Young justice x Sasuke Uchiha

By kxd106

46.1K 815 194

This story is based around Sasuke Uchiha in the young justice world. The Uchiha clan was the most powerful fa... More

Sasuke Uchiha origin
Sasuke meets Superman
What Now?
4 years later
Itachi Uchiha Of The Sharingan
Twin terror
Alpha Male
Injustice League
Sasuke meets Zatanna
Double Date??
The Genjutsu Master pt 1
The Genjutsu Master pt 2
The Unknown Partner
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
The Ghost of the Uchiha pt 1
Battle of Brothers pt 2
Let's end this pt 3
Final Valley
Young Justice X Sasuke // Q&A
Happy New Year
World War 3 pt 1
Madara vs Hero Alliance
Itachi vs Sasuke Uchiha
It's all over
Salvage/The Truth


716 13 2
By kxd106

Computer: Recognized: Artemis-B-07."

Artemis Arrives from the Zeta teleportation device to the heroes gathering around a new joining.

Green arrow: Artemis. Just in time. Look who's agreed to join the team.

Wally side steps to show Red Arrow, who eyes Artemis.

Wally: Finally

Artemis: "Sure. Team has needed a real archer."

Green arrow: "Okay, Team, listen up. "The Batman" and Robin are on a case in Gotham, but Batman gave me a heads-up. Sportsmaster was spotted coming through Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport.

Zatanna: "In full costume? Nervy.

Green arrow: "In street clothes. Facial recognition software picked up the ID. It's up to us to Find out what he's up to."

Sasuke: All of us ?

Conner: "Seems like overkill for a shadow job."

Red tornado: "Perhaps a small squad. Miss Martian camouflage abilities seem ideal.

Arrow: Thought the sidekicks... Sorry, ex-sidekicks. Could suit-up on this. Sasuke, Kid flash, Aqualad and Red arrow

Conner: Good stake outs make me crazy

M'gann: We could use the night off.

Artemis: "I want in. With M'gann and Robin out, no one has logged more hours piloting the bio-ship."

Arrow: Artemis, you sure ?

Artemis: Absolutely

Bio ship

Kid flash and Artemis are in the bioship on there way to New Orleans's. There's silence in the ship until Wally speaks up

Wally: "Uh, this could be one of those things that sounds better in my head than out loud, but you are a real archer. No, I mean, I'm jazzed about Red Arrow. We go way back, you know? But you, you've made your own place on the team. You have nothing to prove. Not to me, okay?"

Artemis looks up at him and smiles.

Artemis: "Okay. And, Wally, it sounded fine out loud."

She smiles, inside the back of the Bioship, Aqualad, Sasuke and Red Arrow begin preparing Kid Flashes Motorcycle.

Aqualad: I gather you didn't join the team for the camaraderie.

Sasuke: And not to please Green Arrow either. "It's obvious your opinion on us hasn't changed, and you're here for something else.

Red arrow: "There's a mole on this team, and suspect number one is Artemis.

At the Cave

Superboy, Zatanna and Megan wonder the cave with Wolf looking for something to do.

Zatanna: No offence guys but my boredom is bored.

Megan(smirking): You miss Sasuke that much Z ?

Zatanna(blushing) : I- Uhh

Superboy: There Tornado, let's ask him.... Hey tornado, got any good steak outs for us?

Tornado: I do not, you will have to amuse yourself

He sees this then flies up towards his room in the attic of the cave.

Zatanna: So tornado does eat, sleep or change clothes

Superboy: So?

Zatanna: So what does he do up there in his room?

Back with the mission

The Bioship reaches its destination, Wally rides out, Kaldur goes into the water, Sasuke activates his Sharingan and flies, And Red arrow goes on ground, he creeps into the swamp shrouded. He peers over to a small cabin with a dock and boat, Sportsmaster makes his way into the dock and boat.

Red arrow: "Target's heading north. Pursue. But maintain a discreet distance. And that goes double for you, Artemis. Sportsmaster has proven adept at spotting Martian camouflaging when in motion. Wait. He's stopped. Hold your positions."

He continues to watch, but Artemis doesn't listen and drops from the Bioship to trudge on ahead as well.

Artemis creeps up through the swamp but finds herself in the trap of someone else's.

Cheshire: "Hey, sis."

Artemis quickly turns around to Cheshire.

Cheshire: "Long time, no reveal who you really are to all your friends."

She immediately charges in to combat, but Artemis can keep her ground now, even sweeping her off her legs.

Cheshire: Nice Canary, teach you that? Bet you run out of arrows before I run out of sword. Unless you plan on breaking out the pointy ones to use against your own sister?"

Artemis: "Why shouldn't I? You are working with Sportsmaster."

Cheshire: "Not my choice. Not my call."

Artemis: Then who's call is it ?

