By Dojo10069

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𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐨𝐜 __________________________________________________________________________________ "𝑰𝒔... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

841 21 4
By Dojo10069


School is clearing out. The halls have begun to empty as Tatum escorts Sidney down the hallway.

"It was just some sick fuck having a laugh," Tatum grumbled as she stomp beside Sidney

Sidney who was still shaken tries to persuade Tatum "It was him, Tatum. I know it." as her body shakes, Tatum wants to believe her but...

"You are not to be alone again. Is that clear? If you pee, I pee." she said, as she tries to comfort Sidney, she trust Sidney...then Stu appeared "Is this not cool or what? Hey, Sid, what happened?" he asks, as he got near his girlfriend

"For once, Stu, drop it." Tatum scoldingly said, to Stu who didn't look slightly guilty

"Okay, but whatever you did the entire student body thanks you." Stu said, as he moves to Tatum and gives her a kiss. "And to celebrate this impromptu fall break, I propose we have a party. Tonight, my house."

It made Sidney freeze as she look at him incredulously "Are you serious?"

Stu just shrug his shoulders, as he nonchalantly said "My parents are out of town. It'll be like my hurricane bash last year. Nothing extreme. Just a few of us, hanging." Tatum warms to the idea. So she turns to Sidney "This could be good. What do you think, Sid?" she asks

"I don't know..." Sidney murmured, as she look away from the couple

"Come on. Pathos has its perks." Tatum said, as she tries to convince Sidney to join, Sidney considers trying hard to be good-spirited, but Stu reminds her "Remember, there's safety in numbers."

And Sidney thankfully gave in "Yeah, okay...whatever."

"Cool. See you guys tonight. Bring food." Stu speeds off, sliding down the empty hallway. As he plans to invite Toni


After the school is finished the two girls bump into Toni, and Toni decided to ignore the two, but Tatum stops her "W-wait!! I want to apologize!" she said as she bows her head

And Toni just nodded her head, and starts to walk away, but this time she was stopped by Sidney "I-I also want to apologize for leaving you..." she said, as she nervously look down, so Toni just said "Kay' you guys are forgiven, I need to do something so bye." she said, as she left immediately, she need to finish her job since, she would move after this whole school shit, besides the felt like a side-character...in this town

Tatum and Sidney rock on the front porch looking out into the small town neighborhood. Dewey's patrol jeep is parked in the driveway. Despite the loud music, blaring from an inside stereo, this is a quiet moment.

"Maybe Cotton Weary is telling the truth. Maybe he was having an affair with your mom." Tatum said, as she continue talking to Sidney, as Sidney told Tatum her speculation

"So you think my mom was a slut too?" Sidney asks as she looks at Tatum bewildered, but Tatum corrected herself, "I didn't say that, Sid. But you know there were rumors. Your dad was always out of town on business. Maybe your mom was a very unhappy woman."

"If they were having an affair how come Cotton couldn't prove it in court?" Sidney said as she attempts to prove something to Tatum

"You can't prove a rumor. That's why it's a rumor." Tatum answered with a snark, in her tone

"Created by that little tabloid twit Gale Weathers." Sidney said as she thought through all the evidence Tatum pointed

"It goes further back, Sid. There's been talk about other men." Tatum said as she look at Sidney

"And you believe it?" Sidney question

"Well...you can only hear that Richard Gere-gerbil story so many times before you have to start believing it." Tatum answered with a shrug, A long silence as Sidney agonizes over all of this. She stands up and moves to the edge of the porch and stares out onto the neighborhood.

"If I was wrong Cotton, then he's still out there..." she said, as she spaced out

Tatum looked at her worriedly "Don't go there, Sid. You're starting to sound like some Wes Carpenter flick. Don't freak yourself out, we've got a long night ahead of us."

