Excuses (Henry Ledore x Reade...

By AonabiChan

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Henry Ledore x Reader Warning: the story contains massive spoilers from "Professor Layton and the Miracle Mas... More

Prologue - Reunion at the Carnival
1. Then - A Poem for Dreamers
2. Now - The Frailty of Friendship
3. Then - Quiet Days in Stansbury
4. Now - Exhaustions and Investigations
6. Now - A Second Favour
7. Then - Not Quite Cinderella

5. Then - Care and Time

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By AonabiChan

You remember

Very clearly

You have known from a very young age that you would eventually fall for Henry, one day.

Over time.

Growing up in the same village.


Because you had always been making up excuses to see him.

His tall, slender figure.

His smile.

Hoping that he was smiling that way only because it was you.

You were always giving him a reason to talk to you, so that you could listen to him.

His voice. Soft and soothing.

Wishing that he was pronouncing your name the way he did only because it was you.


So you made sure to convey all your love when you pronounced his.

Like a prayer.

You remember your best friend, Angela, giggling at your diffident attempts to be by his side.

Letting you walk with her to Randall's residence, just so that you could see Henry.

Making up excuses as well for you, to allow the two of you to be alone for a minute.

Teasing you as a close friend would do.

Encouraging you to confess your feelings.

To no avail.

You pretended that the time was not yet ripe.

But you were just terrified that your prayers would remain unanswered.


Mulling over, you thusly believed that keeping the status quo was the safest option.

You now realise that you were too young, too immature.

So you watched from afar.

Watched him swiftly move around the house. 

Offering yourself to help whenever possible.

Standing ready even to help him cut the onions you hated so much because they made you cry.

To accompany him to the Old Market.

Watch him work.

You were particularly fond of his gardening skills. The way he treated those flowers – you dreamt that you were the one he was touching with utmost care, with his long, beautiful fingers. 


Longing for him when he was not in plain sight.


Waiting for him to slow down and ask about your day.

Do you have a little time?

Do you have a little time for me?


Angela's voice suddenly brought you out of your reverie:

"Bravo, Henry! Your tea tastes delicious! Don't you agree with me, (Name)?... (Name)?", Angela enquired before realising that your mind was elsewhere this instant. She placed a hand in front of her mouth to hide a chuckle as you stared at her with an expression of sheer surprise and guilt after losing the thread of the conversation.

"I must say, Henry would make an excellent tea sommelier!", complimented Hershel before you could gather your thoughts.

"Say, Henry... What is it everytime I invite (Name) to my place, the tea you make is tastier than usual?", Randall questioned the servant, out of the blue.

You, Angela and Hershel stared increduously at the two young men.

Although it was very much like Randall, you never got used to his eccentricity...

Henry kept pouring the tea with a deadpan expression and did not utter a word. However, all of you could hear the accidental tinkle of the teapot spout brushing the edge of Hershel's teacup.

That was unlike Henry to make such a tiny, yet conspicuous mistake.

"I do not understand, Master Randall. I am confident I prepared the tea the same way I always do. I scrupulously followed the instructions as to the temperature of the water in which I steeped the leaves, for a specified time, after carefully selecting them.", he sounded contrived.

Randall quietly scrutinised Henry's unreadable face. It seemed to you that he had been expecting a different reaction.

"Riiiight.", Randall shrugged.

At that moment, Henry ever slightly frowned, appearing to be unsettled at the situation.

"I sincerely apologise if my tea usually does not taste as good to your delicate palate. I promise I will try harder to quench your thirst adequatly...", told Henry, flustered.

"Randy, come on! Stop bothering Henry and let him work.", Angela kindly rebuked her boyfriend.

Randall looked satisfied.

"Aaaw, relax, I was just pulling your leg, mate! Your tea is perfect as always!"

"Wakey wakey, (Name), say something!", Angela whispered and gave you a gentle nudge. 

Your whole face was flushed with embarrassement and unspeakable bliss.

Could it be true? That Henry would go the extra mile to make you happy?

"... His tea is the best I ever had in my entire life. I love it every single time Henry prepares it. He's brilliant.", you finally confessed.

The servant cracked a shy smile and avoided eye contact. You could have sworn that a light blush had crept onto his cheeks.

Randall cheerfully clapped his hands, "See? See?! We all love your tea!"

"Thank you very much. I will continue doing my best, Master Randall."

Although he was trying to contain himself, it was plain as day that he was actually overjoyed.

You loved his tea, but not as much as you loved him, you thought.

"By the way, (Name)! I've finished reading your draft, I was sooo emotional about it! It's such a touching chapter!", Angela suddenly blurt out, clasping her hands together and smiling with glee. "I can't wait for the next part!"

"Thank you, Angela!"

