The Canterfiction Tales

By CanterFiction

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This is a twist on the original Canterbury Tales. I did a collection of 24 mini fanfiction stories. More

Young Frollo
The Marvelous Misadventures of ZephyJack
The Tale of Two Scourges
New Friends and Unusual Parents
Take Them- Part 1
Take Them- Part 2
I Forgive You
A French Apology
Diagnosed- Part 1
Diagnosed- Part 2
This Burning Memory
The Scavenger Hunt
The Joys Of Camping
Frollos In Paris- Part 1
Frollos In Paris-Part 2
Frollos In Paris- Part 3
Fall For You
The Wondrous Beauty of Italy
The Will You, The I Will, The Sunrise
The Episode
Here I Am, Send Me!
Emory Maise Deslauriers
Until We're Old & Gray
Revelation 21:4

Touche and Unguard

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By CanterFiction

It's Saturday morning and the Frollo family were on their way to a sword fighting class at Touché Blades.

"This is so exciting!" Squealed Ica, jumping up and down. "I've always wanted to sword fight!"

"Me too!" Piped Zephyr. "Thank goodness I'm finally thirteen."

"Yeah, thirteen and growing up to fast. What happened to my little boy?"

"I grew up!" He said cheerfully.

Claude who was driving glanced at his son in the rear view mirror. "Well son, in our eyes, you'll alway be our little boy. Zephyr just rolled his eyes. "Anyway, when I first told your mum about knowing how to sword fight, she didn't believe me."

Ica looked at her husband. "Okay, I was a little skeptical, but come on babe, you were a little old to be swinging around a sword." Zephyr started snickering in the back seat.

"Well, I started training when I was 17 so, I've been doing it for years." Retorted Claude.

Ica reached up and stroked her husband's thin face. "Alright Claudie bears, I'm sorry." She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

A small smile began to tug at the corner of his mouth. "I would kiss you back, but I'm driving."

"Thank goodness." Said Zephyr, once again rolling his bright green eyes.

"My, you are starting to get the teenager attitude too. Do you want me to send you to stay a week with meema to fix that attitude?" Ica raised an eyebrow, and pinned him with a mum look. Just then, her phone rang. She looked down to see her mother's profile picture flash on the phone. "Speaking of meema." Cooed Ica smirking at her son.  She answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Hey mum what's up? Oh, by the way your thirteenth year old grandson is giving us attitude. I told him if he doesn't stop, he's spending a week with you."

"Zephyr, are you acting up?" Said Trish.

Zephyr heard that playful sternness in his grandmother's voice.

"Maybe...but just a little!" He added quickly.

"Okay, just remember to behave yourself okay?

"Okay meema."

"Anyway mum, what's going on?"

"Oh, was gonna ask if ya'll wanted to come hiking at Weathernot Trail. Something Shante put together.

"That sounds fun but we're busy today."

"Doing what?"

  "We're going to a sword fighting class." There was a slight pause, and even though Ica couldn't see her, she knew her mother had an opinionated look on her face. "We'll be safe. The instructors will be there."

"Will there be protective gear?" Asked Trish.

Ica bit her lip. "Uhh I don't know probably."

"I don't know Ica. I don't want you getting hurt."

"We won't."

Patricia sighed. "Well okay. You're forty something years old. I can't tell you what to do anymore. Just be careful."

"We will."

"Is your old man going? I don't know if he should be swinging dangerous weapons around."

Claude looked over at the phone with a dramatic appalled look. "Excuse me, I heard that. I was telling your daughter I have been sword fighting since I was 17 years old. She is just like you. She made fun of me too. I think you guys like putting me down."

"Oh stop." Said Patricia nonchalantly. "Anyway, y'all be careful, I'm gonna go now. Text me when you are done so I know all of you are still alive. And Claude, you better take care of my babies or I'm beating you." Zephyr and Ica started laughing at Claude's taken aback face.

"Yes mam."

"Good. Alright see y'all later and have fun. Love you.

"Love you two." Said Ica and Zephyr in unison.

"Uh me too!" Added Claude quickly.

When Ica hung up, her and Zephyr grinned. "See dad, meema is scary, so you better make sure you keep us safe."

"I will always keep you two safe." He said sincerely. Ica looked over at her husband and smiled warmly at him admiring his strong love for his family. When they turned the corner a large sign came into view that read Welcome to Touché Blades.

"We're here!" Cried Zephyr excitedly. Claude turned into the gravely lot and parked the car. Ica and Zephyr jumped out quickly and waited for Claude to get out. Once he was, his wife and son took off in a run.

"Zephyr! Ica!" Barked Claude. "Don't run!" The two of them halted and looked back apologetically. When he caught up to them he had a serious look on his face. "You guys can't run around. There are sharp, dangerous weapons. If someone were to bump into you or swing the wrong way you could get seriously injured." His wife and son looked at him with similar expressions.

"We're sorry they said in unison." We're just really excited. Said Ica, talking by herself this time. I guess I'm setting a bad example for Zephyr. He's just a kid and I'm the adult." Ica looked down feeling ashamed.

Claude's face softened. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. "It's alright Mon amour. I'm not upset, but you know I just worry about you getting hurt. You know it scares me." Then he turned to Zephyr and ruffled his brown wavy hair. "I know you take after your mum, so I know sometimes that gene takes over. Plus, I don't want to get beaten by your meema." He added wryly. "I love my crazy girl and crazy boy, but just remember to be careful okay?" His wife and son nodded their heads and followed Claude to the check in.

