Turning Red: Legend of the Wo...

By Phearless14

13.9K 202 65

We all know the story of Mei and the red panda she inherited from her ancestor, Sun Yee. But what if there we... More

Chi Control
Tyler's Party

The Concert

2K 36 16
By Phearless14

A week had passed and the night of red moon ritual had come. Chun pulled up in front of the temple in her car. She got out and walked through the temple, most of Ming's family gathered.

"Chun," Wu greeted her.

"Wu," Chun greeted back.

"Still doing martial arts?" Wu asked.

"Yep," Chun replied, "In this day and age, a girl's gotta defend herself."

"Hmph. I still think it's unbecoming of a lady to do something so unruly," Wu scoffed, "If that's the case then why not train Mei-Mei?"

"Mei-Mei gets enough attention from your side family as it. Plus, I can tell she has no interest in learning this stuff and I have no interest in teaching her. Still love her though," Chun replied, "Besides, I've already got a pupil, an amazing one," she added before walking past the mother of her sister-in-law, "Oh, and you have other grandchildren besides Mei-Mei you know. Try taking an interest in your grandson Y/N once in a while."

Chun then stepped into the house. She walked down the hall, just in time to see Jin and Ming step out of Mei's room, Mei dressed in a traditional, red Chinese silk robe.

"Hey, big brother," Chun greeted Jin.

"Hello," Chun replied.

"Chun," Ming greeted her sister-in-law.

"Ming," Chun greeted back.

"Hey, auntie!" Mei walked up to Chun, happily wrapping her arms around her waist in an embrace.

"Hey, kiddo," Chun hugged her back, affectionately petting her head, "How are you feeling? Are you ready for the ritual?" she asked.

"I'm a little nervous, but yeah," Mei said while breaking the hug. Chun chuckled and patted her head.

Chun opened the door to Y/N's room, Y/N sitting at his dresser desk, playing with a rubik's cube.

"Hey, nephew, it's time for the ritual," Chun told the male twin.

"Unfortunately, Y/N won't be joining us. He's been grounded," Ming informed her sister-in-law.

"Grounded?" Chun repeated.

"He had the bright idea to make money off Mei-Mei's panda, just so her friends could see some talentless band," Ming said, "But Mei-Mei knows better. She's a good child," she added, glaring at Y/N with a look with disapproval. Unseen by her, Mei looked away with an expression of guilt.

Y/N glanced at his mother, his eyes narrowed as he released a low growl. His irises flared faintly with his blue chi. However, the only ones that noticed it were his father and aunt since they could sense chi just as he could. As if sensing Y/N's emotions, the kitten woke up and hopped off his desk.

The kitten walked over and hopped onto the table that Y/N's TV rested on. With a growl and shriek, the kitten lunged at Ming who screamed as it unsheathed its claws. Luckily for her, the kitten flew past her. Unfortunately, the kitten had swiped its paw in midair, leaving claw marks on Ming's cheek.

"Ow!" Ming yelped, feeling the sting of the flesh wound. The wound wasn't deep enough for it to bleed out, but it still hurt.

The kitten then ran back over to Y/N, releasing a cute meow.

"Hey, bad kitty!" Y/N lightly chided, making the kitten's ears flatten against its head.

"Come on, Mei-Mei. It's time for the ritual," Ming said, guiding Mei out of the house, Jin following close behind, leaving Chun alone with her nephew.

"Good kitty," Y/N whispered with a smile as he affectionately scratched the kitten under the chin, making it purr.

This was the same tabby kitten that walked over to Y/N during Mei's kitten test. The black one. At first, Y/N kept trying to put the kitten outside with its parents and siblings, but somehow it just kept coming back to him. After a while, Y/N just gave up and decided to keep the kitten as a pet. Luckily for him they already had cat food and kitty litter at hand. The only thing Y/N wasn't prepared for was the kitten's gender. When Y/N decided to keep the kitten, he named it Stuart... until Mei pointed out that the kitten was actually a girl. So, Y/N had changed the kitten's name to Stella. Fitting, considering the tag on her cat collar was in the shape of a star.

