Date A Live: Desire Grand Prix

By JamesPatrickBueza6

9.5K 148 401

Cornered by Mio, Shido uses the power of all ten spirits in Zafkiel's sixth bullet to travel back to the past... More

Prolouge Part 1: Timeline Reset
Prolouge Part 2: The destined meeting of a boy and a fox
Prolouge Part 3: Dawn F: Invitation to Be a Rider
The Main Characters
Episode 2 Part 2: Date with a Spirit
Episode 2 Part 3: School before the Next Round
Episode 3: Encounter II: Zombie Hunting
Episode 4: Encounter III: Conditions for Victory
Episode 4 Part 2: Before the Snow Falls
Voice Cast for this Fanfic
Episode 4 Part 3: Operation: Falling Snow Pt 1
Episode 4 Part 4: Operation: Falling Snow Pt 2
Intermission: Off the Chain

Episode 2: Encounter I: Treasure Hunting and Thievery

1K 11 58
By JamesPatrickBueza6

Shido's narration: By using the thirteenth bullet of Zafkiel, i was able to escape Mio and go back in time before i met Tohka, you know what? more like i travelled a day before i met her. Me and Kotori met this guy named Ace Ukiyo who promised we'd meet again. The next day i met Tohka again, but in not the way i imagined. Then all kinds of crazy stuff happened and Ace saved me and two people, Keiwa Sakurai and Neon Kurama, which is odd because those people never existed in the original timeline. Then Ace transformed into an armored masked warrior called Kamen Rider Geats. Soon after Ace defeated them all, we find ourselves back to the beginning of today, which oddly enough didn't have a spacequake. And now...i'm a Kamen Rider!? What the hell is just going on here!?

-meanwhile on the Fraxinus-

Shido was currently being interrogated by Kotori and wasn't really paying attention. "Can we just get to the visual novel training?" he asked exasperatedly much to Kotori's shock. "Wait what?" asked Kotori shocked. "I said...can we now train? Geez..." Shido muttered heading to the computer when suddenly the tv made an announcement!

"Look out world! It's the Star of the Stars of the Stars! Ace Ukiyo!" yelled the announcer. "Uhh...Big Brother? Isn't that the guy we saw yesterday!?" asked Kotori pointing to the tv. "You guys know him!? He's the most popular celebrity in the whole world! You're both lucky!" yelled a random crewmember. Shido stared in shock at the tv. 'He's a celebrity!? The fuck!?' he thought in shock.

"Okay this is so not a normal day for me..." Shido thought as he sat down and began to play the visual novel. Meanwhile Reine Murasame a.k.a. Phantom was looking at the tv screen in utter confusion.

(note: i'm giving Reine and to an extent Mio some small knowledge of the original timeline, but it's small enough for her to not notice until Shido starts showing some serious behavioral changes which will happen way later)

'Strange...this man didn't exist in the original timeline...but it doesn't matter...bringing Shinji back is what matters to me more than this issue...' thought Reine clearly unaware that the timeline a MASSIVE way as Shido began to play the visual novel...but since he had future knowledge...he easily completed it with no problems much to Kotori's shock. "So...can i get back to class?" asked Shido as he was wordlessly teleported back to the roof of Raizen High.

-Meanwhile where Ace is-

Many security guards were clearly blocking a crowd of squeeing fans as Ace entered a fancy building. "You're so cool Ace!" "we love you!" "I want your autograph!" screamed several fans and so on and so forth! "I know." said Ace in a cocky smug tone as he entered the building. As Ace entered he was greeted by the same woman holding the same boxes she handed over to Shido and so many people. "Congratulations! As of today you-" she was immediately silenced by Ace putting a finger over her lips. "I know that too." said Ace with a smirk.

-a few minutes later-

"You managed to create the world of your dreams, but you don't look very happy." said the mysterious woman while looking at a card that said: 'A world where I'm a superstar'. "I can assure you that i am." Ace replied while eating a fancy meal. "This is a world where everyone calls me the Star of the Stars of the Stars, yet i can do as i please like this date with you," added Ace smugly. "What are you trying to say?" asked the mysterious woman shocked by Ace's words, namely the date part. "There's a limit to the kind of world you can create right?" mused Ace as the mysterious woman was amused by Ace's words. "What do you get out of testing our competition?" asked the mysterious woman opening the box which showed Ace's Rider Core ID and Desire Driver. "A game where the winner will get to create their ideal world. The Desire Grand Prix." replied Ace with a smug smirk while grabbing his Desire Driver.

-after school. Itsuka residence-

Shido was holding his Desire Driver while giving a look full of scrutiny. "I can't believe it...this is for real..." mused Shido putting the object on his waist as it automatically created a belt to attach itself to Shido's waist!

Desire Driver!

"Whoa! It attached itself automatically!? Now what? It says 'attach ID Core to the center of your Desire Driver', well let's give it a go, but before that...let's take a closer look at it." muttered Shido looking at his tri-purple colored ID Core for a few seconds.

(Yes, I hand drew it. And it does look like Tohka's bow on a Rider helmet!)

