We can call it a mistake when...

Por boomercal

153 3 0

Calum and Luke get separated from their friends at a party. With alcohol, sexual history and something linger... Mais

how many hail marys will absolve this sin?
and so I lay myself bare

we can call it a mistake once it's already done

75 1 0
Por boomercal

Dan was hosting another party on a random Wednesday night, and they'd decided to go as a group; they hadn't been there all that long when they'd separated into two smaller but distinct groups. The girls and the guys. The guys being Ashton, Luke and Michael, and the Girls were Sierra, Crystal, KayKay and himself. Calum always seemed to end up with the girls, he liked to pretend it was something to do with emotional intelligence, but they regularly humbled him in that regard.

They'd been here honestly too long by the time he misplaced the girls. They'd gone to the bathroom, and then someone had offered Calum a drink, and when he'd gone back to wait outside the bathroom, two different girls walked out. Which meant his girls had already headed back into the party. He quietly hoped Crystal and Sierra were looking for their husbands so they could all go home. Ashton wouldn't stay if only he and Calum were left; they could be back at his having sex, which the more Calum's drunk mind thought about, the more appealing it became.

So he started searching for at least one person he's come with, and eventually, he found Luke sitting on a couch, paper cup in hand. No one was sitting with him, and he assumed it was for the same reason he was alone; someone had gone to get a drink or go to the bathroom, and he asked as much when he sat down.

"Get separated from Mike and Ash?" flopping down next to the older man and curling into his side, careful not to bump either of their cups.

He knew there were rumours in the circles they ran in about him and Luke. That was probably because they were like this in public. No one knew about Calum and Ashton; all these people had already heard the rumours from years ago about Luke and Ashton. No one knew either, of course, that Luke and Calum had actually slept together, Michael too, but he assumed they'd be unlikely to believe that one.

Luke hummed, "haven't seen my wife since I got here, and those two losers went off to look at some fish tank a while ago," he rolled his eyes and sipped his drink.

"I was with Si till a little bit ago; Crystal, KayKay and her went off to the bathroom; problems of being a boy, can't go with them, at least not without it looking bad," he chuckled.

Luke's arm was around his waist, as they laughed together, "you always seem to end up with the girls,"

Calum leant in close to Luke's ear, closer than he meant to, his tipsy state ruining his depth perception, "cause whether you three want to admit it or not, I'm a WAG," his breath hot against Luke's neck. He wasn't sure he'd meant to, but he wasn't upset he had; teasing Luke was fun.

Another hum, fingers gently teasing the small bit of exposed skin on Calum's waist, "you like being Ashton's wife?" he asked, matching Calum's tone.

He rubbed his lips together, thinking, "it has its benefits,"


"He's not very jealous," Calum said coyly; they weren't doing this; they were just playing at it.

Their eyes held for half a moment, and then Calum snuggled back in against Luke's side, head in the crook of his neck, breath fanning against it again. The older man's hand still running delicate fingertips along exposed skin.

Luke took a sip of his drink, "want another one?" Calum considered he should stop now, and maybe he could avoid a hangover, but the buzz was nice, making him feel playful and relaxed. One more just to keep buzzed, he reasoned; lots of people had already left, and by the time he finished the next, they'd be leaving anyway.

"Sure," he agreed.

He shifted off Luke and the couch, realising just how many people had left since he'd sat down next to Luke. The kitchen was empty when they entered; the counters were almost completely sticky, and empty cups and bottles covered a lot of the bench space, but amongst them were a few bottles with enough for a drink left in them, if that.

"Shots?" Luke asked as he picked up a tequila bottle; it had by far the most in it. He was smirking as his eyes flicked from the bottle to Calum.

He'd been resolute in his one more drink; there'd be a sipping drink after this shot. But he nodded; it was hard to say no to Luke. The older man smiled softly, and Calum felt he'd made the right choice; he grabbed four cups from what appeared to be a clean pile. Splitting what was left of the tequila between two, then reached for a bottle of whiskey that was in a similar state and did the same thing. Then, reaching for a room-temperature bottle of ginger ale and pouring it in on top of the whiskey, he paused in a way that made Calum realise he was looking for something. And the younger man moved to the freezer and pulled a handful of ice cubes out, dropping them into the drinks.

"Always one step ahead of me," Luke remarked; the way he said it made Calum's thoughts jump back to the way he'd let himself draw close, too close to Luke. Maybe he hadn't started this; they had started this.