Cheshire: "Sorry. Just because I know your secrets, doesn't mean I tell you mine."

Before Cheshire and Artemis can continue there fight. A dragon fire ball is sent directly towards Cheshire

Although lucky for Cheshire she was able to dodge it just in time before the fireball hit her. Sasuke then drops down right next to Artemis.

Sasuke: Artemis what are you doing here? your meant to be on the ship

Cheshire: "Why, if it isn't the cute Sasuke Uchiha~, if you wanted a date, you only had to ask."

Artemis(yells): You two are dating !

Sasuke: What. No

Cheshire: Why deny the attraction? Your just as handsome as Itachi and After all, Sasuke, you're here.

Sportsmaster(comms): I read you, keep em busy.

Cheshire drops small bombs from her pocket and it explodes, catching Sasuke off guard, knocking him into a tree.

Cheshire: "Really, I'm so fond of you both I couldn't bear to hurt you... Much."

Sasuke sends an ice attack towards Cheshire

Which Cheshire quickly avoids. After pinning him down, and aiming her Sai at his neck, she removes her mask, showing her face but he doesn't recognize the resemblance.

Cheshire Leans in and presses a kiss on his lips.

Cheshire: At least a kiss, is still a kiss

He looks stunned by her forward attitude, but Wally comes in with a kick before more damage could be done.

Kid flash: And a sai is just a sai, and quite the souvenir, by the way.

Red arrow also drops downs and creates distance between themselves and Cheshire

Arrow: Artemis tracer arrow on sportsmaster now!!

Artemis aims her arrow at the boat but the distance is too great for her to make it.

Artemis: He's out of range

Arrow: Uh move

He goes in front of her and shoots his own arrow and it successfully lands on the boat. When they all turn around Cheshire is no where to be seen. And Artemis puts a tracer on a random train.

The four of them all gather together.

Wally: "So we threw the fight as ordered, after Artemis planted the tracer."

Artemis walks towards them with a tracking device locating Cheshire

Cheshire: "Cheshire is heading north."

Red arrow: "Sportsmaster was headed south, kind of like this mission."

Artemis: "Maybe he'll double back. Maybe she will."

Wally: "Either way they'll rendezvous and we'll find them."

Red arrow: "We had better. Sportsmaster acquired an attache case. We need to learn what it contained."

Aqualad then joins the rest of the team.

Aqualad(to Artemis): "If you had stayed aboard the bio-ship-"

Artemis: "I saw Cheshire sneaking up on him(to red arrow)

Arrow: "Then you radio a warning."

Artemis: "And if she found you by hacking our frequency?"

Sasuke: That's true, we usually really on miss Martian telepathy.

Kid flash: "So let's stop looking to place blame and start looking for Cheshire and Sportsmaster.

Artemis throws the tracking device to red arrow.

Artemis: Here, since I can't be trusted. She sees then walks away towards the bioship

Aqualad: Go kid, Sasuke, arrow and I will return to the river. And we will all follow as originally planned.

Once away from the team Artemis pulls out another tracking device which is the real ocation of chesire after she gave the team, a device which was following a train.


Sportsmaster walked into an abonnded warhouse with the case he had aquired, once inside, the villians were also there waiting for him; The brain, Ultra Humanite, Klarion, Professor Ivo and Itachi Uchiha. Sportsmaster gives the case to Professor Ivo.

Ivo: Thank you Sportsmaster, we'll take it from here.

Professor Ivo bring the case over to the other villians and opens it revealling one of Ivo's Monqi robots and also an alien tenticle.

The Ultra Humanite begins adding gas into the canister containing the squid tenticle, and the others begin to experiment on it. Klarion and Itachi both start applying large amounts of lightning at the creature.

With Artemis

Artemis enters the warhouse, were the other villans are, she sneaks in through the window and drops down to the ground. she creeps in prepared to fight, before her own tracking device hits the ground, Cheshire steps from out of the shadows.

Cheshire: "Pulled it off my sword about a minute after you put it there. Thought you'd want it back, since it goes so nicely with the one Red Arrow gave you."

Cheshire points to Artemis quiver which has a tracer on it

Cheshire: "Someone on your team doesn't trust you~"

She shows Artemis the small tv which shows
Red Ready to Break into the room, and Sportsmaster about to get the drop on him.

Artemis fires an explosive arrow at the door, blowing it apart. In an attempt to knock red arrow back so he would see Sportsmaster on the roof

In explosive arrows knocks him on his back and Arrow is surprised he sees Sportsmaster, he rolls into the building to see Artemis in combat with Cheshire, they go back to back and prepare to hold them both off.

Red arrow(comms): "Arrow to Aqualad Located Cheshire and Sportsmaster! Rendezvous at my coordinates."

