ᴀ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ɪɴ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪꜱᴇ | 𝘓𝘰𝘶...

By sweettcarmenn

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A night in paradise. Love is sweet. Love is intoxicating. Love can make you feel something. But love can als... More

a night in paradise


117 5 4
By sweettcarmenn


- Eleventh of August, 2014.

ᴡʜɪꜱᴘᴇʀꜱ, ᴛᴀʟᴋ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴇᴅɪᴇ, whether sweet or objectionable, have gone recklessly into the thin air of Malibu. At night, it was as still as the gloaming sky and as enchanting as the constellations splashed through the dreaming gray. It is enchanting to hear the waves splashing tirelessly across the shore as if desperately climbing up and coming back down again. It was a paradise lost in the twilight as the night went on to exacerbate.

Lou, lost in thought, the glass was abandoned, clasped inside her hands, was staring into the bewilderment as if none of the noise around her mattered. Knowing that just a few meters away was the ever-exquisite woman, Debbie Ocean, sitting fancily like a confident force of nature that's digging Lou Miller's every soul into the grave, The woman sure is doing nothing but minding her own business, and that's the thing: Debbie, ignoring her, seems to crash her pride into tiny pieces, making sure they would go float with the aggressive tides of Malibu. Debbie's message, even without saying it right in front of Lou's face, was very clear: She doesn't care about her presence at all. A bitter smile crept into her lips. She should've known this from the moment she stepped onto the marble floor of Tammy's mansion.

"Woman's coming up here, Miller," Daphne whispered. Only Lou got back to her knocking reality. She glanced at the woman walking toward her. Goodness, do I have to deal with this again?

"Fine. I guess you were right."

"I'm always right, sweetheart. Now, go and deal with this like a full-grown, old, mature woman!"

"Hey! Watch your mouth! I'm not that old!"

"God! Are we sure gonna discuss that?"


"Right. And make sure to guard your actions, baby. Your woman, right from across the room, is just waiting to be pursued." Daphne winks. Although Lou lost all her working comprehension about Daphne's remark, she shrugged it off.

Prediction comes with satire derivatives, and if you are lucky enough, you might as well read the moves very well to hit a point at guessing. Daphne's smirk never hid under the glinting bright light of the room, along with the obvious glances that the rest of the woman was sharing. Debbie could swear this awkwardness was killing her, and she could blame no one but Tammy, whose smile never hesitated to put her out of sight. She drank again, wishing to be three sheets into the wind, and might as well disappear.

"Hi. Mind if I accompany you tonight? Therese, by the way."

"Didn't know Tammy invited an escort to her beach party," Akwafina whispered, which only Debbie and Tammy heard. Tammy burst into laughter, shaking her head. She looked at Debbie.

"What?" Debbie raised her eyebrow.

"You can do better than that, Ocean."

"Can you just shut up?"

"Lou's such a draw to brunette women, don't you think?" Akwafina said. Debbie's brows frowned.

"But Lou likes long-haired brunettes, Constance."

"Right!" she replied, imitating Rose's accent. "And gosh, Tammara, don't call me that!"

"Don't you like your real name? Akwafina's such a weird name."

"It's a cool girl's name. Matches my trumpet tattoo, right, Ocean?"

Debbie just rolled her eyes at the two women. "Why am I even friends with you, two?"

"Dang. Did she just doubt our friendship?!" Akwafina gave Tammy a look; Tammy just laughed.

Lou looked up at the strange woman, offering a hand to her. Green eyes. The smile creeping onto her lips fell like a ghost of hope flickered upon her. She didn't want to be rude, so she stood up and greeted the woman back.

"Lou. Not at all, sweetheart." Lou winked. And Therese didn't bother hiding her flushing cheeks.

Lou turned back to Daphne, whose frown didn't tend to mask under the influence of the glinting lights. Lou just grinned. Showing her the 'I do know what I'm doing, just trust me' face. Tammy's eyes widened. She was confident Lou wasn't going to entertain anyone tonight, but she guessed wrong, so wrong. Tammy took a moment to observe Debbie.

From her vantage point, Debbie had a clear view of Lou and Therese. They were lost in their own little world, oblivious to the party raging around them. Debbie's heart sank as she watched them engage in deep conversation, their heads close together. Debbie felt a bitter smile tug at the corners of her lips. She knew she shouldn't be affected by what was happening between Lou and Therese. After all, whatever had happened between her and Lou in the past was just that—in the past. She tried to convince herself of this, but her heart refused to listen. The truth was, everything about the situation was bothering her. It hurt to see Lou with someone else, but what hurt even more was the fact that she couldn't do anything about it.

