fantasy ━━ the originals¹

Galing kay mlymck

1K 44 5

sometimes her fantasies are the only things keeping her from falling apart VERY SLOW UPDATES ! under some... Higit pa

part one


57 5 0
Galing kay mlymck

v. sinners and saints

                EVER SINCE SHE'D BEEN a young girl, Moira had always appeared to have difficulty sleeping; very few times in her childhood had the girl caught a decent amount of downtime. It was most likely due to the constant nightmares of her deceased mother that'd taunt her young mind each night. Though, if someone asked her, Moira would say her lack of rest was a result of her worries regarding her father's well-being. And while that may have been one of the factors, it wasn't the primary.

                Fortunately, as she grew older, the night terrors had slowly subsided, allowing Moira the gracious gift of a goodnight's rest. However, out of the couple years she'd caught a break, Moira had never gotten as much sleep as she had the present night, nor had she ever been granted the opportunity of doing so on such a soft, luxurious mattress and wrapped in such warm sheets.

                In the beginning, Moira refused to accept the fact that a plantation house owned by The Originals would be what she called home. But, a month or so later, and the girl's perspective regarding the idea has changed; after experiencing firsthand the lengths that Klaus Mikaelson and his siblings would go to in order to ensure the safety of both herself and Hayley, she figured that perhaps she may be able to tolerate the family for a little while longer.

                 Therefore, Moira chose to begin being grateful for the things she's been granted with due to her circumstances. Though, there were few, there were still a few things that she wasn't quite grateful for – one of them being the ancient family's lack of binge-worthy snacks.

                Rolling her eyes in slight irritation, Moira shut the doors to the fridge. She then walked to the pantry, sliding the doors open. There weren't many options, so a pop-tart didn't seem like the worst choice.

                  "Oh," The familiar voice of a certain brunette caused Moira to turn away from the pantry. "You just wake up, too?"

Moira sighed. "After a heavenly twelve hours of sleep, yes, I am." The girl replied, watching as Hayley went to open the fridge for a morning snack. "Pantry."

The brunette's eyebrows cinched together in confusion. "Huh?"

     "The pantry is where you'll find the snacks." Moira clarified, earning a 'Thanks' in gratitude.

After snatching a pop-tart from one of the shelves as well, Hayley slid the pantry doors shut before turning back to face the other young lady who stood behind her. Except, Moira's eyes weren't trained on her anymore; it appeared the distinct conversation occurring in the neighboring living room had caught her attention.

      "What's going on in there?" Hayley asked, taking a spot beside the werewolf who was sitting on a stool by the island.

Simply shrugging, Moira gave the girl a response. "Klaus is getting onto Sophie's ass about both our bad encounters with the witches last night."

"Sophie, look," A particular blonde spoke up in an attempt to capture the witch's attention. "I promised Elijah that I would protect the Mikaelson miracle babies whilst he tries to win your witch Davina's loyalty. Why don't you tell me just how extreme this faction is?"

It seemed like all else had failed to be accounted for – all except for the portion in which Rebekah had mentioned a particular witch. "Elijah's talking to Davina?" Sophie questioned.

"Yeah," Rebekah responded in a nonchalant manner, seeming to not have identified the witch's shock in her words. "as we speak, I imagine."

"I'm guessing she'll have plenty to say about that crowd."

"Do tell."

It was only then that the conversation began to peak Moira's interest – she's always appreciated a small backstory, especially one regarding such a mysterious young girl such as this Davina Claire. Therefore, the girl set down her pop-tart before eagerly pushing herself off the stool she'd been seated on in order to exit the kitchen. With Hayley on her tail, the young girl quickly rounded a corner and another before she finally reached the living area in which the discussion was taking place.

As expected by the two pregnant women, their presence was merely ignored by the three. "I wasn't always an advocate for the witches," Sophie began. "My sister was devoted, like our parents, and our upbringing was very strict, which drove me nuts. The minute I turned twenty-one, I left the Quarter to travel and play. But, I wanted to be a chef, so I came back to Rousseau's. One day, Jane-Anne visited me to inform me that the elders casted a vote for the Harvest to commence."

Eyebrows scrunched in confusion, Rebekah voiced the question that had surely been floating inside everyone's mind. "What the bloody hell is a Harvest?"

"It's a ritual the coven does every three centuries so that the bond to our ancestral magic is restored." The witch replied. "We appease our ancestors, they keep our ancestral power flowing."

"And why haven't I heard of this?" Klaus questioned, curious to know how he hadn't heard of such a thing in all the years he's walked among the earth.