"Hmmm..." Shido hummed looking at his ID Core. 'It does look like Tohka's bow in her Astral to place it in the center...' thought Shido as he placed the ID Core in the center of the Desire Driver.


A bright flash of light engulfed Shido and all of a sudden he found himself in a different place filled with people! "Whoa! Where the heck am i!?" asked Shido in confusion as he looked around and saw many different people. 'The heck!? There's so many people here!" he thought in shock.

-three minutes later-

Shido's train of thought was stopped when he heard a familiar voice. "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna fall!!" yelled Keiwa nearly falling off the platform's edge as Shido grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back. "You okay!?" asked Shido after pulling Keiwa to safety. "Yeah, hey you're that guy from before!" thanked Keiwa who then pointed at Shido. "Yeah, My name's Shido Itsuka by the way." said Shido while getting Keiwa up. "And my name is Keiwa Sakurai. What is this place?!" replied Keiwa while looking in utter confusion. "Beats me." commented Shido looking around as he heard two girls squeeing at...Ace. "Lord Ace!" "It's really him!" said some people in shock. "That's..." mused Keiwa shocked. "It's him...what's he doing here?" wondered Shido in confusion and shock.

"Good day, everyone!" said the mysterious woman standing on a pedestal. "I'm Tsumuri your game navigator. Welcome to the Desire Grand Prix!" announced Tsumuri while introducing herself. 'Desire Grand Prix? The hell!?' thought Shido in shock.

-Insert Opening Theme: Trust・Last -TV Size Version- by Koda Kumi and Shonan no Kaze-

"Our world is currently under the threat of the Jyamato." Tsumuri began her explaination. "Jyamato...?" wondered Keiwa remembering those monsters from before. "I think those were the creatures we saw." replied Shido clearly uncomfortable. "We have no idea where they come from, or what they're after. So in order to protect the streets from the Jyamato, we've established the Desire Grand Prix!" explained Tsumuri as everyone made a 'huh?' expression.

"Now, now, everyone. You must be wondering "What's this all about?" I understand that you must be confused. To keep the rest of the world from worrying about the Jyamato, the Desire Grand Prix is designed to reset everyone's memories once it ends." explained Tsumuri to assure the confused crowd. 'So that explains why i didn't remember at first, maybe the same could be said for Tohka? I'll find out once this is over.' thought Shido clearly shocked by the explaination. "The only ones who remember are those of you who have ID Cores." added Tsumuri finishing her explaination. "So that's why Sara didn't remember..." muttered Keiwa in realization. "Sara who?" asked Shido curious. "My older sister." Keiwa replied as Shido nodded in understanding.

"All of you will become Kamen Riders to fight the Jyamato. And then the winner, or what we call the Desire God, will get to create their own ideal world." said Tsumuri while giving another explaination as Ace smirked. "My ideal world..." whispered Keiwa as Shido had a contemplative look. 'My ideal world huh? How about a world with no DEM? Those assholes always tried to stop at nothing to get the Spirits...maybe that's ideal world i want.' thought Shido angrily and clearly having enough of DEM's bullshit and no doubt he'd deal with them again in the resetted timeline. "In other words, you can make any wish of yours come to fruition." said Tsumuri ending the explaination again.

"Now then, would you all please write down your wishes on your Desire Cards?" asked Tsumuri as everyone suddenly had a feather quill and a card. "I know what i'm gonna write..." whispered Shido writing down his desire: 'A world where the DEM and it's asshole of a CEO never existed.' as Keiwa made a small heh and wrote down his desire as well.

-a forest not too long after-

Suddenly after that, everyone found themselves in a forest and a red forcefield appeared around it. And everyone was wearing different outfits as well!

(Top: the male uniform. Bottom: the female uniform.)

"And now, let the Desire Grand Prix begin! The fated first round. Your first mission is...A treasure hunting game!" announced Tsumuri while observing the participants via a large screen. "A treasure hunting game!?" yelled Shido in shock as several Jyamato dressed up differently from last time appeared while holding larger swords.

"Take back the treasure chests the Jyamatos have stolen and aquire prizes!" explained Tsumuri as several of the Jyamato began attacking the participants. "Ah crap!" yelled Shido dodging a sword swipe making some backward sidesteps. 'I can't use any of my powers here! I'll be in trouble!' thought Shido in panic. "Get down! Right now!" yelled someone punching two of those Jyamato and two boxes fell out, and it was the same kind of box that Shido saw yesterday when he and Kotori first met Ace. "You okay?" asked the person while helping Shido get up while grabbing their boxes. "Thanks. And you are?" asked Shido in gratitude.

"It's James. James Ryukishigami, and you are?" introduced James while opening his box. "Shido. Shido Itsuka." replied Shido as he also opened his box. For James it was a small brown colored Raise Buckle with drill on it while Shido's was a dark blue shield.

(Top: Armed Drill Raise Buckle. Bottom: Armed Shield Raise Buckle.)