"You're right. I'm cracking up. Ignore me." Sidney said as she shook her head, to get the things out of her head

"Come on, let's rock," Tatum said, as she pulled Sidney, Sid follows Tatum inside the house and never saw the ghost-masked figure that stands across the street, under a tree. His presence so subtle and unobtrusive that you'd have to see this movie a second time to know he was there all along.


Stu is moving along the main street when Billy comes barreling up next to him.

"How'd you do?" he asks,

"Piece of cake. She'll be there." Stu said, as he successfully invited their target

"Thanks, butt wart. You did well."

"So you gonna try and make up with Sid?" Stu asks, his friend

"Duh...that's quick." Billy remarked

"I was just asking. Why are you always at me?" Stu lightly complained

"Because I'm trying to build your self-esteem. You're far too sensitive." Billy said, making Stu say 'Oh', Billy thumbs Stu's forehead.

"Let's share her?" Stu asks, making Billy freeze as he thinks for a moment, "...sure since she's a final girl material after all..."

"You ready to party hard tonight?" Billy asks

"You know it." Stu nodded, They come to a building centrally located in the heart of Main Street. A huge, blue monstrosity that's bigger than the local bank and post office combined. The sign in front reads blockbuster.

Your typical Blockbuster is huge and crowded. Randy, in his Blockbuster, get-up, is busy reshelving returns when Stu appears knocking the videos out of his hand.

"Jesus, this place is packed," Stu said as he looked around the area

"We had a run in the mass murder section." Randy answered as he starts picking up the videos

"You coming tonight?" Stu asks, as he looks at the bunch of videos, and starts rummaging

"Yeah, I'm off early curfew you know." Randy said, but as he tilts his head he saw someone familiar "Now that's poor taste." making Randy ask "What?" and look in the direction Randy was looking

Randy refers to Billy who stands down the aisle talking to two girls

"If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath would you be standing in the horror section?" Randy asks as he continues looking at Billy

"It was all a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything." Stu quickly defended his friend.

"You're such a little lap dog. He's got killer printed all over his forehead." Randy said, as he look at Stu with a sneer, then another voice joined them

"Well, Stu seems like that type of a guy anyway..." Toni said as she appear behind them, making Stu jump "Hey doll!! I was looking for you." Stu said, as he circle around Toni, I wanna invite you to my party, tonight, you in?!" Stu asks as he excitedly jumps around her

"Yeah, I'm going, I don't have anything to do, besides what are you guys talking about?" Toni asks,

"About Billy looking like a true serial killer." Randy explained

"Why'd the police let him go?" Stu rebutted, as he starts being shifty

"Isn't pretty obvious? They don't have any concrete evidence...but if he was accused again, then something will happen" Toni said, as she narrows her eyes

"Because obviously, they don't watch enough movies. This is standard horror movie stuff. Prom night revisited." Randy said as he moves down the aisle, reshelving videos.

"Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend?" Stu asks

"There's always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. That's the beauty of it all. Simplicity. Besides, if it's too complicated you lose your target audience." Randy answered, and Toni was just listening to their conversation, acting like true side-character

"So what's his reason?" Stu asks as he looks at Randy

"Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him." Randy wondered as he came to this unreal conclusion

"She's saving herself for you." Toni butts in, as she said it sarcasticly

Randy said determined "Could be. Now that Billy's tried to mutilate her, you think Sid would go out with me?", it made Toni and Stu laugh, and Stu put his arm at Toni's shoulder as support, since Randy sounds more idiotic

"I think her father did it. How come they can't find his ass?" Stu said

"Because he's probably dead. His body will come popping out in the last reel somewhere...eyes gauged. See, the police are always off track with this shit, if they'd watch prom night they'd save time. There's a formula to it. A very simple one. Everyone's always a suspect the father, the principal, the town derelict..." Randy analyzed making Toni listen, "Well, your kind of smart" Toni said, as she tilted her head while looking at Randy amusingly

"Which is you..." Stu accused, as he look at Randy

"So while they're off investigating a dead end, Billy, who's been written off as a suspect, is busy planning his next hunting expedition," Randy said, as he made his own conclusion

"How do we know you're not the killer?" Billy said, as he appeared behind Toni, who didn't flinch or jump, but Randy spins around to find Billy right behind him.