"Because the Harvest always seemed like a myth. A story passed on through generations like Noah's Ark or Buddha walking on water. The kind some people take literally, and some people don't.

"They had the girls of our community preparing for months." Sophie continued. "Four would be chosen for the Harvest. They said that it was an honor, that they were special. I thought it was a myth."

Seeming genuinely interested in what the witch had to say, Rebekah asked yet another question. "Was it a myth?"

After momentarily diverting her gaze to the floor in what appeared to be shame, Sophie opened her mouth to respond to the Original. However, before she could get a word out, the sudden sound of a ringing cell phone had pierced through the tense, quiet atmosphere. Each of the four women in the living area turned their gaze toward the culprit as he pulled the device out of his pocket. The women proceeded to watch in curiosity as he analyzed the screen for an identification before standing from his spot on the couch and answering the call.

"Marcel," Klaus greeted, Moira's eyes rolling at the mention of the vampire. "Bit early in the day for you, isn't it?"

"I know." Marcel spoke through the phone, the room's absolute silence aiding the women in their ability to eavesdrop on the conversation. "I make this look easy, but I still have an empire to run."

"Rather you than me. All that responsibility seems like such a bore."

"This might spice things up. I just heard a bunch of dead witches out in the Bayou, the kind of damage a werewolf might do, only there was no full moon. I have an informant out there I need to meet, and I would love for you to go with me."

Once again, none of what had previously been said had registered to Sophie – that was until five words had left the hybrid's mouth, a teasing smirk playing upon his lips. "Dead witches in the bayou. Sounds like less of a problem and more like a cause of celebration."

"Well, something killed them and may still be out there, and with your blood the only cure to a werewolf bite, I would love for you to accompany me."

The hybrid shrugged his shoulders. "Well, why not? I haven't been to the Bayou in ages. I'm on my way."

"Peace out, brother."

Facial features contorting into one of concern, the Deveraux witch was quick to object toward the idea of the hybrid accompanying Marcel into the Bayou. "You can't go out there now." She protested, standing from the chair she had been placed in. "I need to gather the witches' remains and consecrate them. If I don't get to them before sundown, we'll lose the link to their magic."

At the mere mention of the magical species, Klaus' jaw hardened. "Those witches tried to kill Moira and Hayley. I'd prefer for Marcel's informant not to find anything that would lead him back to us, to them, or know..." He argued, gesturing toward the abdomens of both the women he'd impregnated. "those."

While Moira released a light scoff, Hayley responded with a quip. "You are all class."

"And by that, she really means you're an ass." Moira added, a sarcastic smile etched upon her face.

Klaus merely ignored both the young ladies. "Stay put." He ordered, pointing a demanding finger at her figure. "And save the rest of your story 'til I return."

Despite the words that had left Klaus' mouth, Sophie departed from the women not long after the hybrid had, most likely in an attempt to make it to the Bayou before Marcel and Klaus. And as the witch had exited the plantation home, Moira hadn't failed to notice the curious facial expression that had begun to grow upon Hayley's face – it was obvious what was flowing through the werewolf's mind.

"Nope." Moira spoke up, grabbing the attention of the young woman beside her. "Don't even think about it." She told Hayley, the other werewolf's face feigning one of confusion; though, Lillian evidently wasn't buying it.

"What are you talking about?" Hayley questioned, taking a small bite off of her pop-tart.

"I can see those little gears in your head spinning." The werewolf rolled her eyes. "And there's no way I'm going to let you follow Sophie back to the bayou."

"Moi —  "

"'Cause I don't know if you've noticed, but every time we've gone anywhere near that dump, our lives have been put at stake."

The longer Moira continued, the more Hayley had begun to take her actions into consideration beforehand, which is something she hadn't done in what felt to be awhile. Though, despite Moira's best efforts, it felt to the werewolf there wasn't anything she'd be able to say in order to convince her this wasn't the better decision.

However, Hayley was aware that if she were to tell the truth, Moira would never let her out of sight; therefore, she did what she felt she had to. "I know. I know." The brunette told the younger werewolf standing before her. "I don't know what I was even thinking."

Much to the elder werewolf's surprise, Moira simply left the conversation at that. She gave Hayley a short nod and turned on her way back upstairs to her bedroom.

Disregarding the order that Klaus had made to stay put, Sophie Deveraux had left the plantation in a frenzy. With each second she'd wasted informing the Mikaelson siblings of the past, the less time the young witch would now be going up against in order to retrieve the remains of her ancestors. She knew she had to get to the bodies before Marcel and Klaus, for the good of both her people and herself.