"So, your parents let you have one of the kittens?" Chun asked, leaning against her nephew's desk.

"You could say that. Stella here is a good kitty," Y/N turned to his aunt as the kitten curled up into a ball on his lap.

Chun chuckled, petting kitten.

"So... grounded, eh?" Chun looked at Y/N.

"Yeah, two weeks—well, one week now. I knew how much the girls wanted to go see 4-town, so—"

"It was all Mei-Mei's idea and you took the bullet for her when she and her friends got busted, didn't you?" Chun cut him off with a smug expression.

"H- How did you...?" Y/N looked at her with surprise.

"I could tell by the shame and guilt in your sister's eyes," Chun told him.

"Is it bad that I took the blame for something Mei did?" Y/N asked.

"Oh, sweetie, no. This just shows how much of a good brother you are and how much you love your sister," Chun replied, giving him a side hug, "Believe me, your dad used to do that for me sometimes when we were kids. Just... don't do it all of the time, alright?"

Y/N smiled, tilting his head and resting it on his aunt's shoulder.

"So, what've been doing since you're not allowed to play your games?" Chun asked curiously

"I've been working on few things, including a new technique," Y/N told her.

"That's good," Chun smiled.

"I can't wait to test out my newest move. It's gonna be awesome!" Y/N said rather excitedly.

Chun chuckled, leaned in, and planted a kiss upon Y/N's forehead. She then walked over to the window, lifting it up all the way.

"Why'd you open my window?" Y/N raised an eyebrow of confusion as his aunt made her way to the door.

"It's a little stuffy in here. I think you could use some fresh air," Chun replied, winking at that last part before stepping out.

"Ohh..." Y/N said with a devious expression, realizing what his aunt was getting at.

Y/N hopped out of his chair, and then leaped out his open window. Hopping onto a nearby crate, he climbed onto the roof of the house. Quietly, he snuck over to where the temple was, being sure to stay behind the roof of the temple so nobody would notice him, only poking his head out to see the main event. Everyone was gathered in a circle around Mei, a circle of chalk drawn around her. Even Mr. Gao who was wielding an admittedly kickass sword was there. That's when Y/N saw Chun gather with the others, standing on the other side of his dad.

"You were almost late," Ming lightly chided Chun.

"Relax, Mingzilla, I was just having a little talk with my nephew," Chun replied with an amused eye roll as she pulled out a mini camcorder out of her pocket.

The twins chuckled to themselves. Mingzilla?

"You know, I hate it when you call me that," Ming glared at her sister-in-law in annoyance.

"I know," Chun said, recording the events.

That's when the ritual began. Four of the relatives played instruments, including a bell, a drum, a bowl for some reason, and a little panda head thing. They family then started singing and chanting something in Chinese.

"What're they saying?" Mei asked.

"The door will only open if we sing from our hearts. It doesn't matter what. I like Tony Bennet, but your grandma, uh... she's from old school," Mr Gao explained.

"Clearly," Y/N muttered to himself.

"Now, focus on their voices. Let them guide you," Mr. Gao told Mei.

That's when the chalk ring started to glow with a faint cyan-colored light.

"Oh, Sun Yee, feared ancestor, hear us now," Mr. Gao said, "Guide this girl through her inner storm..."

the full moon then turned completely red, a symbol appearing in the center of the circle where Mei sat. A small breeze started to blow around them. Everyone then chanted louder, the circle glowing brighter as Mei started to levitate off the air.

"Whoa, what the hell?" Y/N whispered.

"And return the red panda spirit from where it came!" Mr. Gao shouted as he lifted his sword to the sky.

