My Alpha (Jikook au)

By The-Comic-Writer

312K 14.5K 1.5K

Jimin is a curious Omega that lives with his pack and being the brother of the Alpha means that everyone is o... More

Candy Store
Seeing You Again
Tell Him How You Feel
Grocery Store
Party pt.1
Party pt.2
Tell Me
The Mall
I'm Not Yours
Your Name
Admit To Your Crush
Red Bottoms
Find Jimin
Finding Jimin
Stitch Me Up
A/N (Please Read)
Please Read
"I'll Keep You Safe"
Daniel pt.1
Past Christmas(Christmas Special🎄)
Daniel pt.2
Daniel pt. 3
Protect or Capture
Bitter Lie
"I hurt you..." "I fought for you..."
Love Game
You're My Favorite Creation

Epilogue: Your Alpha

3.4K 164 27
By The-Comic-Writer

(Author/third pov)

3 years later...

There was a certain kind of sweetness in the air, the flowers were in full bloom again, a cool nuzzling breeze whipped through leaves on green trees, and it seemed like everywhere you look fruit was popping up, plum, ripe, and ready. Many things had changed within the past years while others stayed the same. There was a vacant spot now where the park pack house used to be, the pack officially moved out a year and a half ago, so their not being there had already sunken in for the most part, the Jeon pack on the hand stayed right where  it was, strong and lively with Namjoon and Jin's twin toddlers running around the huge house excitedly, sometimes to their poor parent's dismay and annoyance of playing, "Where's my baby?" or "Where in the world is my kid hiding this time?" But all that parental frustration never lasted long for the two. Once they heard their children's soft childish laughs, how could they stay mad? The twins were adored by everyone and so were the beautiful current one-year-old, Taehyung and Hoseok brought into the world. Unlike the twins, he was calmer, he was a ball of bursting sunshine like his father; calm and happy is how he was. Baekhyun and Sehun could barely wait for their bundle of joy to get here, but today wasn't about the parents and soon-to-be parents. Today was a day that everyone had been waiting for, the day that Jennie had been praying for, she was maybe more excited than anyone was. "Hobi, can you take Su-Bin while I help Jimin?"

"Of course my love." Hoseok smiled, taking his baby from his lover's hands. "You want to be with daddy, don't you Binnie? Hm? Su-Binnie." Hoseok smiled and wiggled his child a little as he held him gently in his arms. Su-bin could only respond with smiles and tiny eye shines. "Go help Jimin, love." Hoseok kisses his mate's forehead. "I'll be waiting." Taehyung smiles as he watches his mate and son walk away. Afterward, he made his way into Jimin's room.

"Alright min. Your bestie is here to help you."

"Yeah, I am," Lisa answered only to earn a playful glare from Taehyung. The two made their way over to the male, Taehyung, carefully tightening and fixing the white corset Jimin wore over his white dress shirt. 

"How do you feel?" Lisa asked as she ties the male black silk string tie around his neck.

"Nervous, happy, excited, all of the above." Jimin smiled. With one final tug and tie, Taehyung finishes off Jimin's corset. 

"I know exactly what you mean." Taehyung smiled. Lisa ran her hands on Jimin's shoulders getting rid of any small pieces of lint that might have been on him. "I was nervous too on my wedding day," Taehyung said quickly as he fixed the male's hair.

"I know," Jimin giggle a little, "I was there." Taehyung could only playfully hit him as he stepped away from the male. "But, I know I'm ready. I love Jungkook, he's my reason for waking up in the morning." 

"And you're his reason for breathing." Lisa finished off the saying that both Jimin and Jungkook had been saying to each other for years now. 

"I really love him." 

"We know." Taehyung handed the omega his bouquet of flowers.

"How do I look?"

"Perfect," Lisa said.

"You look like, "Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice? Who cares, baby, I think I wanna marry you." The trio couldn't help but burst out laughing at the statement. "Jungkook oppa is gonna love it." But before the group could move there was a knock at the door.

"Come in unless you're Jungkook, if so stay out, "Taehyung warned.

"Well, then it's a good thing I'm not Jungkook," Sehun said coming into the room. "Wow." Sehun stopped as his eyes fell on Jimin. "Min, you look stunning." Jimin smiled.

"You think so?"


"Oppa don't cry." Lisa teased as she could see the glint in her brother's eyes. Baekhyun had softened him up some, mostly to where every once in a while you could read his emotions.

"I'm not. Congrats on getting married Jimin."

"He's not married just yet, hyung." Taehyun smiled.

"I know but, the thought that in just a few minutes he will be...I wanted to be the first to tell you."

"Thank you hyung." Jimin's smile grew.

"So, what's in the box?" Lisa ask. "Or did you just come to steal one of his first?" Sehun rolled his eyes.

"You can't get married without, something new, something old, something borrowed, and something blue, right?"

"Look who's been doing his research." Sehun smiled at his sister before once again rolling his eyes at her teasing. 

"Here." Sehun handed the box to the male.

"For me?"

"It's from Daniel." Jimin's eyes shot up at Sehun.

"He got your message." Jimin handed his flowers to Taehyung. A few months back he had given Bambam a message to relay back to Daniel, telling him of his engagement and plans to wed. Jimin opened the blue box, to find three of the things he was missing and a note. 