Sophie hurriedly shoved a variety of herbs into her backpack before zipping it shut. She slung the object over her shoulder, turning to make her exit before nearly jumping out of her skin at the sudden appearance of a certainly determined werewolf.

A breath of relief escaped the witch's lips. "Hey, what the hell?" She questioned, dark eyes narrowing in confusion.

"You're going out there, anyway, aren't you?" Hayley observed, eyeing the brown bag that Sophie was holding. "I wanna go with you."

Seeing the stupidity of the idea, Sophie immediately shook her head at the girl. "No, thanks." She refused. "Already got assaulted by Klaus this morning, certainly don't need a repeat."

When the witch attempted to exit the mausoleum yet again, the werewolf merely shifted the position of her feet in order to block Sophie's path. "What if whatever is responsible for those dead witches is still out there?" Hayley provided a ponder, hoping the witch may then take the idea into consideration. "We've already pretty much established that it hates witches and likes me. So, I think you'd be better off if I were to tag along."

"Sorry if I'm not buying your sudden concern for my safety." Sophie quipped, making a move to leave the crypt once again. However, she was put to a halt – once again — by a hand that'd been slapped against the cement.

"Listen," Hayley began, her hardened facial features greatly expressing her loss of patience. "The whole reason I came to this stupid town in the first place was to learn more about my family. Your sister's the one that Marcel ran the werewolves out of the Quarter and into the Bayou, and last night I'm pretty sure some guardian-angel-wolf saved my life. So, I'm coming with you."

"Yeah, let her go with you." The two young ladies then turned to catch a glance at the source of the mocking tone. They each rolled their eyes when they came to recognize the presence of not only Moira but Rebekah as well. "Let her put herself in danger while she runs with a witch down in the Bayou. For the second time, might I add."

Rebekah then chose to speak up, making her opinion known. "Two can play the follow game, you know. You heard Klaus. He and Marcel are headed right where you're going." The vampire felt as if she had to remind them of the challenges they would be facing if they were to proceed with their somewhat of a plan.

To Moira's surprise, Hayley was quick to provide a response toward Rebekah. "So distract them because unless you want to lock a hormonal, pregnant werewolf in a tomb," She then turned to face Sophie. "I'm coming with you."

It was then that Moira came to the conclusion that the werewolf wasn't going to back down from the argument any time soon. For a reason unbeknownst to the girl, Hayley was adamant about continuing their seemingly fatal trips to the Bayou; she figured there must be a pretty good one due to her desperate and reckless actions. Though, due to their evident misfortune with the witches, Moira refused to allow the werewolf to go along with Sophie alone.

After releasing a defeated sigh, Moira decided to voice her decision. "Then I'm coming, too."

While her statement had brought a small smile to Hayley's lips, the other two ladies had provided groans and eye rolls of annoyance. "How bloody lovely." Rebekah grumbled, turning to saunter out of the crypt.

For a little over half of Hayley Marshall's life, the girl had been forced to undergo both highs and lows without anyone but herself, to face the darkness and cruelty of the world. She'd been seemingly abandoned by one individual after another, given up on for reasons that remained unknown to her to this day. No one had ever truly taken care of Hayley or stuck by her side since she'd taken it upon herself to aid a pack in the Appalachians – and even then it didn't feel like enough. Which had led her to the city of New Orleans, the place where she clasped her final hope, the place where she could possibly find what she believed to be every answer to her troubles – her family.

Ever since she had experienced her first transition, Hayley had truly begun to wonder where she had come from; the poor girl wondered why she had the godawful ability to transform into such a beast; she wondered while other teenage girls were attending parties, why she of all people had to endure an unimaginable pain each month. And because she'd grown eager, Hayley then began her risky journey. Thus, there she trekked through the woods alongside Moira, the same question floating throughout her head: why did she come?

While Hayley did appreciate the company Moira chose to provide, she couldn't help but ponder on the action the young girl had chosen to take. Perhaps it was part of her instincts now – to be cautious when one offers a helping hand. It was a sad though useful tactic.

With all the time the four women had been traipsing through the woods, they'd been consumed in silence. No one had said a thing since the four had left the cemetery until Rebekah decided to reach out to Klaus in order to inform him of their current whereabouts. That's when Hayley had chosen to ask the question.

"Why did you come?"