"Sweet, a drill. What's yours?" asked James with a smile. "Mine's a shield. Hey you wanna talk while we rest a bit?" asked Shido with a sigh. "So where do you study?" asked James while punching the same Jyamato while Shido used a thick branch to smack another. "I'm from Raizen High. You?" Shido replied as the Jyamato fled in terror. "I'm from Makisuhara High. Wait...i heard that in a few weeks our schools will collaborate. Perfect, i'll get to know you better. Same for my girlfriend too." mused James quite shocked and pleased. "Really? Can't wait!" said Shido also shocked. "Let's talk later. Let's go look for others!" said James as Shido nodded and the two ran to find people who may have found some Raise Buckles like them.

-meanwhile where Neon is-

"Hey, hey, hey! Wanna team up!?" begged Neon to a random guy nearby as she was scared shitless at the sight of what was happening.

(The random guy a.k.a. Kanato Sumida the PRICK!) (Author's note: i fucking hate that guy!)

"No way." said the random guy quite rudely much to Neon's dismay and not to mention he shoved her quite rudely too!

"What do i do...?" wondered Neon in dismay as another random guy only he was middle aged came running next to her. "I'll team up with you little kitten if you don't mind." said the middle aged guy with a thumbs up.

"Oh you're so kind!" thanked Neon relieved as they picked up rocks to stone the Jyamato with. "All right!" yelled Neon as they charged towards the Jyamato to stone them with the rocks they picked up while yelling!

- meanwhile where Ace is-

Ace calmly and confidently dodged the Jyamato's sword swings right before giving it a nasty kick to it's right side as it tumbled down and dropped a box and it fled in terror after that. "That's one." mused Ace picking up the box and opening it and saw the Armed Water Raise Buckle. "Water, huh?" said Ace a bit disdainful.

Then Ace looked to the side and saw two Jyamato ready to fight him and made a smirk. "Let's give it a whirl." said Ace as he put the Raise Buckle on the Desire Driver's right side.


Ace once again did his usual pose and snapped his fingers. "Henshin." said the ever confident Ace as he twisted the knob on the Raise Buckle and transformed into Geats once more.


Geats was armed with a water gun that looked like a rifle, this was Geats Armed Water form!

Geats then look aim and fired a...rather weak blast of water which annoyed the Jyamato as it angrily charged towards the Rider. "Hey! The pressure's--" yelled Geats as he whacked the Jyamato with the Armed Water Gun as a makeshift club! "--Here!" yelled Geats finishing his sentence before he whacked the Jyamato. "This might work better." mused Geats as he rushed towards the two Jyamato while whacking them both with the makeshift club. "Why don't you PIPE down!" taunted Geats as he made a pun while whacking his enemies as Michinaga watched scornfully. "You won't get to show off for long..." scoffed Michinaga quite rudely as two Jyamato spotted him as he dodged one's blow and gave it a right hook and gave the other one a jumping kick.

-meanwhile where Keiwa is-

A terrified Keiwa was being chased by two Jyamato and they were close! "What am i supposed to do?!" screamed Keiwa in fright as he frantically ran for his life. "Get down!" yelled someone as he used a tree branch as a makeshift door slam which stunned one of the Jyamatos and attacked it with a tree branch which fell next to Keiwa which also dropped a box while the random stranger attacked the other Jyamato with the same tree branch and gave it a kick which yielded the same result of a box dropping from the Jyamato. Soon the Jyamato fled in terror as Keiwa opened his box while the stranger opened his own box. The inside of the stranger's box was a Raise Buckle with a lime-green crossbow on it.

While Keiwa opened his box and much to his surprise: it contained the Boost Buckle! "Woah...Isn't this thing pretty strong!?" he said in awe and shock and then got up to thank the stranger who saved him. "Hey there! Thank" Keiwa's words of gratitude died on his throat when the stranger was actually a person he met in his failed job interview.

Takahito Taira was suprised to see Keiwa in a place like this, though he had some difficulty remembering first. "Wait you're..." said Keiwa remembering events from the failed job interview.

mini flashback

Tell us why you're applying for this position.

What are you personally looking for?

mini flashback end

"It's you!" said Takahito remembering Keiwa in genuine surprise. "Y-yeah..." replied Keiwa sheepishly. "Keiwa!!" yelled Shido running towards them with James following right behind him. "Shido! i'm glad you're safe!" said Keiwa relieved as Shido stopped running and catched his breath a bit. "You know him?" asked Takahito curious as Keiwa nodded. "We met in a crossfire during a previous Desire Grand Prix." Keiwa replied as Shido nodded. "And you are?" asked Keiwa looking at James. "It's James. Look can we all go by the river and wash our hands for the moment? I'm bushed." replied James a bit tired as everyone nodded.

-a few minutes later by a riverside.-

"Why did you join the Desire Grand Prix Mr. Taira?" asked Keiwa while he and the other three were washing their hands by the river. "What about you?" asked Takahito about Keiwa's reasoning to join as well. "Well, i...i just wished for world peace you know." Keiwa replied with a chuckle. "Heeehhh...A grand wish." mused Tsumuri looking at Keiwa's desire card. "I remember you said that in your interview." mused Takahito remembering what Keiwa said on the interview. 'Seriously? That's what you said in a job interview? That's so pathetic.' thought Shido in dismay while James had a 'you kiddin' me?' look.