"Is that your latest project, Beneath Skies of Wayfaring?", wondered Hershel.

"That's the one, Hershel!", you confirmed. "I'm glad you remember the title!"

You had once mentioned to him that you wanted to write a novel.

"Ha ha! It's hard to forget you describing your work so earnestly!"

Even though Henry was busy serving scones, he seemed very interested in your conversation.

"What a beautiful story, I can't get enough of it!", Angela continued. "It's got everything! Travel, adventure, thrill, depth, humour, friendship, romance... A touch of melancholy and mindfulness sometimes! I love the bond between the protagonists, it's so light-hearted! I only have good things to tell you!"

"I think I overdid it with the descriptions of the landscapes, didn't I? I find my figures of speech too elaborate, it makes it hard to read..."

"Oh, (Name), you are your worst critic! I promise you I really enjoyed it!", Angela contradicted you in a friendly, yet firmly manner.

She then took out the manuscript from her bag but Randall swiftly snatched it from her.

"Let me check, I'm intrigued too!", he said and began to glide through the first page.

You gasped anxiously.

"R-Randall, w-wait!"

"Randy, give it back! You know how difficult it is for (Name)..."

"Calm down Angie, I won't read it outloud! I just think your opinion isn't completely objective because you're (Name)'s bestie. We should provide an aspiring writer with more diverse feedback!"

"Randall, at least you could request (Name)'s permission to peruse it...", urged Hershel. "Creativity is also a very intimate process."

"Master Randall.", Henry called out with a hint of annoyance and stared disapprovingly at his friend.

Randall rolled in eyes.

"Aren't the three of you (Name)'s knights in shining armour... Yeah, I get that! But if you want to become famous and live from your art, you must put yourself out there in the spotlight, you know? I mean, if (Name) ever gets published, you do understand there'll be a plethora of readers other than us having a go at it, don't you?"

Randall then turned to you:

"Therefore, if you're already shying away from letting your own pals see it, I'm not quite sure you'll make it far... After all, you'll have an editor, a proofreader and a publisher behind your back hassling you, so you should prepare yourself mentally for upcoming critics and feedbacks. Some people will like your book while others won't, but that's part of the game! No pain, no gain!"

"I understand all that, but... Give me more time, please.", you replied with embarrassment, extending your hand to him.

"Well, sure. Can't wait to read the finished product, though!", he told you before returning your draft.

"Oh, you will, Randy! I guarantee it!", Angela said excitedly before placing her hand on yours and squeezing it to encourage you.

"Now, let's get down to the nitty-gritty, folks! Let me tell you all about my latest archeological discovery!"

"Again, Randall?", Hershell sighed.

"Seriously, Randy? Nothing can stop you..."

"Why would anyone try to stop me, anyway? Listen, about the Wall of--"

"Hello, children! How are you all doing, today?", rose a soft, female voice.

"Hello, Mother! Good afternoon, Father!", greeted Randall after noticing his parents standing at the threshold.

While Randall's mother was kindly smiling, his father, on the other hand, stamped into the room with a scowl on his face.

"What's this? I didn't allow you to bring anyone over for tea.", he grumbled.

"I did, my dear! You know it's only once in a blue moon! Randall was so happy to have his classmates over the house that I couldn't refuse.", his wife justified.

"They aren't just classmates, they're my friends...", Randall mumbled.

"How?! You've got some nerve, boy! How dare you talk back to me and your mother here! Don't be cheeky and apologise to her this instant!"

"Dear, it's all right... I'm not offended at all."

"B-but my words weren't directed at Mother! I--"

"Randy, enough!", whispered Angela, grabbing his arm to get him to stop. "We're really sorry, Mrs and Mr Ascot! Randall didn't mean to be rude..."

"Don't get involved in our family matters, young lady! This is between me and my son!", the man retorted, startling her.

"Father! Don't talk to Angela so unpleasantly!", Randall intervened angrily.

"I certainly do not appreciate that snippy tone of yours, Randall. As soon as your little friends are done, they better scarper from my property! Then, while Henry will be cleaning all the mess you made, I want you to go back into your room and study hard. You know I have great plans for you, as the only son and heir to the Ascot fortune! Don't you have anything better to do than throwing random tea parties?! When you are older and have accomplished all that I have done for the good of our family, only you can socialise and do silly things such as these!"

"My dear, please settle down...", begged his spouse with embarrassment.

Randall was furious at this point and clenched his fists. However, he took his father's remark to the chin and looked down at his shoes.

"... Sorry...", he finally gave in.

Mr Ascot scoffed and turned around with his arms crossed. Before exiting, he said: "I wish you would behave more like Henry! He's hardworking, attentive and obedient, not insolent at all!"

You all kept quiet until the sound of Mr Ascot's footsteps faded. 