The sound of her voice alone had caused Moira to nearly jump in fright due to the long period of silence. The girl glanced toward the werewolf beside her, eyebrows furrowing in confusion of the inquiry. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, why did you come?" Hayley asked once again. "Why did you come with me even though you obviously didn't really want to?"

The girl shrugged her shoulders. "Uh, because you're my friend and I've seen how shady these witches can be. There was no way I was going to let you out in the Bayou with a witch by yourself again." Moira paused. "Look, I don't know what it is that you find so charming about this place that you keep wanting to come back to it, but it must be something spectacular considering you know the risks we're taking by just being here."

"Wait," The werewolf's hazel eyes narrowed in slight suspicion. "You're not even going to ask why?"

"Nope. I guess I'm just going to have to trust you when you say it's worth it." Moira then diverted her gaze from the crunching leaves and to the girl walking by her side. "Is it?"

For a moment, Hayley remained silent as she contemplated her answer. While it may seem worth it at the moment, would it still be in the long run? There wasn't a guarantee that the girl would actually come across any sign of her family. Like it was said before, she was merely hanging on to hope. Though, what she did know is that she would rather search and face disappointment than the taunting regret she'd live with for the remainder of her life if she didn't at the least try.


With her seemingly definite answer, Moira simply provided her friend with a warm smile and nod. She then placed her hand upon the werewolf's bicep, giving it a gentle squeeze in hopes of assuring Hayley she wasn't going anywhere.

"So," Rebekah began, grasping the attention of the two girls before her. "this Harvest thingy, tell me more."

"Klaus said to wait." Sophie reminded, receiving a scoff of amusement from the vampire.

"Yes. He also said to stay out of the Bayou, and yet here we are amongst the crawly, buzzy creatures."

"We're here." Hayley announced as the four came to approach the sight of the dead ancestors. The men had been mauled; ligaments had been viciously ripped apart, blood had been splattered amongst the surrounding leaves and tree trunks, and a combination of bloodied bite marks and scratches littered the bodies.

The sight before her had brought the girl into a state of slight shock. But, as her gaze had been shifted to the wolf prints in the dirt and bloodied claw marks sliced into the tree, her expression had morphed into yet another state of skepticism as she and the others kneeled to study them up close.

"Is that a wolf track?" Sophie asked, pointing toward the imprints below.

Before either of the ladies could utter another word, the snapping of a twig brought their mouths to shut. Each of them slowly stood from their crouched positions, warily analyzing their surroundings. "Who's there?" Rebekah shouted.

Soon, their eyes fell upon a lanky man that had been roaming the woods for the same reason which they were for all they knew. His skin had visibly paled, jaw dropping at the mere sight of the Original that had accompanied the three other ladies. "What the hell?" He uttered in panic, taking small steps back. "An Original?"

Once again, neither of them were given the opportunity to explain themselves, or – on an off-chance — find a way to convince the man to keep their whereabouts concealed. The man had sped away from their sight in fear. "You've got to be kidding me."

Figuring it was best to provide her sibling with a heads-up, Rebekah fished her phone from her back pocket. She released a sigh of irritation, jaw tightening as she placed the device to her ear. There was a moment of silence between the four once again as the Mikaelson explained the situation they'd gotten themselves into to Klaus. And, as it was expected, the hybrid didn't necessarily take the fact that they'd chosen to go against his word lightly.

"Let me understand this." Klaus began, the anger clearly evident in his tone. "Against all logic, you, Moira, and Hayley went out to the Bayou, where you ran into a man you think may be Marcel's informant, and then you lost him?"

Rebekah rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Yes. And now that we've established that I am a failure as a sister and a friend and an Original, you should probably know he's on his way to Marcel right now to rat me out." She paused, cringing as she awaited the angered shouts from the hybrid. Though, to her surprise, her sibling remained silent. "He's a skinny guy in a hurry, looks like he saw a ghost."

"I'll handle it." Klaus assured rather calmly. "I'll need a distraction."

The Original nodded, understanding the idea her elder brother had in mind. "I'm on my way."

Hours had gone by since Rebekah had departed from the three girls, leaving them to wander through the trees under the moonlight as night had fallen. Hayley had been bombarding Sophie with questions regarding the vision that Sabine had the other night – the vision that supposedly told the witches that the child of Klaus Mikaelson would be their downfall, the reason for their great demise.

It was obvious the werewolf was curious, which made perfect sense. And while Moira felt the same way, she couldn't help the displeasure that'd grown within her at the mention of the events. Because the more it was discussed, the further the memory of those sinister images entering the depths of her mind managed to drill itself into her head. That was the last thing she wanted – not when all she really wanted to do is forget about it, forget it had ever happened. But, just like with everything else, Hayley was determined to obtain answers. So, Moira sat back and listened.