Keiwa then got up after washing his hands. "If everyone else can be happy, then i'm happy too." he explained with a smile. "That's a good wish." commented Takahito with a smile as James made a small amused scoff. "But i have my own reason to fight." mused Takahito reaching into his coat's pocket and showed a picture of him with a woman and a young boy in a wheelchair and had breathing tubes attached to his nose. "You see, my son is suffering from an incurable disease. Maybe by joining this, i can create a world where he can be healthy." explained Takahito with somberness in his voice as James made a look of sympathy. "Your wish is similar to mine. My...girlfriend has...some emotional and mental problems long before i met her...i want to create a world where she's happier and healthier both mentally and emotionally..." mused James with a sad smile while showing a picture of his girlfriend on his smartphone.

"She's cute..." commented Shido as James blushed lightly. "Yeah...but she's troubled..." said James sadly knowing that she had issues both mental and emotional, 'I blame her aunt...' he thought in anger and dismay.

As the four were musing on their thoughts. "Congratulations on getting your items." said a man dressed in white as the four turned to him in surprise. "This way, if you would." said the man gesturing to follow him, Shido and the others looked at each other and followed the man.


"This is the lounge for the Desire Grand Prix. Participants are welcome to use it, free of charge." said the man dresssed in white as the four marvelled in awe when they saw the place. "Ehhhh...This is crazy..." mused Keiwa as Takahito sat down on a small stairway. "Ah! Neon! You're here too?" said Keiwa in shock as he walked towards Neon. "Oh, Miss Kurama's here too." mused Shido following Keiwa while James sat on a sofa. "Looks like we meet again." mused Neon in surprise. "Um..." hummed Neon asking for Keiwa's name. "Oh, I'm Keiwa Sakurai. and he's Shido Itsuka." Keiwa replied while gesturing at Shido. "Hey." greeted Shido meekly. "You've got a big fan! In my sister, that is." said Keiwa with a sheepish look. "But not you...?" asked Neon as Keiwa chuckled with a sheepish look.

"Didn't expect you three to join." commented Michinaga derisively. "You're...The bull!" said Keiwa surprised to see Michinaga. "Kamen Rider Buffa. You guys are...Tycoon, Na-Go and Seirei, huh." mused Michinaga looking at his phone. "Oh, our Kamen Rider names you mean? Um, Mr. Michinaga Azuma." said Keiwa also looking at his phone. "Wait a're that construction worker i met a few weeks back!" said James pointing at Michinaga who gave him a semi-surprised look. "Oh. I remember you, you're that girl...Satou Matsuzaka's boyfriend right? I bumped into her aunt on that same day too." Michinaga replied while shuddering a bit at the last part of his sentence. 'Typical. Satou's aunt tends to creep out just about anybody with her behaviour alone...' thought James also shuddering at the mere mention of Satou's aunt. "Something wrong James?" asked Shido looking at James worriedly. "It's nothing." James replied reassuringly.

"Well, extras like you will get eliminated quick." said Michinaga in a mocking manner. "Extras?" asked Keiwa, Neon and Shido in shock at Michinaga's rude words. 'I don't like this guy...' thought Shido miffed at Michinaga's attitude.

"Don't be so sure." said Ace entering the lounge confidently. "The Desire Grand Prix is unpredictable." said the ever confident man. "Um, thank you for saving us last time." said Keiwa thanking Ace while giving him a bow of gratitude. "Same for me too. Thanks." added Shido also bowing. "Don't sweat it you two. We're onto the next world already." said Ace with a smirk. "R-right..." mused Keiwa sheepishly as Shido just chuckled. "You took your sweet time, Geats. What items did you get your hands on?" asked Michinaga smugly as Ace turned to look at him with a smirk. "I got...the faucet and the shield." replied Ace while holding the Armed Water Raise Buckle and another Armed Shield Raise Buckle.

Michinaga scoffed in smug amusement. "So you ended up with two duds, then?" he asked mockingly. "Duds?!" yelled Morio in shock while looking at his own Armed Shield Raise Buckle. "Pfft! Drills are not duds if you ask me." snarked James while holding the Armed Drill Raise Buckle with a snicker as Shido internally agreed with him 'I mean Gurren Lagann made drilling so damn cool' he thought with a smile. "That guy's got the one you want." added Michinaga while glancing at Kanato who had the Magnum Buckle.

"Heyyy, sport. if you want i can swing you a deal." said Morio while requesting a deal. 'What the...heck?' thought Shido confused at Morio suddenly trying to make a deal. 'I don't trust that guy...he screams suspicious and sleazy!' thought James wary of Morio. "No way." replied Kanato coldly to Morio's deal. "Lemme me take a look...a gun huh? Compared to a gun, drills are much more cooler." commented James walking towards Kanato and looking at the Magnum Buckle. "Huh? What the hell do you mean by that?" asked Kanato annoyed by James' words. "Do you even watch Gurren Lagann? Honestly you modern kiddos and teens need to watch old animes a lot more." said James with a snicker as Kanato gave a confused look 'Oh, that drill mecha anime...' he thought in semi amusement. "If you want, you can trade your shield for my chain array." said James to Morio while holding an orange colored Raise Buckle with a mace and chain on it.