"Hi there." Said a cheerful woman at the desk. "Are you hear for the sword fighting class?

"Yes we are. There are three of us. Myself, my wife and my son."

The woman tilted her head and peered at Zephyr, making her blond girls bounce to the side. "How old is he?"


"I'm thirteen." Said Zephyr cutting off his father. The woman gave a small skeptical frown, but gave them their tickets anyway. As they walked away, Zephyr's shoulders slumped feeling a little bit insulted.

Ica noticed this. "Zephie bears?" He looked up at her. "You okay?"

Zephyr let out a big sigh. "Everyone thinks I'm so much younger than I actually am."

"Well," said Ica putting her slender hand on his shoulder. "You have the black gene."

Zephyr looked at his mum, a bemused look on his face. "What?"

"The black gene. There's a saying that goes 'black don't crack.' Means that even when you get older, your features still look young. And on my side of the family you got that from the Motés and the Watts. Your great Nan Watt was in her 80s and she didn't have a single wrinkle." She paused and threw a cheeky glance In Claude's direction. "Unlike your dad over there." Zephyr began laughing. Claude just gave her a look and continued walking, following the sign that read "First Time Swordsmen." There, they saw a tall, rather strong man with two swords strapped his belt.

"Okay! Welcome all!" He shouted, raising his muscular arms in the air.  My name is Scott Dander and for the next hour and a half you will be learning the skills of sword fighting." He held three fingers up. "You will be separated into three groups and will go through three different training lessons with different trainers. The first training lesson is sword fighting stances and positions. The second will be movement and striking, then third, will be a sparing match. One member from each family will battle against each other. Now, let's separate the groups. Families in one group, single people in the other group, and friends in the last group.

After Scott separated the groups, all the guest were given protective gear and sent to their stations. The Frollos found themselves in the family group, with a trainer named Brock Kenny. He had shoulder length blonde hair, a slim build, and a neatly trimmed beard hugging his chin.

"Attention family members." He said raising his voice and clapping his hands. "This is lesson one. Stances and positions. But before we start, does anyone here have any experience with sword fighting?" He asked looking around.

Ica and Zephyr looked toward Claude urging him to speak up. Claude slowly raised his hand. Everyone turned to look at him and began murmuring, giving him skeptical looks. Claude felt his face burn with embarrassment.

Zephyr clenched his fist and looked at his mother. "I know they're talking about dad mum, and not in a good way," he said quietly. Ica looked at her son but didn't say anything. But Zephyr could read her face and he knew she didn't appreciate the reaction of the group.

Brock raised his blonde eyebrows in surprise. "O-oh okay. What's your name sir?"

"It's...Claude. He said hesitantly.

"Well now, let's give Claude a round of applause. The small crowd slowly began clapping. Then there was a deep voice shouting over their clapping. The voice belonged to a sturdy built man with a shaved head, and a colorful array of tattoos covering his thick arms.

"You people can't be serious! Look at him! He's old as dirt. The old geezer probably can't even lift a sword let alone fight with it!" Behind him was a young boy, maybe a little older than Zephyr and a woman around the same as Ica, looking smug.

"Good one dad." Called the boy standing behind him. He laughed showing his crooked teeth.

"Frank, I bet you can break him in two with one hand." Called a blonde woman standing next to the boy.

Hearing his father being insulted made Zephyr fume. He began to make his way over to confront the man. "Zephyr wai-" but it was too late. Her bold son was marching right up to the rude tattooed man known as Frank. He looked up at him his green gaze blazing. He towered over Zephyr but he didn't care. All eyes were on him.

"Don't talk about my dad." He said through gritted teeth. Frank looked down at him with his own steely gaze. Ica ran up to her son and wrapped her arms around his chest pulling him back slightly as she glowered up at the man in front of them. Claude stood in front of both of them protectively, and set his jaw.

Frank eyed Ica and smirked. "I see you like'em young old man. Where'd you find her? And is that even your kid? I can't imagine you would be able to father one at your age. In any event, it's sad that he has to stand up for you. He cooed slyly. Claude's dark gray eyes narrowed dangerously and his mouth held a tight frown.

Stepping closer to Frank he said, "You will not speak about my family that way. I will not insult nor will I sink down to your level of debauched behavior. But I will battle you in the match." He said, his voice low and even.

"Ha! If you say so old man, but it's your funeral. Oh'll probably kick the bucket soon anyway so I don't need to give you a funeral."

Ica had heard enough. She wouldn't stand there and let Claude be verbally abused. "Don't you dare speak to my husband like that!" She growled, the bridge of her freckled nose crinkling into a snarl.

"Yeah! My dad'll beat you! And when he does you will apologize to him." Cried Zephyr anger rising in his chest.

Just then, Brock stepped between the Frollos and Frank. This is a family fun event, let's try to refrain from arguments . And you sir," he said turning to Frank. If you continue to be rude and disrespectful, you will be asked to leave. Frank just cursed under his breath and swung around and stormed off, his wife and son following close behind. "Okay everyone! Let's continue with the session. I'll be passing out swords based on your stature. Brock went to retrieve swords, leaving the guest waiting for him to come back.

Ica turned to look at her husband. "Claude are you alright. I'm sorry that jerk was so harsh to you."

Claude sighed. "I'm fine mon amour. Thank you. But you two," he said looking at both his son and his wife," Were a little excited there." There was the hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. Zephyr and his mother looked at each other.

Ica threw a playful look at her son. "Well technically Zephyr started it."

"Mum!" What was I supposed to do?! They were insulting dad!"

