ᴀ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ɪɴ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪꜱᴇ | 𝘓𝘰𝘶...

By sweettcarmenn

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A night in paradise. Love is sweet. Love is intoxicating. Love can make you feel something. But love can als... More

a night in paradise


108 5 1
By sweettcarmenn


ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴀᴛᴛʟɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ the train echoed through the carriage, its rhythmic cadence blending with the hum of conversation and the distant sounds of the city beyond. It was the year 1982, and Los Angeles exuded a vibrant energy that seemed to seep into every nook and cranny, infusing even the most ordinary of moments with a touch of glamour and excitement. It was within this electric air that Debbie and Lou found themselves, their trip unfolding amidst the clatter of wheels and the occasional screech of brakes.

Debbie gazed out the window, her eyes transfixed by the passing scenery. Lou couldn't help but admire her as she stared, her cheeks flushed with a touch of amusement. Lou watched her intently, beguiled by the way Debbie's eyes crinkled at the corners when she found something particularly amusing.

It was one fine afternoon in September. It's almost Christmas. Debbie's laughter fills the air, echoing through the carriage, as she throws out one silly joke after another, captivating the attention of those around her and, of course, the blonde in front of her.

"I have something for you." Lou's lips curled into a half-smile, a glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes. With a delicate motion, she reached into her pocket, the faint jingle of her bracelet filling the air.

"What is it?" Debbie's curiosity was piqued as she asked her question, her eyes fixed on Lou's hand as it emerged from her pocket, delicately placing a bracelet made of seashells on the table, similar to the one she wore herself.

"Figured you would like these." Debbie's gaze shifted back to Lou's face, a smile spreading across her face.

"It's beautiful, Lou. Where did you get this?"

"Just somewhere along the way to the train station," Lou grinned, her Australian accent adding a touch of warmth to her words. "I spotted your shell collection, and I reckoned you would adore this."

Lou caught sight of a woman peddling souvenirs across the thoroughfare, close to the subway, as she made her way toward the train station. Earlier, Debbie had asked her to meet her at the station after her class, and true to her word, the moment Lou Miller stepped through the station's entrance, where she found long-haired Debbie Ocean waiting for her, a stack of books cradled in her arms. Now, they are on their way to a museum that Debbie has suggested. The brunette made a promise to tour her around LA as if she hadn't been around the town for three months now.

Inside the train carriage, the afternoon sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm golden glow on the vintage decor. Passengers settled into their seats, their faces reflecting a mix of weariness and anticipation as if caught between the comfort of routine and the promise of new destinations.

"I didn't know you noticed. Yes, I love this! Thank you, Miller! But you don't have to." Debbie did not take her eyes off the blonde. Debbie carefully fastens the shell bracelet around her wrist, admiring how it shimmers in the soft sunlight filtering through the window.

"It's no big deal. I'm glad I could put a smile on that face." Lou winked, and Debbie chuckled.

"Geez. Thanks, you are such a good friend." Lou's heart skipped a beat as the word "friend" slipped from Debbie's lips. How can you be so clueless and naive, Debbie?

For the past few months, Lou has tired of trying to hide how she feels towards Debbie. She sure is flirting with her shamelessly now, and what irritates her is how Debbie does not seem to notice it at all. The last time they went for a walk together, Debbie was talking about this cute guy in her class who seemed to be interested in her. Although Lou did not dare talk about it, her actions spoke for her. That night, she discreetly distanced herself from Debbie, the ache of unrequited love weighing heavily on her heart. And yet again, the woman did not notice.

Today, at this very moment, Lou watched Debbie as she was busy admiring the bracelet that seemed perfect on her wrist. Lou contemplated whether she should say what her mind was telling her to say. Debbie looked up at her.

With a playful grin, Lou leaned closer, her voice dropping to a soft whisper. "You know, Debbie, sometimes friendships can turn into something more. Something extraordinary."

Debbie's laughter faltered for a moment, her eyes meeting Lou's in a fleeting, intense gaze. There was a glimmer of curiosity mixed with something deeper, something unspoken yet palpable. Lou's heart raced, hope mingling with nervousness as she waited for Debbie's response. But as she cleared her throat and quickly looked away, a tinge of regret washed over her. The timing was off. Damn.

"Oh, look at that magnificent view!" Lou hastily interjected, attempting to divert the topic and mask her fleeting vulnerability. Her fingers gently combed through her hair, a nervous habit she couldn't help but resort to in moments of uncertainty. She tried to gather her thoughts, compose herself, and regain her composure.

Lou paused, hoping that Debbie would speak, offer a response that would either encourage or dismiss the confession lingering in the air. Yet, the silence persisted, stretching between them, leaving Lou to wonder if she had misread the situation entirely.