"Sweet! Thanks for the deal buddy boy." said Morio cheerfully as he traded with James. "Hey Shido, catch!" yelled James tossing the traded Armed Shield Raise Buckle to Shido who caught it. "Uhh yeah...thanks James." said Shido with a grateful smile. "Don't sweat it, i've got a feeling you'll need it." mused James with a smile. "Look's like your luck's finally run out." said Michinaga smugly while approaching Ace who was sitting and made a small smug laugh. "Hah! We'll see about that." snarked Ace which triggered Michinaga from the small smug laugh and was about to start a fight between them when the man dressed in white arrived to stop the brewing conflict. "Violence and obstruction of all kinds are prohibited here, gentlemen." admonished the man dressed in white. "Violators are eliminated immediately so please be aware." he added as Ace and Michinaga just sighed. "You got it." said Ace getting up from his chair while Michinaga made a small 'tsk' of frustration.


The telephone on the lounge's table rang loudly as the man dressed in white held it and heard someone on the line. Meanwhile Ace saw the Boost Buckle in Keiwa's hands and smirked. 'Why did he smirk?' thought Shido wondering why Ace smirked at the sight of the Boost Buckle but decided to think about it later. "Understood." said the man dressed in white while talking to someone on the phone. "There has been an emergency, everyone." announced the man dressed in white as everyone got up in alarm. "An emergency? What kind?" asked Shido concerned.

-back to the top of the Desire Temple-

"The Chief of the Thief Jyamato has just appeared." Tsumuri explained to the participants who got Raise Buckles. "We'll cut off the treasure hunt and eliminate all those who failed to get an item." added the navigator as the screen began to show lose on the participants who failed to get a Raise Buckle leaving only the ones who got a Raise Buckle. "Only nine left, huh?" mused Michinaga snidely with a smirk as Shido glared at him. 'I really don't like his attitude...!' he thought in anger. "Please use the items that you gained to defeat all of the Jyamato." instructed Tsumuri to the participants.

-Emergency Mission: Defeat all of the Jyamato-

"Survivors will make it through round one." said Tsumuri while showing the mission on the screen. "What do you mean 'survivors'?" asked Morio confused. "This game has your lives on the line." Tsumuri replied a bit seriously. "Wait, you never said that!" yelled Morio shocked as Shido and James were also shocked as well but not as much. 'My life in the previous timeline always put my life on the line, this is nothing!' Shido thought determined. 'I've been through life and death situations in the past, be it from my part time jobs or side jobs, studying late or exhaustion from all of them, i'm not going to give up! I will have my wish granted for Satou!' thought James with grim determination. "I-it's gonna be okay! The boss at the soba place i go to got revived, so, yeah..." said Keiwa trying to assured the others only for Ace to dash his words.

"Kamen Riders don't share that luxury." said Ace rather semi-apologetic and half apathetic. "Eh?!" asked Keiwa in shock as Neon looked down nervously while Morio and Takahito were clearly uncomfortable with this reveal but were determined nonetheless. "Hold that means...the bear themed Rider i saw that day..." mused Shido shocked. "Correct. from what you and that girl saw, he's gone gone, as in dead." said Ace rather deadpan. " saw Tohka too?" asked Shido now uncomfortable. "She a friend who likes to cosplay?" asked Ace as Shido nodded. 'He better not know that Tohka is a spirit!' thought Shido alarmed.

"Now then, everyone. The mission is about to begin." announced Tsumuri after seeing that the conversations were over and performed a few arm motions (Ichigo's rider henshin pose). "Henshin!" said Tsumuri as the participants were teleported back to the forest and their ID Cores began to glow!


"Mary, Na-Go, Tycoon, Buffa, Da-Paan, Draveast, Seirei, Geats, Ginpen." announced Tsumuri while giving out the Rider's names. 'Seirei? Well...that's true...' thought Seirei looking at Draveast. "Eh?! James, your helmet looks like a dragon and beast hybrid!" exclaimed Seirei pointing at Draveast. "Ye-yeah...i noticed it too. so i guess Draveast means: 'dragonic beast but replace the b with v'." mused Draveast a bit bashful under the mask. "Wait, we changed!" yelled Na-Go in shock as Tycoon looked at her. "Eh!? What's this? Are you cat, Neon?" asked Tycoon in shock. "Tanuki?" replied Na-Go in shock at Tycoon's helmet. "Tanuki eh? They bring good luck if i do say so myself." snarked Draveast while Seirei nodded. "Is that what i am?" asked Tycoon nervously. "Yep. That's what you are." said Seirei with a nod.

Suddenly the Thief Jyamatos finally appeared and in a rather large group too! "Okay! Now that's a large group. Where's the boss?" asked Seirei as the boss Jyamato appeared as well.

