The Caseys, 2023: Family Life...

By OneChicagobyA

5.9K 297 2

Sequel to the Short-Story "The Caseys: Parenthood Begins" Matt and Gabby are now home with their sons. This i... More

Welcome Home
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Pregnancy + Butter + Sun = A Disaster in the Making
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Preparing for a Weekend of Romance
One Last Half-Hour of Girl Time
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Two
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Three
A Halstead Family Get Together, Part One
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part One
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part Two
Are You Okay Alex?
The Casey-Halstead Clinic for Mental Health
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Four
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Five: A Sunset Meal and Cuddle
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Six: Romantic Bath
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Seven
Chapter Twenty-Three
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Two
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Pre-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Post-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD, Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five: Interrupted
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Six: The Cuddling Continues
GABBY DREAM: Father's Day 2019
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 7: Lunch Date
Romantic Getaway: Day 2, Pt. 7: Post-Lunch Cuddles
Romantic Getaway, Day 2 - Part 8: Revisiting RV Conversations
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 9: Ocean Fun Time
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Ten
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 11: Pillow Talk and a Shower
Chapter Thirty-Six: Noah, Part One
Noah, Part Two
Welcome Home Noah
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
All's Good
Chapter Forty-Two, Part One
Chapter Forty-Two, Part Two
You, and The Boys are My Dream
Chapter Forty-Four, Part One
Chapter Forty-Four, Part Two
Strategy Sessions: Our Legal Strategy
Chapter Forty-Six
Post-Press Conference
MATT DREAM: Matt's Birthday 2020 with Emilia
Chapter Forty-Nine: Emilia and Andy
I Don't Want to Be Apart...I Want to Be in Your Arms
Do You Blame Me?
Relaxing and Conversing in the Living Room
A Secured Washroom Break-turned-Impromptu Press Conference
Welcome to California
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Seven
How Long are We Staying in California?
Leaving for the Beach
Beach Day, Part One
Beach Day, Part Two
Beach Day, Part Three
What Does This Mean for Us?
Celebrating the Deal, Part One
Celebrating the Deal, Part Two
Happy Birthday Gabby, Part One
Sharing the News, Part One
Sharing the News, Part Two
How to Balance
Our Living Situation: Jay & Alex
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (1)
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (2)
No E-mails Today, Part One
No E-mails Today, Part Two
All Together Now, Part One
All Together Now, Part Two
The Caseys Get Ready for a Swim
Jay & Alex Get Ready for a Swim
Birthday R&R: Cleaning Up
Birthday R&R: A Conversation with Ramon
The Name Game - Round Two: Brainstorming
The Name Game - Round Two: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Nap Time, Business Time
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part One
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part Two
Casey Police Work: Designing a Car
Post-Morning Sickness Shower
Post-Morning Sickness Snack
Fast Asleep
Taking it Easy for the Night
A Morning Walk on Playa San Juan Leighton
Getting Comfortable, Part One
Getting Comfortable, Part Two
How We'll Make It Work, Part One
How We'll Make It Work, Part Two
Taking it Easy, Part One: In the Shower
Taking it Easy, Part One: Getting Cozy in Bed
Pregnancy Diary #2: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Painting a Nursery?
Taking it Easy - Part Two: Lunch
Taking it Easy - Part Two: You Did What Now?
Taking it Easy: Not Rushing It
ELLA Apparel
One Baby Girl, Two Lovers, Three Nights, Four Seasons
Grace and Done?
Worrying News
Cedars-Sinai, Part One
Cedars-Sinai, Part Two
Change of Plans, after a Drama-Filled Day
No Sex, Please
A Night of Rest and Relaxation
Long Night
Congratulations Future Mom, Part One
Congratulations Future Mom, Part Two
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part One
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part Two
Breakfast in Bed, as Requested
Let the Cuddling Begin: Stripping Down
Let's Cuddle (and be Honest with Each Other)
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part One
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part Two
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part One
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part Two
You Okay?
FLASHBACK: Last Morning in Chicago
Lingerie Lunch in Bed with Matteo, Part One
Cuddling (and Eating) in Bed with Matteo, Part Two
Expertise and Regrets: The Expertise
Expertise and Regrets: The Regrets
Heart Stopping, Plan Changing News
Is This Really a Good Idea?
Comforting and Talking: Not Going
Comforting and Talking: Remind me Who I'm Married To?
Grace Casey
Kyle and Stephen Severide
A Toast to Fatherhood
Family Time, Bedtime - Part One
Family Time, Bed Time - Part Two
Pre-Business Meeting Shower
Pre-Business Meetings Cuddles
Reversal: Talking Business in Bed
Hi Beautiful, Hi Handsome
Postpartum Time
Office Conversations
Post-Breakfast Cuddles and Conversations
The Conversations Continue
A Walk on the Beach with the Boys
Home Sweet Home
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part One
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part Two
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part One
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part Two
Day Five
Hey, You're Okay - Part One
Hey, You're Okay - Part Two
Aloha Sexy Thing
Welcome Back to Hawaii: 21st Floor, CEO's Office
Welcome Back to Hawaii: 25th Floor Penthouse
We Have Time
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part One
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part Two
Where is Our Forever Home
Matt Daydream - Part One
Matt Daydream - Part Two
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part One
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part Two
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part One
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part Two
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part One
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part Two
Time, Part One
Time, Part Two
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part One
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part Two
You Fell Asleep in My Arms
They Had to Restart your Heart
The Start of Part Two

