Transmigrated into a Parvenu'...

By crystal_lovesreading

279K 6.6K 237

She woke up from her sleep to the divorce papers that the original owner's husband tossed at her. Shu Yan pic... More

Chapter 1 - Bam! Starting out as a mother. How exciting!
Chapter 2 - Gathering Evidence
Chapter 3 - Wench
Chapter 4 - Physical Evidence
Chapter 5 - Picking Up The Kids
Chapter 6 - Scare
Chapter 7 - Making An Example Out of Her
Chapter 8 - The Divorce
Chapter 9 - A Visit From The Family
Chapter 10 - Arrival
Chapter 11 - The Search For An Apartment
Chapter 12 - Buying A House
Chapter 13 - Settling In
Chapter 14 - Shopping
Chapter 15 - Moving
Chapter 16 - Starting School
Chapter 17 - Weight Loss
Chapter 18 - Asked to stay behind by a teacher
Chapter 19 - A small conflict between children
Chapter 20 - Chatting with the other parents
Chapter 21 - Ye Jingjing's tutorial classes
Chapter 22 - Finding a Storefront
Chapter 23 - Looking for Merchandise
Chapter 24 - Recruiting Employees
Chapter 25 - Gossip
Chapter 26 - Merchandising
Chapter 27 - Moms Are Superhumans
Chapter 28 - Kindergarten
Chapter 29 - Zoo
Chapter 30 - First Customers
Chapter 31 - Grand Opening
Chapter 32 - A Favor
Chapter 33 - Being Polite
Chapter 34 - Drawing
Chapter 35 - Causing Trouble
Chapter 36 - Wreaking Havoc
Chapter 37 - Keep your enemies close
Chapter 38 - A cheating scum and his mistress
Chapter 39 - Second Meeting
Chapter 40 - Finding a New Place
Chapter 41 - A crowd of melon-eaters
Chapter 42 - Storefront
Chapter 43 - Third Meeting
Chapter 44 - Spots
Chapter 45 - Business Partnership
Chapter 47 - Buying the Storefront
Chapter 48 - Going to the Hospital
Chapter 49 - Installing the Phone
Chapter 50 - Pay Day
Chapter 51 - Manufacturing
Chapter 52 - Kidnapper
Chapter 53 - Bodyguard?
Chapter 54 - Protection
Chapter 55 - Dinner
Chapter 56 - The Old Lady was ecstatic
Chapter 57 - "Mommy, are you going to get me a new daddy?"
Chapter 58 - "Mommy, are you making dinner for that uncle today?"
Chapter 59 - "Mom, did you do something bad?"
Chapter 60 - Shu Yan blushed.
Chapter 61 - "Shu Yan is my friend and that will not change."
Chapter 62 - "Have Xiuxiu quit her job and help us out? That's not right."
Chapter 63 - Becoming a shareholder
Chapter 64 - Name Changing
Chapter 66 - "Just keep an eye out for me."
Chapter 65 - "You can't let them know where I am"
Chapter 67 - The orders came in like snowflakes.
Chapter 68 - "As dinner time quickly approached..."
Chapter 69 - "Boss, did you drink?"
Chapter 70 - Heartwarming
Chapter 71 - "You.. you are keeping me?"
Chapter 72 - "She will be back sooner or later."
Chapter 73 - "It's better to have a woman that you can share your life with."
Chapter 74 - Happy New Year
Chapter 75 - "Brother Yu, Miss Shu is going to merchandizing tonight."
Chapter 76 - "I don't mind the scar."
Chapter 77 - A wedding
Chapter 78 - "Give me your account number, quickly."
Chapter 79 - She saw Yingying's parents charging at her.
Chapter 80 - "What is it that you want to do?"
Chapter 81 - "What a coincidence?"
Chapter 82 - It's not easy to be a stepmother; being a stepfather is no better.
Chapter 83 - "I am a man who had died a few times, this can't be worse."
Chapter 84 - She was putting in good words for Feng Zeyu.
Chapter 85 - What could she say? Copying is a culture of China.
Chapter 86 - Different fates of different people.
Chapter 87 - Talking to him really wears Shu Yan out.
Chapter 88 - "I wish you luck on that."
Chapter 89 - Shu Yan saw her run out and retched around the corner.
Chapter 90 - Shu Yan looked like a queen in front of everyone.