"That's the boss. We better be careful here!" commented Draveast noticing the Boss Jyamato's two axes as the rest prepared themselves to face the horde!

Buffa, Da-Paan and Geats were the first to move. "Good to work with you, Mr. Mary!" said Na-Go excitedly. "I got your back little kitten!" replied Mary giddy to fight as they pulled out their Raise Buckles and place them in the right side of their respective Desire Drivers.




"Let's do this!" said Na-Go holding the Armed Hammer as she and Mary charged foward! Ginpen then held the Armed Arrow Raise Buckle. "I have to matter what!" said the penguin themed rider determinedly as he placed the Armed Arrow Raise Buckle on his Desire Driver's right side and pulled the bowstring section of it.


Ginpen then charged foward screaming towards the Jyamato while firing the Armed Arrow repeatedly. "Shido! Let's show these Jyamato what we got!" yelled Draveast as Seirei nodded in return and placed their respective Raise Buckles in the right side of their respective Desire Drivers while Seirei placed his second Armed Shield Raise Buckle on the left side.



Draveast and Seirei were now wielding their respective Armed Weapons. (Armed Drill for Draveast and two Armed Shields for Seirei.)

(pictured: Draveast Armed Drill Form and Seirei Double Armed Shield Form. not pictured: their weapons.)

"Let's rock and roll!" screamed Draveast attacking several Jyamatos with the Armed Drill while Seirei shield bashed those unlucky Jyamato within his range.


Da-Paan did the same thing with the Magnum Buckle by placing it on the right side of the Desire Driver and spun the wheel and pulled the trigger of it's handle.


Da-Paan then switched the Magnum Shooter in it's Rifle Mode with a flick of his arm and jumped to the tree behind him. Buffa then stepped on a downed Jyamato and held the Zombie Raise Buckle and placed it on the Desire Driver's right side and twisted a knob on it which made the rest of the Buckle open which revealed a hand grabbing a part of the circle and twisted it back again.


Da-Paan sniped two Jyamatos in range while Buffa viciously slashed a random Jyamato and smacked another and pushed it to beat it offscreen. "Hmph. Just a bunch of mooks." mused Da-Paan with a scoff while still sniping.

-where the rest is-

As the Riders fought the Jyamato, Tycoon cowered behind a tree out of sheer nervousness of the reveal that their lives were on the line. "How is everyone able to fight...? Our lives are on the line aren't they?!" asked Tycoon in fright while Geats noticed him while whacking several Jyamato with the Armed Water's rifle. "For crying out loud Keiwa, fight you coward!" roared Draveast destroying five Jyamato in one blow Giga Drill Breaker style. "Man drills are so cool!" said Seirei in awe.

Ginpen tackled a Jyamato before shooting another and was attacked by the Boss Jyamato in an ambush attack which sent him flying and inadvertently dropped his photo which Tycoon noticed. Ginpen despite being downed shot two more Jyamato before the Boss Jyamato gave him a nasty kick which downed him again. "This is..." Tycoon whispered while holding the Taira family photo while unable to do anything. 'What the hell is Keiwa doing!?' thought Seirei while shield bashing two Jyamatos into the path of Draveast's attack.

Ginpen then fired an arrow which the Boss Jyamato deflected with it's axe as it approached Ginpen who tried to fire another shot which was deflected and was viciously pummeled and was slashed upwards which sent the penguin themed Rider flying towards a tree as Tycoon looked on in horror. "I can't afford to lose just yet...!" gasped Ginpen clearly reeling from the Boss Jyamato's attack. "A wish you'd risk your life to fulfill..." whispered Tycoon looking at the Taira family photo. The Boss Jyamato then hurled it's axe which landed in front of Ginpen...which exploded and sent him flying towards the river a mile away! "Mr. Taira!!!" cried Tycoon in horror as rushed to where Ginpen landed. "That idiot!" growled Draveast following Tycoon. "Wait up!" yelled Seirei following the dragon themed Rider while Geats looked the three who were running.

-small waterfall section of the river-

Takahito was lying near the riverside clearly wounded and de-transformed from the attack as Keiwa, Shido and James frantically rushed towards the wounded man. "Are you okay?!" asked Keiwa frantically as Shido then saw the red and black glitching he saw on the bear themed rider in the previous game. 'He's done for just with that bear themed Rider i saw that day...!' thought Shido in horror while James saw Takahito's Rider ID Core crack, 'It cracked? That's not a good sign...!' James thought in alarm. Keiwa looked on in shock upon seeing the Rider ID Core crack. "It's the end of the road for me huh...Leaving my son behind while he suffers...What a pathetic father i am..." sobbed Takahito knowing he wouldn't make it. "Was there really no choice but to fight...?" asked Keiwa clearly horrified by what was happening as Takahito tearfully looked at his family photo and held it one last time as the glitches on his body slowly intensified as Keiwa, Shido and James looked on in helpless horror.

"I just wanted to save to my son...!" cried Takahito as he drew his last breath as he disappeared in Keiwa's arms leaving only his family photo and the Armed Arrow Raise Buckle behind as proof of his existence. "No...!" whispered Shido in horror at the demise of a decent man who only wanted to save his ailing son. "Damn it...!" muttered James clearly distraught by what he witnessed and felt anger toward Keiwa for not fighting.

