Shots of Gold & Green / S.Sal...

De Sallowly

8.1K 205 44

Just a place to dump those filthy one shots. Absolutely and most definitely NSFW, so read at your own discret... Mai multe


Restricted Lessons

5.9K 165 42
De Sallowly

I had expected my seventh and last year at Hogwarts to be the most demanding, considering I would be getting into the most advanced aspects of magic and its uses. The workload was certainly heavy, depriving most of us from more of our precious free time. But there was something else that was making things a lot more challenging for me. Something I could not really complain about. As the days went by, I found myself growing more and more distracted by Sebastian. It wasn't just his good looks or charming personality - it was the way he made me feel, the way he ignited a fire within me that I had never felt before. Lately, our encounters had taken a new shape, something very different from the early days of our friendship. The charming boy I duelled back then was now a man, a man who knew exactly what he wanted. And how to get it.

Keeping focus on my studies had become quite the challenge. Even during class I would have trouble paying attention. He, on the other hand, had no trouble staying ahead of each class. I envied his ability to absorb knowledge so easily, even when he wasn't really paying attention.

It was our last class for the day, history of magic. A lost battle in my books. I sat as far from Sebastian as possible, in a failed attempt to keep him off my mind. Instead, I sat with Ominis, in hopes that he would keep me in check. But shortly after the class started, he fell into a deep slumber, leaving the doors open for his best friend to draw all my attention.

I tried to focus on the lecture, but he gave me those looks that I couldn't just ignore, and reminded me how helpless I could become.

As the class wore on, the tension between us grew palpable. Every time our eyes met, a spark seemed to pass between us, igniting a fire that threatened to consume us both. I had to stifle my feelings, to keep them under control, but he was making things so hard.

When the class was over, I jumped off my seat and left the classroom as fast as I could. However, he caught up with me before I could get too far.

"I'd like to know why you're trying so hard to avoid me." he confronted me in the hallway. "Is this about your focus again?"

"I'm not avoiding you, Sebastian." I lied, "But yes, not all of us can keep up as easily as you."

"Hold on now, it's been almost two weeks without seeing each other after class. Wasn't that enough to catch up with your studies?"

He had a point. When I told him I needed some time to focus, he respected my wishes and gave me space. I thought putting some distance would be beneficial to my academic endeavours, but I couldn't have been more wrong. I was struggling to keep him off my thoughts, and often found myself fantasising about our next meeting.

"It's... not that easy." I replied.

"Hmm. Why don't we go to the library and I help you study for an hour or two?"

I didn't think that could work. But I had tried doing so on my own and failed already. Besides, I really missed being close to him.

"Fine. But you'll have to be patient."

"Please, I'll be the best tutor you could possibly ask for."

We strolled down the stairs and made our way to the library. Being a Friday afternoon, it wasn't nearly as packed as it used to be. Some students were picking up reading material for the weekend, others just gathered in small groups around the main tables. We, on the other hand, made our way to the east wing of the library, right by one of the tall windows. I pulled out my potions textbook and lay it on a narrow table. We sat there, surrounded by towering shelves filled with ancient tomes and textbooks. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the room, casting a warm golden glow on everything it touched. Including his skin.

"So... which subject is troubling you?" He said leaning on the desk with his arms crossed. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up just above his elbows. He looked down at the book I had just placed on the table. "Potions? Really?"

"I need to memorise too many things, but this book is so tedious..."

"It is. And you shouldn't need to memorise, once you get the function of each potion you should be able to understand the purpose behind all the ingredients."

"You make it sound so easy. I get so lost with the amount of information, I don't know where to start."

"Don't worry. We'll go through each potion together, and I'll tell you what you need to write down. This book goes way overboard with unnecessary details."

"Thank you, Sebastian."

After going over all the content with me, I took a moment to read everything in silence. He had already lost himself in another book, so we sat there for a while, our heads bent and our minds busy. After reading my notes for a second time, I started fidgeting with my quill, trying to focus on the words. But every time I looked up, I caught Sebastian looking at me with a sly smile on his face. It was distracting, to say the least.

"What?" I finally said, unable to take it anymore.

Sebastian leaned back, a mischievous glint in his eye. "What, what?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

I rolled my eyes. "Like you're up to something." Sebastian chuckled. "I'm always up to something, you know that."

I sighed, and couldn't help but smile. Sebastian had a way of getting under my skin, in a good way.

Finally, he bent over the table and leaned with his hand on it. "How about a quiz?"

For a second I thought I heard something else, but it was probably my imagination.