The amulet coin jewel thing in the center of the hilt guard of the sword glowed red. Amulet then shot a beam at Mei's forehead, which then sent a pulse throughout her body and rendered her unconscious. Mei then levitated higher into the air, lying in the air with her arms and legs dangling.

A few minutes in, Y/N noticed a somewhat pained look on his sister's face. That's when a large, astral version of Mei's panda shot out of her chest. It was times like this Y/N wished he had some popcorn. Mr. Gao then pulled out the amulet coin, the panda spirit slowly being absorbed into it.

"You can do it. Keep going!" Ming encouraged her.

However, a large explosion of pink smoke erupted from Mei's body, blowing everyone away... literally. Chun managed to do a backflip when the explosion happened, so she managed to land on her feet. Y/N was shielded by the roof, so the cloud explosion had no effect on him.

The smoke cleared, Mei now in her panda form. Mei looked at herself and hugged her tail happily.

"What happened?" Wu asked.

"She changed her mind, that's what happened," Chun muttered, still recording.

"Mei-Mei..." Ming ran up to Mei, placing a hand on the girl's paw, "It's ok. We can do it again—" she was cut off by Mei pulling away, "Mei-Mei?" she looked at her daughter with confusion.

"I'm keeping it," Mei responded, Y/N and Chun smiling.

"What did she say?" Wu asked.

"I'm keeping it!" Mei told her grandmother.

"Ha! Knew it," Y/N muttered rather smugly.

Y/N then saw his sister head for the temple door. Everyone except Chun tried to hold her back and stop her.

"Grr... let go!" Mei shouted, trying to break free. The family tried to talk her out of it, but... "NO!" Mei shouted, shoving them off her, "I'm going to the concert!" she said, before running out of the temple.

"Get back here!" Ming shouted, which fell on deaf ears, "No..."

"Well, that was... unexpected," Chun said, ending the recording and turning off the camcorder, putting it back into her pocket.

Chun turned to the temple, looking to the roof where she knew Y/N was. She gestured her head in Mei's direction, silently telling him to go after her. Y/N nodded and silently went after his sister. Chun then turned to the crowd, where she saw Ming on all fours, panting heavily as she was comforted by her husband.

"Is she going to be alright, Jin?" Chun asked as she approached her brother and sister-in-law.

"How could she?" Ming asked under her breath, tears in her eyes.

"Hm?" Chun looked at her sister-in-law. Her voice sounded almost... angry.

"How could she do this to... her own mother?!" Ming stood up, her voice now echoing with the same anger.

Jin and Chun looked at each other. Both siblings could sense her chi rising at an alarming rate. That's when the amulet coin necklace shattered, releasing her imprisoned panda spirit. The panda spirit flew around the entrance before flying straight into Ming's body, causing her to levitate.

"Oh..." Jin started.

"Shit," Chun finished.

"MEI-MEI!" Ming shouted at the top of her lungs before an enormous cloud of pink smoke erupted from her body.

The Sky Dome...

Mei, in her panda form, ran down the sidewalk on all fours, people stepping out of her way as she passed by. She then ran into the street. Before reaching the intersection, Mei turned back into her human form, the cloud explosion sending her straight into the air to avoid getting hit by cars. Her robes started to come off, and then was removed completely when she turned back into her panda form, the explosion sending her to the edge of a nearby building.

Mei would've fallen, but she turned back into her human form, allowing her to land on the roof of said building. She switched between human and panda forms to move across rooftop after rooftop. However, one of the times she turned back into her human from, she was caught in midair by someone.

"Huh?" Mei looked at the person that had caught her. It happened to be none other than her brother, "Y/N?" she looked at her twin with surprise.

"Hey Mei," Y/N smiled at his sister.

"How did you..." Mei looked down to see they were flying through the air. She was standing beside on a fly cloud, "Y/N, are flying... on a cloud?!"

"Yep. The explanation is complicated, but let's just say I made it myself" Y/N explained.

"Y/N-Y/N, that's awesome!" Mei beamed.