Chapter 91 - "I have never seen someone as stupid as you."
Chapter 92 - "I am glad you thought of me."
Chapter 93 - "Will you be okay with a new daddy?"
Chapter 94 - Shu Yan chuckled, "That goes without saying."
Chapter 95 - "I'm sure the Landlord was behind this. That makes me so angry!"
Chapter 96 - The more they can sell, the higher their commissions.
Chapter 97 - Sister-in-law?
Chapter 98 - The truth is out
Chapter 99 - Until you two say yes
Chapter 100 - A woman you can't woo with a pair of gold earrings.
Chapter 101 - "So we will be neighbors from now on?"
Chapter 102 - It wouldn't be bad for her to be with someone else.
Chapter 103 - He could barely walk on his way back.
Chapter 104 - "You are a dog if you can't follow through with it."
Chapter 105 - He looks comical with a bundle of roses in his hand.
Chapter 106 - "Call the cops. We must call the cops now."
Chapter 107 - "Third Uncle, I have a favor to ask."
Chapter 108 - Everybody changed their tunes.
Chapter 109 - Shu Yan did that for herself and for the original owner.
Chapter 110 - "We will probably be there by morning."
Chapter 111 - Shu Yan laughed in the wind.
Chapter 112
Chapter 113 - Designs for the new season
Chapter 114 - A woman, pacing at the entrance of the village, withdrew again.
Chapter 115 - Shu Yan smiled. Of course she had faith in Fang Zeyu.
Chapter 116 - Others only need to know they received a lot of awards overseas.
Chapter 117 - "School is not starting just yet. You get some rest."
Chapter 118 - Shu Yan saw a big bundle of roses, hundreds of them!
Chapter 119 - Dinner with him alone? He must be joking
Chapter 120 - "Then... I will let Uncle. F.... Dad know."
Chapter 121 - "Tianbao, would you like me to be your Dad?"
Chapter 122 - "It had started kicking in."
Chapter 123 - Hu Ruixue insisted on his protection.
Chapter 124 - Chen Fei? Is Zhang Huaxiu about to give birth?
Chapter 125 - "Have dinner with me tomorrow?"
Chapter 126 - Shu Yan received a call from someone unexpected.
Chapter 127 - "Will you be alright going back home?
Chapter 128 - The female lead was gone.
Chapter 129 - "I really feel that she is not my daughter."
Chapter 130 - "How is Third Sister related to Li Miaomiao?"
Chapter 131 - "Yanyan, please save me and my child."
Chapter 132 - "It will get better from this point forward."
Chapter 133 - "Trust me"
Chapter 134 - Ye Zhiqiang regretted letting Shu Yan have their son.
Chapter 135 - "I have an awful idea. Do you want to hear it?"
Chapter 136 - Shu Yan decided to visit Hu Ruixue early this year.
Chapter 137 - "My daughter did not come home for the New Year."
Chapter 138 - She came at the perfect time.
Chapter 139 - "I sure hope they would know better than have any ideas."
Chapter 140 - "I will be here with you no matter what."
Chapter 141 - "Ruixue left that for you."
Chapter 142 - " I don't want to show up and disrupt her life."
Chapter 143 - They could not afford any mistakes tomorrow.
Chapter 144 - "Get it away from me. I'm about to throw up."
Chapter 145 - She was only this way in front of Feng Zeyu.
Chapter 146 - Only a loving couple would have a warm home like this
Chapter 147 - Let's keep this between us
Chapter 148 - Ain't that the truth?
Chapter 149 - Ye Zhiqiang got married after a month. Guess who he married?
Chapter 150 - "I will live a good life in this world."
Chapter 151 - You are involved in a murder case. Please come with us."
Chapter 152 - Tianbao returned from overseas looking very distressed.
Chapter 153 - All children are rebellious at his age.
Chapter 154 - Tianbao's girlfriend
Side Note:

Chapter 46 - Each Man for Himself

1.6K 43 4
By crystal_lovesreading

Neither one of them brought up anything that they had talked about the night before. They chitchatted randomly about other random things and the mood was very light and cheerful.

"My daughter is three years old this year, same as your son. You should bring your kids with next time. My daughter has been home all the time and doesn't have any friends. She'll be happy to meet your daughter." Hu Ruixue seemed to be in a much better state that she was previously.

"Sure. Why don't we have an outing next weekend?" City Nan wasn't all that great right now. Many of the well-known tourist spots in the future were still bare land right now.

"Mmm, the weather has been nice lately. An outing is not a bad idea." When Hu Ruixue smiled, her eyes would curl like moons and she looked very pretty.

That made Shu Yan wondered. The original owner was ugly and not cultured, so Ye Zhiqiang went for a younger, prettier, and more cultured college student. That made sense. Why did Zhang Baizong looked for one that didn't measure up to Hu Ruixue in every aspect? Was that due to his inferiority complex? He was seeking his male ego from Le? What a scum.

The dishes were served one by one and Shu Yan felt that she was surrounded by aroma. She picked up a chopstick-full of food and placed it inside of her mouth. She squinted a little. Even though Shu Yan ate City Nan cuisines but she much preferred local cuisines of her home town. Today Shu Yan learned that the type of cuisines didn't matter as long as they were delicious.

When they were almost done eating, Shu Yan picked up her cup of tea and took a sip. "Have you looked into Zhu Hung's husband yet?"

Hu Ruixue mimicked Shu Yan and leaned against the chair. She didn't feel that sitting that way was very lady-like but it was certainly very comfortable. She then, too, picked up her cup of tea and sipped relaxingly.

"Yes, I have already sent someone to look into it. It was certainly a miracle Zhang Baizong was able to keep the business running up to this point. Of the 40 people at the factory, 10 of them were managers, 7 of them got in through string-pulling – sisters, brothers, brothers-in-law. O yeah, uncles from both sides of the family. All of them occupying important positions. Almost the entire management was relatives." Even though Hu Ruixue had never been in business herself, but she had heard and learned a lot though passing and has a basic understanding. A factory liked like was certainly an eye-opener to her. "Most importantly, his relatives are not competent people and didn't know the first thing about management. Putting them in important roles made the factory a mess."

There were many family businesses in China, but very few would do what Zhang Baizong had done. Either relatives went into business together or one person had expanded their business enough that they could help a few relatives out by giving them a job. But never putting them in important positions.

Shu Yan, on the other hand, had experienced that first hand herself. Her first job back at her home town after she had graduated college was at a small company similar to Zhang Baizong's factory. All of the management was the owner's family members. Many of the employees quit after a few days. Long story story, when she left her home town, the company had already gone out of business.

"There are a lot of issues with the factory's finances. I have hired a few experienced accountants to look though the books as we speak. The clothing factory had been mostly hollowed out by these parasites by now. Mainly just left with a shell. I must have been blind back then to have married such a man who was only pretty on the outside but rotten on the inside. Wait, that's not right. He isn't even pretty on the outside." With the veil called "love", Hu Ruixue couldn't find anything good to say about Zhang Baizong.

There were many things that Hu Ruixue wouldn't share with others; that included her parents and many of her friends from the past. But she was willing to share with Shu Yan. Probably because she felt that Shu Yan had similar experience as herself and could relate. That and she wasn't worried that Shu Yan would look down on her.

"What are your plans for these people?"

"I've already called the cops." None of them were going to get away, especially the relatives of Zhang Baizong. They were never that close to begin with and even Zhang Baizong had run off, Hu Ruixue definitely wouldn't care about them.

"Oh yeah, have you given my proposition from yesterday more thought? Now that I have cleaned out the factory, it's just a shell left. There are still a few of skilled old-timers left. All things considered, it's not worth a lot. You come in with your shop and we can start our own brand. Look at all the name brands out there right now. They are all foreign brands. Our country had been around for a long time and has a lot of culture. We should have our own brand." Hu Ruixue did a lot of research ever since she has decided to start her own business.

"I have thought about your suggestion. Truth be told, I am very tempted. But my two children are too young and I might not have a lot of energy to get involve in the management of a factory." Shu Yan finally picked her children over her career.

Her career could wait but her children were only young once. Just a few more years. Once Tianbao started grade school, life would be much easier.

Hu Ruixue has children herself and could relate to Shu Yan's concerns. She was here in City Nan alone with nobody else to help her. She has a lot more to worry about.

"That's alright. My invitation will remain open. You come look for me when you are reading to work together," said Hu Ruixue with a smile.

As the two of them were enjoying their meal over here, Zhu Hung wasn't doing too hot. She felt like a cat on a hot tin roof right now.

"What's the matter? We have covered our tracks so well. How were they able to find out? I've told you to quit, quit, and you kept saying that it would be fine. Look at it right now!" Zhu Hung had told Li Jianguo to quit the day Le was targeted. Li Jianguo, who had always listened to her, was abnormally stubborn this time and refused to quit no matter what she said.

"I have told you we shouldn't do things like this. We shouldn't. But you insisted on swapping out the merchandize. Look what's happening now?" Li Jianguo was also complaining to Zhu Hung.