Aqualad: "Got it! Sending Kid ahead, Sasuke and I are in persuit

Red arrow(to Artemis) "So you're pretty much allergic to radioing a warning."

Artemis: "Artemis to Arrow: Look out."

They were interrupted by explosives which separates them, Artemis and Cheshire come into close combat, but before she could gain the upper hand, Kid Flash arrives with the save, and helps Artemis up.

Kid flash: "Aqualad, Sasuke and I found the tracer on a caboose, and I don't mean Cheshire's.

Artemis: "She must have ditched it."

Kid flash: "Yeah, figured. Wait. Then how did you and Red end up here?"

Artemis looks a bit caught but plays it off, as a red aura and blue lightning emits from the back rooms. Cheshire tackles kid Flash who takes over.

Kid flash: I've got this go.

Artemis bolts into the room and kicks it open, aiming her arrow.

Artemis: All of you freeze. She says this to all of them and they all stare at her

Professor ivo: Don't be absurd. With what we've created tonight, I could...

Itachi stops him and steps forward in front of everyone else.

Itachi: Why waste such power on her? Do as she says. Freeze

Artemis makes the mistake of staring into Itachi eyes and just like that....

Aqualad: Artemis. Artemis!

Artemis opened her eyes and when she looks around the villians are gone and the only ones there are; Aqualad, kid flash and Red Arrow.

Artemis: Wait What ! What happened

Red arrow: We should be asking you that. You've been standing here for an hour.

Artemis: What!! What are you talking about? they were just here, I had them

Kid flash: Who?

Artemis: The brain, klarion, Ivo, ultra Humanite and Sasuke's brother- Itachi

Aqualad: Itachi must have put you under his Genjutsu.

Artemis: Yeah, Megan wasn't kidding his illusion is something else. Where's Sasuke?

Kid flash: He went back to the Cave.

Artemis: What about Sportsmaster and Cheshire?

Red Arrow: They got away, and when we came in here, you were standing still for like an hour.

Aqualad: Let's return the Cave.

In the Cave

Sasuke: Are you sure it was him?

Artemis: Positive. I'm sorry Sasuke but he's back and he's working with new allies

Sasuke clenches his fist together, pissed that he missed an opportunity to fight Itachi, Zatanna places a hand on his shoulder. To comfort him

Sasuke(thoughts): I knew I should have gone to the warehouse

Aqualad: We failed, Big Time. The Injustice League is still custody, they still have allies  doing shady business and we still don't know what it's about..

Red Arrow(sarcastically): Gee, I wonder why

Artemis: Hey. Who found out Sportsmaster was working for Brain, Itachi Uchiha and Klarion?"

Red arrow: "Yeah, great intel. Except Ivo's been in Belle Reve the whole time. And the guards just checked. It's the real, not a robot."

Kid: "You know, I'm getting pretty tired of you dumping on her."

Red shows him a tracer.

Kid flash: "Her tracer." So? Cheshire ditched it.

Red arrow: No. Artemis ditched that to send us on a wild goose chase. She put this one on Cheshire.

He says and shows another one,

Wally: "Artemis?" Wally says, and grows frustrated.

Kid flash: Are you that freaked out about Arrow joining the team you had to prove yourself by bringing down the bad guys solo? Please tell me I'm wrong."

Artemis stands there in silence.

Kid flash: "Well, nice going. What you proved is that you're insecure and selfish. Keep the sai. This is the right souvenir for the mission."

Wally takes the Tracer and storms off.

Red arrow: "So how will you betray us next time?"

Aqualad: "That's Enough. If making a mistake, was betrayal we would all be traitors. I have report to Batman. The rest of you, get some sleep."

Mostly everyone leaves, except Red arrow and Artemis.

Red arrow(to Artemis): "You're not who you say you are. This isn't over, not by a long shot." He says and walks away from her.

At Gotham, Artemis returns home and heads straight to her room, only to he halted by Sportsmaster sitting on her bed.(with his shoes on 🤦‍♂️)

Sportsmaster: Shh. We wouldn't want to upset your mother.

Artemis: What are you doing here?" Artemis demands.

Sportsmaster: Just curious to hear how your little team took their defeat. Blamed you, didn't they? Will they keep you around now that Red Arrow has joined up? And what if they learned the truth about the family ties you've worked so hard to hide? Would they ever trust you again?"

Artemis: Thanks for the pep talk, Dad. We should have these family reunions more often.

Sportsmaster: You tried, baby girl. You can fight Jade, you can fight me but you can't fight who you are. Time to switch sides, Artemis. You'll never be one of them. You belong with us.

To be continued....

Author note: Damn, I wonder if Artemis will switch sides, and it looks like Itachi Uchiha is back and even more badass then ever. If you like this chapter, read the NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUNG JUSTICE

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