Y/N's cloud was blue, the same shade as his chi. This thing was actually really fast, faster than he thought it'd be. It was fast enough to catch up to Mei, who had a head start by a few minutes, and they were approaching the Sky Dome. The cloud he was riding was just like a certain cloud from a certain popular anime he loved. Y/N angled the cloud to make them fly high above the roof of the building that held the concert.

"Hang tight, Mei," Y/N warned. Mei held him closer.

Y/N leaned forward, angling the cloud straight down towards the crowd of teenagers... most of them being girls. Amongst the crowd were Mei's friends in the front row. Knowing what his sister was thinking, Y/N flew down towards them. Y/N then subtly created a small ball of chi the size of a marble. Once close enough, he slammed the mini chi ball on the ground, creating a small cloud of smoke. The girls turned to see the twins hopping of the cloud.

"Mei! Y/N! You're here!" the three girls beamed in unison.

"What're you guys doing here?" Miriam asked.

"Yeah, I thought Y/N was grounded?" Abby chimed in.

"I decided to keep the panda. It's a part of me... and so are you guys," Mei replied, making her friends smile.

"Yeah, and I came because... well, mostly because I had nothing better to do and our Aunt Chun insisted. Plus, I have this weird feeling this concert won't turn out well..." Y/N added, muttering that last sentence under his breath, having had a weird tingle shoot up his spine since he picked up Mei... and not the good kind.

"Dude, is that a cloud?" Miriam asked, pointing to the cloud that the twins rode in on.

"Yep," Y/N said, the cloud flying away on its own, "Created it myself. Don't ask how," he told them.

"Nice," Miriam smiled, impressed.

That's when the twins heard a beeping sound.

"Robaire Jr.?" Mei looked at her friends. Priya and Abby turned their heads to Miriam.

"Here, I found it at Tyler's party," Miriam pulled the digital pet out of her pocket and handed it to Mei.

"I was wondering why you hadn't been playing with that stupid thing," Y/N commented, though Mei chose to ignore that.

"4 Town forever?" Mei asked her friends.

"4 Town forever!" the girls replied, all four girls sharing a group hug.

"Tyler?" Miriam questioned, the girls and Y/N looking in the direction she was looking in and indeed saw the wannabe athlete, who freaked out.

"Uh, no! Who's Tyler? I don't know a—"

"You... are... a 4-townie?" Mei asked slowly, the girls just as surprised as she was. Y/N, however, remained silent.

"Yeah-hoo!" the girls all cheered as they ran up to Tyler, forcing him into a group hug, going as far as giving him a noogie.

"Ahh! He's one of us!" Mei said happily.

"Welcome to the sisterhood," Priya told him.

"Get off, dorks!" Tyler said as he pulled out of their grasps, fixing his hair and accessories. He then looked at Y/N, "What're you doing here, Y/N? You like 4 Town too?" he asked the male twin.

"Yes, because I totally want to go deaf from a bunch of horny teenage girls screaming in my ear," Y/N sarcastically remarked with a roll of his eyes, "In all seriousness, I kind of like their music, just not enough to see them in concert. I'm more or less here because of my sister," he explained.

That's when he felt pair of arms wrap around his neck.

"Priya?" Y/N looked to his left, seeing the normally deadpanned girl happily nuzzling his cheek.

"Thanks for having our back at Tyler's party. You didn't have to throw yourself under the bus like that," Priya told him.

"I know. But I'd rather have my mom be mad at me than accuse you girls of something you didn't do," Y/N told her.

Priya snickered. She cupped Y/N's cheek furthest from her and pulled him in. Like with Stacy, Y/N felt the warm, moist feeling of Priya's lips press against his cheek, the one opposite to the one Stacy had kissed. Both times he had been kissed by them, a tingle ran down his spine. Those times were the good kind of tingle. After a few seconds, Priya pulled away, Y/N blushing.

