By Jiya_islah

4.2K 34 15

"Oh please darling, you couldnt kill me even if your life depended on it." His raspy voice making the space... More

The Devils Introduction
Unexpected Contents
Whos the fool?
Is it a wise choice?
Its done.
Terms and Conditions
Why didn't he just say so?
Know your place.
Almost! dead
Wedding Bells
Late Night Snack
Drunk = false words
In Laws
The Night Was Still Young
Amore Please
Stolen Kisses

No more Mr nice

123 1 2
By Jiya_islah

The lights are a mix of purple red and blue, the muffled noises of distant and close conversations runs through my ears, as practically naked girls dance on the moles and shake their asses for old men while a few sit in the VIP room we are seated in. One sits on my lap, arching her back as her playful cheap bunny costume barely covers anything. leaving nothing to the imagination.

Mason and Theo ended up flying down the other night and my father leaves for Italy tonight. Mason is seated on the other end of the coach, having two girls on either side of him. The room is lightly dimmed and the only fully visible thing here are the beer mugs on the table made of glass. shining and sparking in the flashing lights from the disco downstairs.

my attention is diverted from the beer cups on the table as a finger is placed on my chin, moving my head and making it align with the slut on my lap. Batting her eyelashes which are way too big for her eyes, her hand trails down her own body as they stop to lightly squeeze her boobs and then back up and into her mouth as she sucks her finger, making it wet and covered in saliva she starts to trail the finger down my chest that is showing from my shirt which has the first 5 buttons undone.

I watch the hookers every movement and usually i would be enjoying this kind of fun but i cant bring myself to try with this women. nothings wrong with her, she smells of old men though.

However i decide not to ruin my own fun, and i haven't felt an ass on me in a long time. My hand comes up to grip onto the back of her neck as the wet finger that was trailing down my bare chest came to an abrupt stop. I pulled her neck down and crashed my lips onto her gloss covered ones. 

The hooker matches my actions and soon were making out on the couch, adding tongue and her hips rising and falling down onto my lap.

"All right ladies out"

a harsh and demanding voice comes from the entrance of the room and i pause to see that its Theo waiting. The girl on my lap turns her head and sees him, they make eye contact and Theo only raises an eyebrow at her. She turns her head back to me, pleading in a way for me to say she can stay.


Bluntly telling her leave, she scoots off my lap and the other two girls in the room soon leave after as well closing the door on their way out, leaving just me Mason and Theo in the room. 

"Ahh man, you always ruin the fun" Mason sits their complaining as he pours himself another drink

"Dont forget what we all came here to do" Theo states as he takes a seat on the inside corner of the L-couch thats between me and Mason.

"Yes, yes i know. we came here to ask Ace what happened with his  wifey" He respond, gulping his whole drink in one sip. I send Mason a glare which he ignores.

"Then stop getting distracted idiota" Theo reaches forward and hits Mason on the back of his head as he then reaches for the glass on the table and bottle of alcohol pouring himself a glass.

"Ouch! motherfucker"

Theo sends him a wink as Mason just glares at him

"So are you guys going to keep fighting or are you going to start asking me questions now?"

Breaking their stupid conversation, they both turn their heads to me and start to get serious

"She agreed to marry you?" Theo asks, in a way as if he cant even believe it

I simply nodded my head and downed the rest of my drink

"How? I'v heard that women is pretty tough so its surprising she would just marry you just like that?" Theo continues to question as Mason stares blanky at us

I look down to my lap and remember the moment I've had with the women of Lodge Industries. I chuckle just remembering our last conversation.

"Oh she is tough, it was harder to crack her than i thought. However, shes managed to crack us in everyway we thought was impossible" I state as i raise the empty glass in my hand and start to analyse its every detail from a far, staring at it so intensely as if it was her i was looking at.

"What do you mean she cracked you?" Mason finally asks, i take a deep breath and explain. this will come as a shock to them.

"She knew we had hired a spy to act as her receptionists, She knows we were the ones who orchestrated the hit on one of her assistants father, leaving him with nothing and six feet under. and....."

I pause and look at their faces, I dont want to tell them what else she found out or otherwise their going to loose their shits.

"and?" Theo pesters me on forward

"And.... She knows we are part of the Mafia"

"WHAT?!" they both yell at the same time, Theo stands up and mason is still seated however he dropped the glass that was in his hands and it shattered to the floor from hearing this news. They both stare at me wide eyed and all i do is stare at them back.

"What do you fucking mean she knows your in the Mafia? that wasnt part of the fucking plan!" Theo yells as he throws his hands in the air

I slam the glass that was in my hand on the table and stand up to my full height as well.

"I DONT FUCKING KNOW SHES TOO GOOD, She even ended up shooting at an almost dead corpse when we met up that i thought my men had already killed!" Shouting at them back

"wait the women can fight?" We both turn our heads to mason who asked the question

"Yeah and im pretty sure thats not all she can do.... Aliyna shes... Different and i dont know how to describe it"

letting my legs slump down and i sit myself back onto the couch, pouring another glass.

