Protect me

By AnnieWelshh

107K 1.9K 290

Taylor is a 14-year-old high schooler who's had a very traumatic childhood. All of her trauma has caused her... More

Oh no
Let me go!!
Why do you care?
Why won't you eat?
The escape
The rescue
The secret
The babysitter
Your dead mf
Im Stuck
The calm before the storm
The last straw
Who's in control?
Hold me
The Nightmare
The meeting
Portect me
The first steps
The Hospital
The Diagnosis
The Fall

Whats going on?

3.6K 70 9
By AnnieWelshh

It was the next morning. Asher wasn't going to school that day because of what happened with Taylor. He needed to be ready for when She woke up.

It was around 7 am when Asher woke up. This time not from the warm sunrise, but from his blaring alarm. He rolled over and hit the off button. Collapse back into his pillow before heading to the bathroom.

He showered, brushed his teeth, did his hair, and got into a casual outfit.
Asher's outfit ↓


Then he did a quick check in the nursery to see if Taylor was awake. Thankfully she was still asleep.

He went to the kitchen and made some waffles. He made enough for him and possibly Taylor, though he knew she wouldn't eat them. Asher wasn't doing to reinforce food yet, knowing how painful it is for anorexics to eat. So he was found to try a different approach, baby formula.

After he finished the waffles he made some baby formula in a bottle for Taylor. Then tucked it away in the fridge. He would warm it up later once she woke up.

Then he ate his waffles alone, waiting for the first cry from Taylor.

—————————- Taylor ——————————

8:15 am Taylor began to regain consciousness. She took her small fist and began to rub her eyes. She lowered her fist and noticed it hit some hard plastic object.

Taylor peeks opened her eyes and observe the tall wooden bars in front of her. That startled her out of any sleepiness she had. She immediately sat up and turned to the bars. Was Is she in a crib!?!

She looked down at the mattress underneath her and saw the pink pacifier that she probably slept with. That's not all she noticed, she was also wearing a onesie!? Completely humiliated, Taylor buttoned the onesie's bottom buttons.

She unsnapped then and gasped. She was wearing a diaper!? And not like the pull-up she used to be in, but a proper baby diaper. It was also soaked.

Taylor buttoned her onesie back up and crawled to an isolated corner of the crib. She brought her knees up to her chest and started to wail. What was happening?

She continued to sob until she heard to bedroom door creak open.

"Taylor?" Asher spoke.

Taylor lifted her head. Once she saw Asher she began to cry every loader. Making grabby hands towards him wanting to get out. She thought Asher was the escape out of this weird room. She has no clue Asher put her here in the first place.

"Shhh, it's okay baby" He soothed lifting Taylor out of the crib.

"H-how did I g-get in there? W-why am I in the outfit? W-what happened?!" She sobbed

"Shhh, baby take deep breaths okay" he hushed sitting down in a rocking chair on the other side of the nursery.

Taylor sucked her thumb until she calmed down enough to speak.

"H-how did I get here?"

"During the night when you were asleep, I put you in here. Taylor, you have been struggling a lot lately and I think age regression will help you. All I want is to just see you happy again!"

"W-WHAT!! No, I don't want to!!"

"Taylor, I'm not giving you a choice. You're going to do this till I see improvement in your mental health.

"NO!!" Taylor cried.

Asher kept calm and gently rubbed her back in circles. He knew that she was overwhelmed and would get eventually get used to it.

While rubbing the bottom of Taylor's back, he noticed how soaked Taylor's diaper was. He stood back up with the crying girl in his arms and took her to the changing table. He tried to lay her down but she let out a blood-curdling scream.

Asher jumped and quickly picked up Taylor. "Sweety what's wrong!?!" He panicked.

"DON'T LAY ME DOWN!!" She sobbed.

"But why?"


Her reaction reminded Asher of the time we're he tried to change her pull-up. When he tried to lay her down she had the same reaction.

  "Taylor you're going to have to lie down. I need to change you. I will make it fast."

  "I c-can do it m-myself"

  "No baby, you're too little for that."

  "I'm not little, and I don't need a diaper!"

  "If you didn't need a diaper then why are you soaking wet?"

  Taylor blushed, lowering her head. She didn't have a comeback for that one.

Asher again tried to lay the girl down but she put up a fight. Taylor, being short and frail, wasn't that hard to hold down. Once Asher got her down he strapped her in using the changing tables restraints.

She kicked and pulled trying to escape, but her efforts failed. Asher grabbed another Pampers diaper from underneath the changing table along with some baby wipes and powder.

"NO NO NO, LET ME OUT!!" Taylor yelled.

"Taylor, you need to lower your voice or else there will be punishment. Do you understand?"

Taylor nodded her head as stray tears gradually rolled down her rosy cheeks. Asher wiped them away with his thumb.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable?"

"Ducky" Taylor replied simply.

Asher had to restrain himself from cooing out loud after hearing her adorable little request. "Alright, Princess I'll go grab that for you."

He returned quickly with the stuffed teething duck In his hands. When he passed it to Taylor she clung onto the object like a monkey, being her only sense of comfort during the stressful encounter.

Seeing she was now a bit more settled, he began to unclip the onesies crotch snaps. He raised the clothing to her belly button and untapped the first tape.

   Taylor immediately threw the stuffed animal over her eyes to hide the embarrassment. Asher untapped the second strap and pulled down the front of the diaper. That's when Taylor lost it. Her crying started again, and so did her struggle to escape. Asher put her large hand over her leg to stop her from falling.

   "Taylor, you need to stay still. I know you are embarrassed but you still can't kick. If you stay still we can get this over with faster."