Get Out of Here

32 2 0
By OneChicagobyA

Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the new turn that I put in this story? I want you guys to let me know what you think, because I know that I'm ready to have three couples with children: Matt and Gabby, Kelly and Stella, and Jay and Alex. Enjoy readers.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center NICU – This was the last place that Jay wanted to be today, on the day that he was supposed to be showing off his new home to his friends and family. He wanted to be at home, hosting a party as they showed off their new home. But rather, Jay was currently at the hospital; and that was all because of his father-in-law, who was trying to talk his wife into coming home to Chicago after she gives birth. He wants her to be there, so that he can help her; even though they already said that they weren't moving, because this is their home. This is where they're going to live their life because it helps him with his PTSD. He doesn't want to go back, back to the place where things got so complicated for him and his wife; not when he has a great job with his friend, a job that he loves more than anything. And he especially plans on sticking by that plan after what his father-in-law did, while speaking to Alex about his wishes. He wasn't listening to her and continued to interrupt her; and that led to her getting really stressed out.

And that's why they're here. Why they're at the hospital. And why Alex may have to give birth to their daughters, at 29 weeks pregnant. Just taking a breath as he tried to calm down (with Max by his side), Jay just took a breath as he sat right outside Alex's room (where he could calm down); meanwhile, she was being checked on by Natalie to see whether it had to happen. Whether she has to give birth at 29 weeks pregnant. At the same time, Jay had his brother by his side; rubbing his shoulder, Will tried to make him relax. "Jay, take a breath and relax." Jay just looked at his brother, not happy that he said that. "Seriously Will? How can I relax right now?" Getting up from his chair, Jay took a breath due to the fact he couldn't relax. How could he relax when his wife may have to give birth today? Just looking at his brother, Will was actually quite shocked. "Seriously? Did you really just ask me that question? Will, my wife may have to give birth to my girls at 29 weeks pregnant! How is that okay?" Will then walked up to his brother. "Hey, take a breath."

Jay agreed with Will when he said that, well aware that he needs to relax. "This isn't what Alex needs, she needs you. Jay, just take a breath and relax. Jay, you need to be here for your wife. You need to push this worry aside as much as you can because Alex needs you." Jay agreed with his brother when he said that, well aware that was the case. Taking some breaths, he found himself starting to calm down (as much as he could). Well, for a moment. And there was a reason why he was no longer calm, and it was him. It was her father. Walking into the NICU, Hank was speaking. "Sir, you need to stop." Hank then spoke. "My daughter is here; I am going to be with my daughter." Coming to walk into the NICU, Hank made his way over to Alex's room; but that was the last place that he was going to be. Looking at his brother, Jay gave him Max's leach. "Hold him for me." Will just looked at his brother. "Jay..." Getting up, Jay rushed over to his father-in-law; the man who has the audacity to come here, to come here after what he did to her.

Walking up to Alex's room, Hank was about to go in; that was, until Jay grabbed his shirt and proceeded to tug him away from the door. After which, he moved to throw him against the wall; pushing him against him, Jay spoke to him. "You have real guts showing up here!" The nurse then walked up to Jay. "Sir, calm do..." Jay then turned to look at the nurse. "Go get security, I can take care of talking to him." The nurse agreed. "Of course, Mr. Halstead." Hank then looked at Jay. "Jay, calm do..." Jay just looked at him. "CALM DOWN! Did you seriously just say that? Did you seriously just tell ME to CALM DOWN! When my WIFE might have to give birth at 29 weeks!" Hank got nervous when he heard Jay say that. "You really think that I want you here right now? That I want you anywhere near my wife? Near my children?" Hank just looked at Jay. "Jay, she's my daughter." Jay just looked at him. "And those are MY daughters that she's pregnant with." Jay just looked at him. "Do you really think that I want you anywhere near her right now?"

