Transmigrated into a Parvenu'...

By crystal_lovesreading

279K 6.6K 237

She woke up from her sleep to the divorce papers that the original owner's husband tossed at her. Shu Yan pic... More

Chapter 1 - Bam! Starting out as a mother. How exciting!
Chapter 2 - Gathering Evidence
Chapter 3 - Wench
Chapter 4 - Physical Evidence
Chapter 5 - Picking Up The Kids
Chapter 6 - Scare
Chapter 7 - Making An Example Out of Her
Chapter 8 - The Divorce
Chapter 9 - A Visit From The Family
Chapter 10 - Arrival
Chapter 11 - The Search For An Apartment
Chapter 12 - Buying A House
Chapter 13 - Settling In
Chapter 14 - Shopping
Chapter 15 - Moving
Chapter 16 - Starting School
Chapter 17 - Weight Loss
Chapter 18 - Asked to stay behind by a teacher
Chapter 19 - A small conflict between children
Chapter 20 - Chatting with the other parents
Chapter 21 - Ye Jingjing's tutorial classes
Chapter 22 - Finding a Storefront
Chapter 23 - Looking for Merchandise
Chapter 24 - Recruiting Employees
Chapter 25 - Gossip
Chapter 26 - Merchandising
Chapter 27 - Moms Are Superhumans
Chapter 28 - Kindergarten
Chapter 29 - Zoo
Chapter 30 - First Customers
Chapter 31 - Grand Opening
Chapter 32 - A Favor
Chapter 33 - Being Polite
Chapter 34 - Drawing
Chapter 35 - Causing Trouble
Chapter 36 - Wreaking Havoc
Chapter 37 - Keep your enemies close
Chapter 38 - A cheating scum and his mistress
Chapter 39 - Second Meeting
Chapter 40 - Finding a New Place
Chapter 41 - A crowd of melon-eaters
Chapter 42 - Storefront
Chapter 43 - Third Meeting
Chapter 44 - Spots
Chapter 45 - Business Partnership
Chapter 46 - Each Man for Himself
Chapter 47 - Buying the Storefront
Chapter 48 - Going to the Hospital
Chapter 49 - Installing the Phone
Chapter 50 - Pay Day
Chapter 51 - Manufacturing
Chapter 52 - Kidnapper
Chapter 53 - Bodyguard?
Chapter 54 - Protection
Chapter 55 - Dinner
Chapter 56 - The Old Lady was ecstatic
Chapter 57 - "Mommy, are you going to get me a new daddy?"
Chapter 58 - "Mommy, are you making dinner for that uncle today?"
Chapter 59 - "Mom, did you do something bad?"
Chapter 60 - Shu Yan blushed.
Chapter 61 - "Shu Yan is my friend and that will not change."
Chapter 62 - "Have Xiuxiu quit her job and help us out? That's not right."
Chapter 63 - Becoming a shareholder
Chapter 64 - Name Changing
Chapter 66 - "Just keep an eye out for me."
Chapter 65 - "You can't let them know where I am"
Chapter 67 - The orders came in like snowflakes.
Chapter 68 - "As dinner time quickly approached..."
Chapter 69 - "Boss, did you drink?"
Chapter 70 - Heartwarming
Chapter 71 - "You.. you are keeping me?"
Chapter 72 - "She will be back sooner or later."
Chapter 73 - "It's better to have a woman that you can share your life with."
Chapter 74 - Happy New Year
Chapter 75 - "Brother Yu, Miss Shu is going to merchandizing tonight."
Chapter 76 - "I don't mind the scar."
Chapter 77 - A wedding
Chapter 78 - "Give me your account number, quickly."
Chapter 79 - She saw Yingying's parents charging at her.
Chapter 80 - "What is it that you want to do?"
Chapter 81 - "What a coincidence?"
Chapter 82 - It's not easy to be a stepmother; being a stepfather is no better.
Chapter 83 - "I am a man who had died a few times, this can't be worse."
Chapter 84 - She was putting in good words for Feng Zeyu.
Chapter 85 - What could she say? Copying is a culture of China.
Chapter 86 - Different fates of different people.
Chapter 87 - Talking to him really wears Shu Yan out.
Chapter 88 - "I wish you luck on that."
Chapter 89 - Shu Yan saw her run out and retched around the corner.
Chapter 90 - Shu Yan looked like a queen in front of everyone.
Chapter 91 - "I have never seen someone as stupid as you."
Chapter 92 - "I am glad you thought of me."
Chapter 93 - "Will you be okay with a new daddy?"
Chapter 94 - Shu Yan chuckled, "That goes without saying."
Chapter 95 - "I'm sure the Landlord was behind this. That makes me so angry!"
Chapter 96 - The more they can sell, the higher their commissions.
Chapter 97 - Sister-in-law?
Chapter 98 - The truth is out
Chapter 99 - Until you two say yes
Chapter 100 - A woman you can't woo with a pair of gold earrings.
Chapter 101 - "So we will be neighbors from now on?"
Chapter 102 - It wouldn't be bad for her to be with someone else.
Chapter 103 - He could barely walk on his way back.
Chapter 104 - "You are a dog if you can't follow through with it."
Chapter 105 - He looks comical with a bundle of roses in his hand.
Chapter 106 - "Call the cops. We must call the cops now."
Chapter 107 - "Third Uncle, I have a favor to ask."
Chapter 108 - Everybody changed their tunes.
Chapter 109 - Shu Yan did that for herself and for the original owner.
Chapter 110 - "We will probably be there by morning."
Chapter 111 - Shu Yan laughed in the wind.
Chapter 112
Chapter 113 - Designs for the new season
Chapter 114 - A woman, pacing at the entrance of the village, withdrew again.
Chapter 115 - Shu Yan smiled. Of course she had faith in Fang Zeyu.
Chapter 116 - Others only need to know they received a lot of awards overseas.
Chapter 117 - "School is not starting just yet. You get some rest."
Chapter 118 - Shu Yan saw a big bundle of roses, hundreds of them!
Chapter 119 - Dinner with him alone? He must be joking
Chapter 120 - "Then... I will let Uncle. F.... Dad know."
Chapter 121 - "Tianbao, would you like me to be your Dad?"
Chapter 122 - "It had started kicking in."
Chapter 123 - Hu Ruixue insisted on his protection.
Chapter 124 - Chen Fei? Is Zhang Huaxiu about to give birth?
Chapter 125 - "Have dinner with me tomorrow?"
Chapter 126 - Shu Yan received a call from someone unexpected.
Chapter 127 - "Will you be alright going back home?
Chapter 128 - The female lead was gone.
Chapter 129 - "I really feel that she is not my daughter."
Chapter 130 - "How is Third Sister related to Li Miaomiao?"
Chapter 131 - "Yanyan, please save me and my child."
Chapter 132 - "It will get better from this point forward."
Chapter 133 - "Trust me"
Chapter 134 - Ye Zhiqiang regretted letting Shu Yan have their son.
Chapter 136 - Shu Yan decided to visit Hu Ruixue early this year.
Chapter 137 - "My daughter did not come home for the New Year."
Chapter 138 - She came at the perfect time.
Chapter 139 - "I sure hope they would know better than have any ideas."
Chapter 140 - "I will be here with you no matter what."
Chapter 141 - "Ruixue left that for you."
Chapter 142 - " I don't want to show up and disrupt her life."
Chapter 143 - They could not afford any mistakes tomorrow.
Chapter 144 - "Get it away from me. I'm about to throw up."
Chapter 145 - She was only this way in front of Feng Zeyu.
Chapter 146 - Only a loving couple would have a warm home like this
Chapter 147 - Let's keep this between us
Chapter 148 - Ain't that the truth?
Chapter 149 - Ye Zhiqiang got married after a month. Guess who he married?
Chapter 150 - "I will live a good life in this world."
Chapter 151 - You are involved in a murder case. Please come with us."
Chapter 152 - Tianbao returned from overseas looking very distressed.
Chapter 153 - All children are rebellious at his age.
Chapter 154 - Tianbao's girlfriend
Side Note:

