My Fate : Single Mom, Second...

By olivesleep

81.8K 2.1K 121

From losing my mom at a young age, to foster care, and being on my own, I've always been alone. Never having... More



3.2K 115 2
By olivesleep


Landing back in Chicago, I look at the bright lights of skyscraper buildings shining through the night as we drive through the city. I miss it here. I'm glad to be home. The guys and I separated at the private airport, now I'm on my way back to my parents.

Walking through the double doors, all the lights are off. We decided to surprise everyone by coming back a few hours early. The only light is in the kitchen. I stroll through the lightly lit hallways and hear the sound of a baby's soft crying and moms soft murmurs. Confused about the sounds, I step in and see my mom at the kitchen carrying a boy in her arms softly soothing his cries.

"Hey mom, who's the baby?"

She lets out a little shriek, clutching her chest with her free hand. After realizing it's me, she scolds, "omg don't scare me like that. You're home earlier than I expected." She smiles up at me.

I chuckle at her reaction, walking up to her, kissing her cheek. I lean back and look down at the teary eyed boy, "So who is he?"

She smiles down at him, "This is Matteo, my grandson."

I choke on my own spit, and splutter, "I'm sorry, what? Did Elena get pregnant? Who's the bastard, I'll kill him." Clenching my fist.

She smacks my arm, "shush, he's not Elena's. He belongs to Anna."

I'm more confused than ever, waiting for her to continue.

"She's Amelia's friend. I fell in love with him, so I decided to adopt them both since she has no family."

"So let me get this right." She nods. "You adopted someone and their baby when I was away?"

She nods.

I sigh as I look down at him. He's staring up at me with wide curious eyes. He holds his arms out towards me.

"Take him." My mom states.

Giving in, I reach over and grab him. Holding him out in front of me. "He's cute." He giggles, and I see his dimples, pulling at my heartstrings. Holding him against my chest, his little fingers poke at my unshaven beard in curiosity. "How old is he?" I ask without looking away from him as he rests his head under my neck.

"He's 35 weeks, a little over 8 months." She says with a smile.

I look over at the time on the stove. It's 3am. "What's he doing up so late?"

"He was having trouble sleeping without his mama. It's her first night away from him."

I look over at her confused.

"She's a nurse, her schedule changed and she's working the night shift for a while."

I nod and look down at Matteo. I run soft circles on his back as his dark soft curls fall over his face as cuddles further into my chest. "He looks ready for bed now."

My mom tries to reach for him, but is unsuccessful when he whines "no, no, no!" With a pout on his face and tears forming.

"It's time for bed, Matteo." She coos at him.

"No!" He turns in my arms and wraps both arms around my neck, burrowing his face in between my shoulders. I chuckle at how cute he is.

"Hmph..." she shakes her head, and then a smile crosses her face. "Looks like he'll be sleeping with you tonight." She pats my shoulder, kissing my cheek and the back of Matteo's head.

"I don't know how to take care of a baby." I whine.

"He's easy. You'll figure it out." She waves me off. "And welcome home son, I'm happy you're back." With her last parting words, she's out of the room.

I look down to find him already looking at me with a cute sleepy smile. "Guess you'll be sleeping with me, little man." He snuggle back into my chest. I shake my head and walk off towards the direction of my room.

Everything is exactly how I left it. Walking into my bathroom, I turn on my shower and head back to my bedroom. I lay Matteo down in the middle of my bed and gather my pillows, creating a border for him so he doesn't roll off the bed. I peck his forehead as he happily dozed off. I run into the shower and quickly clean off the sticky feeling of flying for hours. Throwing on my briefs, I walk back into my room to find Matteo still knocked out. I move one of the pillows, and get under the covers next to him. I lay there staring at my ceiling as he rolls over and cuddles into my side. I wrap an arm around him, a soft content sigh leaves him and his breath evens out. As I close my eyes, sleep comes.


"We'll isn't this the cutest sight I've ever seen."

"It definitely is. Get a picture mom."

I open one eye to see my mom and Elena on either side of my bed. I groan, rubbing my face, "What are you guys doing here?"

"I wanted to check on Matteo."

At the mention of his name, both my eyes shot open and I looked down at him still soundly sleeping, but on my chest this time. I rub his back as he slowly blinks his eyes awake. He smiles at the sight of me, and I can't help the smile on my face.

