed a skateboard in front of them. "Tenma, look out! A skateboard!"

Tenma surprised out of agitation,"Nani?!" Both of them cried out.

Tenma stepped on the skateboard. They started skateboarding, went to the ramp to jump on the presser and land on the conveyor belt. A barrel made a hole and Tenma can see.

Shinsuke saw the blades spinning, and said, "Tenma! Blades!"

Tenma saw it so, they jumped on the blades from the skateboard, then they back on the skateboarding. The ghost keep flying with carrying Hayami. Tenma and Shinsuke saw a flamethrowers, so they use a ramp to dodge.

Hamano impressed as he watched them through his drone, "Wow! You got a trick, man."

When Tenma saw a crusher, "Shinsuke!"

Shinsuke noticed and he saw a hanging hook, "Tenma, jump!"

So Tenma jumps as Shinsuke grabbed a hanging hook. They got out from the skateboard and the conveyor belt. The skateboard crushed. The Luna Ghost landed. Tenma and Shinsuke keep screaming.

"Tenma!", Hayami shouted.

"Hayami-senpai!", Tenma also shouted.

The three screams. Shinsuke let the hook go. They bumped into the ghost and Hayami. They bumped into the full stack of toys. The stack collapsed and buried them.

The team had arrived to see Tenma, Shinsuke, Hayami, and The Luna Ghost.

Hamano asked through the drone speaker, "Hayami, are you alright?"

Hayami got out from the pile of toys and he said frustratingly, "I'm so tired of being damsel in distress thing."

Shindou looked for Tenma and Shinsuke, "Where's Tenma and Shinsuke?"

Tenma and Shinsuke were also got out from the pile of toys with the help of Tsurugi and Sangoku. They relief excitingly.

"Phew! We got him!", Tenma huffed in relief.

"And skateboarding is fun!", Shinsuke said excitingly.

"Yeah! After this, let's find a skateboard and do it again.", Tenma replied.

"Hai!" Shinsuke also replied.

A vehicle, Raimon Machine break the factory door as someone's driving it. When the vehicle stopped, Hamano got out, then the one who diving the vehicle, is Kurama also got out. The bunch of media presses has arrived. Hamano retrieves his drone. A bunch of media presses and a celebrity named, Pamela Morales came toward to Raimon Mystery Inc. Some of Shindou's fans came here as well, only for his autograph. Shindou gave them an autograph.

"Thank you for saving me and capture The Luna Ghost.", Pamela expressed her gratitude on Raimon Mystery Inc. Then, she hugged Shindou.

"You're Welcome, Pam-san.", Shindou said as he blushed in front of Tenma, Tsurugi, Shinsuke, Nishiki (who also blushed), and Kirino (who saw Shindou awkwardly).

Tenma was the leader of Raimon Mystery Inc. So, the press interviewed him, "Any comments for saving an another celebrity about the reason why are you success in your mystery?"

Tenma commented, "The most of all is teamwork. And it was according to my plan."

Shindou continued, "Let's see who is 'The Luna Ghost' really is. Come on."

The media presses followed Tenma and Shindou, however...

"Yes, his plan." Kurama mumbled annoyingly (his referred to Shindou.)

The police get The Luna Ghost.

"In the first place, it is not actually The Luna Ghost. And The Luna Ghost is in fact...", Tenma explained.

Tsurugi unmasked The Luna Ghost. Turns out... There's a man who wear this costume. Everyone was surprised.

Shinsuke, Kariya, and Kageyama also shocked in surprised, "Old man Smithers?!"

Pamela also surprised but annoyed and disgusted. "A Crazy Old Janitor?!"

Shindou explained, "Smithers wanted to get revenge after you refused to go to date with him. And also you rejected him."

Smithers got angry after his defeat, "How dare you? I've loved you so much and you're rejecting me like that!"

A media press asked, "Then how the ghost able to fly?"

Kirino joined, "I can explain. Watch!"

Tenma and Tsurugi removed the costume and turns out, it was a inflatable suit underneath it.

Kirino continued, "These balloons on a suit filled with helium giving The Luna Ghost..." He presses the button on a suit. "...can fly." The suit was inflated and Smithers levitate.

As Smithers was about to fly higher, the police tried to get him down. But Smithers got angry at Raimon Mystery Inc., "I could've get my revenge if it weren't for you meddling kids, especially you!" He pointed at Tenma.

A bunch of their fans and media presses cheered and gave them a loud of applause.

Raimon Mystery Inc. leave the toy factory. Some of them are arguing.

Kurama said in annoyed, "I can't believe it that Tenma discredit Shindou's plan again."

Hamano tried to defend Tenma, "Why?! If he and Shinsuke weren't, the ghost would got away and he also has Hayami."

Kurama replies, "Are you going to defend him right now? Even though he's a leader? And Shindou must be a real leader, not him." Kurama pointed Tenma as he, Shindou and Tsurugi came.

The trio heard their argument.

Hayami argued as well, "You know what. I'm done of being kidnapped."

Kurama also argued at Hayami, "Why?! It's not our fault for 'being damsel in distress'. It was your clumsiness."

Sangoku was in depressed while Kirino and Shinsuke comfort him.

Kurama declares, "You know what! I'm quit!" Kurama leaves.

The team is shocked, especially Tenma. Everyone is also quit. Amagi dragged Kageyama and leave. Aoyama and Ichino are leaving. Hamano and Hayami are also leaving. Sangoku and Kurumada were about to leave, but Shinsuke tried to stop him.

"Sangoku-senpai! Please don't leave!", Shinsuke begged.

However, "Shinsuke. I have to.", Sangoku said.

"But, please...", Shinsuke cried.

"It's alright.", Kurumada comforted and hugged Shinsuke.

"Minna. (Everyone.)" Sangoku requested to the remaining memebers. "Remember, friends don't quit. And keep solving the mysteries."

Sangoku and Kurumada are lastly to leave. Shinsuke is still crying on Tenma's lap.

Kariya asked sadly, "What do we do now?"

Tenma answered with his motivation, "Let's keep solving mysteries. Just seven of us."

Shindou, Tsurugi, Nishiki, Kirino, and Kariya nodded. Then the team got in Raimon Machine with Shindou driving it. Inside the vehicle, Tenma still looking through the window and his face showed his sad expression.

But, Tsurugi comfort him, "Tenma, everything is fine. Right?"

Tenma answered in his depressive face, "Hai. It's fine. Just like Sangoku-senpai said, 'Friends don't quit'.

Shinsuke is still crying as Kariya tried to comfort him. Nishiki got angry about that happened. Raimon Machine is finally leaving...

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