The party was alive.

There were roughly 27 individuals occupying the formal living room, with Tammy and the eight other women in attendance. Amita's whereabouts remained unknown, while Lou appeared content lounging on the kitchen counter amidst a crowd of approximately 20 people, including Therese. Meanwhile, 32 individuals gathered in the back, while couples and small groups dispersed throughout the family room, dining room, and study.

Meanwhile, the five bathrooms in the house had a total of seven people, with two peeing, three snorting lines, and two making out.

Feeling bored by the pool, Debbie had been pretending to enjoy herself while trying to escape the overwhelming atmosphere of the party, away from the people funneling Tammy's mansion like drugs had slipped into their senses. But she's sure it was just the alcohol. Tammy would never let her guests bring drugs. Still holding her glass of wine, she looked at the sky above her. As she stood there, her mind couldn't help but wonder about what Lou might be doing from across the room away from her sight?. Yet she realized that perhaps it was better not to know. They had both agreed to move on and forget about each other, and she didn't want to jeopardize that now. Debbie watched yet another group of people who seemed lost in their own little world. Frustrated, she decided to head back to the living room, only to be blocked by a man standing next to her who was about six feet tall. As she glanced at him, he smiled.

A smile Debbie is certain she sees on those printed covers of Vouge magazine. He possesses striking features with his neatly gelled dark hair, brown eyes, a fine jawline that appears freshly shaved, and a hint of stubble peeking through.

"I didn't know goddesses were allowed to attend this party."

And a fooler. Debbie thought. She raised an eyebrow, a smile wanting to escape her lips, but she stayed still, not saying a word.

"Claude Becker." The man extended his arm for a handshake. Eyes focused on the singular gorgeous woman whom she just saw. Debbie took a while to accept his hand.

"Debbie Ocean."

"Well, you are far more gorgeous than the ocean." Debbie couldn't contain her laughter anymore as she let go of Claude's hand. Her smile became more sweet because of the red tint that was put on her lips.

"It's a pleasure to see you here, Debbie. Mind if I accompany you for a walk, honey?"

Honey. She jolted; only one person used to call her that. Debbie shook the thought off and looked at the man once again. A smile appearing in her face.

"Not at all. I needed someone to talk to anyway."

As they walked, Claude asked, "So, Debbie, what makes you come to this party?"

"I'm Tammy's friend."

"Oh. I see. I'm now feeling a bit disappointed that Tammy never told me she had such a gorgeous friend." Debbie chuckled. And Claude, for a moment, thought he had scored a chance by making the woman laugh. That's a big move now.

"Well, if you stop telling me how gorgeous I am, then maybe Tammy would have introduced you to me earlier." As they strolled along, they passed by a parade of people who were soaking wet from the pool. Some were still splashing around, while others were engrossed in steamy make-out sessions as if they were invisible. Debbie let out a deep sigh, wondering if the party could get any worse. It seemed like every turn brought new levels of debauchery and indulgence.

"Pardon. Am I that bad at flirting? I'm trying." Claude acted like he was indeed sorry, but the arrogant smile never left his face. Debbie laughed.

"You are."

"I'll be better; just wait and see."

Debbie's eyebrow arched up, and she had to stifle a chuckle at his witty remark. The man had a certain charm that made her feel at ease, and his sense of humor was certainly a part of it. She couldn't help but think that the night was taking a surprising turn, one that she wasn't entirely prepared for. "Wait and see?"

Claude winked. Debbie shook her head, unable to suppress the grin that had taken over her face.

"Would you tell me, rather, why are you alone? Are you in a drama or something?" Debbie laughed at the man.

"So curious about me, huh?" Debbie shot her a stare. "Well, I cannot stand big parties like this."

"I see. I'm not fond of big parties either." Debbie observed the man's demeanor, noting that he seemed to exude a natural ease and comfort in party environments. His body language and the glint in his eye suggested that he was a seasoned partygoer with a wealth of experience in revelry and merrymaking. Debbie couldn't help but roll her eyes playfully at him.


"Again, am I a bad liar?"

"Stop trying to impress me, dude. You clearly had the aura of someone who could hold his own at a party, keeping the good times rolling until dawn without losing his sobriety."