Theo runs a hand down his face and sighs audibly while mason just sits there shaking his head

"You need to get her under control, if she ends up finding out why you really married her it will ruin everything" Theo pours himself another glass as he sits back down on the couch

"I know, dont worry... i already talked to father about this. Hes aware of the situation"

"and what did he say?"

"He said he'll work on it, however we dont have much time. were getting married in a week from now and god knows whats gonna happen when we do get married"

"Maybe you guys are just overthinking it, Yeah shes smart and her name is damn sexy but theres a chance that she doesnt care your part of the mafia?" Mason speaks from his corner of the couch

Theo scoffs "The chances of that happening are slim to none"

"He literally just said she killed a fucking almost dead man"

"The point isnt about that she cares or not, the point is that shes too quick. the plan was to tell her when i fullfill the reason why i married her in the first place. But she caught on from the very first thing i did and if were not careful, we could be exposed in a matter of a month of being married" I reply, leaving them both speechless.

Theo chuckles and downs his drink again

"You just had to get the crazy one didnt you"

"Theres something about her that i cant put my finger on"

"Dont tell me you'v fallen in love already? Hey Theo boss has fallen in Love" Mason snickers and they both burst out laughing

"NO I FUCKING DIDNT" i make an attempt to slap them but there too busy laughing it wouldnt even affect them as much

"Hey, just wait until after you get married to have sex" Theo says as he scoots over on the couch closer to Mason to whisper something in his

"Do you want me to fucking shoot you in the fucking head before you leave this room?" Crossing my arms over my chest, glaring at the both of them

"Hey im just kidding, but im serious too. Find a way to keep miss Aliyna under control"

"He should find a way to keep his hard on under control first" Mason states and i swear to god i have had enough at this point

"Alright thats it" i say as i pull out my gun and stand up, walking around the table and getting closer to them i point my gun at them, all they do is start laughing more and whispering to themselves. 

There actually gone insane

"Oh no were so scared!" Theo shouts as he gasps dramatically

"Oh Ladies!! where are you?" Mason is now rushing out the room, completely wasted looked for the hookers from earlier.

"Wait Mason im coming too!" Theo almost trips and falls on the glass coffee table, he grabs any random glass that was full and emptied it in seconds as he wobbled his way out of the room.

there both completely wasted from all the drinks they had and it wouldnt be fun to kill them now when they dont even remember it. 

I let out a sign and tuck my gun away back in my coat. walking out the room to be met with half naked girls again, wiggling past them and smelling the Oder of men and girls mixed with alcohol i make my way downstairs to the main disco area.

Watching everyone party their lives away, Mason and Theo are completely lost, but that doesn't matter. they'll find their way back eventually.

Walking around the figures of people i try to mauver my way to the exit when someone bumps into me, i look down to see a womens head full of black wavy locks and take a step back.

"My apologies" i speak, im about to leave when a familiar voice stops me

"Leaving so soon?"

I look down to the see who it is and shocked when i see Aliyna lodge. in the club dressed in a silver strapped dress that barely covers her legs, with a deep v line. Paired with black boots and silver jewellery, her hair messy and alcohol coming off her body, but her perfume and her scent still stays vibrant enough for me to smell her from here.

What is she doing here? well obviously its a public club and i dont own it but this seems like way too big of a coincidence.

"Miss Lodge, what brings you here?" 

I stare into her brown eyes as they shine from the lights hitting directly on them, we stand there looking at each other and then my eyes start to trail down her eyes to her shiny nose, her plump glossed lips, her sharp jaw and chin. Then down to her fully exposed neck and little part of the valley of her breasts. 

"Cant a girl have some fun?"

My eyes dart back up to hers as she bites her lip after finished her sentence, shes way to wasted right now just like Mason and Theo.

"You should head home"

Before i get carried away i make an attempt to leave when im stopped by a slender hand gripping onto my wrist, stopping me from leaving.

"Why are you leaving? I dont make you nervous do I Lorenzo?" Her eyes stare right into mine as she slowly lets go of my wrist and starts to back away, still keeping eye contact with me. She turns around and starts to vanish in the crowd. The crowd is loud but all I can hear is her voice.

At this point im contemplating whether going after her and grinding on her perfectly sculpted ass or walking out that door. My brain is clouded and I shouldn't be doing this.. Were both only agreeing to this marriage for two completely different reasons, and if it isnt already clear. Our passion of hate for each other only grows by the passing second.

My desires get the better of me and soon im found trailing behind Aliyna as if she were the drug and i was a druggie. What am i doing? I should walk away but im too entranced by the spell shes put just from her eyes alone. Its like shes the last meal and I'm a tiger ready to pounce.

Getting a view of the back of her dress, the flap at the back completely leaves her back exposed but her ass covered a bit, leaving something to the imagination. teasing me as she walks further into the group of sweaty people, she looks back once and winks at me.