He handed Calum one of the cups with tequila, and they tapped the paper cups together, then down they went. Since he'd started hanging out with them, Calum had gotten better at this. It burned, but his face remained impassive as he swallowed the feeling, and then Luke handed him the other cup. And he placed it inside the empty one; no need to add to the mess on the counters.

Luke leaned back against the smallest clear part of the counter, sipping his own drink. He licked his lip; he did that more often than Calum had realised, "what's the verdict on my whiskey and dry?" He asked, looking at him from hooded eyes.

Calum drew nearer, "it's good, a bit strong," he told him, settling in front of Luke, wondering if Luke would be one step ahead of him this time.

He sipped again, lips licking the whiskey flavour from his lips, then they broke into a smile, and Calum looked up to see Luke already looking at him. They weren't yet past the stage of plausible deniability, but they were getting close. Calum shifted forward, letting a hand press into Luke's hip, sipping from his cup as casually as he could. This was friendly.

"I'm heading home!" A voice called from outside, possibly from the front door itself.

Luke and Calum didn't startle, "Get home safe!" Calum called back, not even sure who it was; eyes fixed on Luke, who took another long drink.

He bent his neck slightly, so he could talk next to Calum's ear, "are we playing chicken, Calum?" He asked low and soft, placing his cup on the counter.

Calum let out an exhale of a laugh, "if we are," he started quiet and playful, "I don't intend to lose," as soon as the words were out of his mouth, Luke's now free hand snaked around Calum's waist, and his eyes held a challenge.

The younger man took one last long drink and then abandoned his cup as Luke had, he'd had to lean right over Luke's shoulder to place it there, and the other man had only responded by tightening his arm; Calum couldn't retreat to where he'd started. He found he didn't mind, their faces forced together, eyeing one another as they weighed up the choice before them. Chicken was a reciprocating game, so he leaned in slow and tasing and pressed a kiss into the corner of Luke's mouth; as he made to pull back, Luke captured his lips in a kiss.

He kissed back, tongue pressing into his mouth; if they were doing this, they were doing it properly. Hand reaching to the back of Luke's neck, wanting him closer, tempted to groan as he realised they would have to move if he wanted to convince the older man to take his clothes off. And he wanted that; the first kiss has sealed Calum's fate; he wasn't playing at cheating on his boyfriend, helping his best friend cheat on his other best friend; he was doing it. They could pull away now, and they could downplay it, say it was platonic, tongueless, and they were drunk. But he wanted to take it further; he didn't want it to be an indiscretion.

They could have made their way upstairs, around the house, found where their beloveds were and broached the question, can the two of us go home together tonight? They'd have said yes; they'd said yes every other time. But they hadn't asked, and they wouldn't.

Luke's hands had both moved to Calum's arse, sliding down the backs of his thighs, and as they did, Calum knew they were in sync; he knew when to push off the balls of his feet to make it easier for Luke to pick him up. Wrapping his legs around his waist, their lips met quickly, kissing hungrily again until Luke wanted to speak.

"Pretend to be asleep," he told him, feeling the older man push off the counter and start walking them out of the kitchen.

Calum did as he was told, head buried in Luke's shoulder, he could feel they were going toward the bathroom, "office," he said quietly, and Luke changed directions fast.

"Oh, what's up with Calum? Green out?" A woman's voice asked.

Luke chuckled quietly, "no, just had too much to drink, was going to pop him on the couch in the office," he was so kind and collected, always in control; not a single person would question him.

They started moving again, and Calum assumed it was toward the office, "now someone knows who's gone in here; we'll have to be quiet," they must have been out of view because he leant down close and pressed a kiss into Calum's neck. He let himself enjoy it, eyes flicking open and moving to kiss Luke, who was pushing the office door closed and pressing Calum up against it as he fumbled with the lock.

Once the door was locked, Luke's focus came back, kissing Calum desperately and pressing him firmer into the door, bruisingly fierce hold on his thighs and breathing heavily as he all but refused to break their kiss. Calum wanted to laugh as he pulled away, but he was breathless, so it fell short as just a puff.

He led one of his hands to Luke's arse and the other to his cock, "where am I going?" He asked. This is what he wanted, give and take, with no assumptions about who was doing what, ebb and flow. Ashton tried and failed over and over, and it was sweet he tried. But it wasn't enough anymore; he wanted what he had with Luke all the time.

