
CourtesyTrefflin tarafından

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After his death, Anakin awakens in his younger body at the beginning of the Clone Wars. He tries to reconnect... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1 - Awakening
Chapter 2 - The Truth
Chapter 3 - The Jedi Council
Chapter 4 - Coming Home
Chapter 5 - Progression
Chapter 6 - Hope
Chapter 7 - Panic
Chapter 8 - Accidents
Chapter 9 - Ryloth
Chapter 11 - Captured
Chapter 12 - The Death Star
Chapter 13 - Choices
Chapter 14 - Aftermath
Chapter 15 - Alone

Chapter 10 - Sidious

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CourtesyTrefflin tarafından

Sidious is unsurprised and unperturbed when Dooku calls to report that the weapon to destroy the Naboo system failed. It would have been... useful, but it was hardly crucial to his plans.

What does concern him is the rest of his report. "I confronted Skywalker," Dooku says, "But he appeared... different. I have never felt him so light, and he appeared far more trained than I have seen in the past."

He genuinely believed this... situation couldn't become any stranger. He was wrong. Sidious has absolutely no idea what is wrong with his future apprentice. He can't think of anything that could have changed so much.

He doesn't understand this. None of it makes any sense whatsoever. He still remembers how Anakin was panicking when they last interacted, and that isn't something Sidious can make sense of. Everything implies that he has been through something... he struggled with, but his actions are implying the exact opposite – that he has somehow let go of everything and embraced the Jedi way.

He should have grown Darker, had something happened.

And how could he have experienced something without Sidious having heard word of it?

"He appears to be more powerful in the Force as well," Dooku adds.

That doesn't make sense either, and Sidious doesn't like it when he doesn't understand important factors in his plans.

He needs answers, and the only way to get them is from Anakin, except he's gone for the indefinite future right now. He hadn't been able to get anything out of him last time they talked, though, which is also unusual. He hadn't been able to get anything clear out of the Council about him either without arousing suspicion, and he... can sense that something in that regard is not as it should be. Something happened and changed, and he cannot be certain of what, but it's at a danger of destroying everything he's been working towards.


This, this is what they've been waiting for. They have everything they were looking for. It's not enough, nearly enough, but they can work with it. Sidious will, Obi-Wan suspects, find a way to use it against them, but Anakin's device worked wonders on gathering information.

They have a recording of a meeting with the Sith. That alone is clear proof that Palpatine is committing treason.

They're giving the information they have to the few Senators they trust to deal with the political aspect. It's something the Jedi cannot get involved in, and now, the Council is gathered in a meeting to discuss the situation. Anakin, of course, is present as well.

"We can trust Senator Amidala," Anakin tells them, "And Senator Organa. Mon Mothma, as well, I believe – it is difficult to say who changed now and in the future."

"We can trust their judgement, then," Master Windu declares. "They will know who they can rely on."

Anakin nods, eyes downcast. He's always like that – submissive, and it's always disturbing to see. Obi-Wan still remembers, and misses, a time when Anakin was always willing to fight. It came and went so fast, and Obi-Wan has no idea how or why it changed. He never lived through it like Anakin did. He can't ignore the dark part of his mind questioning what will happen if he loses Anakin altogether, not just the version of him that Obi-Wan knew.

"In the meantime, we must observe how events will play out. Give the signal now to deactivate the clones' inhibitor chips. We will watch Sidious to see what move he makes."

This, Obi-Wan can only hope will end well.

He goes with Anakin to broadcast the signal – yes, there will be some clones who don't pick it up, but the numbers will be minimal. Either way, it will take Sidious's most dangerous army from him.

The reaction is predictable, and immediate. Many don't want to believe it, but the largest reaction is one of outrage. Yes, there will be much chaos, but now, the Republic will have some way of standing.

It takes only a matter of hours before Palpatine disappears. The vote to either remove him from office or postpone his ability to act as Chancellor was practically unanimous, save a few who insisted it would be too dangerous for the Republic. Yes, Obi-Wan knows they're blatantly taking advantage of the fear, but they need to, to legally remove Sidious from office.