"Who did I do that for? I did it all for our family. If it wasn't for me, you are still a working bee right now. You think you'd become a manager? Had I not done that, would we be living in this large house right now? Would our son be attending that good school that he is right now? Why do you think you are able to have meat and wear suits every day? All because of me. Now you blame me when sh*t hit the fan? Why weren't you more careful?" Zhu Hung's bluster had immediately overpowered Li Jianguo.

"What do we do now?" Li Jianguo, sitting on the couch, was unable to think.

Zhu Hung gave him a look of disgust. Useless! All he could do was ask what to do when things come crashing down. She let out a few breaths and sat down on the other end of the couch. "Can you push the responsibilities on someone else? Didn't you say that Zhang Baizong's relatives were doing the same thing? Can't you push everything onto them?"

Li Jianguo rubbed his hair and said, disheartened, "That's not going to work. Your brother was the one who picked up the merchandises and we have been selling them out of your shop. Those are not difficult to find out."

"Then what should we do? Does that mean my brother and I will in dragged into this too? We will have to go to jail too?" Now Zhu Hung was truly frantic.

Li Jianguo looked up at Zhu Hung and his eyes reddened. All she could think about at this point in time was whether she could stay out of it all? Would she really be able to take care of the family after he went to jail? He thought about his son who had just started grade school.

"Don't worry, I will take all the blame and not drag you into this."

Zhu Hung walked over to Li Jianguo, put her arms around his waist, and said in her tenderest voice, "I'm sorry, my husband. I just wanted what's best for this family. I didn't think this will happen. Don't worry. I will take good care of the family and wait with our son for your return."

Li Jianguo didn't say a word. He walked over to the bedroom and gathered the deed, the bank deposit book, and household register before he said to Zhu Hung whose inside of the kitchen, "I am going to run an errand. I'll be back shortly."

"Dinner is almost ready. Where are you going?"

"I suddenly remembered that I have a friend who works at the station. I am going to see if he knows anything."

Zhu Hung was unsuspecting. Mainly because Li Jianguo had always been obedient. She didn't think he'd pull any stunt at this point.

After he walked out of the house, Li Jianguo touched the documents in his chest. His hands were shaking a little.

The house that they have rented to Shu Yan belonged to his parents. After he married Zhu Hung, she had always wanted to have the deed transfer over to their names. Father Li didn't care one way or another, but Mother Li objected to it the entire time. Finally, they moved it under his son's name. This current house that they have bought was under their names but Zhu Hung would not be able to sell it without the deed or the household register. They have 70,000 yuan in their bank account and he was going to bring the deposit book over to his parents. At this point in time, they were the only ones that he could trust.

When he arrived at his sister's place, they were just cleaning up after dinner. Seeing the discomposed Li Jianguo, his sister sneered and was about to send him on his way with her broom.

"Mom, Dad, I was wrong. I am really done for this time," said Li JJiangao as he dropped down onto his knees. Everybody was stunned by his action. His brother-in-law pulled his sister inside. As bad as Li Jianguo was, he was still the son of his in-laws. They wouldn't be mad at him forever.

"What's done for? What happened?" Father and Mother Li had made up their mind not to have anything to do with this son anymore but, seeing him like this now, their hearts ached again.

"I might be going to jail." Li Jianguo slapped himself on his face and told them everything. "Mom, I worry that Zhu Hung would not be able to hold out on her own so I want to give these to you for safe keeping. And your grandson, don't ever let him change his surname."

Hearing that her son might be going to jail, Mother Li almost fainted. The rest of his words brought tears to her eyes. "I told you that Zhu Hung was a bad one but you wouldn't listen to me. See what happens now? Zaizai is the Li's descendent, of course he won't change his surname. If Zhu Hung dare to get remarried with him, I will kill her and then commit suicide."

"Why are we talking about these right now? What's important was to figure out how to get our son out of the current situation." Father Li was the calmer one. "Go make a confession right now. Tell them the truth and hope for a lighter sentence."

"What have I don't wrong?" Mother Li patted Li Jianguo on his back as she cried. "Your dad and I have been law-abiding citizens our entire lives and have always taught you and your sister to be upstanding people. And now you dare to commit such a crime just for money?" She sniffled and said, "Xiao mei, xiao mei, pack our things. Your dad and I are moving back to the back alley. Your brother is so pitiful to have married such a wife. I need to go back to take care of zaizai, my poor grandson!"

His sister, who was hiding behind the bedroom door, gritted her teeth in anger. "He's the son after all. Nothing will ever change no matter how familial I am!"

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