Forced Marriage | Wenclair

By k9ine3

70.4K 1.8K 2K

"Out of the billions of people in this world, I'm being married to a werewolf?" Wednesday threw daggers at he... More

1. Tragic News
2. Learning About the Addams
3. "Stacked" Emotions
4. Destructible
5. Scars From the Past
6. Jealousy in Sight
8. Lovestruck
9. A Gift for You
10. Hyde the Nightmares
11. Four Visitors
12. Devotion
13. A Truth to Seek
14. Woeful Birthday
15. Vow to You

7. Thinkable Actions

4.3K 126 109
By k9ine3

Wednesday Addams

Things have turned for the worst. My symptoms, also known as my feelings, have been spreading like wildfire. Enid is at fault for driving me mad. That foolish werewolf has put a curse on me. Or maybe it was my mother and father. Either way, I can't get rid of it no matter the solutions I try to return to my normal self.

Ever since Enid shifted into a lycanthrope, I made sure she wouldn't tell anyone about us napping together. This time, I didn't threaten her because there wasn't any point in doing so. Fortunately, she knew to keep it a secret between us. A week had gone by after that event, meaning my parents will be home tomorrow.

It's the seventh of September, more than a month left until my eighteenth birthday. A day after my birthday would be the wedding. Time flies by when you're not having fun. It's quite the opposite for me, and there's not a ton I can do about it. The situation with my feelings reminded me of the conversation between Goody and I.

Acknowledge the truth or live through the lies. Choose wisely or face the consequences Wednesday Addams. Your future lies in your hands and heart.

Her words had been repeated over and over in my head. I looked for answers and reasons why Goody visited me to make a statement. The more I thought about the context of her sentences, the more I realized what she meant. As a raven, I have visions solely on tragedies with the help of my ancestor. However, Goody is offering me advice to not cause a tragedy to my future.

The tragedy she is referring to is all about Enid and I. If I live through the lies, Enid will leave me, and I will face the consequences. If I choose the opposite, we'll be content together. Either option creates a sense of fearfulness in me. I tolerate the blonde more than I should profess. Imagining her leaving after the many weeks we pushed through together doesn't sit well with me.

There is no stage of hiding or throwing away the emotions that are ready to be erupted. It will bring me to insanity if I continue my old actions. I must let my walls down steadily instead of diving straight in. I need to learn how relationships work and try out remedies that I find. Maybe asking my parents for guidance won't be a problem as long as they don't act like fools because of it.

"Wednesday," I heard a voice call my name.

I whirled my head from my desk to Enid who sat on her sleeping bag.


"I called your name a few times, and you didn't answer me. Are you okay?" The lycan asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. I have a lot on my mind at the moment," I declared to the beast.

"Do you need to vent?" Enid gave me an opportunity.

"Venting won't solve my problems. I have to do it alone," I replied.

"Well, I'm always here if you need me, Wens," Sinclair smiled comfortingly.

Will you always remain here?

"Do you really mean it?" I softly spoke.

"Mean what?" The werewolf tilted her head slightly.

"What you just said."

"Oh! Of course I mean it! I want to make sure that you're not suffering alone. I told that to Pugs before. You both can count on me to make you guys feel better," Enid genuinely flashed a smile.

It's very difficult to adjust the way she makes my heart flip everytime I see her express her happiness.

"Your consideration is plenty. You should be more aware of yourself instead of others," I turned away from my seat and began clicking the keys on my typewriter.

I was so fixated on writing that I didn't feel Enid's presence right behind me. I noticed when her hand reached over my shoulder to set an object down next to my typewriter. My eyes examined it instantly for me to find out it's the velvet ring box my father had given to Enid.

"Thanks for the tip, Wednesday. By the way, I've been holding onto your ring for a while. I know you told me to do whatever I want with it, but it's better if I just give it to you. I have mine on, and I intend to keep it. You get to pick what you want to do with your ring," Enid's words flowed into my ears.

From there, the footsteps of the colorful creature walked away from where I sat. I partially gazed back to see Enid laying into the sleeping bag. I wish to tell the thoughtful girl she can lay on my bed, yet I don't have the courage to tell her. I'm not functioning properly like I used to. I'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Before I proceeded further to my novel, I eyed the box containing my ring inside. Without delaying, I grasped the box and opened to reveal the golden jewelry nestled in the soft foam. I moved the box down to my lap and removed the ring cautiously as if it were a fragile glass that can break with a single movement.