One of Luke's hands squeezed the hand Calum had on his cock, "this first, and if we have time, the other,"

Calum nodded, "move me to the couch?" He asked, breathing deep and feeling the nice swirl in the back of his head that reminded him he was still on the right side of tipsy.

Luke did as Calum asked, sucking on his neck, careful not to leave marks as he dropped unflatteringly onto the couch; Calum groaned as he fell forward in Luke's lap. As he settled himself across the older man's lap, leaning back, so it was easier for him to unbutton Luke's plaid pants. He was already hard, and Calum smiled to himself; Luke wanted this as much as he did. They were both tempted by one another, and that made this so much simpler.

He spat in his hand as best he could and started working Luke in his hand, watching as the tip disappeared in his fist and then reappeared over and over until he decided to flick his eyes up and watch its owner. Whose eyes had flicked shut, he seemed to sense Calum watching him, and they opened, the pair of them locked in each other as he continued to stroke.

"That feel good?" He asked, feeling himself come free from something he hadn't noticed holding him back, and as Luke nodded, he continued, "yeah? Look at you; you'd fuck up into my hand if you could," his voice was low, and his teeth grazed his lip as he thought of more obscene things he wanted to say. Luke was his, not on loan, borrowed for an evening, this made him his, and he wanted to push his limits, knead him out of the mould she'd put him in and make his own man.

The older man whined under him, and Calum relished it; he knew it; Luke was a whore who loved dirty talk; he hummed, "you're gonna be a good boy for me, aren't you?" He wanted to tease a little longer, taunt and pull him apart, but he also wanted Luke so bad, and time, time was not on their side tonight.

"Yes," Luke breathed out; his eyes had closed again, letting himself luxuriate in the feeling of Calum.

Who's lips placed sloppy, open-mouthed kisses against his neck. "You want my hole?" He asked just under Luke's ear; he wanted it, he didn't have to ask, but he wanted to hear him beg. He nodded, but that wasn't enough for Calum, "I can't hear you,"

"I want you, want you right now," he breathed.

Calum laughed, but it was humourless, "you're going to have to ask nicer than that," he bit Luke's earlobe, despite being tempted to lean back and take a long look at his face.

"Please, Cal, I want you," his voice cracked as Calum squeezed his hand around his cock, "want you wrapped around me, buried in you, wear you like a glove," he simpered, and Calum grinned.

He kissed his jaw, "good boy, since you asked so nicely, I'll even let you open it up yourself," Calum rose from Luke's lap, forgetting about his cock as he turned, "you think Dan keeps lube in here?" He asked, laughing.

"Probably, try the desk drawers," Calum did as Luke suggested and pulled all the drawers as far forward as they would come, searching each one until the very bottom one right at the back yielded a few sachets that had clearly come free with a box of condoms. The condoms weren't anywhere to be found, not that Calum wanted them.

He left them on the desk as he pushed his slacks off his hips, letting his underwear bunch in them and drop too. He felt Luke's eyes on him, and it made the fullness between his legs grow; he loved being wanted. Maybe that's why this was so easy to do with Luke. He was thirsty in the way he watched Calum, even when he didn't mean to be, somehow their... other halves hadn't noticed it, but he did it when they were around as well. It could be distracting.

So he returned to Luke slowly, enjoying the feeling of burning eyes on his brown skin, and sat back across his legs, pressing the lube into Luke's palm before sitting up on his knees. Leaning right over Luke's shoulder so the older man could reach behind him more easily.

He waited as patiently as he could manage while he listened to the foil crinkling in Luke's hands. Both of them already around his waist, Calum being able to feel the heat radiating off them until one finally dropped to pull his ass cheek to the side. The other pressed a lubed finger against his hole, rubbing teasingly over the space before pressing a finger in.

"C'mon baby, work me open," he encouraged, holding Luke's shoulders to keep him steady as the older man teased deeper inside. "That's it,"

Luke twisted his finger, pulling back and pressing another in. Manoeuvring them so he could probe at his prostate, then drawing back after a few delicate jabs. He continued, parting them, twisting, drawing in and out, adding another until Calum wasn't able to give him the praise he'd been preening for anymore. Moans and whines overshadowed the 'good boy's he'd been dolling out before.