"You're really sweet, you know that?" Priya said, smiling at him. Despite the kiss, her lip gloss didn't smear and was still shiny.

That's when Y/N felt another pair of arms wrap around the other side of his neck. He turned his head to the right to see none other than Stacy hugging him as well.

"Hey Y/N," Stacy greeted him, "Hey Priya," she greeted her rival.

"Hey Stacy," Y/N and Priya greeted back simultaneously.

"Y/N, I thought you always said 4 town had good music but didn't want to see them in concert?" Stacy asked, having heard him say that several times before, "Also, I thought you were grounded?" she added.

"I'm here because of Mei," Y/N informed her.

"Oh. Well, it's still cool that you're here. It'll definitely be a lot more fun," Stacy said, affectionately nuzzling his cheek.

The entire are of the Sky Dome then when dark. Looks like the concert was officially about to start. The screen on stage then showed a hand holding up four fingers, everyone counting down from said number. When the countdown ended, five cages then rose from stage, each containing a member of 4 Town within it, everyone cheering.

The first to come out was Aaron T.

"Oh my god!" Miriam shouted.

Then came Aaron Z.

"Z, I love you, man!" Tyler shouted, reaching out to the athletic member of the band. Alright, that was unexpected.

Tae Young.

"Tae Young," Abby whispered, a single tear in the corner of her eye. Huh, that's probably the first time Y/N heard Abby say something quietly.


"Jesse!" Priya said, hugging Y/N tighter.

"Toronto...!" Robaire began, "You knows what's up!" he shouted, his cage being the final one to break open.

Mei, Miriam and Tyler gasped then cried tears of joy as they held each other. Stacy and Priya did the same, but hugged Y/N who mixed feelings about this. On one hand, he was being hugged tightly by two pretty girls, but on the other... his ears were hurt from all the screaming girls around him. That's when a jolt shot up his spine. He could sense a large chi approaching the Sky Dome from the right. This chi felt kind of felt like his mom's except... angry.

"You want it?" Robaire asked crowd.

"I want it!" the crowd responded.

"You want it?" Robaire asked again.

"I want it!" the crowd responded.

"You want it?" Robaire asked a third time.

"I want it!" the crowd responded.

"Give me one! Two! Three! Four!" Robaire said, and then, along with the other members of the band, sprouted wing with a puff a off smoke before floating into the air. It was obviously it was done by wires, but who cares?

Everyone in the screamed as the boys performed their U Know What's Up song. Everyone ran towards the band, Stacy and Priya even shoving Y/N, much to the boy's slight annoyance. Y/N saw the girls lift Mei up, his sister accidentally stepping on Tyler's face, allowing her to get closer to Robaire. Mei and Robaire's hands nearly touched until...

"MEI-MEI!" the voice of their mom shouted, cutting the music short.

Everyone turned to the right, seeing a pair of giant red eyes. A giant pair of claws then slid the domed ceiling open... well, it was more like crushed open. A giant panda face then poked its head in.

"Mei-Mei! Where are you?!" the panda asked, looking around, Y/N and Mei instantly recognized the panda's face and voice.

"Mom?!" the twins said in shocked unison.

"I was wondering how her chi suddenly got stronger!" Y/N said, clenching a fist.

"Mei-Mei!" Ming spotted her daughter.

Mei screamed, her and everyone else running away in the opposite direction. Panda Ming then broke the dome open even further, allowing her to leap through. When she landed, she created a huge cloud of dust.

"Mei! Y/N!" the twins' dad ran up to them in a brief hug, the rest of the family and Mr. Gao appearing behind him, "Kids, we have to do the ritual again," Jin told them.

"What happened? She's HUGE!" Mei said.

"I told you she was big!" Jin replied.

"That big?!" Mei pointed a thumb at her gigantic mother.

"Yeah. Why do you think I call her Mingzilla?" Chun chimed in.