"Come on Matteo, we have to change your diaper. And breakfast." My mom coos from my side as she tries to reach for him.

He starts whining on my chest.

I chuckle as I sit up, "it's okay, I won't be far," I kiss his cheek as I hand him to my mom. Once he's settled in her arms, she walks off.

"How did you make that happen?" Elena says from my other side, both hands on her hips.

"What?" I look at her confused.

"He doesn't want to sleep with anyone other than mom and Anna. He refuses to sleep in my bed!" She pouts and stomps her feet.

I burst out laughing, "Maybe because I'm just that easy to love."

She picks up a pillow and smacks me with it.

I laugh harder as she sticks her tongue at me, "Hurry up and come down for breakfast!" As she storms out of my room.

I shake my head and jump out of my bed heading into the shower again.

Once I'm dressed, I head down to the kitchen, finding my dad reading the newspaper at the head of the table, Elena smiling down at her phone, and my mom trying to spoon feed Matteo. He spots me first and makes grabby hands at me. Everyone notices and looks over at me.


"Your plate is fixed, come sit and eat." My mom pats the seat next to her.

Matteo is still making grabby hands at me, I pick him up and sit with him in my lap. My mom huffs at my side, as I dig into my food.

"Here, you can feed him." She pushes his small bowl in front of me.

I grab the spoon, placing it right in front of his mouth, but he closes his mouth, shaking his head, refusing to eat. I try again, but this time I make airplane noises swirling the spoon around his face as he giggles. Finally letting me feed him. I take quick bites in between, trying to make sure he finishes his breakfast. Once we're both done, I notice how quiet the room has gotten. Looking up, I see the entire table staring at me with wide eyes.

"Who would've thought you'd be good with babies." Elena pipes up while I down my glass of water.

"This will be good practice for you." My mom smiles at us.

I choke on my water. Spluttering it everywhere. "Too soon mom." I roll my eyes at her.

She smacks my arm, "I want grandbabies while I can still play with them. Don't deny your mother happiness."

"Matteo is sitting right here." I roll my eyes again.

"And he's the cutest, but I want one from you."

"What about Elena?" I point at my sister across the table.

"No." My dad piped up from the head of the table.

She sticks her tongue out at me.

My dad stands up, "Come on sone, I want to talk to you in my office."

As I stand up with Matteo. My mom stops me, "Wait. You have to give him back, Anna wants to spend time with him before her shift tonight."

I pout and hold him closer to my chest.

My mom chuckles, "He'll be back for dinner with everyone."

I sigh and peck him on his cheek, "I'll see you tonight little man."

I reluctantly gave him to my mom and headed for my dads home office.


I'm carrying Matteo through the Romanos residence. He refused to leave my side since my mom came back with him 2 hours ago. Walking into the foyer and into the living room where everyone is, I ask the important question, "When did my mother have the time to adopt a woman and her baby?"

Amelia bursts out laughing at my entrance. She reaches her arms out to get Matteo, but he shouts, "No! no" and his grip on my shirt gets tighter.

I laugh and poke him, "Ha! I'm his favorite!"

"He barely knows you!" She argues.

"And he hasn't left my side since I've been home!" I stick my tongue out at her, making everyone in the room laugh.

"So who's the baby?" Nico pipes up next to Amelia.

"His name is Matteo. He belongs to the nurse who saved me, her name is Anna. Long story short, she has no support in Florida. Anthony's mother fell in love with her and the baby, and moved her here so they could be closer. You guys will meet her eventually when she's not working or in school. She also lives in your guy's building." Amelia explains.

Luca is the next to speak, "How old is she? And what's she in school for?"

"She's 22 now. And she's in her nurse practitioner program. She's a genius." She beams.

"Is she single?" I ask curiously.

My sister speaks up next, "She's too good for you."

Offended, "Hey I'm a good guy. Don't you think so, little man?" I look down at Matteo, tickling him, causing him to burst into a fit of giggles.

Dinner is announced and we all make our way into the dining room.

As I'm about to take my seat, my mom reaches over to take Matteo, but he resists her, refusing to leave me. I shrug and sit down, placing him on my right leg, bouncing him. She huffs at me, "You've been home for 1 day and he's already choosing you over me."

I smile down at Matteo, "I'm your favorite, aren't I?" Tickling him again, filling the room with his giggles. 

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