Ica laughed. "I know Zephie bears, calm down. I'm messing with you." She pulled him close to her and kissed his head. "You know, you're just like your nanny and meema sometimes. You get a little scary sometimes and speak your mind. But that's why I love you. Sometimes I get a little hot headed too. It's the Jamaican in us. But I just don't like people being mean to the people I love."

"Yeah, me neither. Especially dad."

"That's right." Said Ica hugging him a little tighter. Claude watched his family fondly. It warmed his heart to see them stand up for him and protect his feelings. Just then Brock was back, dragging a barrel full of swords with him. The Frollos watched as he went around examining the eager guest, then handing them a sword.

"I wonder what sword I'll get dad. I hope it's really cool looking." Said Zephyr, his green eyes shining.

Claude gave a deep chuckle then ruffled his brown wavy hair. "Whichever sword you get, I'm sure it will be perfect for you." Not long, it was the Frollo's turn to get their swords. First Brock walked over to Zephyr with a smile.

"Whataya say young man. Are you ready to receive your sword?" Zephyr nodded eagerly. "Right, then. Can you do me a favor and hold out your arms?" Asked Brock pulling out a tape measure. Zephyr did as he said. Then he measured the rest of his body. "You know, that was pretty brave of you to stand up for your dad like that." He said holding the tape measure across the thirteen year old's chest. Zephyr looked up at Brock, as he saw his light amber eyes searching his face as he smiled. Zephyr looked down bashful. "Alright Bud, last thing, how much do you weigh?"

"Oh, um I think I'm..." Zephyr glanced back at his mother. Who gave a tiny chuckle.

"You're 88 lbs Zeph."

"Yeah, what my mum said."

"Alright based on you measurements I think the perfect sword for you would be a Nichirin blade." Said Brock grabbing the sword and placing it in Zephyr's slender hands.

Zephyr tilted his head making his wavy hair swish to the side. "A Nichir-what?"

"A nichirin blade. It's a Japanese sword. Since you're on the smaller side, it's lightweight, but it's long. Your strikes will be fast and accurate and you'll be able to move swiftly with it." Explained Brock.

Zephyr's green eyes go wide with fascination as he gazed at the weapon in his palms. The yellow and black hilt felt perfect I'm his grip letting him hold onto it securely. The blade itself was  jet black, tipped with silver and a yellow lighting trail running down it stood out against the black metal. "Cool." He breathed.

Brock shot him a wink. "Just don't start swinging it around till everyone has their swords and I give you all instructions."

Zephyr chuckled. "Don't worry. I will."

While Zephyr fussed over his new sword, Brock examined and fitted his parents for their swords. "Ica, is it?" He said as he walked up to her smiling.

"Yup that's me she said cheerfully."

"Okay, let me just measure you. He held up his tape measure and took note of her arms, legs, and weight, but not without briefly brushing her body with his. "Perfect." "He said rolling up his tape measure. "Alrighty. This my dear, is you sword. Brock handed Ica a sleek jeweled sword. The long slightly curved blade gleamed in the sunlight as she turned it over in her hands. The hilt was decorated with a beautiful array of colorful jewels, casting little rainbows dancing on the ground as the sun hit them. And it was light enough for her petite frame.

"Woaah." Ica breathed. This sword is totally awesome! Thank you Brock!" She said holding the sword out in front of her.

"You are very welcome. A beautiful sword for a beautiful lady." He said smiling at her. As Ica fiddled with her sword, Brock kept his eyes on her watching her intently. Claude eyed him carefully, not liking the fact that he had called his wife beautiful. Not only that, but the way Brock was watching her with a more than a friendly smile on his face irked him.

"Brock?" Said Claude, his voice almost coming out in a growl. "I'm ready for my sword now."

"Ah, yes, yes!"

After measuring Claude, Brock pulled his sword out. Since you have experience with sword fighting I am giving you a traditional long sword. Claude slowly unsheathed his sword. The sleek silver weapon reflected the blue sky and white puffy clouds above. The hilt fit perfectly in his hand as he gave quick flicks of his wrist. This is a beautiful sword he thought. He looked over to where his wife and son were showing their swords to each other. Their eyes were bright and their smiles were big just like a kid in a candy store. Those two. He thought smiling to himself. Claude went to join his family.

When Zephyr saw him coming he immediately went to show him his sword. "Dad! Look! Isn't it so cool!?" Cried Zephyr bouncing on his toes a little.

Claude chuckled. "Yes it is very cool."

"It's so light! And I feel like I can move around with it really quickly. I would try, but Brock said no swinging it around or running with it until the class starts. I wish it would hurry up already. I can't wait to slash something!" Zephyr's words were tumbling out a mile a minute.

"Me either!" Yipped Ica.

"Oh! Dad! Look at mum'a sword. It's pretty with all those jewels. It looks like a warrior elf sword.

Ica gasped! "Zeph you're right. I love the sword even more now!" She said hugging it to her chest.

Claude shook his head. "What am I going to do with you two. So now that you both are done raving about your swords, do you want to see mine?" His wife and son nodded enthusiastically. Claude unsheathed his sword and held it out for Claude and Ica to see. "It's a long sword. The one knights fought with." Claude stood up a little taller feeling proud that he could teach his family something that they were eager to try.

"Awesome." Said Zephyr as he marveled as his father's sword. "Can...I hold it?" Claude nodded and gently handed it to his son. As soon as he took it in his hands, his arms dropped a little from it's weight. "Urgh, this is heavy."

Claude chuckled deeply. "That's because you have to build up to it son.