What he did manage to say was, "keep fucking going," a demand. Luke did, pressing, drawing his attention back to Calum's prostate, keeping a teasing pace, nudging it just a few milliseconds too far apart as Calum kept moaning lowly. Until Luke finally gave in and started to move faster. "You do that so well," he praised. Beginning to feel himself involuntarily tighten around Luke's fingers; as he started to feel the waves of orgasm lap over him, relief came to him despite his dark cock, remaining hard and untouched.

Calum was still as he caught his breath, eyes flickered shut, "I've never given anyone a dry orgasm before," Luke confessed before giving Calum's neck a kiss.

"My boy's capable of anything," Calum crooned, kissing the side of Luke's forehead, "give me a couple of seconds and then I'll hop on your cock," Luke's mouth was still on Calum's neck, his hands holding his arse tenderly. A few more deep breaths, and then he nodded more to himself than Luke, "line me up," Calum said, shifting back, legs a tiny bit wobbly. He touched a hand to Luke's face, and the older man's eyes met his, and it made Calum groan. His eyes were hungry, and Calum was desperate to indulge him.

As he brought himself down further, he felt Luke guide him, the other hand holding his cock in hand, ready for Calum to press the precum-covered head inside himself. Calum could tell Luke was holding back, desperate to start fucking into him.

"You're such a good boy, waiting for me," he ran his fingers through the hair above his ear as he let himself adjust, "know you wanna start moving, wanna rearrange my guts, huh?" the words felt like an act, but they also felt so good leaving his lips. The way they encouraged Luke's hips to shift and his hands to tighten on his waist.

Luke was smaller than Ashton, but he had this nice shape and angle to him that Calum enjoyed. It reminded him of the first time he'd slept with Michael, who was much bigger than both of them, thick and long, and it had hurt but felt so good. Something different was almost always nice. Change is as good as a holiday? A different cock as good as a.... He'd figure out the rest later. As he thought back on it, he started to grind his hips into Luke's lap, teasing himself with the tip of Luke's cock that only just reached his prostate when he pressed his hips just the right way.

His eyes were screwed shut, and his hands were fisted in Luke's shirt, moans and sighs falling from his lips as he used Luke like a glorified dildo. Calum lifted his hips just slightly and brought himself back down, again and again, knowing Luke's eyes were on him and feeling his grip tighten as he tried to hold back. Finally, opening his eyes to find Luke looking up at him with desperate eyes.

"Doing so well, letting me use your cock," he praised breathlessly, forcing his hands to loosen and move to hold either side of Luke's face, he looked worn and besotten, and Calum was drinking it in. He would have to give him something; he really was behaving so well; Ashton wouldn't have tolerated the abuse this long. So he drew himself off of Luke's cock, leaning in close and kissing him slowly before laying down on the couch next to him "alright, go on,"

They held one another's eyes for a long moment, and then Luke stood, finally taking his pants and underwear all the way off. Coming back toward Calum on the couch, the younger man pulled his legs to his chest, exposing his soft hole; he could feel it was damp with lube and precum. He saw Luke's eyes immediately go to it, fixed there as he knelt one knee on the couch and pulled Calum by the thighs, keeping one leg firm on the ground. Calum knew he had teased Luke into a frenzy; he needed all the leverage he could get if, as Calum expected, he was going to try and put him through the couch.

He guided his cock back inside Calum, and this time, the younger man had the privilege of watching the relief come to his face as he bottomed out inside him. Pressed in close to him, he threw Calum's foot over his shoulder and kissed him again, all but begging to get his tongue past Calum's lips. He thought for a moment he was going to have to remind Luke what they were doing, but the older man pulled back soon enough and shifted to hold Calum's knee, securing his foot over his shoulder and his other hand on the back of the couch. Calum nearly giggled at how serious he looked, but then Luke started his short hard thrusts, which caused a groan to fall from the younger man's lips instead.

"Oh yes," Calum moaned, delighting in the sounds that were falling from Luke's lips, "you like using my hole?" he asked, grinning before a well-placed thrust caused a too-loud moan to leave his mouth, and he quickly bit his lip. No one could find them.

Luke groaned at Calum's words, screwing his eyes shut, "feels like fucking heaven," he ground the words out, seemingly concentrating hard on his thrusts.