Chapter 135 - "I have an awful idea. Do you want to hear it?"

1.6K 32 1
By crystal_lovesreading

"Do you think she can make it happen?" asked Li Jiaojiao in uncertainty as she twisted her fingers.

Who would want someone else's child if they could have their own? Unfortunately, she sustained too much injury from her last miscarriage and was told by doctors that it would be difficult for her to get pregnant again. 

Ye Zhiqiang would still comfort her at the beginning but, as time went on, had become more and more impatient with her.

Li Jiaojiao knew Ye Zhiqiang well. If he could cheat on his wife with her back then, he could easier find someone younger and prettier now to bear his child for him. In comparison, she was better off picking his ex-wife's son. For one, Tianbao was already there and he was still young. He would grow on her in a few years' time.

"We got the news a little late and Shu Yan had already left City XI. For sure Shu Jianyang won't say anything." Ye Zhiqiang puffed his cigarette and said, "We will call the cops when push comes to shove. Even if we are divorced, Tianbao is still my son. It is not illegal to want to see my own son."

He had thought that Shu Yan was stupid and that her child would be stupid and ugly like her. Jiaojiao's child would be much better. He couldn't wait to lose the two baggage when Shu Yan asked for their custody. 

Who know have thought that Jiaojiao would have a miscarriage and sustained injuries from that as well? In this case, then they could not give Tianbao to Shu Yan.

"But Shu Yan still have our pictures," said Li Jiaojiao hesitantly.