"Oo let me try!" "Said Ica sheathing hers and reaching for his. Claude took it from Zephyr and handed it to his wife. When she took hold of it, her muscles  strained a little but she didn't let her arms drop. She was determined to show them that she was tough. Claude and Zephyr watched her, amused. She took a defensive stance holding the sword out, her arms quivering. But the weight of the sword proved to be too much and she let it drop to ground with an annoyed grunt.

"Wow mum, you managed to hold it up a long time." Said Zephyr.

"Yeah, I wish I could have held it a little longer. I want to learn how to fight with every sword there is." She said throwing her arms up in the air.

Claude laughed. "Oh mon amour, you are so ambitious when it comes to learning new things." He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. When the class starts just promise me you want go too fast out the gate.

Ica peered up at him. "I won't promise."

"Alright sword fighters!" Scott's voice boomed into the microphone. Everyone turned to look at him, as he stepped onto the platform. "We are about to start the classes. Everyone go to your assigned swordsman." As the groups dispersed into little groups, Scott gave a curt nod. "Now, everyone enjoy learning the way of the swordsman and be safe." Then he turned and walked off the stage.

"Well then, why don't we begin." Said Brock. "Alright so we are going to start off with learning stances and positions. Everyone give each other plenty of room. Okay so, I am going to teach you eight different stances. For the sake of time and most of you are beginners we will focus only on two handed stances. There was a murmur of apprehension in the crowed. "I know, I know, right seems like a lot but once you get the hang of it, it's easy.

"Alright, first stance is the Fool's Stance." Said Brock, unsheathing his sword to demonstrate. He held his sword out in front of him and lowered his it until it was about an inch off the ground. "Okay since you are not directly threatening the enemy from this position, it seems "foolish." However, if the enemy attacks you, you can trick them by quickly putting your sword in the long point guard and stabbing the attacker. It is also a resting guard stance which offers a high counterattack if needed. Now, let's all give it a try."

Everyone held their swords out in front if them and lowered it slightly off the ground, just as Brock had shown them. Zephyr looked over at his father. "Dad, this one's pretty easy!"

Claude chuckled softly. "Yes it is."

"Good!" Cried Brock. "See easy. One down seven to go. Now, the next one is called the Vom Tag Stance." Once again Brock showed them the stance with his own sword.This stance will allow you to strike from up, down, left, or right towards your target, making it very effective. That is why you see it as a common stance in modern historical medieval movies. Now, let's all try it."

Once again all the beginner sword fighters copied Brock's Vom Tag Stance by holding their swords back, resting a little above the shoulder. "My you lot are quick learners?"

"Oooo this is so fun. I can't wait for the next one!" Squeaked Ica.

"Yeah! Me either!" Piped Zephyr.

"Now, the third  one is called the High Vom Tag Stance. It's-

"You probably do the same thing but hold it up high right?" Called Zephyr, cutting Brock off mid sentence. Then he held his sword high up in the air. His parents swung their heads around to glare at him. "Oops...sorry." He said cringing slightly and looking up apologetically.

Brock chuckled. "You are correct little swordsman." Zephyr beamed, even though he knew his parents were displeased with his little outburst. "So as Zephyr was saying, The high sword stance is also a basic stance where you are holding the grip of the sword on top of your head. Some sword veterans will argue that this is a perfect stance to protect yourself, while others disagree and say it only makes you tired. However, this stance should be used when in direct battle. You will gain leverage and be able to do a very strong strike with a lunge that can impact and break armor in half. Alright everybody give it a try.

The crowd held their swords up in the air, copying Brock well. "Nice everyone. Now the next stance is a little tricky. It's the Ochs stance. In this stance, you are holding your two-handed sword on top of your head while next to it. In this stance, it is very important to have your arms across each other. This amazing stance will offer you high attacks with the tip of your sword. This is one of the best defenses when facing a high attack, such as the Vom Tag. Everyone you know what to do. Show me what you've got.

As the crowd tried the stance, Brock noticed that a lot of the people were struggling, so he decided to make his way through the crowd to help. Claude imitated it perfectly only to look over his shoulder to see his son and wife struggled a bit. He smiled and sheathed his sword to go help.

"Dad, I can't get it right." Whined Zephyr.

He chuckled. "Here," he took Zephyr's hands and crossed them over one another. "Your wrist need to crossed like this. Now hold your sword straight." Zephyr did as his father told him. "Good now remember to keep your head up tall. Zephyr tilted his head up, shaking his wavy side bang out of his eyes. "Good son."

Zephyr looked up at his father smiling broadly. "Thanks papá, I'm sorry for bursting out like that. I was just excited. Claude's expression softened as he looked down at his son. "I know," he said ruffling his hair. "Just remember to be respectful okay?" Zephyr nodded. When Claude turned to go help Ica, he saw Brock walking up to her, a more than friendly smile on his face.

"Care for some help milady?"

Ica turned her head to look at him as she held her sword in the air wobbling a bit. "Am I doing it right?"

Brock chuckled. "Almost, but not quite. Here, let me show you." He stepped up close behind Ica and put his hands over hers. Claude's face flushed with anger. "Now tip your sword up like this." He guided her hands up so the slightly curve blade was straight, gleaming in the bright sunlight. Then he placed his hands on her hips, making Claude's blood boil. "Make sure you stance is right." He said twisting her hips to the right.


"Yeah dad?" He said still working on his form.

"Keep practicing. I'm going to go help maman."

"Okay papá." He said, too consumed with making sure his sword height was right, barely paying attention to what he was saying.