Hank laughed. "You're not the one..." Jay then backed him and went to punch him. "Say that again, say that I don't have the right to protect MY WIFE! The wife whom you may have just sent into premature behavior. Seriously? You take THIS time to ask her to move back to Chicago? SERIOUSLY Hank! She's pregnant with MY DAUGHTERS! I swear to god, what type of father does that? I'll give you an answer to that. NONE!" Hank just gulped when he heard Jay tell him that. Pulling away shortly afterwards, Jay proceeded to push Hank away from his wife's home. "Leave!" Hank just looked at Jay. "Jay, can I at l..." Jay stopped him. "Leave! Go back to Chicago and get out of here." That's when security (and Kelly Severide) come over to him. "Hey, Jay. What are you doing here?" Jay just looked at Kelly when he said that. "Getting this IDIOT! Who sent my wife into premature labor!" Kelly then looked at Jay and took a breath. "Hey, take a breath and just relax. I know, I already called Matt; he's on his way, he's coming. Remember?" Jay agreed with Kelly.

"Just get him out of here, I want him gone." Kelly agreed with Jay when he said that, smiling at him. "Will, give Max to him. Send him back into his room with Alex; that way, he can relax." Will agreed with Kelly when he said that. After which, he walked up to his brother. "C'mon, let's get in your room Jay. Let other people take care of him." Jay agreed with Will when he said that, before making his way into the hospital room that Alex was currently staying at; after which, Kelly made his way over to Hank. "Okay, take a breath Hank and look at me." Hank just looked at Kelly. "Listen, I know that you want to be here. But I know for a fact that you don't want to be here. I think that you should really leave and go back to Chicago." Hank took a breath as he heard Kelly say that, well aware that he screwed up. "I screwed up, didn't I?" Kelly took a breath as he looked at his friend's father-in-law. "You can't be here Voight. You need to leave now, that way you can save your relationship with your daughter." Hank agreed with Kelly, taking a breath.

After which, security arrived. "We have a request to take one Hank Voight out of the hospital?" Kelly looked at Voight, before turning him around so that he can make sure that he leaves. "Hank, you need to go with them." Hank agreed with Kelly when he said that. "I hate that I even did this." Kelly agreed with Hank when he said that. "I know you do Hank, but you need to do what's best to save your relationship with your daughter." Hank agreed with Kelly when he said that, well aware that was the case. After which, he took a breath. "Send them my best, and congratulations on your child." Kelly agreed with Voight when he said that, smiling at him. "Thank you." Voight then went to leave with security, knowing this was the best thing to do; at the same time, Kelly proceeded to make his way over to Alex's room so that he can talk to Jay (and let him know that Voight left). Walking up to his friend's hospital room, Kelly took a breath before knocking on it; that way, he can make sure that they know that someone's coming in.

But before he did, he popped his head in so that he can show them that it's him. "Hey, can I come in?" Looking up at Kelly as he sat next to Alex's bed, Jay agreed with him. "Is he with you?" Kelly shook his head as he walked into the hospital room, before smiling at Alex. "How are you doing Alex?" Turning her head to look at Kelly, Alex took a breath. "Worried that something's wrong." Kelly agreed with Alex when she said that, well aware that was the case. "Yeah, I can understand that." Jay then took a breath as he looked at his wife, really worried. "I'm glad that you're doing okay." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, before turning to look at Kelly. "How are Stella and your boys?" Kelly laughed as he heard Alex ask him that, before walking over to him; after which, he proceeded to grab his phone so that he can show her a picture. "Here's a nice picture of my sons." Going to grab the phone, Alex smiled as she went to look at the phone. "How are you so calm?" Alex took a breath as she put her hand on her stomach. "I choose to be calm, and not panic."

