Until we meet again {IDOLiSH7...

By NBooster

715 42 17

"Promise we'll meet again?" "Promise!" 4 young boys promised they'd see each other again, and it was a recurr... More

Ch 1
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7

Ch 2

113 8 7
By NBooster

Years passed yet the result of the war is still the same, like a back and forth game. Young prince of the East, Izumi Iori, is now 18 years old. The king, Izumi Mitsuki, is now 21.

Walking down the hallway, Iori's doing his daily routine. Voices from outside caught his attention, as soldiers returned from an expedition. Some more injured than others, but the sight of people in pain discomfort him. Even after years passed, the situation isn't improving much.

"Your highness," a familiar voice called out to Iori. Turning his head to find Orikasa Yukito, or Yuki for short, already standing beside him, "What are you looking at?"

Yuki, the lead strategist, noticed the young prince staring off into space while looking out the window. The soldiers has since moved away from the spot the were at, hence why Yuki was wondering what Iori was looking at. "It's... nothing. Don't worry about it," he replied, "By chance, have you seemed his majesty? I've been looking for him, but he wasn't in his study earlier."

'His majesty', referring to the king of the east, Izumi Mitsuki, Iori's older brother. Ever since Mitsuki became the king, Iori has become very formal and stiff with everyone, even his own brother, "If you're looking for him, we were just in a meeting. I'm sure you'll be able to catch up to him in the event which has already left the room, but otherwise he should still be in there," Yuki said.

"Got it. Thanks," Iori headed off to the meeting room.

There when he arrived, he could hear voices in there. Seems someone is still trying to persuade Mitsuki into some crazy plan of attack. Rambling on and on, the sound of Mitsuki's sighs could be heard, along with a chair behind push back which is likely Mitsuki getting up from his chair, "I'm saying this once and I'm not repeating myself. No matter what you say, the answer will be no."

"But please your majesty, you must reconsider!" the noble begged.

Yet another selfish noble who plans to sacrifice the villagers for the 'greater good of the kingdom'? Yeah, not in a million years will Mitsuki ever take that option. A knock on the door could be heard, and so Mitsuki called the person in, "Come in."

"Please excuse me, your majesty," Iori said as he stepped into the room.

Seeing the prince, the noble became hopeful that perhaps he can help persuade the king with king, "Your majesty-"

Before he could even properly address him, Iori dismissed him with a glare, "Whatever you are thinking about, drop it. The king's orders are final." Unlike his brother who is usually cheerful and energetic outside of professional times, Iori was the opposite. He was quiet and rather kept to himself, often described as strong and scary.

Mitsuki nodded, "Ryuu, if you can." Tsunashi Ryuunosuke, often called Ryuu, is the king's personal guard, nodded in hearing the order and escorted the noble out of the room, "*Sigh*... How troublesome..."

"Your majesty," Iori called out to his brother.

"Oh- right. No need to be so stiff with me, Iori. Just call me how you use too," Mitsuki chuckled, "Anyways, need something?"

"Here," Iori handed Mitsuki a report, "It's from Nikaido-san about the report of the enemies' whereabouts."

"Seems like the never-ending job continues... Oh well."

"If you'd like, I'd be more than happy to help with-"

"I'll be fine, really. There's no need to worry, Iori. Afterall it is my responsibility to make everything work out. Believe in Nii-san a little more, will you?" Mitsuki ruffles Iori's hair, "Go on, you're also busy, aren't you? Thanks for going out of your way to deliver the report to me."


Leaving the room, Iori had to first focus on his part of the work too. He know his brother didn't want to burden him, but he too wants to help take off a load off his shoulders. He should also be shouldering some of the burden, but Mitsuki wishes to protect his younger brother.

Heading to the soldiers' quarter, Iori wanted to check up on the injured ones and see what supplies are starting to lack there. When he arrived, he could still see the soldiers standing around as the leader gave them some orders.

Iori's face frowns as he sees the soldiers so patched up, especially the leader who was in a particular rough state but still pushing through to command those under him. The leader noticed the presence of the prince and wrapped up his orders and sent them off to rest. Apporching him, the Mido Torao greeted him in a laid-back way which would probably get him in trouble, but Iori doesn't mind, and that just his nature, "Yo. Sorry, did I make you wait long?"

"Don't worry, I just got here myself... But how are you? Hope you're not pushing yourself too far."

"Haha. There's nothing that can hurt me that bad. Not matter what it is, I've been through worse. Don't worry about it, I'll recover in no time." Torao laughed, "How's the trainees while I was gone?"

"They've been improving constantly thanks to the training schedule you made for them, especially Yotsuba-san."