Claude marched over to where Ica and Brock were standing. "Brock." He growled through clenched teeth. "If you want to go help someone else, I can help my wife." He said trying to keep from flat-out punching him where he stood. 

"Oh, yes but of course."  He chuckled. "I forgot you have experience with swords and are probably fine teacher as well. Ica, my dear, i'll leave you to your husband." He said, throwing her a wink. Claude watched him go, his brow knitting together and his thin lips pressed into an, aggravated line.

Once Brock was out of ear shot, Ica let out a breath. "Thanks for coming to save me. He was getting a little too friendly."

"I know. I'm starting not to like that guy." Said Claude, his face twisting up into a scowl. "How dare he get that close to you. It took all my strength not to unsheathe my sword and knock him out with the hilt. No other man puts his hands on your body like that. You're mine."

Ica smirked up at her husband. ""You know, it's kind of hot when you get jealous." She giggled. Claude looked at his wife with one eyebrow raised. "But don't worry." She took his hands and placed them on her hips, pulling herself against him. "This body will always be yours." She whispered. He smirked then kissed her.

"My GOSH you two! We're in public at a sword fighting class. You don't need to be making out!" They looked at him, their expressions apologetic. "Sorry son." Chuckled Claude.

Just then Brock called out and clapped his hands as he stepped back onto the platform. He walked them through the next four stances, plow stance, long point stance, side stance, and band tail stance. Then there was the last stance. Wrath stance.

Okay sword's man! Congratulations! You've made it to the last stance! So this stance is called the wrath stance.

Ica bounced a little on her heels. "Oooo this one is going to be so fun!" Yipped Ica, rather loudly.  "I bet's so powerful!"

"I know right mum!" I can't wait!" Said Zephyr just as loud, bouncing from one foot to the other.

Claude looked over at his over zealous and hyper son and wife. "You two crazys don't get too wild, do you hear me?" He said, raising one of his slated eyebrows.

"Yes sir!" They said in unison.

Brock laughed. "Looks like the beautiful lady and young knight are eager to learn."

Claude clenched his jaw at hearing Brock once again, making mention of his wife's looks. Ooo I'd like to try that wrath stance on him, then follow through with the strike. Ica felt her husband seething beside her, so she took his hand an intertwined her fingers with his.

"Righty. The wrath stance is a very useful slashing sword stance. Hold the handle under the cross-guard with your right hand as tightly as possible, while the left at the pommel should be loose enough to help you swing the sword. Usually, this stance is employed when using the saber or swords with curvature. Kind of like Ica's beautiful sword." He said motioning to her and winking. "It is deadly but offers little protection from incoming stabbing attacks. Now shall we?"

The beginner swordsman began to raise their swords. Over zealous Zephyr and Ica, automatically swung their swords up and pulled them behind their shoulder, with a fire in them, poised to strike. Claude huffed a laugh and shook his head, but rose his sword in the stance as well.

"Amazing my protege swordsman! Well done. Now, let's put those stances into practice with some striking exercises."

"Finally YES!" Cried Zephyr raising his sword in the air.

Ica laughed. "I'm happy too Zephie bears. I can't wait to slash something!"

Okay, everyone take a break and we will begin striking in fifteen minutes. As Brock stepped off the platform and made his way through the crowd, he went right up to the Frollos. You three are fine swordsmen. Well two swordsmen and a very fine swordswoman." Said Brock,  flashing a smile in Ica's direction.  Claude gritted his teeth. He was really starting to get pissed off at the sword trainer. "I'm sure looking forward to seeing you do well in the next set of training.

"Thank you." Said Zephyr and Ica. Claude stood there his face twisted up in a scowl, arms crossed.

When Brock went to walk off,  Zephyr called out to him. "And Brock," Brock looked over his shoulder at the petite thirteen year old boy, with a curious look on his face. "Your cool and all, but I suggest

you stop hitting on my mum." He said, his green eyes boring into him. "You see that long sword in my dad's sheath? May I remind that he does know how to use it and could probably kill you. So it's best you stay away from her. She belongs to him." Brock stood there taken back with his mouth hanging open, Ica's eyebrows were raised in surprise, and Claude stood there with his arms crossed looking smug.

"Uh...y-yeah okay. Sorry." Stammered Brock. "I-okay. I'm going to check on something." When Brock turned to leave and was out of sight, Claude went and grabbed his son, hugging him tight, catching Zephyr off guard, almost knocking him over.

"Dad! W-wa-"

"Thank you, for looking after your mother son. You make me so proud."

Zephyr laughed and pushed out of his father's grip. "Well, I was waiting for you to say something. I could tell you were ready to punch the guy every time you saw him around mum. I know you were trying to keep your cool and brush it off, but since you didn't say anything I had to, or else he would have kept making passes at her.

Ica laughed. "You are just like your meema."

"Well, i'm glad for that." Said Claude as he ruffled his son's brown wavy hair. "Although I probably wouldn't have told him that I would kill him."

"Yeaah that was probably going to far. Sorry...but at least he'll leave mum alone now." He said grinning.

  "Claude shook his head. "I love you so much."

Just then they heard Brock clap his hands and call to the crowd. He still looked a little jostled by Zephyr's words, but nonetheless continued with the class. "Alright everyone, we will now be working on the different strikes. Behind me you will see targets and sandbags hanging from ropes. We will be practicing on these. We will be learning basic cuts, slices, and thrust. There are ten strikes we will go through. Fendente, Mezzano, Sottano, Punta, Oberhaw, Underhaw, Oberhaw,

Zwerhaw, Mittelhaw, and Wechselhaw. There is a lot to cover, so let's get started shall we?