"We worried about that in the past because we were living in City Xi. Now that you have lost your job and my career in City Xi had been destroyed, we can always have your parents move here as well and never return to City Xi." Ye Zhiqiang was already at the point of not caring.

If Ye Zhiqiang had to guess, there weren't much that Old Mr. and Mrs. Ye could do. If they were to talk about rightfulness, Shu Yan was in the right. If they want to use brute force, Shu Jianyang was more forceful. They would be sent away by Shu Jianyang in no time.

Back inside his office, Shu Jianyang gave Shu Yan a call right away.

"They want to see JingJing and Tianbao? Not going to happen," said Shu Yan immediately.

"Legally, the child parents have visitation right." Shu Jianyang had already consulted a lawyer specifically. "Judging from the looks though, I think they want more than just visitation rights. They are probably also after Tianbao's custody."

"All the more that is not going to happen. We've had it all detailed out in our divorce agreement back then. He was the one who had given up on his rights. Even if we go to court, I will still have the children's custody." She had already consulted a lawyer before and everything was listed clearly in their divorce agreement.

"Mainly going to court is a hassle." Shu Jianyang sighed. "You need to be mentally prepared."

Shu Yan was so angry that she slammed her fist down on the table after the call.

"What's the matter?" asked Feng Zeyu as he put down the newspaper.

"Tianbao's father's current wife can't give him any kids so he had his eyes on Tianbao now. I will never give them any of my children."

It was just difficult for Li Jiaojiao to become pregnant. There was no guarantee. What would happen to Tianbao if she got pregnant in the future?

One way or another, Shu Yan would not give any of her children to Ye Zhiqiang. It was all detailed out in their divorce agreement. They wanted to fight her now? Not a chance.

"Did you sign an agreement during your divorce?" Feng Zeyu had feelings for the children now. He did not want to give up any of them either.

"Yes. He won't be able to get custody even if he is to take this to court. But the children's father has visitation rights. It would be revolting when he wants to visit them 2 ~ 3 times a week." Going to court would be a hassle as well. If she had to return to City Xi frequently, it would be very disruptive to her life.

When Hu Ruixue saw that Shu Yan looking unhappy the next day, she asked, "Did something happen?"

"I don't even want to talk about it. My ex-husband's affair whom he married had a miscarriage. The doctors told them that it would be difficult for her to get pregnant again so now they are eyeing Tianbao." The thought of it made Shu Yan angry.

"From what you have told me in the past, your ex-husband is not a faithful person. Will he even stay with that Li Jiaojiao in a long run?" There weren't that many faithful ones out there to begin with, especially for someone who already have a track record. Hu Ruixue did not believe that Ye Zhiqiang would remain faithful to Li Jiaojiao.

The two were a loving couple in the original novel. Nevermind that Ye Zhiqiang had never cheated on Li Jiaojiao, he never even raised his voice at her. Now...... Shu Yan wasn't all that certain.

"I have a bad idea. You want to hear it?" said Hu Ruixue with a smile after she rolled around her eyes.

"What idea?" Shu Yan couldn't help but asked.

"Doesn't Ye Zhiqiang want a son? Li Jiaojiao might not be able to have another child but he can. We can find him a young and pretty woman who can give him children. What do you think?" Hu Ruixue felt that it was a great idea. They could revenge Li Jiaojiao and Ye Zhiqiang would also give up on Tianbao. *

Look for another woman for Ye Zhiqiang? Shu Yan looked at Hu Ruixue with her eyes widened. This idea was really so...... Suddenly, her eyes lit up. This world had already deviated a lot from the original novel ever since her arrival.

Without their financial foundation, would Ye Zhiqiang and Li Jiaojiao's relationship still be as steady as described in the novel? Shu Yan had a lot of doubts about that. Perhaps they didn't even need to find him a woman; perhaps Ye Zhiqiang was already seeing someone.

She gave Shu Jianyang a call immediately and had him help find out Ye Zhiqiang's whereabout.

"No need to look. He's in Province Xin and still in constructions. He's doing well for himself." Shu Jianyang's reply came instantly.

The economy at Province Xin was much worse than that inland. Anyone who had over 10,000 yuan there was considered a magnate. Ye Zhiqiang, who went there with a team of men, couldn't have done too poorly.

"Okay, I get it. Thanks, Third Brother. I'll let you go now. We will talk later."

"Wait." Shu Jianyang asked, "You got ideas?"

"I have an idea that is not really an idea. I'll tell you about it later."

Feng Zeyu happened to have a former comrade in arms over in Province Xin so he gave him a call to help look into the matters. There weren't a lot of foreigners at Province Xin at the time and even less bosses like Ye Zhiqiang. It didn't take long for them to get the answer that they were looking for.

