[ From Another World] Future...

By Hatsuko12

1.4K 23 4

you, you is (y/n) shiroka, a 14 year old girl. You are suddenly transported to a world you don't know where... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

119 2 0
By Hatsuko12

"Yes! Let's go around." Gao said with determination.

( y/n) looked at gao worriedly " do you want to challenge that boy too?" asked Vedora.

(y/n) was silent she then held her necklace a little tighter "I want to try it but... I don't want it to happen again because of that." She thought doubtfully.

"It's fine if you don't want to." asteria said.

"not now... just let them go, maybe we can do it some other time." (y/n) answered casually.

vedora looked at ( y/n) " ... she looks a lot like that girl." he thought.

"It's a million years too early to challenge master Tasuku from buddy police! Isn't it obvious what will happen? That's basic reasoning, that's common sense!" Paruko who was next to Gao and ( y/n) shouted.

making both of them cover their ears both "calm down paroko-san!" (y/n) said nervously.

"I don't want to hear about "excuses" coming from someone in a UFO!" gao said.

" reason." murmured drums.

then he remembered the words of his father ("they must be someone who defies all reason"), then he looked at the jackknife dragon.

"Jackknife Dragon. I want to test myself against him, I want to test my power." think drums.

then he approached gao "hey human." he called.

Gao and (y/n) looked at him "From now on, you and I are buddies." said drums.

"buddies? yeah!" gao said enthusiastically.

"I am the son of the drum dragon bunker, the 13th terrestrial fang slate." said drum introducing himself.

"can I just call you drum?" Gao asked nervously.

" OBVIOUSLY NOT!!" shouted the drums annoyed.

"I am a mighty sun fighter, mikado gao!" Gao said introducing himself.

everyone stared at him with hardened stares, then paroko approached gao "gao, if you want to take back your Challenge, you still can!" Paruko said.

"Senior Ryuenji, I want to fight you more than anything!" gao said.

"I challenge you to a buddyfight with me,right here and now." he continued.

Tasuku smiled hearing that "I'm happy to hear that." Taku said.

" happy?" Gao said confused.

"Outside of work, I haven't really had any challenges lately," he says.

"So you're definitely going to fight me, right?" Gao asked confidently.

"One moment, Mister Mikado!" someone called his name.

"Mr Nisuke!" gao said surprised.

"We're still in the middle of class now! Isn't that right, sir. Ryuenji?" said mr. nitsuke.

"Right, I have to go back to school before the next class." Taku responded.

"Even though he works at the friend card clerk, Tasuku's master is still in the first year of junior high school." Paruko said.

"But what about our match?" Gao asked, slightly disappointed.

"How about you guys do it after school?" (y/n) suggested both of them.

then suddenly one of the teachers appeared behind the students "that's right what miss shiroka said, I give you permission to use the aibo academy battle stage by yourself." he said.

"Wow, Mister Neginoyama!" said Mr. Nisuke.

"Amazing! Our world friend's combat history teacher himself, Mr. Neginoyama Hitotaba himself has given us permission to use the battle stage!" Paruko said.

gao grinned at Tasuku who smiled in return.

( y/n) POV

we are all out of class because this is free time, I stand next to gao who is sitting on a bench while drums are sitting on one of the benches next to gao.

we took a peek at where gao put his cards, he seemed to be trying to think of a good deck for him and i noticed a smoke coming from his head " well he is thinking too much of this." I thought sweatdropped.

" uhm ... are you mr. drum?" said a familiar female voice.

I saw there was a kuguru there "hello kuguru!" I greet her.

"Hello too (y/n)-chan!!" She greets back.

"Stop calling me Mr Drum! My title is Bunker Drum Dragon Son, 13th terrestrial Fang Slade! That's my handsome full name." said drums indignantly.

"How long do you plan to keep looking like that?" asked kuguru.

"except during buddyfights, you should assume a form that won't scare people while on earth, makes sense for a monster from another world right?" She continued.

"Common sense... you say..." said drum doubtfully.

I stared at him silently then glanced at Vedora who was now in his small form flying next to me "Heh. Luckily i'm still remembers about this form." said vedora proudly.

I sweatdropped "why can I have a dragon like this." I thought.

"But you still love him, right?" asteria said.

"... yes." I said.

"Yeah, whatever." said drums.

then he turns himself into his mini form which i think looks... cute.

"Cute..." I muttered.

suddenly I felt something above my head surprised me and saw vedora staring intently at drum "humph! I'm cuter than that steel dragon." said vedora in a jealous tone.

I chuckled then rubbed his head which I was surprised he accepted and deepened into my hand caressing to make a smile "yes... you're cute... and strong too." I said softly.

