Wildest Dreams (a trevor zegr...

By kellslibrary

148K 1.3K 744

a story in which an actress and a hockey player meet, he's got a massive crush on her already and she think h... More


35. (final)

3.1K 35 41
By kellslibrary

So sad to see this one end but theres an announcement at the end!

A year and a half later

"Ok cooper calm down little dude" trevor says as cooper runs around the kitchen. I smile watching them run around and cooper finally gets tired "ok now we can go get ready" trevor says.

I smile following them upstairs as we get to the top the nausea that I've been feeling a lot lately starts so I run over to the bathroom emptying breakfast and lunch. "Shit" I whisper.

While I'm wiping my face trevor comes in with a concerned face. "Baby you ok?" He asks. "Yeah I think I should test before we go" I say. "Wait you think you're pregnant?" He asks.

His smile brightens as I nod "yeah I've been feeling like I did when I was pregnant with cooper" I answer. He smiles "ok test" he says then goes back to cooper. I pee in a cup and dip the tests then join my boys.

"Mama" cooper says. I smile "hi buddy" I say waving at him. "So you ready for another?" Trevor asks. I nod "yeah definitely" I answer. He smiles "I hope it's a girl" he says. "God me too" I say. He rubs my knee gently "I know cooper can be a lot and I'm sorry I'm not always here" he says.

That's why I love him. "You're doing amazing balancing it " I tell him. He holds me close and kisses my forehead "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too" I whisper as the timer goes off. "Ready?" He asks.

Nodding I stand up and go look at the tests. Just like last time positive, yes, and the 2 lines. "Trev" I say. He comes in and stands behind me "wow" he whispers looking down at the tests.

He kisses my cheek "number 2" he says excitedly. I smile and wipe the happy tears away "wow" I whisper. His phones goes off and he sighs "its luke and Jack they're outside" he says.

"Uncle jack!" Cooper squeals when he hears trevor mention them. "Well I guess you've gotta go for the big game" I smile proudly.

After a few years of missing playoffs they finally made it this year and managed to make it to the end. Sadly they're playing new Jersey and it's gone to game 7 which honestly isn't surprising both teams are bringing their all and I'm proud of the three of them. And jamie as well.

We go downstairs and trevor opens the door to luke and jack fighting about who gets to play street hockey with cooper and who has to be on Trevor's team tomorrow.

I laugh "calm down" I tell them. They stop and cooper runs to jack "hows cooper?" He asks him. "Good!" He answers. They high five and trevor looks at me "can we tell them?" He asks. I sigh "ok tell em" I answer.

Trevor grins "ivy's pregnant" he says. Both luke and jack gasp "no way" Jack says. "Seriously?" Luke asks. We both laugh and nod "yeah just found out" I answer. "Just found out what?" Luna asks coming up to the door with grace in her arms. "I'm pregnant" I tell her.

She gasps "really?" She asks. I nod "yeah just found out" I answer. She smiles and comes over hugging me "I'm so happy for you" she gushes. "Hows my niece?" I ask. "She's cranky today" she answers.

"Well hopefully she'll have a best friend coming in 9 months" trevor says. "You're pregnant?" Jamie asks coming up with the diaper bag. "She sure is" luna says.

Jamie takes grace "that's awesome" he says. "We all ready to go?" I ask them. They all nod and we leave for the arena. The other wives and fiance's waiting there when we get there. Julie and gary along with griffen and ava.

They see us and come over for hugs. "Cooper" griffen cheers. "Uncle" he cheers running to him. "How are you two?" Julie asks. "So good" I answer hugging her. "You're glowing" she smiles. "Really happy" I answer.

She nods smiling then hugs trevor "so proud of you trevor" she tells him. "Thanks mom" he says hugging her. Gary hugs him "proud of you kid" he says. "Thanks dad" trevor smiles.

We hug and I lean up giving him a good luck kiss "you've got this" I tell him. He rests his hand on my stomach "i love you" he whispers. I smile "I love you too" I whisper back and he leaves going to the locker room.

"What was that?" Ava asks when we start walking. Their parents ahead with griffen. "Don't say a word, I'm pregnant and we just found out before we left" I whisper quietly. She gasps covering her mouth "no freaking way" she says.