It's the clones, in the end, who Sidious barely manages to escape from.

They were hoping to stop him before he escaped from the capital, but unsurprisingly, he's already vanished somewhere. He was obviously prepared for it in the event it was necessary.

Now they'll just have to find a way of hunting him down, but when the entire Republic is furious and out for him, there aren't many places he can run to that will be safe.

It's not until after that, that he finds time alone with Anakin again. Obi-Wan is getting more used to the changes in him now after it's been so long, but he wishes it didn't still sometimes feel like he doesn't really know the Anakin he's talking to. That he's not... his.

"Are you... alright?" Obi-Wan asks finally.

"Sidious escaped," Anakin replies, pausing briefly, which... doesn't really answer the question. But it does explain what's worrying him so much.

"We will search for him," Obi-Wan assures, "He cannot hide forever."

Anakin looks away – he has the look on his face he often does when they're discussing things of his past. "He is... crafty. In the future, there was little he did not prepare for."

Sometimes, he really wishes he could just know what Anakin went through with Sidious. It's... changed so much of him. (Though he doesn't know how much was... that and how much was what his own older-self did to him.) "Evidently he wasn't prepared for you to turn on him," Obi-Wan offers.

Anakin shifts, looking almost uncomfortable. "He... knew it would happen. He... showed me his power as warning that I should not... try."

What does that mean "What do you mean?" he asks, carefully.

"He was... preparing in case his Empire was endangered. I only defeated him by surprise. It was not... planned."

He wishes he knew what to say to that – to any of this. "We'll find him, Anakin. This is something he can't be prepared for," Obi-Wan replies, reaching out to touch his arm. A reminder that Anakin is still here even if it's not... really his. But Anakin is still Anakin.

Anakin leans slightly closer but doesn't otherwise react – he still very... jumpy about touch. (Seeing what happened between them, Obi-Wan can't really fault him for that, but he wishes there was something he could do about it.)

"Are you alright?" he asks, after a long pause. He doesn't really know how to talk to him about this – but in truth, he doesn't know if they ever truly knew how to talk to one another, for things to have fallen as far as they did.

Anakin looks up, not quite meeting his gaze – he never does that anymore. "I am fine, Master."

"Are you? I have seen how... difficult this has been for you."

"When Sidious is found, I will be ready," Anakin replies, shifting.

"That is not... what I mean."

"I... don't understand," Anakin confesses, frowning. "What do you mean?"

"You're different," he tries explaining, "Quiet. Still. You don't have half the energy you used to. If I did not know better, I would think you stopped fighting."

"It's for the best," he promises.

It doesn't feel like it. He misses what his padawan used to be. Hesitantly, he wraps an arm around Anakin, pulling him closer. They rarely hug, but this time, Obi-Wan can't resist the urge to. Anakin inhales sharply, and he leans closer, pressing himself against Obi-Wan. He rests his head on Obi-Wan's shoulder, raising his arms to wrap around him. At least he's comfortable with this, Obi-Wan can't help thinking. He has been... concerned about that for a long time. He didn't want to force Anakin to... have this if he didn't want to. He's still not entirely certain.

How Anakin manages to make himself so small, Obi-Wan has no idea, but he just holds him for what feels like a long time, though he's not entirely certain how long it really was before Obi-Wan finally pulls back. Anakin is warm, almost uncomfortably so. He wants to ask if Anakin is comfortable with him, but he doesn't know how to. More than that, he's too afraid of hearing an answer in the negative to ask. Instead, he raises his hand, lightly pressing it to Anakin's cheek.

"Thank you for staying," Anakin says softly, "For everything."

"Of course," he says, because he doesn't know what more to say.

Anakin nods against his hand, eyes slipping shut. "What if we cannot locate Sidious before he causes more damage?" Anakin queries.

"It won't be your fault," Obi-Wan tries reassuring. "You're not with him any longer."

"I should have... stopped him."

"That burden is not all on you," Obi-Wan points out, "You won't have to do it alone."