"It's fine, right?" asked drums.

"yes!" answered kuguru.

"Hey wait a minute! Jack doesn't need to change his appearance." Drum said realizing something.

"I mean, everyone knows that he is Tasuku Ryuenji's buddy." said kuguru.

I could see a wave of irritation from the drums making me chuckle a little "Well that's okay? It's just for a while until the fight between you and Jack comes up?" I said.

kuguru nods while drum looks at me also a little irritated it seems he doesn't really like his mini form, vedora growls from above my head but i calm him down again.

"Well? Do you think you can beat Tasuku?" kugur asked Gao.

"Well look, I suck at deckbuilding." Gao replied making us all surprised.

"And you're still challenging Tasuku." said kuguru sweatdrop.

I sighed while smiling slightly " quite a careless child." muttered vedora.

"I forgot lunch." gao said.

on the roof of the school I and Vedora were enjoying lunch together, I gave Vedora a little of my lunch because I thought she must be hungry too.

" How?" I asked.

"Humans have good food, yeah." vedora responded while eating my lunch.

I ate my lunch too then I remembered something "oh yes vedora, you haven't answered my question this morning about what you mean." I said.

he stopped eating then looked at me "are you still waiting about that?" he said.

"Yes, I want to know more about you because you are now my buddy, right? So it doesn't matter." I said smiling slightly.

vedora looks at me then she nods " yes you deserve to hear my reasons." he said.

"The reason why I just woke up from my long slumber is because I am an imperial dragon that was sealed during the war between my worlds." he replied.

"...if I may ask what...war is?" I asked.

".... my world, my home has been attacked by an misterious creature that we don't know about and almost destroyed our world, my father, the emperor dragoness celestial, managed to drive the creature away but in exchange... his life is at stake." he said in a sad tone.

"After my father passed away I replaced his position protecting my world and leading there... as long as I led everything was fine until... one day I almost died from an enemy attack that would hurt where I was and succeeded in wounding me.

i thought i would die but no... there was a little girl who helped me she took me to her house and took care of me with her parents, they took care of me like part of their own members.

after my wound healed i am very grateful to them and will repay their kindness one day then i gave the girl a gem from my world as a gift for helping me.

I promised her that I would return someday to her and would protect her... but it seemed all wasted, I broke my own promise... I was on the battlefield between my worlds again and I was successfully sealed by my enemy so I had to sleep for thousands years." Vedora said ending his story.

I looked at him sadly "must be very sad for you." I said.

"Yeah... I already consider that little girl as my own friend and I really hope that she's still alive if it wasn't for humans being creatures that don't age like us celestial dragons." said vedora.

I nodded "I hope she rest in peace." I said softly.

"Since I've told myself, how about you?" asked Vedora.

"uhm?me. I-" suddenly my words were cut off by a voice that sounded familiar to me.

"Even though I said you can only have half!" I looked in the direction of the sound saw the gao, drums, and the baku.

"what's going on there?" said vedora.

"don't know. let's approach them." I said.

then we approached the three of them and saw gao who was looking sadly at the food supplies that had run out on the bakura's lap "so this is why you screamed." I said.

they were all surprised to stare at me " ( y- ( y/n)..." gao stuttered.

i sighed then took my lunchbox and gave it to gao "take this, i purposely made more because i have a feeling that your lunchbox will be eaten or you won't be able to eat." I said.

gao took the lunch box while thanking me then kuguri came and offered me her food but i refused gently to her that i had eaten my own lunch.

"I have a request." said kuguru.

"request?" ask gao.

"For the match against Tasuku... I want you guys to use the Bakura build deck." said kuguru while looking at him.

" stop kidding around. i would never let a noob like him use one of my decks." Baku said.

"You never know if I can use it properly or not!" Gao said angrily.

"baku ... remember another day?" asked kuguru.

then she said something which was a story for blackmail baku made me amazed by her " you always can't stop yourself whenever you see an interesting machine and it ends you taking apart nitsuke's car." said kuguru.

"You dismantled a teacher's car, Baku-san." I said surprised.

" if anyone finds out you will be suspended you know or maybe worse." I said while scaring him.

he immediately nervous "... I understand." he said giving up.

me and kuguru silently exchanged a high five then baku took out like a tool bag "then... dragon drum bunker, huh." Baku said.

then he searched in it "attack and defense are both 5000, they are pretty high." Baku said.

"On top of that, he can deal destruction once without being defeated. it's a super rare effect called soulguard, definitely worth using." he continued.

"You really understand how I work, don't you?" said drums.

"...is he really that good?" ask gao.