"Okay. I'm ready."

I was surprised by how well I did. He did stick to his word of being a perfect tutor, after all.

"Anything else you need help with?" he asked in a suggestive tone.

"I have to study all the sanctioned spells of the last century but, I don't know if I can pull that off right now." I was inspecting the bookshelf behind us, looking for something on that subject. Suddenly, a shadow covered the books. Sebastian was supporting the weight of his body with his hand on the bookshelf, dangerously close to me.

"Oh, I was just reading about that. Want to keep going?" I could almost feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke the words.

"Do you want to keep going? You can keep teaching me all you want, but I don't want to keep you here. It's no fun."

Our bodies were now merely inches away.

"You know, I can teach you a thing or two in the restricted section if you're not scared of having some unsanctioned fun."

"Didn't you teach me all the unforgivable...oh, you meant-" he finally had caught me completely off guard. My cheeks flushed pink.

"You know what I meant." he whispered in my ear, and brushed the back of my neck gently with his warm breath. It had certainly provoked a reaction that I couldn't deny, and I felt lured into whatever he had in store for me.

"Even for us, isn't it too risky?"- I said, trying to hide the weakness in my voice.

"I think the word you're looking for is thrilling." He put down his book and leaned even closer to me, leaving very little space between his face and mine- "We won't get caught this time. I promise. Just say the word, and I'll take you there."

It was unfair how easily he could sway me into doing his bidding. He could sense I was losing the inner battle in my head, and when he offered his hand, it was the end of the road for me.

"Alright. You take the lead." I replied placing my hand and fate in his.

"Oh I will." And with a swish of his wand, we became barely visible.

We were moving like shadows across the shelves that distanced from the common areas until we reached the metallic gate. He pushed the door leaving enough space to slide through it and we were in. As we moved forward, the last golden rays of sunlight began disappearing along with the student's murmur. We descended a set of stairs, and found a quiet, dimly lit space, surrounded by shelves that had seen better days a long time ago. It was an inaccessible place, the ideal hideaway for books that were not meant to be read, and for students that were not meant to be seen. My heart raced at the idea of being where we were not supposed to be, to do something forbidden.

"What do you think?" he placed down his book on the table that sided one of the long shelves "Isn't this the perfect place for studying? The silence, the privacy..."

"It is at that." I agreed.

He opened the book and hovered above it, leaning with both hands on the table. After flipping a few pages he seemed to have found something.

"Come. I think you should start here" he commanded, and I obeyed. I leaned closer to the paragraph next to his index finger only to find a list of spells I did not know of. I was confused. Had Sebastian actually meant to study here? Judging by how immersed he was in his lecture, I started to realise that perhaps I had completely misread the situation. I went back to the page, trying to understand what was so interesting about this list. I couldn't see his face but I felt it near as we kept reading in silence.

"I um..." I struggled to find the words "Is this-?" I turned to face him but he didn't let me finish my question, as he planted his lips on mine. The surprise must have shown in my eyes as he smiled mischievously and whispered in my ear "you fell for it... you fell so hard".

How he loved playing games with me. And I had fallen victim yet again. His breath kept brushing my earlobes and slowly down my neck.

"Now you're being cruel" - I breathed, trying my best to sound immune to his teasing.

"You're right. Let me fix that." he murmured while he caged me with his arms against the bookshelf. Our eyes met briefly before he parted my lips with his, and whatever effort I was putting into keeping myself together just slipped away to the sound of his breath.

This time I managed to respond to his kiss with just as much strength. My tongue brushed the roof of his mouth, which seemed to ignite something in him, as he pushed closer against me. The table caught me in time as we both slammed against its surface. Sebastian's arms were wrapping my body now, I took his face with my hands, following his features with my fingers while he swept my mouth frantically with his tongue. I couldn't get enough of him, it wasn't until this moment that I realised how much I needed this. And my body was reacting. A magnetic force kept pulling us against each other, demanding something more. His hands were now moving down my back, reaching desperately as he made his way down the back of my legs. He lifted me and sat me on top of the table after pushing the book rather violently away. It fell to the ground with a thud, but he couldn't care less. He kept pressing against my body while he kissed my neck, and I failed to repress a soft moan even as I bit my lip tight. He felt harder surrounded by my legs, sinking his teeth not so gently on one side of my throat. I couldn't take it anymore. Before I knew it, my hands were untying his green and silver tie from his neck, and rushing button by button. He was less patient and tore apart my shirt, exposing my chemise just to pull it over my head and dispose of it entirely.