"Mei-Mei!" Ming yelled, reaching out for the girl. Mei attempted to run, only for Ming to grab her and clench her in her giant paw.

"Mei!" Y/N shouted with concern.

"You are in big trouble, young lady!" Ming scolded, wagging a finger.

"Mom, let go!" Mei struggled to break free.

"I'm shutting this down! Right now!" Ming said, tearing off the 4 Town sign from the stage, "Everyone, go home! Where are your parents? Put some clothes on!" she told all the kids, dropping the sign, causing it break upon hitting the ground.

"This. Isn't. You!" Ming told Mei.

Mei growled, "This IS me!" Mei shot back, transforming into her panda form as she bit down hard on her mom's paw.

Ming yelled in pain she released Mei. Mei fell to the floor, turning back into her human form as she hit the ground.

"Mei!" Y/N ran over along with everyone else, "You alright, sis?" he asked as he helped her up. Mei growled and transformed back into her panda form.

"I'm not your little Mei-Mei anymore! Y/N lied, mom!" Mei yelled.

"What?!" Ming looked at her kids with a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"Mei, what're you doing?" Y/N looked at his sister.

"It was my idea to hustle the panda! My idea to go to Tyler's party! It's all me! Not Y/N, ME! Y/N was just looking out for me and took the bullet instead," Mei confessed.

Y/N sighed. This was bound to come out sooner or later.

"She's right, Mom!" Y/N chimed in, "I took the blame so Mei wouldn't have to," he confessed.

"I like boys! I loud music! I like gyrating!" Mei yelled, coming out with all her true interests, "I'm 13, deal with it!"

Gyrating. Why did Y/N have a feeling that term was going to be outdated and called something else in 15 years?

There was a brief pause between mother and daughter, Mei panting heavily. Ming growled, and then roared at the top of her lungs.

"The ritual. Everyone in position!" Wu clapped, everyone scattering, "Mei-Mei, keep her busy," she told her granddaughter.

"Oh, I'll keep her busy!" Mei said, running towards her mom.

"Help her out, Y/N," Chun told her nephew.

"On it!" Y/N nodded, running after his sister.

"How can Y/N help?" Wu cocked an eyebrow at Chun.

"You'll see," Chun smirked.

Y/N placed his fingers in his mouth and whistled, summoning his cloud. He hopped on and quickly flew up beside his sister. Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught his dad running around in a huge circle with that tool that drew chalk on the ground, the circle needing to be big enough to contain the giant panda that was his mom.

"You ready, sis?" Y/N asked Mei.

"Ready, bro," Mei replied with a nod.

"Get back here!" Ming told the twins.

"Make us!" the twins replied in unison, splitting up.

"You two think you're so mature. Lying to me. Blaming me? How could you two be so... so... CRASS?!" Ming shouted, the air of her shout pushing the twins back a bit as they stopped on some debris.

"Oh, that's nothing. You want to see crass?" Mei said then started gyrating.

"What're doing? Stop moving like that!" Ming winced, attempting to cover her eyes. That's when the circle was completed and the family started to sing.

"What? Is this bothering you?" Mei said while continuing to dance, her friends cheering her on.

Ming growled. In the process of shielding her eyes, she grabbed a piece of debris. She flung her arm, accidental tossing the debris which went straight for Mei. Mei screamed as she saw the debris come towards her. However, that's when a beam of blue energy hit the piece of debris, blowing it to smithereens before it could hit her. She looked in the direction that the beam came from and saw fiery energy vanish from her brother's hands.

"Y/N?" Mei looked at her brother.

"I've got your back, Mei," Y/N winked at his sister.

This distracted Mei as she was hit by her mom's huge tail. Mei grabbed the fur of her mom's tail and straightened herself out. Y/N flew around his mom hitting her with several chi balls, making her roar. He wouldn't say he liked hurting his mom, but it did feel like a bit of weight was lifted off his shoulders when the attacks hit.