Mission Failed.

"What a shame..." whispered Tsumuri in sorrow as she sadly hugged her pad while lamenting the death of a decent man.

"You...if you didn't hide behind those trees, Mr. Taira would still be alive!" screamed James in anger as a grieving Keiwa feebly picked up the Taira family photo. "James! Now is not the time!" scolded Shido as James understood what Shido meant but he clearly wanted to smack Keiwa for his cowardice. "If you want to change the world, you have to fight for it." said Geats walking toward the three and de-transformed back into Ace. "It's the only choice if you want to succeed." added Ace finishing his word of advice. "He's right. You have to fight for what you want if you want to succeed." mused James agreeing with Ace's words. "Facts. You got facts kid." said Ace amused by James' words.

"Tell me...What do you fight for?" asked Keiwa shaken by Takahito's death and James' harsh words. "For all the unlucky children in the world." Ace replied while looking to the sky. 'I don't feel comfortable when he said that...could he be lying? I sure hope not.' thought James suspecting Ace. 'He's definitely lying, i'm sure of it. I mean...foxes are known to decieve people...oh Keiwa you idiot...' thought Shido wanting to facepalm. "Eh?" asked Keiwa suprised by Ace's words. "Children are the treasures of the future." said Ace while James and Shido became even more suspicious. "So you're after world peace too..." mused Keiwa as sudden sound of water splashing made the four turn the sound: it was the Boss Jyamato ready to fight again with an evil chuckle.

"I want to make it happen, so that's why i'm going to fight. Henshin." said Ace transforming into Geats once more. "Don't leave us out of this one either." growled Shido as he and James transformed as well.

Geats along with Seirei and Draveast engaged the Boss Jyamato and manage to score several hits and the Geats turned the knob of the Raise Water and a tube suddenly emerged from it's rear and was immediately used to suck up water to increase the Raise Water's output and send the Boss Jyamato flying a short distance away from the river! "Damn! It ain't useless after all!" commented Seirei blocking the Boss Jyamato's attack while Draveast smacked it from behind with the Armed Drill. "To change the world...I have no choice..." whispered Keiwa looking at the Boost Buckle and was about to use it. "Give me that!" Geats yelled as Keiwa was about to use the Boost Buckle. "Eh?" asked Keiwa stunned. "It's for the children's future!" Geats replied while struggling a bit against the Boss Jyamato.

"Right! Catch it!" Keiwa yelled tossing the Boost Buckle as Geats ran towards Keiwa and managed to grab the Boost Buckle. "Alright, Here goes!" said Geats with a snicker as he revved the Boost Buckle's handle.


" comes the highlight!" said Geats rushing towards the Boss Jyamato. "Yeah! Go get him!" cheered Keiwa knowing Geats will take care of this fight!

Geats then gave the Boss Jyamato a kick to it's left side and suddenly the exhaust pipes changed position and ignited and gave Geats's kick a nasty boost which sent the Boss Jyamato flying and Geats tossed the Raise Water towards a tree and rushed towards the Boss Jyamato and gave it rocket boosted kicks and kicked the Raise Water's trigger a kick which thanks to the exhauste pipes on the leg armor boosted the output of the water rifle and Geats also punched the Boss Jyamato a punch as well which sent it flying back to the river. "Give him a whack!" yelled Seirei watching from the sidelines. "Yeah! A really good one too!" added Draveast also watching from the sidelines.

The Boss Jyamato attacked Geats who dodged the axe swipes and gave it a golf style whack which sent it tumbling down the small waterfall! "Fooooreeeee!!" yelled Draveast when Geats whacked the Boss Jyamato golf style. "Nice!" said Geats finding the words hilarious and even admitted it was fitting to how he whacked the Boss Jyamato and quickly did a Revolve On.


Now the Boost Leg armor was now the chest armor and the Armed Water chest armor was now the leg armor. This was the revolved BoostArmed Water Form!

"Let's make these fireworks pop!" yelled Geats as he twisted the Armed Water Raise Buckle's knob and revved the Boost Buckle's handle and made a roundhouse kick which created a spiral of water around him!


Then the Boostriker in it's Geats Mode appeared behind Geats and swallowed all the water from the spiral of water Geats made with his roundhouse kick! Then Geats' eyes glowed as he revved the Boost Buckle's handle one last time!


The Boostriker tails then moved forward as it fired the water in a pressurized manner to propel Geats towards the Boss Jyamato followed by Geats giving the Boss Jyamato a boosted punch combined with the pressurized blast of water and utterly destroyed it creating an explosion as Geats leapt out of the explosion!!

