The Badass and The Bard

By -Steve-Harringtxn

150 21 56

Emma Henderson, the Nerd of Hawkins High. Eddie Munson, The freak of Hawkins high. What happens when Emma dis... More

The Campaign
Searching for Will
The Strange Girl

Will's Missing

31 6 24
By -Steve-Harringtxn

I wake up early the next morning and get ready for school. I put some pop tarts in the toaster and pack my bag for school. While I'm packing the phone rings.

"I'll get it," I say walking over and picking up the phone.


"Hi Emma, it's Joyce." 

"Hey Joyce," I says, wondering why Will's mom is calling so early.

"You saw Will going home last night right?" Joyce asks.

"Yeah, I saw him bike home. Why is something wrong?" 

"He's not home, but I'm pretty sure he just went to school early."

"Okay, well I'll call you if I see him."

"Thanks, Bye." Joyce says hanging up the phone.

"Bye Joyce." I says hearing the receiver beep.

I hang up the phone and grab my pop tarts from the toaster as Dustin walks into the kitchen.

"Morning Dusty."

"Morning." Dustin replies rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Joyce called, she said Will's not home. She thinks he went to school early. Tell me if you see him okay?" 

Dustin nods before I ask

"You sure you don't want a ride to school?" I ask Dustin

"Yeah, I'm going to bike with Mike and Lucas." Dustin responds

"Okay," I say as I hear a horn honk.

"That's my ride, got to go. See you later Dustin." I say as I grab my bag walking out the door. I walk down the driveway to see Eddie's van. I climb into the van.

"Morning Eds."

"Morning Em." Eddie says, pulling the van out of the driveway and driving towards the school.

"Get anymore work done on the campaign?" I ask.

"Yeah, should be ready to play by the end of the week."

"Nice, Dustin made me some NPC's we could use. He'll be a great member of Hellfire someday."

"Well there's always a spot open for him." Eddie says as we pull into the school parking lot. We walk into the school and are welcomed by a chorus of different kids shouting things like "Freak" and "Loser"

"Well I think our fans are glad to see us."


I'm in English class when a women from the office opens the door to the classroom.

"Emma Henderson, come with me please, bring your belongings." The women says, I gather up my things as Eddie gives me a "What the hell did you do?" look. I just shrug not sure why they need me and follow the women out of the classroom. The women then walks me out of the school and over to the office at the middle school. I enter the middle school office and see Dustin, Lucas and Mike sitting on a couch in front of a few police officers. Dustin moves over and I sit down next to him. I recognize one of the officers as the chief of the police, Hopper. The officers pull over a few chairs sitting down in front of us. 

"Let's get started, when was the last time you saw Will Byers?" Hopper asks. Then the boys and I all start talking at the same down, I stop talking when I realize I'm being drowned out by the boys. 

"Okay, okay, okay!" Hopper says trying to get the boys to stop talking. "One at a time, all right?You." Hopper says pointing to Mike. "You said he takes what?"

"Mirkwood." Mike answers, I facepalm knowing this will be an interesting conversation.


"Yeah." Mike answers like a Mirkwood is common knowledge.

"Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?" Hopper asks one of the officers.

"I have not. That sounds made up to me."

"No, it's from Lord of the Rings." Lucas tells the officer.

"Well, The Hobbit." Dustin corrects. I elbow Dustin trying to get him to stop talking before him and Lucas start fighting.

"Who cares?" Lucas retorts.

"He asked!" Dustin shouts.

"He asked!" Lucas says mockingly.

"Boys!" I yell glaring at the boys, and trying to get them to stop fighting.

"Shut up, guys!" Mike yells.

"Hey, hey, hey! What'd I just say? Shut up. One at a damn time." Hopper says aggravated by the boys behavior. "You." Hopper says looking at Mike.

"Mirkwood, it's a real road. It's just the name that's made up. It's where Cornwallis and Kerley meet." Mike informs Hopper.

"Yeah, all right, I think I know that."

"We can show you, if you want." Mike says, trying to convince the police to let us help look for Will.

"I said that I know it!" Hopper shouts.

"We can help look."


"No." Hopper says trying to send the matter but the boys and I protest, we want to help look for Will and make sure he's safe.

"No. After school, you are all to go home. Immediately. That means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating, no nonsense. This isn't some Lord of the Rings book." Hopper says then he points at me. "And you make sure they stay out of trouble."

"The Hobbit." Dustin mumbles. 

"Shut up!" Lucas retorts, I then shoot both boys a glare telling them to stop. They finally quiet down.

"Stop it! Do I make myself clear?" Hopper asks glaring at us. "Do I make myself clear?" Hopper repeats his voice firmer.

"Yes, sir."


"So Will is missing." I tell Eddie as we sit down to lunch.

"One of the kids you hang out with?" Eddie asks, I nod. "Have any ideas we're he could be?" Eddie asks as I shake my head.

"I don't know where he could be but we'll find him." I say looking out the window, wondering where Will could be. 

"I know the boys are probably planning something."


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