Someone you forgot

By jfedr28

23K 377 118

A/n this book has been totally re edited it still has the same story line just written a lot better. :) enjoy... More

1. Run away
2. Berk 7yrs later
3. Hiccup 7yrs later
4. The Mission
5. There goes my Life
7. Back at Berk
8. The Escape
9. 3 years later
10. what happened to you?
11. Please...we need your help
12. Night Rider on Berk
13. The Search
14. Hiccups mission
15. Shadow
16. Rescue
17. The past.....
18. Trust
19. Prepare for War
20. We just walked in on a war...
it's been a while A/N
21. They're gonna pay
22. Let's finish this

6. A week in Berserker prison

1.2K 18 15
By jfedr28

Hiccups POV

My whole body is in so much pain. And blood is everywhere I just hope Toothless is okay. There is a chain mark on my neck from my punishment I can hardly breath and I'm coughing up blood I'm going to hold strong and make sure they don't find the artifacts.

Viggos POV

"Why don't we try and find someone weaker to give us the information we need" Dagur yelled "because he is the only one who knows the whereabouts of the artifacts." I replied. Dagur is doing my head in and Ryker and Alvin are guarding the island for attacks so I'm stuck with him. Two hunters run up to us and say "the dragon is not moving and the will boy will not tell us anything" I slam my hand on the table and say "make sure that dragon lives and break that boys spirit but don't kill him we need information."

Hiccups POV

I'm sitting in my cell trying to stay awake but the blood loss has caught up with me. I heard someone down the hall it was some guards they opened my cell door. I knew what was coming and it was something they always do to get me to talk. I sat there tied up as the hunters punched me, kicked me, stabbed me and choked me everything hurt so much and blood was everywhere I don't know how much more I can handle. The hunters brought me back to my cell and instead of me sitting on the floor I was chained up so it would be more painful.

Viggos POV

I called Dagur, Alvin and Ryker in for a meeting. "So has the boy talked yet" Ryker asked. "No he won't give up anything and the dragon won't eat, drink or move" Dagur replied. I pulled out a map and we started to cross off locations where the king of dragons wasn't. By the time we finished we could barely eliminate any places because the dragon lives under the island and it is hard to venture under so we only could cross of 3 locations. "I shall have a talk with the boy" I said they all nodded and went to fulfill their duties.

Hiccups POV

I'm hanging there chained thinking of how to get out and trying to get my mind off the pain I've been caused. Then Viggo comes along and starts speaking to me. "You know you and your dragon are a lot alike" "how" I asked. He continued and said "you're both stubborn you are not answering my questions and your dragon won't eat or drink or move. You are making my job a lot harder so I'm going to ask again WHERE ARE THE ARTIFACTS" "well they're not in this cell that's for sure" I said Viggo looked mad and then said "I hope the sarcasm was worth what's about to happen to you. Guards you know what to do" and he left. I don't fear for my safety but for Toothless what if they hurt him to get me to talk I hope I can get out before it comes to that.

Viggos POV

"Anything?" They asked. "No" I guess underestimated this Night Rider. We need to know that information or Drago will kill us all for failing him. I wonder if I got Johan and Crogan to meet with us and we could think of a plan to get him to talk. "GUARDS, get a message to Johan and Crogan. Tell them to meet at Berserker island" the guard nodded and left. This better work he is very smart he put the artifacts in separate locations to make them harder to find.

Hiccups POV

I was thrown into my cell this time I couldn't move at all and they didn't chain me up this time but I passed out straight away from blood loss and the pain. We need to escape now.

Word count:659

Sorry this chapter is so short there is not that much information this chapter needed so it is about 200 words shorter than the others

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