"Why don't you know about that!?" said the drums indignantly.

"Fine, leave it to me." Baku said.

"Baku, there's one more thing, I mean I guess it's favor." gao said.

" what now?" asked Baku.

"I want it to be a deck that allows me to fight too!" answered gao.

drum looks irritated hearing that "battle is armordragon's job." he said angrily.

"If you just give orders like a dragon knight, then..." he continued.

"No way! I would never just sit back and tell you what to do!" Gao said.

"Drums, I want to fight side by side with you!" gao said.

i stared at gao silent for some reason his response reminds me of something ... or memory, i chuckled a little even my friends can't hear it except vedora.

"I see... he reminds me a lot of myself in the past, hah! That memory should have been erased." I thought blankly.

"What's wrong human? why are you suddenly chuckling" asked vedora.

"It's fine just reminding me of something." I said.

"players can join in on the raid. buddyfight's best point." Baku said.

"If that's what you want, then you just use an item card like this." said Baku while showing one card in his hand.

I looked at the card which had a sword drawn on it "That looks strong." I said.

"It will make defending much more difficult." Baku said.

"fine by me. Let's do it!" gao said.

then suddenly my cell phone rang "I'll go first everyone!" I said as I ran out from the roof of the school.

on the street I was speechless "so players can join the fight." I muttered.

"if you think the same thing as that boy i suggest don't." said vedora.

" Why?" I asked.

"The monster named Drum said it was true. Fighting is the duty of Armordragon." he replied.

" I think that sounds stupid, for me it doesn't matter if it's a player or not they have the right to join the attack and not just sit back and order.

if i was in gao's position i would agree with him because i wouldn't let my partner fight alone." i said with a smile.

"....you..." muttered vedora surprised.

"Let's go to class." I said.

"You still have 2 minutes to get to class." said vedora.

"You want to hear my story, don't you? Class is the best place because it's very empty and it will be crowded when you enter." I said.

vedora nodded then we entered into the classroom and I started to tell about myself.

~time skip~

I'm currently at the Aibo Academy fighting stage with her younger brother Gao Hanako who also came to watch his brother, Vedora fell asleep on top of my head again for some reason he really feels at home in my head.

"Nii-chan can definitely beat Tasuku from that police buddy!" Hanako said confidently.

"Yeah... I have a feeling your brother will definitely be able to win against him but let's see and try to cheer him up later." I said while rubbing her head.

hanako nodded happily then looked back at the match while i was lost in my thoughts "can gao win against Ryuenji-san? i don't doubt it but this is his first game isn't it." I thought worried.

"Believe in your friend (y/n), if he really believes he can win then he definitely can... trust is the way." asteria said.

"Yeah you're right... by the way I just realized something, Asteria. I found one of my cards." I said.

"Your card? I thought all your cards had disappeared after we were trapped in this world." asteria said.

"I thought so but yesterday I found one near my bedroom table." I said.

"Which card?" Asteria asked.

"....galaxy eye dragon and immortal blue fire phoenix." I replied.

" galaxy dragon and immortal blue fire phoenix!? I thought that one of yours is long gone." Asteria said surprised.

I was also surprised to find my long-lost card found again ... but strangely I felt something strange about that card.

"galaxy eye dragon and blue fire phoneix is feels like a card that really comes to life." I muttered.

I then looked back at the Gao vs Tasuku fight, I stared casually at that but actually I was very excited.

the match was over and gao won, everyone cheered after seeing that including us.

" alright! thank you very much." gao said.

"impossible." said noboru surprised.

"Impossible, incredible, decisive turnaround. The cops pal Tasuku Ryuenji have lost!" Paruko said in surprise.

" Despite all odds, super rookie mikado gao has won!" She continued.

"as if! he just got saved by his last draw, it was just luck." said noboru who still couldn't believe gao won.

"if you really believe that, you will never win against the gao." said Baku slightly grinning.

"What's that!!?" said noboru a little annoyed.

"Baku! Amazing explosive dragon! I could never make a deck like this! You are a genius." said gao from below.

"Well, you played pretty well too." Bakura shouted back.

i nodded in agreement " you played it very well goa!! what a tactic !!" I shouted.

Then I saw Tasuku coming down to Gao and approached him "That was a very fun match. You have really admirable tactics, won't you become my rival?" said Tasuku.

" and as the symbol...." then he gave a card to gao.

" isn't this gargantua's punisher!" said  gao in surprise.

"gao, I want to see how you will use this card." Tasuku said.

"with this giant punisher it is now yours." he continued with a smile.

Gao then took the card slowly and stared at it in surprise "Gargantua Punishment is now... mine?" he muttered.


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