Ye Zhiqiang was, after all, good at what he did. He had accepted all sorts of work when he first got there and, once he had built up some reputation, he spent all the money that he had made on building his network and received one big job after another. He earned some hundreds of thousands of yuan in very little time and finally recuperated some. He then opened up a construction company with a resourceful local and was now doing well for himself.

The most important piece of information came in and Ye Zhiqiang, sure enough, already have a lover there. She was introduced to him by his partner.

"This woman is his partner's cousin?" asked Shu Yan in disbelief.

"Yes, but not a close one. A cousin nonetheless though." Feng Zeyu showed Shu Yan the pictures from his comrade in arms.

She was fair skinned and her features were very delicate. Her eyes limpid. She looked different than mainland Chinese and had a kind of exotic tribal beauty.

"Does Li Jiaojiao know about this woman?"

"We are not certain about that but, personally, I would guess yes." Which would explain the rush in obtaining Tianbao.


Translator's rambling:

Ehehehehe. NOW we know Hu Ruixue's true purpose in this novel. 😉


That would be Shu Yan's guess as well. Naturally Li Jiaojiao would wish that she could have her own child. If she was in such a rush right now, for sure she was being threatened by someone or something. This Xue Li was pretty and was also the cousin of Ye Zhiqiang's partner. Plus she was healthy. She certainly posed a big threat to Li Jiaojiao.

"Can you have your comrade in arms hook me up with Xue Li? I'd like to talk to her over the phone."

"You don't need to be involved. Just pretend that you know nothing about it. I'll take care of this." Feng Zeyu did not advise for Shu Yan to be involved. There are no permanent secrets in this world. It would wreck more havoc when Ye Zhiqiang and Li Jiaojiao found out about it. *

This day, right after Xue Li had finished lunch, she was informed by the servant that someone was looking for her.

"Who is it?" She was a girl from the village and was brought to the city by her cousin because she was pretty. She didn't know anyone there. **

"I don't know the person. She left after leaving a letter behind." The servant handed the letter over to Xue Li.

"Okay, I get it." Xue Li was illiterate before but her cousin had hired a tutor to teach her to read since her arrival at the city. She could not read the words on the note. Li Jiaojiao was not able to get pregnant and Ye Zhiqiang wanted to have a child. That was awesome.

Ye Zhiqiang had no idea what had gotten into Xue Li but she had become more and more affectionate lately. That being said, her affection was very welcomed.

Shu Yan had no idea what Feng Zeyu had done but the Ye family's side had been quiet. Or that they were working on something grand. Welp, cross that bridge when we come to it.

It was close to the end of the year and she had been busy running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Hu Ruixue had just created a purse line.

"Do we think we are going too fast?" Even Shu Yan was startled by their speed.

"No, I think that we are being slow already." Hu Ruixue looked at the data from their purse line. They were doing well. "I think we need to invest more in advertising so more people are aware of our brand."

Hu Ruixue, having tasted the success from advertisement, had been planning way ahead every time before they launch new products. Unfortunately, their contract with CCTV would be expiring soon and it would be difficult for them to renew their contract with them.

"We will need to meet up with CCTV to talk to them and go in person if need be. Money is not an object." Shu Yan stressed a lot on that.

"I was just about to tell you that. We will go together day after tomorrow." Hu Ruixue's relative had already left CCTV; as such, it would be somewhat difficult to have their advertisement aired on CCTV.

Even though their advertisements were only aired during the downtimes but this was CCTV they were talking about. 5 million yuan really wasn't all that expensive. Owing to the success of their advertisement, many people had been eyeing the spot this year and the price had now gone up to 20 million. Even so, that was an amount that Shu Yan and Hu Ruixue could afford.

With their contract nailed down, the two of them returned happily back to City Nan.

It had been a few days since Shu Yan had been home and her children missed her a lot. It being the weekend, Shu Yan decided to spend the day home to keep them company.

"Little Sister, come have dinner at my place tonight." Shu Li's little shop had been doing well and making around 500 yuan a day. She had been a much more cheerful person and offered them beverages as soon as Shu Yan arrived with JingJing and Tianbao. "Have a seat. Dinner is almost ready."

"Just a couple simple dishes will be fine. We are family." Shu Yan followed her into the kitchen. Oh boy, braised pork, chicken broth, duck, fish, and shrimp, Tianbao's favorite.

"There isn't that many dishes. I just have to finish up the vegetable dish." Shu Li poked her head out and asked, "How come Yu didn't come?"

"He's busy today." Shu Yan carried the dishes out. "How are you adjusting?"

"Life cannot possibly get better than this." It would be blasphemous to complain about making several hundred yuan a day.


Translator's rambling:

Ehehehehe. NOW we know Hu Ruixue's true purpose in this novel. 😉

* Em... knowing that Shu Yan's man was involved instead would somehow be any better? =.=

** So messed up (brought out of the village because she was pretty) ...

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