"Those people, all this because of a vision about our babies you don't think is true." Hayley wondered, facial features contorted into one of confusion.

Sophie sighed, opening the back of her truck before placing her backpack inside. "Look, I love Sabine, but she's the witch equivalent of a drama queen. I've learned to take little stock in what she says or sees. Just kind of wish she'd kept her mouth shut."

Moira lightly scoffed. "You and me both."

"The Harvest Ritual." Hayley mentioned the ceremonial occasion yet again, wanting to know if she were right to trust the witch's opinion. "You said you didn't believe in it. Were you right?"

The young witch shook her head, momentarily peering at the ground in shame before shifting her gaze back to the two werewolves before her. "No." Moira's jaw hardened, her stomach twisting as she came to realize that because Sophie had been proved wrong regarding the ritual, it's a possibility that she'd be proven wrong about the veracity of Sabine's vision. "I saw it with my own eyes. It was working. It was real."

Exchanging looks of concern with the werewolf beside her, Moira swallowed the lump that'd formed in her throat. "So then how are you so sure that Sabine's vision isn't?"

Unfortunately, it seemed Sophie wasn't able to provide the girls with a positive answer. She didn't want to give them false hope, and she also didn't want to tell them the chilling truth. That was that she wasn't exactly sure if what Sabine had seen was true or not. Thus, she left the werewolves in silence as she slammed the trunk of her car shut and strode toward the front of the vehicle.

The entire ride home from the Bayou had consisted of an incorruptible stillness between the three women, the tension evident to anyone that would've entered the vehicle. It was beginning to grow unbearable to Moira the more she continued to stare out at the blurred shadows of passing trees and logs, the girl not seeming to be able to forget the conversation that had occurred minutes before.

She wanted to break the silence, ask the witch the same question they'd asked before in hopes of gaining a verbal response. However, she had a feeling that even if she were to repeat her words, she'd only receive the exact same dismissive reply. So, Moira simply bit back her tongue until they'd finally came to park before the plantation house.

The smallest wave of relief flowed throughout Moira's body as she entered the place she now called home. Though, it was only a fleeting sensation as she sauntered into the living area in order for her eyes to fall upon the familiar blonde. Her ocean-blue eyes held their usual level of displeasure as they sternly eyed the two werewolves.

Rebekah began to pour an unknown substance of alcohol into luxurious glasses, Moira and Hayley approaching the Mikaelson in preparation for another lecture. "I don't care if we have to get you two a leash, that was your last trip to the Bayou." She strongly stated, then turning to Hayley. "What is it with you and those wolves anyway?"

Moira then closely eyed the werewolf beside her at the question. She hadn't wanted to be the one to force it out of Hayley if she didn't want to share; she understood that they weren't exactly the closest pair, thus she tried her best to respect the girl's privacy. But, perhaps now she was willing to share.

"Uh," Hayley's mouth stumbled between open and closed as she attempted to find the words in order to explain herself. "I feel like we're connected somehow." It appeared as soon as the sentence had spewed from her mouth, the looks of confusion from the two girls had brought Hayley to worry they wouldn't understand. "I don't know." She lazily shrugged her shoulders, a light chuckle escaping as she came to realize how stupid she sounded. "Maybe it's just some pipe dream that I have of finding any real family out there, but sometimes when I feel like it's me against the world, it manages to keep me going."

Sensing her distress, Rebekah then held a glass full of scotch out to the werewolf. Both Moira and Hayley quirked their brows in amusement of the vampire's actions. She then came to realize the reason for their odd looks, her gaze shifting to the small bump that'd grown over time. "Oh, right." Rebekah brought the glass to her lips, downing the alcohol herself.

     "Well, if you ask me, family's a pain in the behind." The Mikaelson asserted, earning an eye roll from Hayley and chuckle from Moira. "And as for being in it alone, how dare you?"

"Yeah," Moira spoke up, grasping the werewolf's attention. "I thought I made it perfectly clear earlier today that we're in this together." She reminded her friend of the conversation they'd had when searching for the deceased warlocks, bringing a warm smile to Hayley's lips.

"And I don't ruin a perfectly fabulous pair of boots traipsing through the Bayou for just anyone." Rebekah added.