"Uh...hi, Billy." Randy awkwardly greeted

"Maybe your movie-freaked mind lost its reality button?" Billy snarked, that it made Randy shrug, laughing it off.

"You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it. If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect." Randy jokingly said

"And what would be your motive?" Stu ask, and Toni felt that she was being watched and froze, as she felt a hand on her elbow, but she quickly took her arm away since she felt uncomfortable beside Billy and Billy who saw her reaction made his expression harden

"It's 1995--motives are incidental." Randy shrug


Dewey's patrol jeep makes its way down the main street. It's almost dark. The street is close to deserted. Dewey's behind the wheel having a heated conversation with Tatum while Sid stares out the window.

"A party? Mom's gonna kill you. Then me." Dewey said as he looks at Tatum

'Don't be so self-righteous. It's just a little blow out we'll be perfectly safe." Tatum barked, and Sid stares out the window. Closed signs fill the storefronts, and a few people rush to their cars, in a hurry to beat curfew.

Dewey comes to a stop, parking the car in front of the police station. He looks at Sid with a brotherly smile.

"I see you as a young Meg Ryan myself," Dewey said as he attempts to comfort, Sidney who was still uncomfortable with the idea of partying

"Thanks, Dewey. But with my luck, they'd cast Tori Spelling." Sidney said, as she smile a little, The girls take off for the local supermarket that sits across the street.

"Is Billy going to be there tonight?" Sidney asks

"He better not be. I told Stu to keep his mouth shut. I think we can live without EVERYBODY'S ALL AMERICAN for one night." Tatum barked, They approach the grocery store. Small and simple. Sid and Tatum grab a shopping cart from the bin and enter the store, pushing the cart through two sliding glass doors.

A lone checkout lady behind the counter, big and frumpy, looks up from counting money. They make a bee-line for the junk food section just as the automated doors slide shut behind them and a...ghost masked figure appears, out of nowhere, standing just outside, watching, quietly through the glass store windows.

Sidney and Tatum push a basket through the junk food section. The store is completely empty. The girls grab freely.

"You have a few intimacy issues as a result of your mother's untimely death. It's no big deal. You'll thaw out." Tatum said

"But he's been so patient with me, Tatum. You know, with all the sex stuff. How many guys would put up with a girlfriend who's sexually anorexic?" Sidney inquire as she was feeling a little...

"Billy and his penis don't deserve you," Tatum said, making Sidney smile a little, Sidney grabs some chips and salsa from the shelf. Down the aisle, through the storefront window, the ghost-masked figure still stands watching their every move.

"What do you think about when you're having sex?" Sidney asks, randomly

"With Stu, there's little time to stop and reflect. But sometimes before, to relax and get in the mood, I think about Grant Goodeve." Tatum said, Sid pushes the cart and Tatum across the street., but Sidney let out a confused sound "Who?"

"Grant Goodeve the oldest brother of eight is enough. Remember that show? He was the one who lived off alone. He would come around every now and then with his guitar and sing "Eight is enough to fill our lives with love..." He had all these brain-dead sisters and that idiot brother from Charles in charge. God, I was in love with Grant, he was so hot. The show came on every day after school right during my puberty years. Grant Goodeve was very instrumental in my maturing as a woman." Tatum continue to rant

"How does that get you in the mood with Stu?" Sidney asked how that is related to Stu

"During foreplay, I sing the theme song to myself. "Eight is enough to fill our lives with love..." It's a real turn-on." Tatum said, making Sidney looks at her shocked


And while the two were laughing our protagonist is doing her thing, fixing herself as she was about to attend the party, besides she was having a hard time deciding on where to move

Putting on her usual oversize black t-shirt, cargo pants, Martin boots, and her favorite bucket hat, she quickly rode her usual car and drove near Stu's house

Stu's house sits alone in a clearing and is big and ominous with no neighbors in sight. A huge old home just ripe for a night of fun and...terror. From the looks of things, the party has already started. Music is blaring. A few kids hanging on the porch.