Anakin studies his expression, eyes wide. For some reason, it seems like he took that with a far greater meaning than it had to Obi-Wan. "I don't remember how to work with others," he states finally, something Obi-Wan had already figured out himself.

"We knew you would have to relearn much from the start," Obi-Wan assures. This entire situation is... difficult. He hasn't had to comfort Anakin for much of anything in a very long time, and now, it feels like that's all he can do. And it's not always easy to try keeping himself stable and sane when it feels like he just lost Anakin.

Anakin only nods slightly.

Obi-Wan opts to leave it at that. He doesn't know what more he can say.


He and Anakin are sent to discuss the political situation with Senator Amidala and the other senators involved. There is a massive investigation going on into many of the people Palpatine was close to, and despite the chaos being caused, at least the truth is being unveiled.

Seeing Senator Amidala in person is a glaring reminder that her and Anakin are married. She's... she's the reason Anakin Fell in the future. The reason that so much of this happened, even if it's not her fault. Although she should have known better than to have a relationship with a Jedi.

Not that Anakin shouldn't have known better, too, but it's hardly an appropriate thing to bring up now. Not when it's literally been two decades since Anakin last was a Jedi. He should probably have addressed it after Geonosis when he first noticed the obvious signs, instead of waiting.

If he had, would that have... changed what happened in the future?

But despite Obi-Wan's personal feelings on the matter, they're here for far more important reasons – they need to know how the investigating is progressing, and it turns out to be fairly well. Well enough, at least, considering the amount of corruption there is.

Former Senator Bail Organa has been elected Chancellor, while Mina Bonteri has been elected as the new leader of the Separatists. They're attempting, at least, to begin peace talks, though despite that, a disturbing number of Jedi are going missing.

Dooku himself was removed from office much the same way Palpatine was. Where the two Sith are is anyone's guess – though it's most unhelpful Grievous and Ventress seem to have disappeared off the radar as well.

"Many of those suspected of being involved with Palpatine have been arrested," Senator Amidala tells them, her eyes darting to Anakin again. She keeps doing that, for some reason.

Anakin, though, doesn't seem to be giving her quite the same level of attention. If anything, he seems... almost uncomfortable with being here, from how he's holding himself. Obi-Wan can see those things far better than anyone else can. When Anakin gives off the illusion of being professional, it means he's uncomfortable, and he's doing that right now.

And Obi-Wan doesn't really understand why, if they're... still in a relationship. Although it's been years for Anakin.

Maybe they aren't. Maybe their relationship has changed as much as his and Anakin's has.

"What is the public opinion of the Jedi?" Obi-Wan can't help but query. It had turned against the Order before, Anakin told them, and they need to ensure that doesn't happen this time.

"Everyone is focused on the word about Sidious. They are... outraged," she replies, glancing over at Anakin again, who, come to think of it, has been unusually silent.

Before he always seemed to find some excuse or other to talk to her.

"It's relieving that we're finally making progress towards peace," Senator Amidala says finally.

"It is," Obi-Wan agrees, "The war has lasted long enough."

She looks between them both again. "Is that all?"

"Yes, it is," Obi-Wan confirms.

"May I... speak with Anakin in private?"

How did he not figure it out a long time ago? Or is it just that she's not being discreet about it anymore? Obi-Wan doesn't miss the way Anakin twitches slightly. "Alright, then," he agrees, "But I will come, too."

She outwardly reacts far less than he'd have thought. Instead, she nods, and they move off together into an otherwise unoccupied room.

"I know of your relationship," Obi-Wan tells her before she can say anything. "Anakin told me."

Senator Amidala's gaze immediately jumps to Anakin again, questioningly.

"They... deserved the truth," he replies.

"You could have told me," she says, an obvious note of irritation in her voice.

Anakin looks down. "I did not... think of it."

He sounds so submissive, and yes, that's all he's been since this happened, but it's different seeing him reacting to Padme like that, somehow. Nor is he appreciative of the tone she's using on him.

"He has been rather preoccupied," Obi-Wan cuts in. He would think that would be obvious enough anyway. (Maybe it's just that everything about her relationship with Anakin is annoying him right now. If not for Palpatine and her, Anakin would likely have always remained loyal to the Jedi and none of the future would have happened.)