"Um, gonna be honest," Moira's eyes traveled to the Original's footwear, grimacing at the sight. "those weren't exactly the cutest to beg —" Before the girl could complete her sentence, she was met with a hard glare from the vampire. She then pursed her lips before throwing her hands up in surrender. "Nevermind."

The front door then clicked open, the three girls turning to face the entering individuals. Rebekah sighed as Klaus walked through the threshold; though, the eyes of both the blonde and the two werewolves widened in surprise as an unexpected being sauntered inside behind the hybrid. Elijah.

"Elijah!" Rebekah breathed in relief as she dashed toward her elder brother, her body visibly coming to ease the moment she'd been wrapped into his embrace. "You're safe." She murmured, tightening her grip on Elijah as if to bring assurance to herself his presence was real.

When the siblings separated, Elijah then glanced toward the werewolves silently standing behind Rebekah. While Hayley remained in her spot beside the table, Moira had taken her steps toward the freed Original. " 'You have my word', huh?" The girl recalled the words the two had shared when she had first arrived, a hard expression painted across her features bringing Elijah to believe she was genuinely angered by his sudden disappearance.

"I — " Just as he went to defend himself, a playful smile had broken across her face.

Moira allowed a chuckle to escape past her lips as she embraced the eldest Mikaelson. "I'm kidding." She assured Elijah, pulling away in order to shoot a glare toward Klaus. "It wasn't necessarily your fault." The hybrid simply rolled his eyes as his elder brother's lips curved into an amused grin.

The girl soon came to realize Elijah's attention was elsewhere. Moira then turned her body in order to catch the glimpse of Hayley's retreating figure, a smirk playing at her lips. "Go ahead."

Meeting the knowing gaze of the girl before him, he politely nodded before excusing himself in order to follow after the werewolf which had managed to quickly pique his interest. But it seemed Rebekah hadn't caught the tension between the two as she watched after her brother's retreating figure in confusion. "Where the hell is he going?"

After the very brief celebration of Elijah's freedom, the Mikaelson siblings and the two impregnated girls had met inside the study of the large house. Elijah had informed the four that during his involuntary absence, he had been accumulating information regarding the witches of New Orleans from a young witch by the name of Davina Claire. But, it wasn't only about the witches and their fight for equality – it was more than that, for something (someone) else. And Elijah had finally come to learn it, which is why he now felt it was more than necessary to share it with the group.

"Everything that brought us here to New Orleans was a lie – " The Original began his explanation, leaning his forearm on the back of a chair beside him. "a story Sophie Deveraux fabricated, this struggle for control of the French Quarter, this war between vampires and witches, wasn't over territory at all. This was over Davina."

Moira's brows scrunched toward the center of her forehead. "I'm sorry, who?" She questioned, having never heard of the name.

Rebekah momentarily shifted her gaze toward the girl, providing her a brief introduction of the witch. "Davina. She's quite small, but quite powerful. Lives in the attic of a church, serves as Marcel's protégée."

"Oh, thanks." Moira diverted her gaze from the blonde to Elijah once again. "Sorry, continue."

And continue Elijah did. "Eight months ago, Sophie Deveraux and her sister, Jane-Anne, lost everything. Now, four months after that not only does one pregnant girl wander into their restaurant but another constructs a meeting with them down by the Bayou." The two werewolves exchanged looks with one another, faces hardening as they came to register their roles in the witches' game. "Suddenly, all hope is renewed."

"Jane-Anne actually sacrificed her life so that her sister could use you to find Davina." Elijah then gestured to Klaus, the hybrid's jaw clenched, his blue eyes growing dark as he came to the same conclusion as Moira and Hayley – they were just pawns, something they'd use in order to get what they want. "If Sophie Deveraux is successful in capturing Davina, she can return Jane-Anne's daughter back to life."

"We thought we'd come here to wage a war for power. This is about family. In order to return her niece back to life, Sophie Deveraux will fight to the death. That makes her more dangerous than anyone."

Moira exhaled deeply, running her fingers through the locks of her hair as she tried to capture onto the fact that Sophie Deveraux had withheld such essential information. She understood the witch's motive; she'd do anything to bring her mother back just like Sophie would do the same for her niece. The only difference between the two was that the Deveraux witch had an open opportunity to make her dreams come true, and she wasn't going to allow it to slip.

author's note!
welp, a decade later
and i finally updated!
i comsider that
somewhat of an
accomplishment ig.
anyway, sorry for the
huge delay. i got
busywith school and
then lost motivation
for a little bit. but
i'm back! i hope you
liked this chapter
and you'll stick with
me and my slow
updates! 😐

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