Jay agreed with Alex when she said that, glad that was the case; after which, he walked up to her side. Smiling as he looked at his wife, he leaned over her and then kissed her forehead softly. "Sorry I sent your father away." Turning her head, Alex shook her head. "Hey, it's okay. I'm glad you did." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before bending down and kissing her forehead softly. After which, he looked at Kelly while he was still there with them. After which, he watched as Max jumped onto Alex's bed. "Hey, dow..." Alex shook her head. "I like having him here." Jay agreed with Alex when she said that, before watching as Max crawled over to her. After which, she put her hand on his head and stroked it with her thumb. That was when Kelly heard his phone ring, which prompted him to go grab it. Pulling it out of his pocket, he went ahead and saw that it was Stella. Picking it up, he smiled. "Hey, is everything okay with the boys?" Stella agreed with her husband as he asked her that, as she was more than okay. "Yes, they are. But I heard yelling."

Kelly sighed as he looked at Alex. "Yeah, Hank Voight was here." Stella was confused. "Why would that cause yelling?" Kelly sighed. "I'll come there and come tell you there, just let me say bye to Alex." Stella agreed with Kelly when he said that, understanding why he was doing that; it was so that he didn't make his friend stress out. "Okay, see you in a minute. But can I talk to her for a second?" Kelly agreed with Stella, going to put her on speakerphone. After which, Kelly walked up to Alex. "Hey, Stella wants to say something." Stella then spoke up. "Alex, what's going on; you okay?" Alex sighed as Stella asked her that. "I'm in premature labor." Stella got worried when she heard Alex say that. "Oh god, I am so sorry. I hope you know that we can talk to each other here, just give me a call whenever you want." Jay sighed. "Right now, we need to just take it easy so that she can relax." Alex agreed with Jay, before putting her hands on her stomach and starting to feel a contraction. "OH FUCK! Not this." Natalie (who was in here) then got worried.

"Hey, you okay Alex?" Alex sighed. "I thought I would be spared this feeling, because I was having twins!" Natalie then realized that she was having more contractions. "Alex, how bad are they?" Natalie then proceeded to go push for the doctor, making sure that they have her team there. "They're getting closer together, and I'm scared." Natalie agreed with Alex when she said that, before hearing the doctor come into the room. "You called Dr. Manning?" Natalie agreed with Dr. Paxton, the Emergency OB/GYN on call. "Yes, Alex just felt some more contractions." Dr. Paxton agreed with Natalie when she said that. "You want me here, because you're worried to screw something up?" Natalie sighed. "I'm here to support my brother-in-law. His brother is..." Will then walked into the room. "Right here." Kelly then took a breath. "Listen, I'm going to let you guys have the room." Alex agreed with Kelly. "Thanks K...FUCK!" The doctor then got worried as she heard Alex say that. "Are you okay Ms. Halstead?" Kelly then proceeded to leave, letting them be.

After which, Alex took a breath. "I'm trying to stay calm. Trying to do whatever I can to stop this, then I don't have to give birth." Dr. Paxton took a breath as she turned to look at Natalie, wanting her to tell her sister-in-law. "Dr. Manning?" Natalie then realized what Dr. Paxton needed her to do, which is have her talk to Alex about this instead of her. Getting up, Natalie took a breath as she walked over to her sister-in-law. After all, it's what she needs to do for her; she needs to tell Alex the truth. Going to walk up to her side, Natalie proceeded to grab a bench and brought it close to Alex. "Alex, listen. I really need you to listen to me." Alex agreed as she turned her head to look at her sister-in-law, while also grabbing her hand. "Alex, listen. I know that you want to think that this isn't going to happen today, that this can be fixed; and that we can do something that will stop you from giving birth today." Alex gulped as she heard Natalie tell her that, worried as to where this is going right now; especially since Natalie is going to tell her the truth.

"Alex, I know you don't want to give birth today. I know that. But Alex, I need you to know the truth. Today, the doctors are here to help you do one thing, and one thing only; and that's help you give birth to your daughters. Today, you're going to meet Maddy and Olivia. And that's just going to happen, and you can't think that we can do anything other than that for you; but that doesn't mean that we aren't going to be here for you every step of the way, because we are." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that. "Okay." That's when Alex looked at Jay. "Uhm. Can I have a moment with my husband? I really want to talk about this." Natalie agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that she needs to talk to Jay. Jay then proceeded to make his way over to her, smiling at his wife. "Dr. Paxton, how about we talk about what I'm going to be able to help my sister-in-law?" Dr. Paxton agreed, before walking out so that Alex and Jay can have a moment with each other to talk. So that they can talk about the future that they have.