A big room with teenagers sprinkled throughout smoking, drinking, and cutting up. A stereo blasts music while the TV airs around-the-clock killer coverage. Tatum and Sid enter with groceries. various friends greet them.

"Caterer's here." Tatum informed them as she showed them the bags, The girls carry bags through a hallway that opens up onto an enormous kitchen. Stu and some guys are leaning over the sink drinking beer through a funnel. They saw Toni sitting on the couch, watching the TV while eating some of the food she brought for her own, and many teens are surrounding her asking, if 'she was a virgin.' or not but, Toni didn't answer

"That's mature," Tatum said as she watch her boyfriend

"Where have you guys been? We had to start without you." Stu asks as he fixed himself and approaches Tatum

Outside of Stu's house, the news van pulls up and parks unobtrusively on the side of the road a few feet down from the front yard.

Kenny and Gale move around inside the van. Kenny hovers over a control panel complete with video monitors. They saw Toni's car making Gale curse "Damn, rich kids..." she murmured

And Kenny questions "What's the plan?"

"Prep the compact, we'll hide it in a window and tape all of tonight's festivities," Gale answered, as she starts planning, Kenny picks up a compact video camera the size of his fist. He checks its battery pack. And Kenny explains how the camera works, and after he's done Gale slides open the side door and step out into the darkness, not seeing the figure that stands behind her. A hand grabs her shoulder, Gale's heart stops as she spins around to find...Dewey, smiling, was extremely pleased to see her.

And inside the house where our main character is, Sid, Stu, and Tatum move inside the kitchen, preparing a junk food feast. Other teens pop in and out. Randy appears amongst them. He carries an armful of videos. And Toni quickly stood up, and she followed Randy

"I thought we'd make it a blockbuster night," Randy said, He lets the videos splatter across the kitchen counter. Stu, Toni, and Tatum dive in.

"I thought everything was checked out," Stu asks

"I had 'em hid in the foreign section," Randy answered

"Where's the 'My Little Pony'?" Toni asks it made the whole students inside the kitchen stopped, and they all started laughing

"Wat dafaq?"

"Is that a scary movie?"

"Toni, are you okay?" the mood becomes lighter, but they freeze again when they saw a pink video..."Yes, I brought what your request." Randy said, as he gave the video to Toni and it made her smile as she ran towards the TV "Dibs on the TV" she said, as she hurriedly put the My Little Pony.

It made everyone except Tatum and Sidney, ran towards her since they want to watch My Little Pony which made Toni interested, Sidney peruses the videos.

"How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all these movies?" Sid asks as she looks at the covers THE FOG, TERROR TRAIN, PROM NIGHT

"She's the Scream Queen." Randy nonchalantly said

"With that set of lungs, she should be." Stu said with an approving tone, but Tatum turned towards Sidney as she said "Tits, see."

A few minutes later in the living room. The party is going strong. Ten maybe fifteen people stand, sit, and lean. Some crowd around the floor in front of the television. Randy is taking a vote. The doorbell rings. Stu goes for it.

"I got it. Tatum get me a beer. They're in the fridge in the garage." Stu demanded

"What am I? The beer wench?" Tatum rolled her eyes as she ask

And as Stu opens the door "Hey, guess who's here? It's that chick from the inside story?" They look up the hallway to see Dewey and Gale standing in the foyer. And Toni who was looking at the videos didn't look up

"Shit, Dewey!" Tatum said as she saw her brother with Gale Weathers

Everyone perks up, eyeing Gale. "What is she doing here?" Tatum asks as she narrowed her eyes at Gale

"She's with me. I just wanted to check on things." Dewey said The guys in the room are drooling over Gale...Including Stu of course Toni is better looking.


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