As the new swordsman practiced their attacks, there were a series of wooshes, thunks, and tings. Zephyr and Ica proved to be having the time of their life as they  swung their swords through the air.

"Mum watch this!" Ica turned to see her son striding toward one of the sand bag targets. His thin, black and yellow nichirin blade held out behind him as he ran, his thick wavy hair blowing back. When he was inches away from the target he grasped the sword with  both hands, twisting his body and bringing it up as hard as he could using the sottano strike. There was a scrich and the sand bag tore in half, spraying sand everywhere. Zephyr stood in front of the target with his blade held at his side. Then he turned around grinning broadly.

"Zephie bears you looked so cool!" Cried Ica jumping up and down. "Now, watch this!" She took of running in the direction of one of the higher wooden targets. She held her sword out behind her with both hands, keeping her body low as she ran. Just before she reached the target she bent her knees and sprang upward, fiercely slicing upward with a loud SCRACK as it cut a groove in the wood. Her hazel eyes shifted to one of the sand bags hanging from the rope, using the target as a step stool, and sprang off of it with one foot, turning in the air and slicing through the rope with a one handed swing. There was a quick fwip as the bag plummeted to the ground with a thump. Ica landed swiftly on her feet, sheathing her jeweled weapon and grinning broadly just like her thirteen year old son had done.

Zephyr ran up up to her jumping and shaking her excitedly. "Mum that was EPIC!"

Ica laughed out loud. "It felt good! I can't believe I pulled it off! Zephyr spotted Brock looking their way with his mouth parted in awe, but he just ignored him.

"Well, well mon amour, it seems that you have a talent for sword fighting." Said Claude walking up to her.

"Or she just like destroying things!" Said Zephyr, throwing his mother a sideways cheeky glance.

Their laughter filled the air until it was interrupted by a loud explosion sending sand and splintered wood in every direction. Those standing close by had to shield their face with their arm to prevent from getting struck by flying debris. There was complete silence. As the Frollos turned to look in the direction of ear splitting noise, they saw Frank with his thick, lethal looking, Leonidas spartan sword, gripped so tightly in his hands his knuckles went white. As his shoulders heaved up and down, he turned to look at Claude and gave a sinister grin, pointing the immense sword in his direction.

"I'm coming for you old man." He growled.

Ica and Zephyr slowly looked up at Claude, as he stood calmly, his dark grey eyes smoldering with quiet determination and his mouth smashed into a tight lipped frown, making his already thin lips look like they were non existent as he looked at Frank. His son and wife's expressions were tense and their brows creased with worry.

Claude looked down at them and his face softened. "Don't worry mes amours." He said gently,  pulling them close to him with both arms. "Everything will be okay."

Claude turned on his heels, ignoring Frank as he continued to hack at targets with exaggerated grunts and yells. Come, Ica, Zephyr, let's go train some more. He took them by the hand and led them to the furthest targets, away and out of eye sight from the rude, over confident man.

"Dad...i'm i'm sorry." Said Zephyr quietly.

Claude raised his eyebrows. "For what son."

Zephyr let out a sigh. "I don't know, for the way that big jerk is treating you."

  Claude ran his fingers through his son's hair and bent down to look at him. "Listen, none of this is your fault. Like you said, he's just someone who's rude and likes to pick fights."

"Yeah I know, but... ooo I would spar with him if I could!" He growled. "Better yet...I wish we could all spar. Me against his kid and mum against his wife. We'd show them!"

Claude chuckled deeply. "Oh my crazy feisty boy. What would I do without you? He pulled him close and hugged him.

Zephyr hugged him back and looked up at him. "I don't know papá but I don't know what i'd do with out you either."

"Oohh my boys. You are so cute. I love you guys." Said Ica as she watched them being affectionate toward each other."

Zephyr just shook his head, a smile gracing his lips. "Oh mum."

Claude ruffled his son's hair. "Okay you two. Let's get training." Then as fast as lighting, Claude whipped the sword from his sheath and swung it at amazing speed, making his gray hair swish forward with the momentum. When his sword made contact with the wooden target, it made a clean cut sending the other half flying through the air. Then he took the hilt of the sword between his fingers, twirling it like a bouton, to his other hand and swung his arm backwards and cut the sand back rope with a clean swipe, then before the sand back itself hit the ground, he slashed that in two as well, making sand spray around him and on into the grass. He stood with a slight bend in his knees, head down and sword held out to the side. His wife and son stood there in shock, their mouths hanging open. Claude straightened up and dusted himself off. Then he gave them a sly smirk and a wink.

"Dad...that was AWESOME! You'll definitely beat him!" Cried Zephyr.

Ica walked up to her husband and swiped his bangs back from his forehead and leaned close to him. "That was very sexy, you wily old man."

"Aw mum, stop with that." Said Zephyr rolling his eyes.

"Alright swordfighteeerrrs!" Boomed Brock's voice from the platform. We have come to the final part of the class! Each family must pick one member to enter the sparing contest." There was various chatter as everyone decided which person from their family would participate in the duels. "Okay, those who have been selected, step forward." Zephyr and Ica gave an encouraging smile as Claude stepped out. Brock waited until he saw everyone had come forward. "Now you all will be paired at random and th-"

"NO!" There was a loud shouting from the crowd, cutting Brock off mid sentence. It was Frank, his face scrunching into a scowl. "I want the old man. He challenged me and I don't back down from a challenge."