"Who wouldn't want to impress you? I'd be a fool if I never shot a chance and talked to you like those other men who have been eyeing you ever since you arrived." They continued walking aimlessly, allowing their feet to lead them wherever they pleased.

"So you've been staring at me since I came here?"

"Yup." Claude never hid his smile. "That dress is very flashing, dear."

"Thanks. Tried my best to look good."

"You are kidding me! You could look dashingly good even without that dress!" Claude came to a sudden halt, his words sinking in as he processed what he had just said. Debbie struggled to contain her laughter, not wanting to draw attention from the people around them.

"Oh, shit! I didn't mean that! I meant even without wearing that fancy dress, you'd still look good." Debbie did not take her eyes off the man.

"Fuck. That didn't, too, sit right?"

Debbie's lips were tightly pressed together, holding back the bubbling laughter that was threatening to burst out from within her. "Easy, man. I understand what you're saying."

Claude's hand found its way to his head, where he proceeded to scratch it with a wry smile on his lips, shaking his head in amusement. "You're so bad at flirting, and maybe I can teach you."

As they walked, Debbie noticed how the party was getting rowdier by the minute. The music was getting louder, and people were starting to dance and drink even more.

Debbie took a sip of her wine, savoring the sweet taste of the alcohol as she walked alongside Claude. They strolled along the side of the pool, the sound of water gently lapping at the edge of the tiles. The night sky was clear, and the stars twinkled like tiny diamonds. The air was warm and salty, a welcome relief from the stifling heat of the living room.

As they walked, Debbie took a moment to observe Claude. He was impeccably dressed in a black suit, and his cologne was subtle but enticing. She couldn't help but notice how confident he seemed, as if he owned the world. But it wasn't arrogance that Debbie sensed in him; it was a quiet self-assurance that was alluring in its own way.

They came to a stop by a small gazebo at the edge of the pool, and Claude leaned against one of the columns, looking at Debbie with a playful grin. "So, Debbie Ocean, what's your story? What brings you to this party besides being Tammy's friend?"

Debbie considered for a moment, then shrugged. "I needed a break, I guess. A change of scenery."

Claude nodded, taking a step closer to her. "I'm glad you're here. You're the most interesting thing I've seen all night." He chuckled. "Not that there's been much to see."

Debbie rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in her expression. "You're not exactly blending in with the wallpaper yourself, Claude Becker."

He laughed. "Fair enough. But at least I'm not pretending to have a good time."

Debbie sighed, looking out at the pool. "I don't know why I bother coming to these things. Everyone's so fake. It's like they're all trying to outdo each other."

Claude nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. But hey, at least we can commiserate together, right?"

Debbie smiled, feeling a flicker of warmth in her chest. "You are enjoying this party; I'm not."

"I think you're enjoying it now because of me."

Claude playfully wiggled his eyebrows, causing Debbie to burst into laughter and jokingly slap his arm. Was Claud the unexpected twist of the night? Debbie couldn't help but let out a sigh as she momentarily forgot about Lou. She was unsure if this was a good or bad thing. For a moment, it felt like a new chapter was opening up, but she wasn't sure if she was ready for it.

Lou Miller, who was walking away from the crowd, found herself outside the mansion to the poolside, where the breeze was much stronger and yet fewer people were there to occupy the space. Her eyes went to the gazebo, where she saw Debbie talking to a man; the gab between them rarely gives space. Just as Lou believed that her heart had already suffered the most it could, seeing Debbie Ocean laughing with a man, the smile that seemed too genuine to judge, slipping from Debbie's lips, shattered Lou's heart into even tinier pieces. She froze, she didn't want to look away and miss a single moment, but a group of people suddenly came between them, blocking her view. Reluctantly, she tore her gaze away and slowly began walking back to the living room, her mind still replaying the image of Debbie and the man laughing together.

As Debbie scanned the crowd, her eyes caught a glimpse of someone who seemed familiar, someone she thought could be Lou. However, she couldn't be entirely sure and decided not to dwell on the thought too much. Instead, she took a sip of her wine and savored the taste, letting the liquid warmth spread through her body as she looked back at Claude.


Finally had the time to proofread it! I may not provide frequent updates from now on, as our finals are approaching, and I have to focus on my acads. Until then, keep posted, lovely people! Love lots! ;))

Also, I made a new book cover and I liked it, I hope you do too. <333

And please, a vote and a comment would be so much appreciated. Feedbacks would help me so much in improving my writing. Great day ahead, lovely boys and girls and gaes and transgender people! <333

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