Padme sighs, and he can't quite tell if it's more annoyed or almost worn out. "I didn't call you in here to talk about that," she answers, finally, "How... are you doing, Ani?"

"I am fine," he responds immediately – expectedly.

"You've changed a lot," she replies, looking unconvinced.

"It has been years." He still looks distinctly uncomfortable, from how he's holding himself.

"I know," she says, "But there has been much going on, and I know Palpatine was once your friend."

Anakin stiffens. "He is not... We must find him."

Now he has that look again, which is often when he's thinking about... Obi-Wan doesn't know that he wants to know what.

"Can I have a word with you privately?" Obi-Wan asks. Maybe talking to her about this in private wouldn't be a bad idea. It would also give Anakin an excuse to leave, and Obi-Wan doesn't think he would mind that.

Senator Amidala frowns slightly. "Yes."

Anakin slips from the room without being asked.

"What?" she asks, turning to him.

"I don't know how much Anakin has spoken to you about he went through –"

"Very little. He said he was a Sith and that he... blindly obeyed his master. I don't understand why he would have done any of that. Or how he could have come from the future at all."

She's angry, and Obi-Wan knows she has a right to be, but he can't help feeling irked by it. "The most I know," he tells her, "Is that he... underwent extensive torture. We fought in the future, and I injured him. I do not know how badly."

Truthfully, he knows far more than he wants to know. He doesn't want to think about everything that Anakin went through in the future. The knowledge that his padawan experienced everything he has, and that Obi-Wan will never understand it, nor know how to help him is... It's much like how it was after Anakin first came to the Temple – because he never knew how to help him with that either – but this is far more extreme.

She sighs. "He really isn't who he used to be anymore."

"No," Obi-Wan agrees, something tightening in him. For as many times as he re-accepts that, it still hurts somehow. "He is not. He... he changed. I don't understand what happened, either, but we have to accept that. We can't act as though he is who he once was."

"I understand your point," Senator Amidala concedes at last, tightly.

Obi-Wan can only hope that's going to be enough. He could talk to her about the nature of her relationship with Anakin, but considering the circumstances, that seems... unnecessary. Hopefully.


It's been maybe a month since Palpatine's disappearance – still they haven't found any traces of him or Dooku – when the level of criminal activity everywhere seems to be... suspiciously rising. It's not necessarily unexpected given that, since the war is over, the governments have more time to focus on how much of a problem it's been for years already, but something is far too organized about it. It's becoming a criminal Empire in much the same way it was at the end of the Clone Wars and throughout the Empire during Anakin's time and given the amount of darkness there still is in the Force, Anakin has a sudden, disturbing feeling about why.

"Perhaps Maul is involved in it," he suggests to the Council.

They all stare at him like he's the one with horns until he explains that Maul survived last time. It hadn't even crossed his mind to mention it before.

But if Maul is out there, that means Sidious must have found him, which means all three Sith may be on the run, working together.

Confirming Maul's existence and tracking him down after that isn't as hard as it could have been.

He has to fake a capture to get inside, but that's easy enough. It's not as if he's worried – nothing they have can truly restrain him.

"Skywalker," the Zabrak hisses, circling around in front of him. "Your capture was unexpected, but this all plays into my hands."

"Will it?" he asks, evenly.

A look of dark glee twists Maul's face. "Kenobi will come for you, and when he does, I shall have my revenge."

It truly hits him then, how... similar they are. A former apprentice to Sidious, both of whom lost much because of Obi-Wan.

Anakin looks up, meeting his eyes. "You serve Sidious."

"I serve no one," Maul snaps. His instant denial is answer enough, and it's an obvious lie. He's not fully sure if it was meant to be believable or not, or if...

He may as well be speaking to a mirror right now. "He found you. Remade you, did he not? You... believe you owe him loyalty, and there is nowhere you can escape from him."

"You know nothing of me," Maul snaps, eyes flashing angrily. Not that Anakin can blame him – that's... not an easy thing to hear, especially with how true it is.