My hands kept acting on their own, opening his shirt and pulling it down his broad shoulders. Sebastian's body had changed. Our adventures together had clearly shaped him, as well as scarred his skin leaving traces of our battles. His strong hands were now rolling my black skirt above my thighs, revealing my very core to him. Our lips met again in a hungry, passionate kiss, and I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me. He kept one of his arms firmly surrounding me, while he placed the other hand on my inner thigh. It was slowly making his way up towards my centre, my hips arched reaching for his touch. But it never came, and I let out a small sound of disappointment. He chuckled mischievously, relishing on my frustration.

"Didn't you ask me to take the lead?" he asked with a grin.

I sighed. "Sebastian, please."

"I like the sound of that. Please, what?"

He was well aware of the power he had over me now. I was completely at his mercy, and he enjoyed it thoroughly. His lips were making their way up my neck with soft yet lustful kisses.

"Please, don't stop." I pleaded weakly.

"Will you let me do whatever I please?" his words vibrated against my skin. He was well aware he could get away with anything at this point.

Fully aware of the consequences, I nodded.

"I'll stop whenever you ask me to." Was his final statement, and he grabbed both my wrists with one of his hands, pinning them against the shelf and over my head. His other hand was tracing the path it had previously taken on my thigh, but this time it didn't stop. My hips were betraying me once again, as they reacted to Sebastian's fingers tracing figures slowly against the fabric that still remained in his way. He only freed my wrists to get rid of my drawers, allowing my skin to fully feel his touch now. One of his fingers danced around my most sensitive spot. He knew exactly what he was doing, avoiding that bundle of nerves with every brush. His tongue emoted that circular movement right behind my earlobe, hitting yet another sensitive area. It almost seemed like he had a map of my whole anatomy, and he had become an expert navigating it.

"Oh, dear. You're so wet" he whispered, drawing circles around the spot he was avoiding before. A jolt of excitement ran through my body, hearing him say those words had kickstarted a building sensation deep inside me.

"Seb-Sebastian" I whimpered his name right before he slipped his middle finger through my opening. Our foreheads were pressed against one another, and his open mouth was the receptacle of my moans. He moved his finger as if he was carefully trying to reach something deep within me. It was driving me insane with pleasure, and he was fully aware.

"I can't take it much longer." I said with a weak voice.

"I know." He answered with a devilish smile, and slipped his index finger as well. "My my, I didn't expect you to get so tight around my fingers."

"Shut up." He wasn't lying, my insides were wrapping him tighter than ever, and I could no longer fight the surge of electricity that had built up. I finally let it crawl down my spine and legs as I lost myself fully in the moment, releasing a deep felt moan. My mind was completely absent for a precious minute.

I barely noticed Sebastian's smile. He seemed slightly surprised at the consequences of his actions.

"I can't get enough of that face." he confessed, looking at me. His hand moved gently away from my core, I was embarrassed when I noticed the moistness in his fingers.

"I had one final lesson in store for you..." he asked with his palms resting on the top of my thighs, while his thumbs drew circles on the inner sides. "But perhaps you had enough for today."

"You want me to beg, Sallow?"

"I just want to know what you want from me."

He was toying with me again, and I was helpless. I let my body answer on its own. My legs wrapped around his waist and pushed him against me, my hands ran from his collarbone to his bare chest. We were locked in a feverish embrace, our bodies pressed together as we explored each other with wild abandon. I kept rubbing against his firmness, provoking his movement to become more intense.

"Is that what you want?" he dropped the question in my lips. "Do you want it ramming your insides?"

"Fuck, Sebastian." His vulgar demeanour had me in shambles. "Yes. I'm all yours."

He bit his lip but couldn't hide his sly smile. "All mine."

I freed him from my legs and gave him enough space to undo his trousers. My skirt was still rolled up, revealing more than just my high dark stockings, and our white shirts were laying on the wooden floor. He held my legs with his hands and placed himself right between them, slowly making his way. My arms hung around his neck, bringing our bodies closer. Feeling his skin on mine was divine, the warm sensation contrasted with the shivers that were running down my spine as he kept sliding in softly. Now he was repressing a felt moan with his mouth shut.

"Mmm." he savoured every inch. "You are burning inside." He then reached my furthest point and made my eyes roll with pleasure. His hips started moving in slow motion, but with a steady rhythm. I felt a fool for keeping Sebastian out of reach these past weeks. With every move he made, I regretted each minute we spent apart purely on my whim. We were addicted to each other, and it was too late to fight it.