I giggle and nod "yeah I'm so excited" I reply holding cooper in my arms. He just turned 2 about a month ago and has been super active. He loves going to games and watching the roadtrip games at home and Luna comes over with grace.

When we get to the suite Ellen, Jim and Quinn are already in there wearing devils gear. While I'm wearing my zegras Jersey, cooper has his on and so does Trevor's parents and siblings.

Ellen squeals when she sees me "you're glowing sweetie" she says. I smile holding cooper "just that mom glow I guess" I shrug. Ava shakes her head eating some popcorn.

"Trev told me you were trying for number two" quinn says. "You are?" Julie asks. "Yeah we started awhile ago it's just taking awhile i guess" I shrug. "Well when you do get pregnant I hope you have a girl" she says.

I smile knowingly "yeah me too" I reply. "Same! Then I can spoil her and be the fun aunt" ava says. "You already are" I tell her. "True but cooper doesn't play with barbies" she points out. "Gross" cooper says.

We all laugh "don't worry bud we'll all play hockey with you" quinn tells him. "Yay!" He cheers. Cooper spends most of the game going between sitting with griffen, asking for snacks from me or sitting with julie or quinn.

He has so many people that love him and I'm so grateful for everyone in our lives. I'm so excited to bring another baby zegras into the world.

During the first period there isn't much scoring but theres a few penalties thrown at both teams. None given to trevor or jack or luke. Although luke gave a few hits.

In the second period trevor got Anaheim on the board making it 1-0. Then troy followed it up with a second a minute later.

Third period starts 2-0. 30 seconds in jack makes it 2-1 but before they can fully celebrate and show the replay trevor gets his second of the night. 3-1. With 18 more minutes.

While it's on a commercial break they show us all in the suite.

The hughes & Zegras families

I wave awkwardly while cooper sits on my lap eating popcorn. They focus on me and the label changes.

Ivy Zegras & Cooper Zegras
Trevor zegras' wife and son

"Please give a warm welcome to the zegras' and the hughes" the announces says throughout the arena. The fans go wild and we all wave. I look at trevor and he's smiling happily.

Jack and Luke are both smiling too but not as much since they're currently losing. They're just happy to have their family here. I'm happy to see them as well.

About 30 seconds after the face off happens jack gets a shot in the corner making it 3-2. Now theres 10 minutes left and anything could happen.

If the devils take the lead and win I'm still going to be proud of trevor him and the team managed to get passed the kings, oilers and stars. They did something nobody thought they could do just a couple seasons ago.

With 5 minutes left trevor scores his third assisted by connor and Jamie. Hats start falling onto the ice and he celebrates pointing his stick over at the suites. Cooper points back at him cheering "daddy!" He yells.

Not even a full minute later luke scores assisted by jack and nico. 4-3. Right after that connor scores and the crowd goes wild. "With his 14th goal this playoff round connor Bedard!" The announcer yells throughout the arena.

Connor has shown that he has skill and shows it each game. He's made the team better and Trevor's been motivated a lot more.

At the 2 minute mark it's still 4-3 so the devils have a timeout and decide on pulling their goalie. "That's not a good idea" ellen says stressing out. "Mom they've got this" quinn says.

"Sorry quinn but trevor and the ducks have this" griffen says. That starts a discussion while they start the game back up. Trevor, Jamie and connor are on the ice against luke, jack and nico. Everyone of us is on the edge of our seats as connor passes to trevor.

I stand up as trevor shoots it in the back of  the empty net getting his 4 of the game. They hug in the corner and trevor points up at us with a bright smile on his face. "I love you" I mouth trying not to cry.

The last few seconds tick down and the fans are going absolutely insane as the game comes to an end and they win 5-3. They do the stars of the game, trevor getting the first star.

Connor got second and Gibson got third for how many saves he got. They do the celebration and start doing interviews. "Trevor how are you feeling about this win?" The interviewer asks.

"Amazing uh my wife and my son are here and I can't wait to celebrate with them along with my parents, thank you everyone" he answers hoisting up the Stanley cup. I cheer loudly next to julie and ava. "THATS MY HUSBAND" I shout. "Dadddyyyyyy" cooper screams tiredly.