"Hehhh! The Boost Buckle's a different beast huh?!" commented Keiwa stunned by the Boost Buckle's immense power as Geats stood up. "So cool!" said Seirei and Draveast in unison. "Thanks for playing right into my hand, just as i planned." said Geats while trying not to laugh. 'Argh! I knew it! He did lie!' groaned Draveast in dismay while Seirei facepalmed. 'Keiwa you idiot!' thought Seirei in irritation. "Hmm? What do you mean?" asked Keiwa as Geats turned to look at him. "I had a feeling that if i gave you a sob story, you'd give me the Boost Buckle." Geats explained smugly as he walked towards Keiwa. "You're a real softie y'know." added Geats as he gave Keiwa a pat on the shoulder. "Wait, then what you said about the unlucky children..." said Keiwa in utter shock that he was tricked as both Seirei and Draveast facepalmed at Keiwa's naivety and gullibility.

"Foxes are known to decieve people. You know, how it's always been." mocked Geats while rubbing the nose of his mask. "Eh?! So you lied to me?!" asked Keiwa utterly shocked. "You idiot..." muttered Seirei dismayed. "Heh." huffed Geats smugly as he turned to leave. "Hey! Then gimme back my Boost Buckle!" yelled Keiwa grabbing the Boost Buckle. "Hey don't--!" yelled Geats in protest as the Boost Buckle began to smoke and flew off Geats's Desire Driver and smacking Keiwa's face in the process before flying away. "That thing's a one-time use item, i'm afraid." commented Geats before walking away as Keiwa comically sobbed at being tricked and being smacked in the face. "Ugh...get up you gullible idiot!" growled Draveast getting Keiwa up as Seirei just shook his head. "Nitwit..." muttered Seirei as the three walked in the direction Geats walked.

-Desire Temple-

"And that concludes the first round!" said Tsumuri announcing the end of the first round. "Good job everyone. We have eight of you who made it to the end." added the navigator while praising the survivors. "Whenever the Jyamato show up again, the Desire Grand Prix will recommence. Until then, i bid you adieu." said Tsumuri while bidding farewell. "Excuse me! If we can wish for any world, then is it possible to revive the people who got eliminated?" asked Keiwa somewhat hopeful. "If that is what you desire." Tsumuri replied with a smile. "I can the same be said for the reverse? like erasing a group of people or a specific organization from existence?" asked Shido clearly wanting to rid the world of DEM Industries and it's asshole of a CEO. "If that is also what you desire." replied Tsumuri a bit concerned when she saw Shido's somewhat malicious smirk before walking away. 'What's he thinking about?' thought Michinaga noticing Shido's smirk. "Hehhh...So any wish can be granted huh." mused Neon with a hopeful smile. "I won't lose." growled Michinaga walking away while Kanato coldly glared at everyone and left as well. 'For Satou's sake...i will not lose!' thought James determined to win for Satou's happiness. 'Just you wait you damned DEM'll be gone in a flash! count on it!' Shido thought rather darkly.

"It doesn't matter what world you all dream of. I'm still coming out on top." said Ace rather smugly and haughtily as Keiwa glared at him clearly still reeling from the former's trickery. "We'll see Mr. Ace, we'll see." said James determined to win for his lover's sake.

-back to the real world, a hospital where Takahito's son Naoto is confined-

"We'll be able to perform Naoto's surgery." announced a doctor to Mrs. Taira who was surprised. "Eh? But how...?" asked Mrs. Taira in disbelief. "Just earlier, we received a donation addressed to him. From someone called 'The Nameless Fox'." explained the doctor as 'The Nameless Fox' was actually Ace under an alias.

As Ace was walking away he made a glance to side feeling he was being watched and resumed walking. Little did he know, he was being watched by the same masked man from the previous game through screens. "Kamen Rider Geats... Just what are you after?" asked the masked man while observing Ace from various screens.

DGP Rule #2
The winner at the end will be granted their desired world.
However, there are certain exceptions.
Mission 1 — Treasure Hunt
Ace Ukiyo/Geats
Michinaga Azuma/Buffa
Keiwa Sakurai/Tycoon
Neon Kurama/Na-Go
Kanato Sumida/Da·Paan
Morio Koganeya/Mary
Shido Itsuka/Seirei
James Ryukishigami/Draveast
Takahito Taira/Ginpen (Rook Jyamato Boss round)
Yakumu Hamatuki/Afint
Kagetora Minamoto/Razebu
Umitake Kosei/Barl
Raimu Mitaki/Baboon
Tarou Momose/Horan
Genbu Ninokami/Bistay
Yamato Taikei/Fezan
Ryoya Oyasuji/Go-Jun
Shyouwa Ifukube/Crorokle
Fuki Iwasaki/Hakatyo
Mika Shinoji/Yamannma
Amu Minoude/Lizza
Miku Yuriyama/Parka
Sara Higan/Otaitai
Ineki Turumatu/Garzel
Akisa Momokino/Dauphin
Takara Takayanagi/Nagar
Aosa Tatutaki/Warika
Reia Shishii/Shibakimaru
Author's note: whew! finally the chapter is done! Do you all like James and Shido's rider forms? And the following chapter is the second part as it focuses on Shido and Tohka's date and Tohka's sealing! Now how will things go this time around with Shido having knowledge of the past and as well as his powers? Find out in the next chapter. And as always, see you all later.

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