I placed it onto my palm and analyzed it as if there's something wrong with it. However, the jewelry was intact and perfectly in good condition. As much as I prepared myself to slide it onto my ring finger, I am not ready to make that choice. All I could do was let out a quiet sigh and clenched onto the ring in my hand.


Enid Sinclair

I'm super duper excited to see Morticia and Gomez today! We haven't heard from them since the day they left. They'll be home to everyone and everything still in one piece. In the afternoon, I made an idea to bake a cake as a little surprise to welcome them back home. Pugsley and I were making the batter together from scratch until he accidentally slipped on a puddle of water.

I caught him in time before he landed on the ground, but the mixture spilled all over him and a bit on me. I had him take a shower while I cleaned up the mess on the floor and wall. As I finished washing the wall, Wednesday invited herself in the kitchen to check my progress on the cake.

"Care to explain what happened?" Wednesday interrogated.

"Your brother slipped on some water that was on the floor and dropped the cake batter all over himself and some onto me," I described the incident.

"It is typical for my brother to be clumsy. I see you still have dark chocolate mix on your face," the psychic pointed out.

"I'll clean myself up in a minute. Good thing your mom's apron saved my clothing from being dirty. I'm going to wash it in the laundry room after I'm done," I grinned deliberately.

"My mother and father will arrive approximately in an hour and a half. You should pick up the pace or else it'll be too late," Wednesday advised while coming towards me.

Out of the blue, the raven outstretched one hand to cup my face. She used the other hand to wipe off the smudges from my cheek that had the dessert batter on. My face started burning up from the physical contact. Feeling Wednesday's cold hands touching my face made me want to howl out of fulfillment. Especially when she's very close to me.

My eyes were fixated on the goth girl who didn't look directly into my eyes. This is the closest I've ever been to Wednesday. Her now noticeable freckles caught my attention because of how adorable it looked on her cheeks. I would love to hold the short girl's face and caress it tenderly while telling her sweet nothings. Oh, the things you do to me Wednesday.

Our little moment came to an end after she had gotten rid of the mixture from my face. Wednesday released her hands and turned away to wash them in the sink. I froze in place from the intimate encounter, contemplating what to do next. All I could think of is to show her my appreciation.

One idea popped into my head, and I decided to give it a try even though I could end up dead in a ditch somewhere. I snuck behind the dark haired individual and put my arms around her stomach, embracing her from the back. At first, she stiffened for a second before relaxing her body when I told her something.

"I thought of giving you a hug to show you my thanks. You turned as sweet as a cake," I used a figure of speech to joke around.

"And you've been a thorn in my side... sometimes," Wednesday acknowledged.

"At least you're accepting my most legendary hugs. Y'know, we fit pretty well like a puzzle," I let go of the woman I have eyes on.

"I will accept the embrace just this once. You're lucky I'm in a good mood," the psychic grabbed a paper towel to dry her hands with.

Hearing Wednesday say that she's in a good mood, brought a burst of delight to my heart. It even created a new feeling of confidence I never discovered before. I had the bravery to trap Wednesday between the counter and I with my hands holding the edge of the kitchen countertop.

My lips turned into a small smirk as I asked flirtatiously, "Are you in a good mood because of me?"

Addams stared at me as if I had gone crazy. I probably did, but what does it matter? I saw a glimpse of her face turn a tinted red before using a hand to softly shove me back. I no longer had her cornered.

"Stop distracting yourself and work on the cake. You're running out of time," Wednesday stated right as departed from the kitchen.

I couldn't help myself from chuckling at the goth girl. She didn't deny the fact I am the reason for her mood to be terrific. I should do this more often to get myself out of my comfort zone. Maybe Wednesday might like that side of me.

I got back to baking the cake I wanted to create for Gomez and Morticia. It took seven minutes to mix the ingredients and make a chocolate batter. I found a round baking pan to spray some baking spray and then the mixture inside. I slid it into the oven and waited for thirty minutes until it was done.