Since there are so many family members here we've decided to meet the guys afterwards at our place. I carry a tired cooper in my arms while ava carries the diaper bag for me.

In my car its ava beside me, quinn and griffen in the back with cooper. The parents will meet us back at the house. "So why didn't you drink ivy?" Quinn asks. The last few games I had been drinking to calm my nerves but obviously tonight I didn't.

"Ya got me, I'm pregnant" I answer. "Ha I knew it!" He says proudly. "Alright Quinton dont say a word to either of the moms or dads" I tell him. Griffen on the other side of cooper with a shocked face.

We get to the house and the parents have beat us there. I open the door and put cooper down and he speeds off to play. Somehow he managed to gain some energy on the way home.

The dads go to the kitchen to grab a beer and I go upstairs to change but the nausea sets in and I empty my stomach of the food I ate at the game.

An hour later both the Anaheim ducks and the new Jersey devils come walking through the door. Trevor and Jamie proudly hoisting the cup. Luna beside me with grace. "You guys did good" I tell luke and jack.

Jack smiles "thanks wheres cooper jack?" He asks. I laugh "he is sleeping" I answer. He frowns "dang" he whispers then wonders to the kitchen for a drink.

I feel a hand go around my waist and lips on the back of my head "that better be my hubby" I say. He chuckles "sure is" he says. I turn around in his arms "you did so good tonight I'm so proud of you" I tell him. "Thank you baby" he whispers.

We share a few kisses before celebrating for the rest of the night. The following morning I wake up and the morning sickness takes over.

But I can hear the guys downstairs playing with cooper when I start going downstairs. "I hear mommy" trevor tells him. I smile and wipe my eyes tiredly "hi my boys" I say happily.

"Heard the news ivy" nico says. Well I guess all of the guys stayed the night. Some are still asleep on the couch and I'm assuming the others took a guest room or slept in the theater room.

14 along

The last few months have been absolutely insane. We spent some of the summer in New York and we managed to dodge our parents finding out that I'm pregnant.

But I'm starting to show now since I'm eating more than I did when I was pregnant with cooper. So far everything with the baby is going well.

It is now near the end of the summer and trevor will be training for the next hockey season soon but he's been maintaining his work out routine and I try to join him for light work outside but I just end up tired.

Our families are back in New York so we're going to videochat them to tell them that I'm pregnant with our second.

"Ready my love?" Trevor asks. "Yesss" I answer excitedly. We start calling his parents and they answer just a few seconds later. "Hey you two" julie greets. "Hi mama" trevor says.

She looks between us "how are you two?" She asks. "We've got a secret we wanna share with you" I answer. "What is it?" Gary asks. I hold up the pregnancy test and they both gasp.

Julie starts crying and gary comforts her "wow I'm so happy for you two" she says wiping her face. "You'll have to come visit" I reply. "Oh definitely" she says.

We talk for a few more minutes before we call my parents. "Hey mom guess what" I say. "What?" She asks. I smirk and hold up the test and she gasps "no way!" She shouts. I giggle "yup baby zegras number 2 is on the way" I say showing off my bump.

My dad smiles happily "that's amazing" he says. Cooper sits on Trevor's lap "cooper are you excited to be a big brother?" Trevor asks him. He nods excitedly "yeah!" He shouts.

After talking with my parents for a few more minutes we go on to tell other members of our families.

A week later

Both of our families flew our last minute for a baby shower and gender reveal party. We got a big cake with the color inside. We wanted to do simple so we are.

Trevor stands behind me while I'm pouring juice into a cup for cooper "you look beautiful" he whispers. "Thank you babe" I reply. He moves the hair away from my neck and leaves a kiss "you're so welcome my love" he whispers.

"Mom" cooper says standing beside us. "Here sweetie pie" I say handing him his cup of juice. "Tanks" he mumbles taking it and walking away. "He's so cute" he whispers.

I nod in agreement and turn around in his arms "you ready to find out what we're having?" I ask. He nods happily "yes" he answers.

We walk out to the back yard where our families, the ducks and all three hughes brothers wait for us. Cooper sitting on Jack's lap.

Our guests watch as we cut into the cake. Trevor pulls the piece of cake out and it's pink. "WE'RE HAVING A GIRL!" he shouts excitedly. "Yay!" Our moms both cheer. Our dads high five and trevor leans down leaving kisses on my bump.