The whole mood had turned sour.

Mrs Ascot moved closer to place a hand on Angela and her son's shoulder.

"Please, forgive him and do not mind his harsh words. To be fair, he wasn't in a good mood already when he came home, today...", she apologised.

"Please don't worry, Mrs Ascot... We'll be on our way...", Angela attempted.

"Thank you very much for letting us in, much appreciated, Mrs Ascot.", thanked Hershel. 

"It was very kind of you and Randall for inviting us!", you added. "We didn't mean to cause any trouble..."

"You're all such good, well-behaved children!", she told you with a genuine smile. "Oh, I'm so glad to you all get along so well with my dear son! And I know Henry is also very happy to see you!"

Taken aback by the fact that Mrs Ascot had mentioned him, Henry bashfully nodded: 

"Y-yes, indeed... Thank you, everyone..."

Growling in frustration, Randall suddenly stood up and swiftly pushed his chair back before striding towards the door.

"Randy! Wait!"

"Grrr, I'm so fed up right now! Father ruined our special moment again! I can't stand him! What a grumpy and unjust old man!"

"Darling, this isn't what you think... Your father truly loves you and only wants the best for you..."

"I don't want to hear any more excuses, Mother! One thing is for certain, I'll never be like him! One day, I'll show him! You know what? I've lost my appetite so I am going to my room now! Henry! Bring me some tea!"

"A-at your service, Master Randall!"

"Randy, let's talk...", suggested Angela, going after him.

"No, Angie! If my father finds out you followed me, I'll never hear the end of it! I'm already a hundred percent confident he'll still be yapping about it at dinner! I'll see you all tomorrow at school."

And so he left without even saying goodbye.

Angela and Randall's mother heaved a long sigh, while you and Hershel looked at each other with dismay.

"If you'll excuse me, I must prepare some more tea for Master Randall.", advised Henry who hurriedly collected the crockery.

"Henry, you should take some scones in case he gets hungry later...", you proposed.

"That is a good idea, (Name). Much appreciated."

"Henry, my boy, as soon as you're finished, could you please go to the garden and water the bushes? My poor flowers are also in dire need of some refreshment!"

"Understood, Mrs Ascot, right away."

"Angela, (Name), Hershel. Don't feel bad about what's just happened and enjoy your tea and scones! I recommend you spread them with my delicious homemade jam!"

"It's delectable, indeed!", complimented Hershel.

"You think so too, right? Hee hee, I'll write down the recipe for you and your mother! Please send my best wishes to Mrs and Mr Layton!"

"Thank you very much! Randall told me that you were very good at sewing and knitting, too."

"Oh, I've sewn all his clothes since he was a baby!", she admitted merrily.

"Impressive!", you exclaimed.

Mrs Ascot visibly tried her best to brighten the mood again; however, the three of you found it rather difficult to have fun without Randall and Henry.


"Thank you again, Mrs Ascot! It was lovely seeing you, today.", told Angela, when all of you stood at the entrance of the residence.

"Likewise, Poppet! I'll give Randall a hug for you. Get home safely, children!"

"Bye, Mrs Ascot! Thank you for today!", you and Hershel waved simultaneously.

When the three of you left, your gaze immediately fell on Henry, watering the plants a little further away.

"Oh! Henry..."

You were about to walk towards him but abstained as you immediately recalled that you were supposed to go home with Angela and Hershel.

"Hee hee, it's okay, (Name)! Go and say goodbye to him, from us as well!", Angela giggled. "Hershel and I can wait for you by the river."

"P-please, go ahead without me! It won't take long..."

"Fine! We'll walk slooowly so you can catch up on us...", she winked.

Although the whole situation partially eluded him, Hershel was seemingly aware that both of you had some sort of plan.

"See you later, then.", he told you before leaving with Angela.

With rosy cheeks, you were almost running to Henry, who was focussed on his chores.

"Henry!", you joyfully hopped behind him.

"O-oh! (N-Name)!", He blushed at the sight of you. "What are you... How may I..."

"It's rare to see you at loss for words! I'm sorry if I scared you..."

 "Ahem-hem, pardon me. I was surprised, that is all. I thought you had left already..."

"We were just about to go when I saw you, that's why I couldn't help myself but come and wish you a lovely evening."

"How kind of you! Well, I, too, bid you a beautiful evening, (Name)."

A few seconds passed during which you stared awkwardly at each other.

"Hum, hum...", you muttered, shifting from one foot to another. You were uncertain whether you should go as Henry appeared to be waiting for you to say something. "How's Randall?"

"As expected, very angry. He was pouting when I entered."

"It's understandable..."

"Still, he thanked me for the tea, so I assume he won't be grumpy for too long..."