"All I wanted... was to go..." Mei leaped into the air, turning back into her human form, "to a concert!" she yelled, leaping over her mom's paw as she transformed into her panda form and ran up her arm.

"Yeah, every teen wants to go one of those! Even I plan to go to one this summer!" Y/N said flying, narrowly avoiding a swipe from his mom's other massive paw.

"I never went to concerts. I put my family first!" Ming managed to grab Mei in midair, the girl turning back into her human form. At the same time, she swiped at Y/N.

Y/N weaved around on his cloud to avoid the attack. Y/N flew down to the ground.

"Ugh. Dang it, Mom!" Y/N groaned as he looked at his Godzilla-sized mother.

"Y/N," Chun ran up to him along with Jin, "Can you hold your mom for a little longer?" she asked her nephew.

"Yeah," Y/N replied. He then turned his attention back to his giant mom. Mei was clenched in her right paw, this time held by the hips to prevent her biting again, "For now though, we have to save Mei and stop my mom," Y/N said, furrowing his brows in determination, "I've been waiting for a chance to bust these out..."

Y/N breathed deeply. Chi then engulfed and surrounded his forearms up to the tips of his fingers. The chi started taking shape. The tips of his fingers curved and sharpened, taking the shape of claws. Parts of the chi had gained dark blue stripes, like those of a wolf. Once it was complete, it looked like Y/N had wolf claws made of chi, the forearms ending in an almost fiery appearance.

"Chi wolf claws?" Chun questioned with amazement.

"Yeah. I've been developing them since I mastered chi control," Y/N said, flexing his claw fingers, "Let's do this!"

Y/N flew toward the giant panda that was his mom. Jin came up to his sister and placed a hand on her shoulder. A small smile of formed on his face. Chun could tell that her brother was proud of both her and Y/N.

"What was that? Did Y/N just have claws?" Wu asked, watching along with Jin and Chun as her grandson ran towards her monstrous daughter.

"We'll explain later," Chun replied.

"Ahh! Mom!" Mei said with discomfort, struggling to break free, her mom's grip tighter than the one before.

"You don't just how much trouble you're in!" Ming said.

Once close enough, Y/N hopped of his cloud and ran up to his mom. Channeling his chi into his feet, Y/N jumped, launching several feet into the air. Like a certain blue hedgehog, Y/N rebounded off his mom's thigh towards her arm. Luckily for him, his mom was so distracted with Mei that she didn't notice him... which wasn't really different any other moment. Y/N then rebounded off his mom's left forearm, aim towards her right wrist. He grabbed the fur, climbing onto his mom's right arm.

"Hey, mom!" Y/N called to Ming.

"Y/N?!" Ming's eyes widened at the sight of her son.

"YAAH!" Y/N shouted, delivering a slash to Ming's wrist, the attack leaving several large, elongated claw marks. Ming screamed in pain from the take, causing her to drop Mei once again, Mei screaming as she fell.

"Mei!" Y/N ran and leapt from his mom's arm, dissipating the chi claws. He did a breaststroke, gaining more speed before straightening out his body. "Gotcha!" he said, scooping his sister into his arms princess style. Y/N then threw a chi ball towards the ground, the explosion of dust breaking their fall. Y/N then stood up, still holding his twin in his arms.

"You ok, Mei?" Y/N asked, looking at his redheaded twin.

"I am now," Mei replied, a comfort tone in her voice.

The twins' little moment was interrupted by Ming growling. Y/N turned to his mom who glared down at him.

"How dare you attack your own mother, you disrespectful, disobedient child!" Ming growled, holding her injured wrist in pain.

"Oh, NOW you notice me!" Y/N sarcastically remarked with a roll of his eyes as he set Mei down.

"I never acted the way you two are now! I actually tried to be a good child!" Ming told them.

Mei growled, only for Y/N to take her hand into his. This instantly calmed her down.

"Well, sorry we're not perfect!" Mei replied, "Sorry we aren't—Y/N, what're you doing?" she looked at her twin as he gripped her arm with both hands.