For the rest of the day we open presents and celebrate our baby girl.

Around 9pm they're all gone and coopers in bed and we're sitting on the couch looking through the photos to post for the baby announcment.

Ivyzegras: baby Zegras number 2 on the way

Lunadrysdale: wooo

Trevorzegras: can't wait for our little you to be here

Jamiedrysdale: so excited

Jackhughes: uncle Jack is ready for the tea parties

Lukehughes: tea parties are gonna be so fun

Quinnhughes: she'll be in the WNHL for sure

Taylorswift13: Congratulations!!!

User1: Congrats!!!

User2: did Z say mini you? Does that mean you're having a girl??

User3: definitely having a girl

User4: so cute

User5: cutest announcement for sure

Load comments.....

Right after posting it we're trending on twitter with the announcement and then my costars on the tv show text me to congratulate me.

The months and months go by and so do so many games and Anaheim is doing just as good as they did last season. They're still hyped from winning the cup.

Instead of playing right until my due date like he did when I was pregnant with cooper this time he decided to take some time off and I wasnt against that.

The nursery for the baby was finished when I was 25 weeks and trevor had a lot of fun painting the room different shades of pink and picking out clothes and shoes for her. We had trouble deciding on a name but last week we found one, and its perfect.

"Ok cooper clean up your toys" I tell him. He frowns "why?" He asks. I sigh "because I asked you to" I answer. "Bud listen to your mom" trevor tells him. A few seconds later I feel a gush and the floors wet.

Both of them look over at me "woah" cooper says. "Ok cooper go to the front door and put your shoes on" trevor tells him. I go upstairs and change and trevor grabs coopers bag, my bag and the babies bag.

On the way to the hospital we call luna and jamie to meet us there so they can watch cooper.

When we get there they're pulling up and they take cooper while trevor wheels me off to a room. "Be good for mommy" I tell cooper. He nods looking scared and I kiss his forehead.

4 hours later we're welcoming Bailey juliana zegras into the world. She starts crying a few minutes after coming out. Trevor cuts the cord and they lay her down on my chest.

"Welcome to the world bailey" I whisper before leaving a kiss on her head. Trevor smiles and takes a few photos to send to family then we spend our time with her before having luna and jamie bring cooper in.

2 days later

Cooper runs ahead of us to the front door while trevor carries bailey in her carrier and I walk slowly to the front door. This time around was a lot more painful but so worth it.

Once im settled on the couch with bailey on my chest and cooper playing on the floor and trevor next to me. "I'm so happy" I whisper.

He smiles looking over at me "me too baby me too" he whispers. I smile "I love you" I tell him. He smiles and leans over kissing my cheek "I love you too" he whispers back.

I go through the photos we've taken of bailey so far and don't really love any of them so I lay her down on the blanket that taylor had sent us and take a couple photos.

"They look fine babe just post em" trevor says. "Ok ok fine" I reply and post them.

IvyZegras: Bailey Juliana Zegras we love you so much
Tagged: trevorzegras

TrevorZegras: she is perfect just like you

LunaDrysdale: she's perfect

Jamiedrysdale: so cute

Taylorswift13: she looks just like you


Quinnhughes: mini ivy

Lukehughes: she looks ready for a tea party

Load more comments....

A few minutes later I'm falling asleep with my head on Trevor's shoulder and his hand in mine with his finger rubbing the back of my hand.

"Sleep my love I've got this" trevor says quietly. I end up having a half an hour long nap because cooper wakes me up by crawling on my lap.

He's in my face when I open my eyes "hi kiddo" I smiles sleepily. "Daddy fed me" he says. "Oh good" I smile. "I also changed baileys diaper" trevor says. I smile "thank you my love" I reply.

Bailey then decides that she's hungry so she starts crying so trevor gently places her in my arms and I breast feed her.

This is everything I've ever dreamt of and I'm so happy and thankful for trevor, cooper, bailey and any of our future children. This is perfect.


So so so sad it's over :(

Now for the announcement

The next story is

Jack Hughes!!!!!

It's called

Gold rush

Ahhh I'm so so excited for that one! Follow me to see when I post it and any future stories

Follow me

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