"You are not his true apprentice any longer either, are you?" he continues, "He is only... keeping you because you are useful to him."

Maul scoffs. "What's your aim, Jedi?

"You owe Sidious no loyalty," he replies, "You know he will cast you aside when he is... finished." He remembers when Sidious left him on Mustafar far too clearly. On some level, he'd been loyal to Sidious because he had always shown the same, up until then. And in a way... even after that, because Sidious had right to be angry after he considered betraying him. That still doesn't change that he left him, though.

That doesn't change that there's occasional moments he feels almost... guilty for it.

"I know what he is like," Maul shoots back, "I am not building this for him."

"You truly believe you can outmaneuver him when it is time?"

Maul glares in response. It's not an answer, but it is one enough – he wanted to believe he could, though he truly knew it was a lie.

"You know you can't do it alone," Anakin tells him firmly. They both know that's true, even if Maul doesn't want to admit it. Even if he won't.

"I am preparing for it," he shoots back, "My empire is loyal to me, not him." It's actually relieving to know that – it will be easier to deal with Sidious if he doesn't have many new supporters.

"Do you truly believe Sidious will not see it coming? That he does not already know what you intend to do?"

"And if he did," Maul snarls, "How would that concern you?"

There may be a chance of getting his help on some level if Anakin risks telling him this, and nothing in the Force indicates that he shouldn't. "I know how it is," he replies evenly, "To be cast aside by the master who... raised you. By the one person you always... strove to please." He knows it twice over, in fact. Even if Sidious didn't raise him, it was close enough.

Maul stills, the first hint of uncertainty on his face. "How would you know?"

He doesn't need to mention Obi-Wan – that's not relevant here. "Once, in another time, I was your master's apprentice as well."

"What are you talking about?" he demands, sharply.

"I am from the future. I... became his apprentice, then." Yes, he knows it could be dangerous to give Maul this information, but it will change little even if Sidious does discover the truth now. Events are too unpredictable for both of them, for it to matter.

The Sith stares at him for several long moments, likely feeling the truth of the words in the Force. "You're Light," he retorts finally, "You are no Sith."

"I was. I found my way back to where I belonged."

Maul is looking at him almost disbelievingly. "If you knew the power of the Dark Side, why would you let go of it?"

"Some things matter far more than power," he replies. "Home. Family. Freedom. Peace."

"The Light is weak," Maul snarls, "It –"

"What? Denounces those things?" Anakin guesses, "It does not. I speak to you as both a Jedi and a Sith – I have seen far more of the Force. I'm not here to convince you to help us. I'm here to warn you of Sidious. That he will betray you. And to tell you that you can still chose otherwise, if you are willing."

The anger doesn't leave Maul's face, but he can tell it's at least partly a front. Anakin's words are affecting him, even if the Sith doesn't want to show it. "If I assisted you, he would sense it," Maul says finally.

"You do not need to do it directly. The choice is yours. He already knows you intend to betray him – you know that. If you do not do so alone, you may have a chance."

He's quiet, considering, and Anakin finds himself wondering how much of that same aching pain and loneliness he had that Maul shares. And he doesn't have anyone to help him, anyone to want to help, so he's... lost in it. And he never knew a different path before Sidious.

"With Sidious gone, the Jedi will hunt me as a Sith as well."

"If you do not lead an empire of crime, they may not." Likely, they'll still want to, but there won't be nearly as much reason if Maul isn't going around causing trouble senselessly. "You do not need to follow the same path Sidious started you down."

"Sidious wanted you," Maul says, after a pause, "He mentioned something had changed, and he wanted your capture a priority. I will not speak of our meeting."

Somehow, Anakin isn't surprised about that, but it still sends a chill through him. Sidious wants to find him, and – he can't imagine being alone with the Sith master again. Not with Sidious pressing him to join him, or... He forces his mind away from the thought, before he can start... panicking. This would be a terrible place to have one of those incidents.

And... Maul is implying he's going to help them – even if there is, of course, the chance of him promptly turning on them if things aren't going in his favor – and that's a start.

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