It was time to decorate the dessert. Thing came by to check in on what I was doing when he found me preparing the frosting. He got excited and even volunteered to help me add the cream on the cake. I added a few touches to the sweet food and was ready to be placed in the refrigerator.

Now that the cake is ready, it is time to make dinner for the entire family and I. Thankfully, Lurch bought groceries so I can make some delicious meals. As someone who is good at cooking, I decided to prepare a specialty of mine. When I told Wednesday what I was making for dinner, she and her family never had it before. It is pizza. Not just any pizza but flatbread pizza.

I had the dough ready during the wait for the cake to be baked. Using the dough, I made sure to massage it before shaping it on a tray and applying ingredients. I first put in some tomato sauce. Then, I added mozzarella cheese over the red sauce. Lastly, I sprinkled some spinach and tomatoes on one uncooked pizza and only ham on the other.

I took the tray with the flatbread pizzas on top and placed them inside the oven for about twenty minutes. While checking the time bit by bit, my ears detected the sound of a door opening. Curiosity got the best of me as I went to see where and who opened a door. I went through the living room and to the foyer to find Morticia and Gomez with Lurch carrying their bags inside the house.

"Mom and dad! You finally came back," Pugsley was above the steps, fresh out of the shower, and jogged down the stairs to embrace his parents.

"There's my deranged son!" Gomez returned the hug.

"Hello sweetie. I see you got yourself cleaned up," Morticia ruffled the boy's hair.

"I got myself filthy helping Enid in the kitchen," Puglsey twirled his body to me.

It was Gomez and Morticia's cue to find me standing in the foyer room. I gave them a grin to show I am happy to see them.

"Hey guys!"

"Ah! Enid Sinclair! What a fortunate sight to see you. I'm in disbelief that you're still here. Did my little viper fall in love with you or is it the other way around?" The man asked eagerly.

"Honey, I believe it's best to ask Enid the question later," Morticia wanted to move onto a different subject.

"My apologies!" Gomez apologized to me.

"There's no need to apologize. I'll give you a straight answer. Wednesday and I built a friendship, but I am starting to fall for her," I answered forwardly to Morticia and Gomez while Pugsley was on the side, listening to the conversation.

"Did you hear that Tish? Enid fell first!" Gomez held his wife's hands as he grew excited.

"What are you four talking about that's making my father disgustingly gleeful?"

We all glanced upstairs to see Wednesday with Thing resting on her shoulder. My heart leaped against my chest when my eyes laid upon the spooky woman. She has me wrapped around her fingers without even knowing.

"There you are! I was wondering where you two were," Gomez ignored Wednesday's question.

"I was busy typing the last page of my seventh chapter while Thing was looking through a magazine. It's unpleasant to find you both home," the gothic girl put out.

"Likewise sweetie. I can tell there's an appetizing smell roaming around the mansion. Are you making something in particular Enid?" The tall woman gave me a kind smile.

"Actually, yes. I'm making flatbread pizza for dinner. It should be almost done in a couple of minutes. In the meantime, you and Gomez should sit down at the table and relax. I'm sure the flight made you both exhausted and hungry," I recommended the two older Addams.

"You read our minds. Come on cara mia," Gomez intertwined his hand with Morticia's and brought her to the dining room.

Puglsey followed them with Lurch trailing behind. Standing in the foyer with me is Wednesday and Thing.

"There's a lot you need to discuss with them, and so do I separately," Wednesday crossed her arms together.

"You are right about that. At the moment, we should enjoy ourselves with a nice family dinner."

"I agree."

Wednesday and I walked side by side to the dining room. She sat down at the table while I checked on the pizza. I made sure everything was thoroughly cooked before I started slicing them into smaller pieces. I took the trays as Lurch brought a bottle of wine and sparkling apple cider to the table. The entire Addams family, besides Wednesday as usual, were memorized by the food.

"Dig in everybody!" I announced it to the family.

Like animals, Gomez, Morticia, and Pugsley reached over the table to grab a slice of pizza. They chowed a quarter of their piece which resulted in them grabbing more slices.

"Wow! This grub is unique! You must write a cookbook. I'm positive my daughter would help write it for you," Gomez gave me a wink.