Is this really happening? is this really the women i saw just earlier today?

She finally stops in the crowd and starts dancing in a gentle and seduced way, her hips swaying side to side and hands coming up to snake around her neck as she imitates the action of being choked. The way her body moves in the barely lit club, her dress perfecting every curve on her and her hair acting its whole completely different role as each strand is perfectly done. As if it took hours to make it look like it does now.  The way she sways to the music, letting the rhythm and beat completely take over her body as men eye her up and down. slightly shaking that ass of hers she makes direct eye contact with me, she starts to stride my way and she stops deadly close to me.

Her hand slowly land on my chest and trail up to snake around my neck as my hands subconsciously come around her waist and rest gently on her hips.

The smell of her perfume is driving me up the wall and she has barely touched me.

"Why are you so tense, its only me baby" The words sexy and seduced quiet literally rolling off her tongue as her voice is spoken in the most seductive way. Making every man in the room have eyes on us, all wondering the same thing as I

Who is this women?

Lifting her head up, she looks at me with a soft expression. something im not quiet understanding. She doesnt look like shes having fun, or that shes being cheeky in this moment. She looks tired and worn out, yet she stands here in my arms with an expression that i cant read. somethings wrong, i cant make out that much.

"Is everything okay amore?"

we continue to stare at each other as her eyes shift from one of my eyes to the other. Her eyes start to water, and i would have missed it if the lights didnt shine at the perfect moment for me to see her eyes, their shiny and wet.

"are you crying?"

a moment pauses of silence until she speaks

"When something happens, the first thing people think to do is solve it. or take time to sort it out. Well i dont have either of those things. I dont have a solution that can lead me to a perfect ending, and i dont have patience nor the time to sort it out by sitting around. So i come here, with nothing left to do and feeling nothing of value, i see myself as another stripper on those poles. Just barely making it" 

Her voice breaking a bit at the end, she continues to stare up at me and stare until she finally looks down, her right here is pressed against my chest as her head is faced to the left, Her hands start to play with the hair at the back of my neck, as she rubs up and down slowly.

Her words come out deep, and it leads me into my train of thoughts. her eyes shut and she continues

"Why must i be in this position, all i wanted to do was help, marrying that man is helping my family. But why do i feel like I'll end up going insane because of it. should I really risk myself for others happiness."

Her words catch me off guard, is she really this depressed on marrying me? im not that bad i promise. I dont think she is even aware that its me shes talking to. However the condition she told me about, she still hasn't told me what that condition actually was, does it have something to do with her family? does that include her assistants or am i missing something else here? Why did i even agree to it without knowing what the hell this women wants from me?

"How dare he speak to me in the manner he did in my own office, How dare he mention the one thing he knew that would get to me. My past is nothing to him"

Okay now im just confused, i had never mentioned her past. i dont even know anything about this women. Maybe its not me who shes talking about.

I look down at her,  Shes quiet shorter then me so all i see her the top of her black hair. 

"Did someone hurt you?"

"No one can hurt me if i dont allow them too" She answers after a bit

"what do you mean?"

"Family is allowed to hurt you, but they shouldn't bring you down and make you feel horrible. His words shouldn't affect me that much but they do... they really do"

A strange feeling gets to me, the thought of someone hurting her makes sets an unsettling feeling in me that i cant explain. I dont think i want to find out in this moment, or maybe ever.

"Tell me who hurt you amore"

"I cant tell you"

"Tell me, and they wont hurt you anymore"

"You are not to intervene in my personal life. And besides, him and i are nothing but a married couple on paper."

What she says is true but it stung more to hear it out loud.

What the hell am i thinking? i cant be feeling sympathy for the women that is the reason for all the destruction in my life, all the painful nights i spent looking for her and now that i finally have her i cant be making a mistake i know i will regret. The alcohol must be getting to me and i cant afford another disaster.

"Your right, enjoy your night"

with that being said, i released myself from her hold and walk away from her, leaving her wasted and half naked in a club. I might regret doing that part but she literally killed a man without blinking, she'll be fine.

Her words are still running through my head, how do i completely avoid that women without actually avoiding her? now that in a week she will become all mine, i wont have to deal with her getting loose. the thought of someone else touching whats mine sends me off and my blood through the roof. Aliyna Lodge seduces without actually knowing shes seducing and thats the deadly part, she could be a mass weapon for the mafia if she had joined at a young age. Making her my queen might be the riskiest thing i would ever do in my life but am i willing to take that chance for a chance to rewrite the past and get back what's mine?

fuck yes.

A/N Heyyy friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your all doing well, I know i said this was going to be a wedding one but had to add this banger in with his POV to set it thoughts straight since i realised before we had no idea what he was actually thinking of in this whole situation so this is for that


Dont forget to comment/vote on this chapter, it rlly motivates me and i really wanna see people enjoying my story as much i as do writing it.

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