Brock swallowed, looking unsure. Claude walked square up to Frank, and looked at him. His dark gray eyes level. "I told you I would take you on, and I'm a man of my word." Claude turned to Brock. "Please pair me up with him."

"Uh...o-okay. So Frank will duel with Claude. Claude held Frank's gaze for a little longer before turning on his heels to go  back to stand with his family, his black robe swishing behind him. "So...I will draw the rest of the names and pair all of you off."

Once Brock matched everyone up, the duels began. Those in the audience watched with wide eyes as the duellers  sword's clashed with determination and desperation. Those who won cheered and puffed out their chest. Those who lost, slunk off the platform with sullen expressions.

"Dad... you're up after this. Are you nervous?" Asked Zephyr, looking up at his father.

Claude put his hand on Zephyr's shoulder. "A little son." He said, his expression ominous.

"Well, win or lose I'm going to be proud of you." Said Zephyr wrapping his arms around his father's waist.

"Me too." Piped Ica, also wrapping her arms around Claude.

"Antwon has been defeated! Charlie wins!" Shouted Brock holding up Charlie's arm. "Alright! The last duel of the day will Claude Frollo and Frank Jergans. Come up to the platform please." Claude looked back at his family and gave them a comforting nod.

"I hope you win Papá." Murmured Zephyr.

The two men did as Brock asked and stepped up onto the platform. Frank glared at Claude who just looked back at him cooly. "I'm gonna crush your frail pathetic bones old man." All Claude did was narrow his dark gray eyes.

"Get'em dad! Give him an early burial! He's gonna die soon anyway, so might as well do it now!" Cheered his son from the side line.

"Don't worry Rex, he'll be six feet under in less than five minutes.

"HEY!" Fumed Zephyr, clenching his fist. "Don't talk about my dad like that!"

"Shut up! He's probably not even your dad!" Shouted Rex.

"He is my dad! He's the best dad in the world so stop being so cruel to him. You don't know anything!" Screamed Zephyr. "Say one more thing to him and I'll I'll ..." Hot angry tears were beginning to well in Zephyr's bright green eyes.

"Aww is the little baby going to cry?" Teased Rex. Zephyr gritted his teeth and his tan skin flushed red as he roughly wiped his tears away with his forearm. "If we were dueling I bet I could whoop you in 10 seconds flat." Rex smirked with satisfaction, seeing the hurt on Zephyr's face.

Ica, having had enough of her son being ridiculed, turned and glowered at Rex's mother stepping in front of Zephyr protectively.

"Why do you let your son treat people that way?" Said Ica plainly, trying to keep her anger in check.

Rex's mother glared at Ica. "Because, it shows that he's tough and not weak like your son."

"Well...even if my son is weak, he's got a strong heart, he's kind, and he's always thinking of others. If all your son has is anger, and a cruel personality, then he'll only be alone." Said Ica sadly.

Rex's mother scowled at her. "Shut up and raise your own kid." She said crossing her arms and looking away.

Claude's eyes shifted to where his family was, and how they were being treated poorly. He remained calm, but tightened his grip on the hilt until his knuckles were white. "Now on the count of three you may begin."   Said Brock. "One. Two. THREE!"

Immediately Frank swung his powerful Leonidas Spartan sword with alarming speed in Claude's direction. He blocked the blow but the force of it made his hands ache as it vibrated from the force. Frank swung again, and Claude stopped the blow again, skidding backwards. As they stood there with their swords locked in battle Frank leaned forward with a sinister grin.

Not half bad old man, but you can't block forever. "I'll break your sword...then I'll break you. And your  gold digging wife and bastard son will be crying on your casket.

Frank's words lit a fire in Claude that he could no longer contain. He swung his sword upward with both hands and forced Frank back, making that sinister grin fade, and eyes widened with surprise. Before he could react Claude was on him again, his long sword swishing through the air.This time it was Frank who blocked. He gave a grunt, shocked at Claude's quickness. Frank scowled at Claude and swung low at his feet. But the much older man avoided the attack, dancing away. Frank angrily swung his Spartan sword up in a sottano, then  swiped left. Claude barely managed to evade his attack, the sword so close to his head that some gray strands of his hair were sliced off and floated away in the breeze.

"Stay still old man!" Yelled Frank. His blows became faster, but  they were also becoming sloppy. Claude used this to his advantage. Frank charged at Claude screaming, his face red and twisted up with anger. Claude feinted then pivoted behind Frank, who turned around just in time to see his long sword coming at him. It collided with his armor with a ting. He staggered back but didn't have time to right himself as Claude came at him again with a volley of attacks.

All the spectators were quiet, transfixed by the two dealers. Ica and Zephyr's eyes followed Claude's every movement, their faces taut with worry and admiration all at the same time. Frank's wife and son stared at the platform scowling seeing their husband and father being over powered by this much older man.

Claude hit Frank's armor again whit even more force, sending him skidding across the wood floor. Frank stood there, with his shoulders heaving with his thick sword held in the fool's stance. Claude eyed him cautiously with deadly calm. Then Frank hurtled toward him with a mighty screech. He brought his weapon down toward Claude, whose head was down and his eyes closed.

"Mum! What's he doing?!" Cried Zephyr. "Why is he just standing there?! He's gonna get cut down!" Ica was too focused on her husband to answer Zephyr's frantic question.