"Nah, I'm sure you helped them more than I could've had."

While Torao was away for the mission, Iori overlooked the trainings of the soldiers still in training and gave advises to those who were struggling. Iori didn't have to be the one who temporarily took over Torao's position, but he insisted. Iori was a master in combat, more than people think he is at least. He doesn't like to be in the centre of attention hence why his talents are all so hidden.


Many gathered in the meeting room, this has become a norm for many. Hours of discussion results in process or not, it would have to depend on the scenario. Receiving the newest reports about potential enemies' plans and general location, another meeting is held to hold them off at bay.

Yuki, Ryuu, Torao, Yamato and other nobles were joint by Mitsuki in the discussion. Progress was going smoothly, and they were able to plan out where to send soldiers to nearby towns to protect them. With the off chance that the enemies plan to attack a difference town, they also send some soldiers there.

Finally, the meeting was concluded and Mitsuki returned to his study room. He slumped over on his chair, not very proper of him but oh well. Everyone's tired from all the work. Yamato was also in the room with Mitsuki but this has already been a normal sight for him. As the king's personal assistant, Yamato knows how hard the young king has worked for the people in the kingdom, "Your majesty," he said, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I'll be fine."

"...but are you really?" Yamato has known Mitsuki since they were young and seeing how much stress pile up on him due to the conflict and pressure, he knew that he hasn't been doing well.

"..." Mitsuki stayed quite for a while as tears starts to form, "More or less, I'm alright. I have to be... All of this misunderstanding... I hope that it'll be solved soon. Everyone who's involved in it... those who have suffered... it needs to stop. Why can't things just go back to when they are... I never wanted to be king- or a royal in fact. I just want to live a normal life where no one is disadvantaged because of their class..."

As Mitsuki continues to sob, Yamato stood beside the king, lending him an ear. It was a difficult time and the orange head was holding all of this on his shoulders, keeping it all to himself. Little did they know, a pair of ears were listening from outside the room. Raven hair slowly pushed himself away from the door quietly and walked back towards his study.


The bright full moon shown through the windows, illuminating the room. Readying his gear and wearing his gloves, no evidence shall be left behind. Sneaking into noble's houses, Iori took out his dagger and waited patiently for the right time to attack, ensuring it comes as a total surprise for a silent kill. It wasn't something Iori is proud of doing, but it that means that the selfish die so his brother and people working under the corrupted noble has a little more freedom, he'll do it for them. It's a shame he can't instantly get rid of all of the corrupted nobles. The support of the higher ups are needed for war after all.

Dark cloak, dagger carved by the most skilled blacksmith, he was nicknamed to be the rumoured grim reaper, killing those who opposes the king. Although Mitsuki has no connection to what was going on or know who the grim reaper is, made nobles feared that it would be their turn if they spoke badly about his majesty. Of course, there are many who disregard the rumour, resulting in more dirty work done.

"*sigh*" the raven haired sighs, "Filthy."

Cloak covered in blood; the smell lingered. He really do hate the sight and scent of blood, but what else can he do?


The hooves of horses trampled over the crops farmers spent months growing. All the hard work put into it was destroyed in matter of seconds, not that it even matters any more- safety comes first after all. People of the town ran away from the troupes on horses approaching rapidly.

"Quick! Over here!" a young boy with mint hair called out to the fleeing people, providing a safe place for coverage as they hide. The teen may be young, but he was intelligent to say the least. He knew that it was almost impossible to outrun horses, and so the best option was to hide somewhere safe. Luckily, the teen's house has a hidden cellar which would be difficult to notice- not impossible though.

Despite being able to help some, many others were still caught and captured. What happens to those who were capture? That is something they don't even know.

Even after a while, voices of the western soldiers could be heard. They could all be captured in a matter of minutes, so the teen knew he had to do something. There was another exit to the cellar, so if he's able to capture the attention of the soldiers and lead them away, they others hiding would be safe, "I'll be right back, grandma."

"But Haru-chan..."

"I'll be alright. Don't worry about me," he puts on a brave face to reassure her.

Making as little sound as possible, the teen was able to exit the cellar and has to capture the attention of the soldiers without drawing too much suspicions. Running out of the alleyway, the teen dashed away from the spot.

"Oi! Over there! There's a kid!"

The voice shouted. The western solider had maroon hair and was calling the other soldiers over. Not matter what, he kept running. The soldiers were on horses while the teen was running on his two feet. If there's anything that the teen would be in advantage of, is knowing the terrain and routes. He purposefully ran into smaller and tighter streets where it would be more of a problem for the horse to take a turn and to be in full speed.