  Before starting again he took the pacifier from Taylor's crib and pressed it to her lips. To his surprise, she took it very easily.

  He took off the old diaper, wiped, put the new diaper under her, sprinkled some powder, and taped it tightly around her waist. He snapped her onesie back up, unstrapped her from the table, and lifted her into his arms.

  "There, all done!! Now your nice and clean."

   Taylor looked away from him, still shaking in fear, with the pacifier in her mouth, and ducky tightly in her arms.

    Asher walked her downstairs and into the kitchen where he strapped her into the highchair. He also took the duck and paci away for her the avoid them getting messy.

   "Out!" She whined making a grabby hand towards Asher. Taylor has become a lot more clingy ever since the conversation with Asher in the bathroom.

   "No baby, you need some food." He took the bottle from the fridge and warmed it up before setting it on the tray in front of Taylor

   She looked at it closely before pushing it off the tray.

"No no no, Tayl-" Asher was interrupted by his phone, loudly ringing. "Hold on one second Taylor."

Asher: hello?

Sobbing from the other line

???: A-Asher, it's Lucas
Asher's friend Lucas ↓


Asher: Lucas?!? Are you okay?!

Lucas: N-noo, she's dead!!

Asher: Lucas calm down buddy, who's dead?

Lucas: Gemma!! ( his girlfriend) I got a call, her parents said he died in a car wreck, he's gone!!

Asher: were are you?

Lucas: I'm just driving in circles I don't know what to do!!

Asher: you remember where my house is right?

Lucas: I think so

Asher: come over now

Lucas: alright bro, thank you 

Asher: your alright, see you soon

                               Hangs up

   Shit!! Asher thought. Dealing with Taylor, he almost completely forgot that his house was a safe space for many kids.

     How was he going to help out his friend, with a girl he's currently forcing into age regression? Her headspace is way too fragile for her to be alone.

    Reluctantly, Asher sent a text to Anjali asking if he could babysit. He felt bad, knowing Anjali was in school right now, but there weren't many options. Ajali quickly sent a text back reading I'll be right over.

  Not having time for messing around, Asher took Taylor and her bottle into the living room. He laid her down in a nursing position and brought the bottle up to her lips.

  "Drink baby"

  "No, I not a baby. I don't need bottle"

"This isn't a choice, you need to drink."

"How many calories does it have?"

   Asher was done with the games, he supported her head with his arms and stuck the bottle in her mouth until Taylor had no choice but to drink.

Tears well in her eyes as she starts to get insanely full. She turns her head away from the bottle once it's about half empty.

  "Good job Darling!!"

  He adjusted her so that she rested on his shoulder while he pat per back. Taylor was confused about what he was doing until he let out a small burp. She turned bright red from embarrassment as Asher cooed at her cuteness. It was then he heard the front door knock.

  He walked over to carrying Taylor and opened the door. It was Anjali, with a big smile.

  "Sup Asher, and hello Taylor!!"

  Taylor gasped and hid her face in Asher's shirt, completely mortified that he was seeing her in this state.

  "She's a bit shy right now. Thanks for coming over, I appreciate it!!"

  "No problem, glad to help out"

   "Well, the babysitting schedule going to be mostly the same as last time. After lunch Taylor is due for a nap. For meals offer her normal food, and if she denies give her a bottle. Don't let her out of your sight. You know the drill, extra diapers are in the nursery, and other stuff like that will be available there as well. And most importantly, don't let her in the bathroom," asher didn't want Taylor gagging herself in there again, or using the bathroom.

   "Sounds good!"

    The second Asher handed her to Anjali, the front door knocked again. Anjali took Taylor away as Asher opened the door to Lucas.

   Anjali puts Taylor in a pack-in-play located in the living room. She didn't speak the whole time, she was still humiliated.

   Anjali also set her ducky, pacifier, and some infant toys in the pack-in-play.

   "Do you need anything else?" He asked in a babyish voice.

   Taylor was so overwhelmed by the embarrassment she began to cry. Anjali didn't know what was going on, so he picked Taylor and her pacifier up and out of the pen.

   He put the pacifier in her mouth and bounced her in his arms.

  "Shhh, what's wrong Taylor?"

   They took the pacifier out of her mouth and began to speak. "E-embarrassed" she cried.

   "Aww, there's no reason to be embarrassed! Age regression is going to help you. I would never judge you for finding a good coping mechanism."

   "I didn't choose this coping mechanism. I hate it and I want people to stop forcing me into it!!"

   "Taylor the reason people are reinforcing it is that you truly need it. We believe it can help you"


   "Someone's fussy" Anjali laughs, kissing Taylor's forehead. He pops the paci in her mouth and sets her in the pack-in-play.

"Can I use the bathroom?" she mumbled around the pacifier. She wanted to throw up that yucky formula she had just drunk.

"Sorry but you may not. If you have to go potty you need to use your diaper."

Taylor rolled her eyes turning away from Anjali. She didn't need to use the bathroom. Even if she did she would never use the diaper.

She put the stuffed ducky in the pen with her, she didn't know what else to do. The stupid pack-in-play wasn't very entertaining. She crawled to her feet and hung onto the side of the playpen. Taylor took out her paci and spoke.

"Out" she made Gabby hands to Anjali who was sitting down on his phone.

He looked up and walked toward her. "Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go be alone."

"Sorry, but your too little to be left unsupervised"

"Ugg" she groaned sitting back down.

   She was so overwhelmed and annoyed. She woke up in a crib wearing a onesie and pacifier. Then was told she was being forced into age regression, and without any say she's now being babysat. No one's telling her what's going on and it's frustrating. What was she going to do?

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