He Came Back (Steve Rogers x...

By cptscarlett7

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Steve Rogers came back. There had been a moment when Bucky thought he might not. There had been a moment when... More

Chapter 2 - You Gotta Move On
Chapter 3 - Holding Back the Darkness
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1 - The Cup of Coffee That Changed it All

240 5 1
By cptscarlett7

A/N: I normally make myself wait to post stories till I know how they are going to end, or have completed them. But I just really wanted to start getting this one out there. Hope you enjoy it!


Steve Rogers came back. There had been a moment when Bucky thought he might not. There had been a moment when even Steve thought he might not. And if it hadn't been for one fateful moment in a coffee shop he might not have.

He would never forget that day. It was years after the snap, everyone was weary, and little did he know that very soon he and the remaining Avengers were finally close to finding a solution to the Thanos problem.

Steve had a Group Therapy meeting that afternoon, and had decided to stop by a local coffee shop on the way that he'd never been in. Things were so hard for the communities since the snap and perhaps just a little more support to the local community might help himself and some of those left. He kept his head down as he walked in and approached the counter, but looked up to check out the menu when he got there and decided to keep his order simple. Once it was his turn then he looked to the barista.

But he was totally taken aback and speechless when he saw her. He couldn't explain it but he was awestruck by her. Her blue eyes and long wavy brown hair, and the gentle smile she gave him. And apparently, he was staring because a blush came across her cheeks and she repeated herself. "Sir?... Can I get you something?"

"Oh, I-I'm sorry. Um, can I—can I get a caramel latte?"

She smiled and nodded as she started to punch the order in on the screen in front of her. "Size?"

Meanwhile Steve had gotten caught up in watching her again and shook himself, thankfully having caught the question. "Oh, um... Large."

Her cheeks tinted pink. She had noticed him watching her. Her eyes seemed to twinkle as she continued. "Whip cream?'

He grinned. "Seems like it'd be a shame not to get whip cream."

She nodded and her smile grew even wider. "I wholeheartedly agree. Would you like caramel drizzle on top?"

He nodded. "Another crime to miss out on."

She grinned, biting the corner of her bottom lip as she restrained a chuckle. "And... a... name... for the order?"

He sensed that her question gave her the slightest bit of... guilt maybe? Did she really not know who he was? Or was she giving him the chance at anonymity? "Uh... Steve."

She smiled wider as she wrote his name on the cup. "Steve. Very good."

He glanced at her nametag. "Thank you, Ceci. I... I hope you have a wonderful day. Maybe I'll see you in here again soon." He definitely planned on coming back to this coffee shop.

"Give me just a moment and I'll have your–" She looked to the screen to read off the order like she did for every order. "--Large Caramel Latte with whip cream and caramel drizzle ready. Lydia will ring you up at the end of the counter." After giving her normal spiel, she then gave him a second shy glance as she began working on the drink. "And... I hope you'll see me here again soon, too..."

Steve took a deep breath and considered the woman in front of him before taking a leap into the unknown world of flirting. It had been too many years since he'd even attempted this. "I'm feeling pretty crazy today, Ceci. Would you mind adding two of those blueberry scones to my order? And, um, maybe if you happen to get a few minutes for a break, how'd you like join me at a table over there for one of those scones?"

The woman's eyes went wide, her blush going even darker pink. She smiled wide and he wondered if she could get any more beautiful. "I'm due for a break, and I think I'd like that very much."

Steve smiled back and nodded before stepping down the line to pay. A few minutes later his coffee was set down in front of him as were two scones on a plate. The woman who'd been across the counter from him slid into the seat across the table from him. "This might be the craziest thing I've ever done, Captain Rogers. But I decided that if I can't trust Captain America to not be a sleezebag, then who can I trust?"

He chuckled "So you do know who I am?"

She smiled softly. "Of course I do."

"I wasn't sure. You treated me rather... normally."

She laughed a little. "Well, you acted rather normally."

He smiled awkwardly and shrugged. "I put my pants on just like everyone else does."

"Oh? I suppose I'd have to see that for myself, but that's for a much later date, not over coffee and scones."

Steve choked on his first sip of coffee, shocked but loving her flirting.

Ceci chuckled. "You did walk yourself into that one, Captain."

"I suppose I did—and please, call me Steve." He took a more calm sip from his coffee and examined her face as she awkwardly took a bite from one of the scones then he questioned her. "So, you're a barista. Anything else you can tell me about yourself, Ceci?

"Actually, I'm an artist by profession. The barista thing is just a side gig for fun to meet people, and to help out my friend who owns the shop. She lost most of her employees to the blip."

"Did you...did you lose a lot of... loved ones?" Steve asked uncomfortably, the hurt and regret of being unable to stop Thanos still an open wound.

She shrugged. "I... I didn't have anyone to lose really ...I just mean, I wasn't married or anything. My parents were already gone and I didn't really have any family left. So... I was really already alone. A couple friends I had are gone. A couple are still left. Kind of strange for me. It's kind of different. But kind of the same. I feel really bad for so many people I know because it's so hard for them. They lost people they were so close to so quickly. Their lives are so different, so hard. I try to help. Try to make their lives better any way I can."

Steve thought it sad and almost unbelievable that this remarkable woman in front of him was as alone as she said. But he was impressed by her kind heart towards those around her. "That's... that's really amazing. That's a really great perspective."

"My life was kind of hard earlier on, which I guess kind of has given me a different perspective now, you know? I mean, this is terrible. Horrible. Devastating. Me, personally—I have it so much better than so many that have lost so much." She looked at him carefully. "I hope that makes sense."

He nodded. "I think it does. You–" Just then a beeping from Steve's coat pocket interrupted him. He pulled his phone out and frowned and sighed. "That's me. I've got a meeting to head to. Group therapy. Listen—Ceci, I—I would—" He fumbled over his words a moment before shaking his head at himself. "I was really happy to meet you today. I would—I would really like to see you again. Could I? Could I see you again?"

She smirked. "I mean—I can't stop you from seeing me again. The coffee shop is sort of a public place." She answered with a knowing grin as she motioned around the shop.

He gave her a slightly pained expression. "You do know that's not what I meant—right?'

She gave him a sweet smile. "I do, but for some reason I'm finding it incredibly enjoyable to torture you, Steve. I'm sorry." She then nodded happily. "Yes. Yes, you can see me again. I enjoyed chatting with you too. Would you like my phone number?" she asked, glancing down at his phone.

His whole body seemed to relax. "I would love your phone number." He handed his phone to her. "I am such an amateur at this stuff."

She grinned as she typed her information into a new contact then sent herself a text from his phone so she had his number, then handed his phone back. "Well, Steve... for the sake of mystery... for now I'm in there as Ceci, because I'm making you see me at least once more before you get my last name, deal?"

He smiled back and nodded. "Deal."

"I've sent myself a text from your phone so I have your number as well. Only fair."

"Seems reasonable," he said with a big smile. He still couldn't quite bring himself to believe this turn of events.

Steve stood and turned to walk out of the shop before Ceci spoke back up. "Oh, Steve?"

He turned back quickly. "Yes?"

"I get off work at 8 tonight, okay?"

He smiled even brighter. "Okay." Well that answered the inward battle that had already started in his head as to how soon would be too soon to call her.


A/N: Okay! So I already have a bit more written of this. I'm not sure exactly how far I'm going to take the story. We shall see!

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