Then, there it was. The move that only his wife and son and seen him perform earlier. Claude whipped his the sword diagonally up from his hip like he was pulling it from an invisible sheath with deadly speed. When his sword made contact with Franks armor with a loud clang, he was thrown back from the force. Claude didn't let up as the over confident, disrespectful man's eyes went as large as saucers as he saw Claude take the hilt of the sword between his fingers, twirling it nimbly so he was holding it in his other hand. He  swung his arm backwards scraping Frank across his armored torso. Frank made one last desperate attempted and swung his black, thick, sword at Claude who stopped it mid swing so their blades were locked.They gazed at each other, Claude's dark gray eyes boarding into the man who had insulated his family. Then, a smug smirk graced his thin lips. He swung his long sword upward with both hands, knocking Franks blade from his grip, sending it clattering across the platform.

The small crowd of beginner swords fighters seemed to go even quieter. For a couple of moments no one moved. Claude stood breathing heavily still holding his sword at the ready, his gray disheveled hair falling in strands around his thin face. Frank fell back on his rear end with a soft thump, stunned and gaping at the older man in front of him. Claude sheathed his sword, peering down at Frank, his dark gray eyes un readable.

Brock, still in a state of awe quickly shook his head. "Th-the winner of this duel, is Claude Frollo."  The swordsman instructor grabbed Claude's wrist and held it up in the hair as the spectators began to cheer.

"PAPÁ! PAPÁ!" Claude looked up to see his son running towards him. He hopped up onto the platform in one swift movement and plowed into his father, hugging him tight. "You did it! I knew you could beat him!" Pretty soon his wife was upon him as well. The Frollos held each other, enjoying the victory. When they let go of each other, they saw Frank's wife and son rushing up to him, kneeling down to see if he was alright.

  "'s okay." Squeaked Rex pushing back tears. "You tried your best."

Frank sat there still unmoving, then with a shaky voice he says, "Tish...Rex...I'm sorry. I failed you." He dropped his head in shame.

Claude looked at Frank and his family on the ground and slowly walked up to them. He extended one slender hand for Frank to take. He looked at Claude bewildered. "You are a pretty good swordsman." He said sincerely. Frank reached up and took Claude's hand and he pulled him to his feet.

Frank looked down at the ground. "I'm...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you or spoke badly of your family." He said gruffly. "I have to admit, you beat me fair and square old man." A tiny playful grin graced Franks lips. "But I could probably beat you next time, you'll be even older and maybe a little slower."

Claude grinned back. "It would be my pleasure."

While Frank was apologizing to Claude, Tish and Rex did a little apologizing themselves. Rex walked up to Zephyr looking down and rubbing his arm guilty.

"Hey...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things about your dad or said those mean things to you. He's pretty good if he could beat my dad."

All traces of Zephyr's previous anger was gone. "Well your dad's pretty good too." He said smiling. "He's really strong. That sword looked pretty heavy. I don't know if my dad would be able to lift it."

Rex's pale blue eyes widened. "You serious?"

Zephyr laughed. "Yeah, my dad is kind of old so he's probably not as strong as yours."

Ica watched her son and admired the way he was able to forgive so freely. As she mused at Zephyr and Rex comparing swords she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. When she turned to see who it was, she saw Rex's mother Tish looking at her with apologetic light blue eyes. She gave a slight smile as her blonde hair fell in wisp around her face.

"Your son is a good kid. I'm sorry that Rex said all those things to him. He doesn't have a lot of friends. You were right. He gets in trouble a lot and doesn't get along well with others. I'm sure your son is really popular." Said Tish whistfully.

Ica's face softened. "Rex seems like a good kid too." Tish looked at Rex laughing and paling around with Zephyr. "It was big of him to say sorry like that. Means he's got a good heart in his chest. I'm sure if he keeps up that kind attitude he'll have a bunch of friends in no time." Said Ica encouragingly.

Tish rose her fair eyebrows. "You think?"

"I don't think, I know." Said Ica throwing her grin.

"Alright sword fighters!" Boomed Scott. "The session has come to an end! Thank you for coming to learn a new art, it was my pleasure, and I hope you all had fun. Please return your swords up near the platform, and have an amazing night!"

"Alight, we're going to get going." Said Tish. "Thanks again for your kindness." As Tish and her son walked off, Ica and Zephyr waved goodbye.

Then turning to his mother, Zephyr says, "Awww we have to give the swords back?" He whined his, expression deflating.

Ica laughed. "I want to keep my too Zephy, but I'm afraid the next group who comes for classes will need them."

Zephyr's pout disappeared replaced with a mischievous grin. "Hey mum, can you buy me a sword?"

Ica pondered the question for a moment. "I don't see why n-"

"No." Zephyr and Ica turned around to see Claude behind them. "If meema finds out I let you have a sword of your own, I'll actually die and be six feet under."

Ica laughed. "Are you that afraid of my mother?"

"Yes. Yes I am." Stated Claude plainly. "But I think we can get away with a plastic sword. But promises me you will be careful with it son."

"A broad grin appeared on Zephyr's freckled face. "I promise Papá."

Claude gave a deep chuckle. "Alright then, we'll stop on the way home."

"ALRIGHT!" Zephyr jumped in the air pumping his fist, then ran toward the parking lot.

"Zephyr don't ru- ugh what's the point. Why did you have to give him that gene." Claude teased.

"Excuse me as if I had a choice." Retorted Ica playfully. "Oh and we'd better text mum, you know to tell her we're all still alive and no one got injured and went to hospital.

Claude chuckled. "Yeah, we'll do that as soon as we get back to the car.  With that, Claude took his wife's hand and they followed after their energetic, kind hearted son.

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