Sitting with Alex on her bed, Jay took a breath as he held her hand and looked at the woman he loves; after which, he stroked her hand and smiled at the woman he loves. "Hey you." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, smiling at her. "Jay, I'm scared." Jay agreed with Alex when she said that, well aware that was the case. "I know, I know that you're scared Alex; and I feel the same way, I'm scared out of my mind. I can loose my dream come true, but we're going to be okay; I already know that, because I believe that we can do this." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, well aware that was the case. And the way that he speaks to her is just really well. "Alex, you're the strongest woman I've ever met; and there's nobody else that I would rather have as the mother of my children, and that's why you're going to be okay. I promise. We're going to be okay together." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, before smiling at the man she loves; after which, Jay bent down and put his hand on her neck this afternoon. Taking things slow with her, Jay smiled.

Leaning his forehead against hers, Jay smiled. "Alex, I want you to listen to me okay?" Alex agreed with Jay as he said that. "Alex, you're the strongest woman I've ever met. You survived Chicago and being away from me. You survived it all, and I'm so glad that you're my wife. You make me proud every single day, and I am so glad that you're the woman that I get to call Ms. Jay Halstead on a day basis. You are the love of my life, and you're going to be the mother of my children." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware of the fact that she's the love of his life; turning her head, Alex smiled as she kissed him nice and slowly. "Jay, I'm so happy that I have you with me." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Hey, you never have to worry about that Alex; because I'm always going to be here for you, as you're the love of my life." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, smiling at him. After which, she cuddled up to him and just took a breath. "Can we confirm the names? Then you can do the forms?"

Jay smiled as he turned his head and looked at the woman he loves more than anything. "I think we said that we were going to do Madeleine Marie and Olivia Grace Halstead." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, smiling due to the fact that she most definitely loves those names; and they are so beautiful. She then took a breath when she heard her phone ding. "Hey, no. Let me check it." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, letting Jay go grab her phone. Opening it with her passcode, Jay saw that it was a text from Gabby. "It's Gabby, a text message from her." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, before grabbing her phone so that she can read the text messages that she just sent him. After which, she read the messages that Gabby just sent her.

'Alex, you got this girl. You're the strongest woman I've ever met (besides myself), and I promise that we'll deal with this as a team. Rely on Jay and talk to your husband. Don't push him away. I made that mistake years ago, and just hold each other close.'

Alex agreed with the message after reading it, before smiling as she laid her head down on Jay's shoulder; after which, Jay turned his head and proceeded to kiss her forehead softly. "What's the message?" Alex smiled. "Gabby just told me that we're going to deal with this as a team and reminded me to rely on you; and she reminded me to talk to you." Jay agreed with Alex as she told him that, before smiling at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; after which, he leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, Jay smirked due to the fact that this really is everything that she wants right now. "I love you Alex, and I think that Gabby is more than right. You're the strongest woman in the entire world, and I am so proud to call you my wife." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, smiling at the man she loves. "Sorry that we can't stay in our home for a while." Jay shook his head as he heard Alex tell him that, as that doesn't matter right now.

"Hey, look at me." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, looking at Jay as they stared into each other's eyes. "Alex, you're my home; you're the place I call home, and this is where I want to be. This is where our home is going to be right now, and you have nothing to worry about. I love you, and we're going to deal with this." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, before smiling as he proceeded to put her hand on his cheek. After which, she took things nice and slow with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you Jay." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that. Laying her head down on his shoulder, Alex took a breath as she felt Jay leave a kiss on her shoulder. "Alex, you're my priority; and I love you more than anything in the entire world. Please do not believe that's ever not going to be the case." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, before going to grab his hand. "Hey, I know that Jay." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before smiling at her. "Are you going to want guests later? Let's just get these questions out of the way."

Alex sighed as she turned to look at the man she loves. "I don't want to have anybody. After all this drama, I just want to be with you." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before going to kiss her forehead softly; after which, Alex laid her head down on his chest. "Here, let me send a message out. Alex was confused as Jay said something. "No. Just concentrate on me before I have to go, as this might be my..." Jay stopped Alex. "Hey, don't you dare say that. You're going to be fine Alex, and you already know that." Alex agreed with her husband as he told her that, before smiling as they both held each other close. Putting her hand on Jay's chest, Alex smiled. "Olivia and Michael." Jay was confused when he heard Alex say that. "We're having daughters baby. It's Maddy and Olivia." Alex then realized that. "Yeah, I guess the stress is getting to me." Jay agreed with his wife as she said that. "God, I'm going to be outnumbered soon." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, smiling at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world.

"Oh, shut up, you're happy that we're having twin girls." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, as he most definitely is extremely happy that they're having a daughter. But little did Jay and Alex know...that they'd be thrown a curveball. A curveball called Michael Jaymes.

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