Henry sighed before speaking up again:

"About today... I am truly sorry about this sad turn of events."

"It wasn't your fault, Henry."

"I know, but still... I felt disquiet when Mr Ascot scolded Master Randall. Because I am obedient does no make me a better person... I reckon it isn't a fair comparison..."

Henry appeared to be lost in thoughts.

"You really care about Randall...", you noted.

He blinked in surprise.

"I-I certainly was not expecting this comment... Though it is true, I do hold him dear even if I work as a servant. I treasure our long-lasting friendship, it means everything to me... It opened my eyes to the world and its precious wonders. But please rest assured that I care about all my friends. You make no exception, (Name)."

He cared deeply for you. More than you could imagine.

More than he could confess to you.

"You know, (Name)... I am very curious about the novel you are writing. I am looking forward to reading your completed work in the future."

"Oh! Well... to be honest, I'll probably never be brave enough to have it published. Just as Randall say, if I struggle already to show it to people close to me, including my parents, how will I make it it to the professional level? I reckon I would be crushed under the pressure... I'd rather not keep my hopes up..."

"(Name), it is alright.", comforted Henry after noticing your downcast eyes and flustered expression. "Master Randall only meant to encourage you. All of us know you can do it. We believe in you. Personally, I am positive you will make it far in life! I want you to do your best to reach the top, nothing would make me  happier than seeing you succeed with flying colours."

"W-wow!... T-thanks so much, Henry... Now is my turn to say I didn't expect those words from you!"

You were flabbergasted, yet delighted at the same time. Henry's recognition and uplifting words felt like a dream came true.

"To be perfectly candid, I envy Miss Angela a bit. You two are so close, I wish you would feel as comfortable around me and share your aspirations and ambitions."

He smiled lovingly.

You gulped as your heart began beating twofold faster.

If only you knew I do want that... How much I want that proximity...


You gazed at him for longer than you intended, at his lips, his long eyelashes, his blue eyes.

I feel better in your eyes.

So look at me.

"Is there something on my face?", he asked with concern.

"Such long and graceful eyelashes! Not fair!"

You laughed genially after revealing the first thought that had crossed your mind.

Your reaction made Henry's face redden.

He quickly crouched, examined the flowers, picked one and handed it to you.

"(Name), please accept this small present as a token of my appreciation.", he told you softly, almost in a murmur.


"Only... keep it a secret, or Mr and Mrs Ascot may get upset."

You noticed that his cheeks were crimson red and his hand was shaking. You believed it was because Henry was worried being caught red-handed plucking Mrs Ascot's favourite flowers directly from the bush...

"I promise, Henry! I won't tell a soul... Thank you so much, you made my day! Before it wilts, I'll make a bookmark out of it. So it stays blooming eternally."

You told yourself it was an allegory of your love for Henry.

"I... I've got to go, now. See you, Henry."

"Take care, (Name). We will talk soon."

"Yes, we will!"

You and Henry kept waving at each other until you were out of sight.

You were over the moon this instant.

Before you caught up to Angela and Hershel, walking a little further down the path, you hid the flower in your bag.

"Hey!", you called out.

"(Name)! You took your sweet time! How did it go? Anything you'd like to share with us, your best friends?", Angela's eyes sparkled in anticipation.

You wanted so badly to show the flower, but refrained from doing so. After all, you had made a promise to Henry.

"We... we had a good laugh! And inspiration struck again! This evening, once I'm done with my homework, I'll write!", you beamed.

Angela placed her arm around your shoulder to bring you closer.

"Oh, (Name)! That's fantastic! I'm rooting for you!"

Hershel was also content seeing your delighted expression.

"What a beautiful bond you two share! You've all known each other for years, haven't you?"

"We're childhood friends!", you replied. "I hope you feel welcomed even though you joined our group a couple of years ago..."

"Ha ha, how could I not feel welcome among friends like you?"

"Yeah, you and Randy are thick as thieves, now! Golly, you have no idea how relieved I am about the fact that you are his best friend..."

"Why is that, Angela?"

"Because you're reasonable! Even though Henry's like a brother to him, he tends to be a pushover... But I can't blame him, after all he's working as a servant at the Ascot's. Regarding Alphonse, well... They tolerate each other, I suppose..."

"Alphonse used to hang out with us a lot but suddenly distanced himself since, what, middle school? Not sure what happened.", you recalled.

"Me neither... I woudn't be surprised if Alphonse and Randy got into an umpteenth argument and never made up... They're terribly stubborn... Anyhow! Thank you, Hershel, for keeping an eye on my boyfriend for me! It seems to me you're the only one who can talk some sense into him...", Angela advised affably. 

"I see... In that case, I'll make sure to be worthy of your trust, Angela.", accepted Hershel.


(26 May 2023)

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