"Yeah? Feels so good, giving it to me like a pro," Calum told him breathlessly, fisting his hand in the hem of Luke's shirt again, knowing he couldn't possibly get Luke any deeper inside him but desperately wanting to. His resolve was failing, and he used his free hand to start stroking himself; he'd been ignoring the ache as much as he could, but as he watched sweat bead on Luke's forehead and felt his thrusts start to falter, he couldn't hold back.

Calum moaned, and he had to pull his hand free from Luke's shirt to cover his mouth; the older man was trying hard to keep his thrusts firm and steady. Calum let his free leg wrap around Luke's waist, encouraging him to let him stay in, close to him, shorten his thrusts but keep him deep.

"Bet you're close," Calum goaded, huffing as a particularly hard thrust shifted him slightly up the couch. He started stroking himself faster, both desperate for release and knowing the sensation of him coming around Luke would have to push him over the edge. "I'm so close, Lu; you're fucking me so good," he encouraged, eyes screwed shut as he felt his orgasm getting closer and closer; then he felt Luke's hand join his, and immediately he let his hand drop away as Luke started to stroke him roughly until he was coming into his calloused hand. He let out a feral whine into the crook of his arm as Luke continued thrusting in and out as his orgasm slowly came to an end.

Luke's thrusts were getting sloppy, and he half collapsed into Calum as he continued his even shorter strokes until he was coming deep inside the other. They were breathing heavily as Luke recovered, and Calum wrapped his arms around Luke's neck, holding him close to his face, breathing one another's air for a long moment.

"I love you," he confessed; he'd said it a million times before to Luke, but this was it; this was the time. He wasn't sure if Luke understood the severity of it; surely, after what they'd just done, he'd have to understand.

He grinned back at Calum, "I love you too," placing a chaste kiss on his lips before drawing away, freeing himself from inside Calum so he could squeeze beside him on the couch.

Calum was sure he must have looked as lovesick as he felt because there was no way Luke couldn't see the adoring way he was looking at him. He could tell, and there wasn't even anything he could do about it, wanting Luke closer. They'd done it; they'd really done it. It was out there now. Calum didn't know where they went from here, but at the moment, it didn't feel like it really mattered.

Luke kissed him again, this time slow and tongue filled, moving his jaw like he couldn't get enough of Calum, and the younger man wanted to sigh into him.

"I'm so glad we did it," Calum said as they pulled away from one another again, feeling that they should finally say it aloud.

He was smiling and nodding, "I had a feeling about tonight," he laughed, and Calum's heart clenched, butterflies? "So glad I asked Si before we left the house; it was fun like this,"

Calum's heart dropped, asked? He hadn't asked; no one had said anything about asking; this was them. This was throwing caution to the wind, to admitting that whatever they felt for anyone else was less than this.

Luke caught the look on his face, and Calum was ready to be ashamed; sure, the older man knew what he had done, what he had assumed. But instead said, "I'm sorry, did I ruin the fantasy? Should I have left it till we were leaving to mention it?" he asked, and he was rubbing Calum's bicep, and God, Calum was stupid.

He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, and most stupid of all, he wanted to run into Ashton's arms and tell him what a fool he'd been. He couldn't, though; he didn't have time to be sad; he had to decide what he was going to do. The man he wanted was off limits, and the man he had, the man he really did love a lot, didn't know yet that he'd cheated on him. Maybe, he could fix this? Find a way to tell Ashton first, or never tell Ashton. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Calum schooled his face as best he could and smiled, "I know it's silly," he shook his head, "but I was still caught up in it," he laughed quietly and shifted, gesturing to Luke that he wanted to get up. "I should go find Ash; he'll be ready to go home, and he'll want all the details," he did his best fond eye roll and stood, quickly pulling on his underwear and jeans. He'd be home soon; he could clean up there. Using the computer monitor as a mirror, he fixed his hair, so he didn't look completely fucked out and turned to face Luke, who was halfway through pulling his own jeans on.

He slid his phone out of his pocket for effect; it was 4:30 am, "oh shit, I didn't realise how late it was," he said; he had thought it was later, "I was planning on writing tomorrow; I'll talk to you tomorrow?" Luke nodded, and Calum felt like he'd sold it; the older man looked tired, not suspicious.

Ash 💕

hey haven't seen you, did you go home? [4:17]

[4:29] Meet me out front, I wanna go home

was wondering where you were [4:30]

I'm just saying bye now [4:30]

As he stepped out of the office, he started trying to get his story straight.

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