"It would be wise for me to aid Enid with her cookbook if she prefers to create one. There's a possibility it can be the best selling cookbook," Wednesday mentioned right before she took a bite of the pizza.

"I can say the same for you, Wens. I hope you'll allow me to be the first person to read your novel before you publish it," I added to the discussion.

"And I will be the first to buy your cookbook," Puglsey included himself.

"I see you got along with my family Enid," Gomez's eyes shined brightly.

"Definitely! They're amazing to me. I love hanging out with them. I'm beginning to feel like I am a part of the Addams family," I lifted the corner of my lips.

"That is wonderful to hear darling! You'll make a fine addition to our family," Morticia vocalized joyfully.

"I think of Enid as my sister-in-law already. She's very phenomenal. I don't know how you two found her, but I'm glad you did," Pugsley grinned as wide as ever.

"It appears your mother and I did a magnificent job to have you feel this way, my son," Gomez averted his cheery eyes from Pugsley to me.

It warmed my heart to hear them really value my company. While Gomez and Morticia did plan this whole arranged marriage, they are respectful, supportive, and good-natured. The pair are way better than my own parents. Maybe the forced marriage isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm very fond of the Addams family. Especially Wednesday.

I would be fine marrying the goth if I was given the choice right now. It's her decision whether she wants a solitary life or to give that life up. So far, she has been quite touchy with me. That doesn't automatically mean she's into me. It could be a friendly touch. Even so, I love her physical contact. It ignites a pink flame inside of me.


Before the couple crashed into their room to sleep, they wondered what was up with the wedding band on my finger privately. I explained to them I only wanted to try it and see how it looked on my finger. But because I am falling for Wednesday, I did say that I'm going to keep it on in hopes that their daughter would hopefully love me.

I was shocked to view Morticia and Gomez acting like fangirls, however they were able to calm themselves down. Gomez mainly gave me tips and advice to woo his daughter. That's where the conversation ended, and the two went straight to their bedroom.

I thought about doing the same and headed upstairs to Wednesday's room. As I entered through the door, Thing was dead asleep on the sleeping bag. I was bewildered as to why he was on my bed. It never happened before. Although, there was a reason for it.

When Wednesday came out of the bathroom from getting ready for bed, I asked, "Why is Thing sleeping where I'm supposed to be laying?"

"I made a big settlement that is out of the ordinary for me," the psychic claimed.

"And what's that?" I was curious about what Wednesday had to say.

"I had Thing switch places with you. You'll be sleeping on my bed... with me."

I stopped functioning for a minute. Did I just hear what Wednesday Addams announced or am I in a dream? First, she wiped the cake batter off my face, and all of sudden, she wants me to sleep on her bed with her!? I am seriously about to die out of happiness! I heard fingers snapping in front of me which brought my attention.

"Snap out of it pup or else I will take back what I said and have you sleep in the sleeping bag with Thing instead," the raven proposed.

"I'd rather take your bed please and thanks," I frantically uttered with a blush on my face.

"Good. I'm sleeping earlier than accustomed considering I spent over an hour writing my story. If you're going to be loud with your device, leave," Wednesday advised.

"It's a good thing I'm not using it tonight," was the last thing I said before leaving to the bathroom to get prepared for bed.

I took my sweet time to freshen up and do my usual night routine. It lasted for fifteen minutes before I knew I was good to go. I left the bathroom to find the room darker with just one dim lamp on. On the black bed was Wednesday who was already fast asleep. She had her arms crossed across her chest like a corpse. The raven looks dead laying like that, but at the same time, she appears extremely beautiful and peaceful.

I turned off the lamp from the nightstand next to Wednesday. I went around the bed and slid under the covers, two feet away from Addams. I laid comfortably on my back with my head hitting the dark and soft pillow. My heart was beating wildly, and my body turned very warm since I was conscious enough to know Wednesday is right beside me.

I tilted my head enough to gaze at the woman lying next to me. My mind wished we were cuddling, however it would be impossible to get Wednesday to approve of the idea. All I could do was gawk at her for a slight moment until I realized I'm being a creep. I sighed silently to myself and turned away from Wednesday. I closed my eyes shut and let the sleepiness put me into a deep slumber, dreaming about Wednesday and I together.

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