We had forgotten about our surroundings, until we heard the sound of approaching footsteps. He suddenly stopped moving, and pressed a finger to his lips in a silent warning. We both froze, still locked in our embrace, listening intently as the footsteps grew closer. I could recognize it was Ms. Scribner when I heard her muttering to herself, and I knew she was suspicious.

"Is anybody there?" she asked loudly.

For what felt like an eternity, we remained still and silent, our hearts pounding in our chests. The adrenaline was hard to ignore, and so was the heat that we shared while we were one. Sebastian finally lost the battle against his own instincts, and reached deeper. In an instant, he covered my mouth with his hand, just in time before my rejoice became audible. "Quietly now." he whispered in my ear. Now he was playing with fire, and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the thrill.

"Library is closed!" the librarian announced in the distance, completely oblivious to what was going on right under her nose. "Last call!"

His slow movements were like a dance, tempting me to join him and move at his pace. Eventually I gave in too, undulating my body against him, following his lead.

As Scribner's footsteps faded away in the distance, our pace got faster. When we were finally on our own again, he removed his hand from my lips and let it run down my back. He was leaning with his head right next to mine, his warm breath brushed my ear and I couldn't be more delighted by the sounds. I got goosebumps all over my skin.

"You feel so SO damn good" he muttered in my ear, really savouring my warmth with his motion. My eyes were rolling with pleasure, all my senses were captive of his desires, taking me somewhere I'd never want to leave. I kissed his collarbone, and sucked the side of his neck. He groaned as my fingernails raked across his skin, marking him as mine. He seemed to take great pleasure in it, as he tightened his grip on my leg, fingers digging into my flesh. We were a tangle of limbs, lost in a forbidden paradise. Sebastian moved faster against me, the intensity building with every thrust. The bookshelves trembled and a few volumes fell, had Scribner remained any longer downstairs and we would most definitely have been caught. I clutched onto Sebastian's shoulders as he pushed me closer to the edge, my moans growing louder with each passing second. The intensity was almost too much to bear. With my fingers tangled in his hair, I let out a string of profanities intertwined with my partner's name. Repeatedly.

"I- I can't- much longer" was the best I could mutter, right before my back arched on its own, reaching that precious moment of ecstasy. This time, it felt more intense and the feeling lingered for much longer. He never ceased, as he chased his own peak of pleasure, and I marvelled at the sight of his body moving in such a wild manner. His breath came in ragged gasps as he worked towards his climax, and when it finally hit him, he let out a primal groan of release.

He rested his weight on me, and we stayed embraced for a moment, my hands caressing his back lovingly.

"You're incredible." he said, and kissed my lips.

"Did you miss this as much as I did?" I asked tracing his jaw with my finger, his dark eyes were set on mine.

"I was dying for this, can't you tell?" He bit my playful finger with a smile.

I chuckled, and he finally drew back. I wasn't fully aware of the chaos that took place in between those bookshelves until then. My skirt was damp, and our shirts were still crumpled on the floor along with our golden and green ties and a few books. We cleared the crime scene, and helped each other button up our shirts. His eyes were still scanning my body, reminding himself of what it looked like just minutes before. He drew one of his mischievous smiles.

"What?" I asked him.

"I was just thinking... covering this body almost feels like a crime." he answered while he wrapped my silky tie around my collar. When I did the same for him, I realised I had left my mark on the right side of his neck.

"Actually, I think what we just did qualifies as a crime." I replied.

"And I loved every second of it." He pulled my tie towards him, dragging me along to land on his lips. "We've come a long way since the first time we sneaked in here." I could still remember the excitement of that night, for a long time it was all I could think of.

"I know. Nobody found us this time. Although it seemed for a second you actually wanted us to get caught."

He let out a malicious little laugh.

"You know how I love playing with fire." he admitted while he grabbed my waist. "Besides, you seemed to enjoy it a little too much yourself. I felt it."

Replaying that moment in my head made my heart skip a beat.

"Thank you for helping me with my lessons today." I said teasingly with my hands on his chest.

"You're very welcome. I'm just sorry we didn't do it sooner."

"I know... I feel like we should make up for all the time lost." I whispered on his lips.

"Oh?" His eyes widened. This time, it was me who caught him off guard. "You mean now?"

"Repeating things over and over could be a great way for me to remember your lessons."

"Ooofff..." he exhaled and let out a devious laugh. "Then I'll make sure to engrave every detail in your memory."

And so, we prolonged our stay for another hour, pleading the night to never end.

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