"Have a nice flight, Mei," Y/N said, channeling chi into his legs, hips and arms.

"What're you talking abou—AHH!" Mei screamed as she was sent flying through the air by her brother.

Mei looked back at Y/N who nodded. Mei nodded back, knowing what her brother was getting at. Mei then straightened out her body before transforming into her panda form, the force of the cloud explosion increasing her speed. The panda girl lowered her head. Ming tried to grab Mei for a third time, only for her to miss and for Mei to crash into her forehead head first with a loud bang.

Ming then toppled over, the impact knocking her out. Ming's unconscious body crashed to the ground, destroying the stage and sending out a huge dust cloud that blew the rest of the family away. Mei screamed as fell and landed behind Y/N, changing back to her human form.

"Damn..." Y/N said.

"Oh no. Mom. Mom!" Mei called out. The twins looked at the moon, the redness from it nearly gone.

The others stood and gasped at the sight of the unconscious giant panda that was Ming.

"Mom! You have to get in the circle!" Mei cried as she ran to her downed mother as she transformed into panda form, "Wake up! I'm sorry!" she said as she tugged on a piece off her mom's tail fur, "Mom... come on. Please!"

There was a brief pause between everyone. Wu inhaled deeply.

"Sun Yee, give me strength," Wu muttered to herself. She took off her bracelet, raised it to the sky, and then slammed it down, shattering it and sending out a cloud of pink smoke.

When the smoke cleared, there stood Wu in her panda form. Incredibly, she still had the scar on her eyebrow. Wu grunted and ran over to beside Mei, taking a strand of tail fur as well.

"Pull, Mei-Mei!" Wu told her granddaughter.

Mei gasped, "Grandma?" she questioned.

"I am NOT losing my daughter!" Wu told Mei, and then looked at the other woman in her family, "Don't just stand there!"

The four women ran towards them, smashing their respective jewelry and unleashing their pandas as well. The four pandas came up beside Mei and Wu, each grabbing a strand of tail fur.

"Make room for your elders, Mei-Mei," Chen said.

"What?" Mei looked between the four of them.

"We're with you!" Ping said.

"But what're you doing? What if you can't change back?" Mei asked with some level of concern.

"Your mom needs us!" Helen replied.

"She's family!" Lily added.

"Less talking, more pulling!" Wu told everyone.

"This fur's so itchy," Lily complained.

"Quiet, Lily!" Wu told her other granddaughter.

That's when Wu and the other women started the ritual chant, the circle starting to glow, albeit weakly.

"Louder! Sing from the heart!" Mr. Gao shouted from the top steps of the stadium.

"Louder! The circle isn't working!" Jin told them.

That's when everyone heard beatboxing. Mei and Y/N turned their heads to see Mei's friends, plus Tyler and Stacy, at the mic. Judging by the beat, they knew what song was about to sung.

Robaire: Ohh, I never met nobody... never met, never met, never met (boys: like...) ... like... you! YEAHHH!

4 Town came out and sang their most famous song, Robaire's high note triggering the circle. This time the circle shot a pillar of light straight into the sky,

4 Town: I never met nobody...

Mei's friends (plus Tyler and Stacy): Like you.

Mei: Had friends and I've had buddies...

4 Town: it's true. But they don't turn my tummy the way you do. I never met nobody... like you.

Mr. Gao raised his sword to the sky, sending out another red beam. This time hit Ming in the forehead, send out a pulse throughout her body. It was then that she and all the other panda women and Mei started floating up into the air.

4 Town: You're not on my mind. Oh my, oh my!

4 Town: Never not by your side, your side, your side! Never gonna let you cry. Oh cry. Don't cry!

4 Town: I'll never not be your ride, or die! Alriiight!

Everyone watched as the pandas floated higher into the air.

"Good luck, ladies," Y/N said to himself.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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