He may not be the most athletic, but he does help out a lot with farming and other physically draining jobs since he only lives with his grandmother, who isn't able to do a lot of physically demanding things due to her old age.

He knows that he can't run forever, and they he will be eventually caught, but he doesn't mind. As long as his grandmother and all the others hiding are safe, he know he won't regret anything.

Hearing horse gallops from the other direction which he is running towards, he has lost all hopes. Shutting his eyes, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared.

"Tsk. Retreat!" he the soldiers said to his confusion. The wind of the horses galloping pass him blew as he slowly opens his eyes to look at his surroundings. Men with eastern soldiers' uniform and one with a fancier while the western soldiers turned around to leave.

Finally, being able to catch his breath, the teen turn to his saviours. Although two of the others looked around the same age as the teen himself, on was wearing the soldier's uniform while the other wore quite a lavish outfit. The one with raven hair asked, "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes...! Thank you very much for helping me!" he bowed politely, not knowing how to act, "Hmm- T-the others... They're all safely hidden."

"Alright. Yotsuba-san, follow Tsunashi-san and check for others hiding. Tsunashi-san, I'll handle this case and I'll leave the rest to you."

"Got it. Let's go, Tamaki-kun."


The other two rode their horses away, and the two are left together, "Say, what is your name?"

"It's Isumi Haruka..."

"Isumi-san then. I'm Izumi Iori. Please lead me to where the others are hiding."


Hearing the last name, Haruka realised who the other teen in front of him and tensed up. Iori added, "Oh, and do you mind telling me what happened?"

Inviting the mint hair teen on the horse, Haruka filled in what happened while they rode on the horse, galloping towards Haruka's house.

Hearing the sounds of horses, the people hiding were afraid. Afraid for what will happen. The door to the cellar opened as light shown in the cracks as everyone held their breaths. If they made no sound, maybe they won't be noticed...?

"They're in here," Haruka's voice echoed down the stairways. As the two footsteps reached the bottom, the people hiding could see the two.



Haruka and his grandmother hugged. Understandably, Haruka's grandmother was worried sick for her only other living family. While the two had their reunion, Iori announced himself, "Do not be afraid, I'm here to help you all. I'm Izumi Iori."

Hearing the familiar name, everyone finally felt safe. Iori made sure to check for any injuries that any of they may have, and luckily none sustained any too bad. At the end of the day, all of the survivors were brought back to the main kingdom and were all gather together at a shelter. Those of those who were captured though, it was not certain. Iori was asked the question by those who's' family were taken away, and he could only reply that they are working on locating them immediately and reassured them they will be rescued.


"I'm hungry..." a young child tugged on her parent's sleeves. "Shh... everything will be okay. Hang on a little longer, okay?" her parents whispered.

Currently, the captured villagers were chained up in a tent. It was already near midnight so soldiers were fast asleep, hence why they would want to stay as quiet as possible in hopes to not anger the western soldiers. Seeing as it is dark outside, the chance of them escaping would've be high if it wasn't the chains.

Suddenly, rustling sounds could be heard from outside. There wasn't any wind, so it was definitely suspicious. The captured were all terrified, holding their breath. A fluff of red hair sticked out from the outside of the tent, furthering building the suspensions. Then, the tent opened, revealing a redheaded teen with a large bag, flashing a friendly smile, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Here, I brought some food and water over for you all."

Although weary, they had no other options other than to accept if they want to survive. The red head handed out portions for everyone. He was happy to see them more comfortable despite the situation they are in, yet something still tug on his heart, "Sorry... I won't be able to let you all go, but I'll ensure that none of you will be in danger-"

Sensing something, the redhead stopped talking. A quick slash would've hit the teen; however, he was quick to his senses and pulled out a dagger to block the attack, "Inumaru Touma," he said in a somewhat threatening voice.

Whoever was attacking clearly noticed who he was attacking and immediately stood down, dropping down on a knee and dropping his weapon, "Y-your highness!"

That title could only he given to the royals, meaning the red head was someone of high power, and now all the captured knows that he is the prince, they were yet again terrified seeing as the western king is known to be ruthless, "Go back to your tent and rest, Touma."

"But your highness! I'll escort you back to the kingdom-!"

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Besides, if you were to return to me, his highness will find out I stuck out again."

"... understood." Not putting on a fight, Touma followed the orders he was given.

Turning around to face the captured again, Riku once again has a friendly smile on his face, "Well then, it's time for me to leave now. I'll ensure that none of you will be hurt so rest assure."

Leaving the tent, the mysterious redhead disappeared into the night.


Yay! Chapter 2 is done! Hehe, a few other characters has shown up~

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