Dear Jimin,

I'm sorry that I wasn't always the best big brother to you. When I heard of your engagement, I was genuinely happy for you and Jungkook, so I told Bambam to pack up some stuff that belonged to our parents to give you since currently, this is the best I can do for you. The bracelet is the same one mom wore on her wedding day, the blue handkerchief is one of dad's and the something borrowed is my neckless. As for something new, let this next chapter in you're life that you are about to start with Jungkook be your something new. I will always love you. 

-Love Daniel


(Jimin pov)

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. "He loves you Jimin," Sehun said.

"I know he does." I couldn't help but smile as I pushed back the tears. "I forgive him, you know. I forgive him for everything. I'm happy that he's changed and I'm happy that he's happy for me." I quickly wipe away the few tears that did manage to fall out of my eyes.

"Aww Jimin oppa."

"Thank you, you three have always been by my side. You all left the pack and uprooted your lives for me, th-"

"You don't need to say thank you, Min." Sehun stop me. "We did because we loved you and if we had to do it all again, we would."

"Is this a bad time for a group hug?" Taehyun asked softly. Of course, we all gave in and joined together in a big warm hug. To feel the warmth of my family, and to know that I have them by my side is one of the greatest things in this lifetime that I'll get to experience. 

"Alright, enough of the sappy stuff," Sehun said once we all pulled away. "Your wedding is about to start, you are about to get married and be the most beautiful groom. If we get all sad now we won't have any tears left to cry for the actual wedding."

"So you are planning to cry, oppa?" Lisa teased.

"Stop making fun of me and let's go." With that, I put on all the stuff I was given, took my bouquet, and walk out of the room with them, ready to get married.

(Author/third pov)

"Nervous?" Yoongi asked.

"Nope, everything has been leading up to this point and I don't think I could be any happier than to marry him."

"You've grown up a lot Kook." Yoongi smiled at the male. 

"Thanks, hyung. You've always been here for me." The two men hugged quickly.

"I'm so happy for you big brother." 

"Thank you, little sister." Jungkook smiled at Jennie. Soon it was time, guest took their seats as the music started playing. Slowly, beautifully, and elegantly, Jimin walked down the aisle, everyone's eyes were on him as his eyes were on Jungkook. The atmosphere was romantic yet electrifying. Anticipation was at the tip of everyone's fingers, love was in the air and it could be felt by everyone. Love of family, and friends, everything was perfect. Jimin took his place across from Jungkook, handing off his flowers to Taehyung to hold as he took his mate's hands. 

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together these two lovebirds in forever matrimony until they both shall part. If anyone has any reason why these two shouldn't be together don't even bother speaking because whatever you say will be wrong and you'll just end up getting hurt. Now, with that out of the way, may we please have the rings." Yoongi preaches. Jennie brought up the two rings on a white pillow. Starting with Jungkook.

"Repeat after me." Yoongi began. "I Jungkook take thee..."

"I Jungkook take thee..."

"To be my lawfully and wedded husband..."

"To be my lawfully and wedded husband..."

"To hold from this day forward, for better, for worse..."

"To hold from this day forward, for better, for worse..."

"To cherish you through sickness and in health..."

"To cherish you through sickness and in health..."

"To love and hold..."

"To love and hold..."

"Through better or worse..."

"Through better or worse..."

"For as long as we both shall live."

"For as long as we both shall live."

"Do you Jimin except--"

"Yes." Jimin smiled brightly as people chuckled and giggle. Jungkook smiled widely as he put the ring on his lover's small vanilla finger, kissing his hand afterward, earning some 'ooo's' and 'awwws.'

"You guys are so in love." Yoongi chuckled before continuing. "Now Jimin." Jimin took up his ring. "Repeat after me. I Jimin take thee..."

"I Jimin take thee..."

"To be my lawfully and wedded husband..."

"To be my lawfully and wedded husband..."

"To hold from this day forward, for better, for worse..."

"To hold from this day forward, for better, for worse..."

"To cherish you through sickness and in health..."

"To cherish you through sickness and in health..."

"To love and hold..."

"To love and hold..."

"Through better or worse..."

"Through better or worse..."

"For as long as we both shall live."

"Do you Jungkook except--"

"I do, can I kiss him now?" The room erupted in laughter and overpouring happiness.

"Okay, well then by the power invested in me. I pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss-" The two didn't waste any time. Jungkook took the smaller one into his hands, dipping him as he gave his mate the kiss of a lifetime. One that was more greatly desired than any of their previous kisses. Yoongi just smiled and shook his head. 

"Oh to be in love." He said as he left the stand and made his way over to Namjoon to watch the pair. "Yeah they're gonna be together forever," he said to the male as he joined in on clapping with everyone.

"Trust me, I know."

Bambam turned away from the couple for a few minutes to look at Daniel in his hiding spot. He knew why Daniel was hiding. He knew why he didn't tell Sehun or Jimin that he was back. He still wasn't 100% ready to face them again but, he didn't want to miss this moment. Bambam smiled at the crying alpha whose eyes were firmly locked on his brother. Bambam turned back around and watch the happy couple. 

(Jimin pov)

"I love you," Jungkook whispered to him.

"I love you too." Jimin smiled. "Now, you're really my alpha forever."

"Oh darling," Jungkook kissed Jimin's temple. "From the moment we met, I was always you're alpha."



Hi, the author here. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read and has continued to support me and this book. It means a lot and I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.


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