"You know, I've read Theroux's The Great Railway Bazaar," Lou continued, her voice a touch shaky as she grasped at a safer subject. "He said that anything is possible on a train. A great meal, a binge, a visit from card players, an intrigue, a good night's sleep, and strangers' monologues framed like Russian short stories."

Lou swallowed before continuing, "I think he's right."

Debbie's gaze softened, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "He might have forgotten about giving gifts inside a train, she finally responded, her tone gentle and teasing.

Lou's heart skipped a beat, finding a thrill in Debbie's words. She couldn't help but push further, testing the waters once again. "Lou Miller could write that."

She joked, which made Debbie laugh. "Of course she could."

Debbie's words held a hint of playfulness as she continued the conversation, sensing Lou's momentary retreat from the subject at hand.

"Lou Miller, the author of train-inspired tales and unexpected gifts," Debbie chuckled. "I can already picture it in my mind. A collection of short stories set on trains, where love blooms and lives intertwine. It would be captivating."

Lou's gaze softened as she turned her attention back to Debbie, a spark of anticipation in her eyes. "Maybe one day, I'll pen those stories.

"You do love literature," Debbie said, a smile still tucked at the corners of her lips. She recalls seeing Lou read books from time to time. Even magazines and newspapers she would sometimes find in a grocery store

"My soul is in love with literature." Debbie paused for a moment and looked at the blonde straight in the eye. She's seen Lou's eyes a couple of times now, and has always admired how those ocean eyes seemed to enchant her. But this time, as she looked at them, Debbie saw something—a spark she could not quite define. She loved how those words lingered through Lou's lips; they were pure and beautiful.

"Why don't you study literature, Lou?" She finally asks.

Lou smiled. Has anyone ever encouraged her to pursue that path? No. But Debbie did, and she was the first one to notice the things Lou likes to do.

"I have thought about that, actually," She admitted, her fingers gently playing with a strand of hair as she collected her thoughts. "But it'll be a few months from now. I just want to enjoy LA, I guess, before next semester starts."

"I can't wait for you to join Tammy and me at the university. You would do good."

"Let's wait and see."

"Oh darling, please believe me, I'll never do you no harm

Believe me when I tell you, I'll never do you any harm."

And singing sometimes happens on the train. A guitar sang with a soulful resonance, its strings vibrating with a melodic lament that tugged at the heartstrings. The daylight seemed to pass through the windowpane of the tube; the golden hour has scintillating rays, but they were almost invisible compared to the train lights. Debbie looked at the seat across them; a man was playing the instrument, his voice raspy and deep.

"Music happens inside a train too, Lou said, now looking at the man as well. The strings kept making melodic sounds. The low and continuous hum of the engines propelling the train carries on. Lou wrapped her arms around the coat she was donning.

"God! I love that band!" The joyful frown lingered through Debbie's face, where the corners of her mouth turned upward, resembling a smile that seemed to have settled into Lou's comfort ever since she arrived in the city.

"I've met them," the blonde said. Debbie's eyes widened, enthusiasm lurking as her jaw dropped. Lou Miller came into the town with enough fortune to sustain a life here, and Debbie knew that the moment she first met her. And of course, Lou could afford a ticket to The Beatles's concert. But despite it, the blonde remained humble and displayed unwavering determination to achieve independence. Debbie liked that about her.

"Are you being serious right now?"

"Met them at the London tour. Great band, a true legend."

"That must be fun! I would literally marry John Lennon! Debbie laughed.

Lou's heart skipped a beat, and a warm feeling spread through her chest. And I would marry you, she thought, but kept the words locked within her. It was such a silly phrase for a seventeen year old lady to think about.

Debbie's eyes wandered around the train carriage, taking in the scene of fellow passengers settling into their seats. Her gaze landed on the train conductor, a friendly and composed figure, gracefully moving down the aisle, checking tickets with practiced ease. The uniformed staff moved gracefully, almost as if they were part of a choreographed dance, attending to the needs of the passengers with a sense of pride and dedication.

As the conductor approached their seats, he wore a warm smile and politely interrupted their conversation, saying, "Excuse me, ma'am, let me just check your tickets." Lou and Debbie swiftly retrieved their tickets and handed them over, responding with polite nods and "thank yous" as he moved on to the seat behind them.

"That man has got some serious talent, though," she remarked, her eyes soon finding their way back to Debbie's face. There was something captivating about her—an irresistible magnetism that Lou could not resist. Would she ever tire of looking at Debbie? The answer in her mind was a resounding No. She smiled. Dismissing the silly thought growing in her mind once again.

"I agree; they are like the greatest band," Debbie replied with a chuckle.

"Unquestionably!" Lou agreed, her heart fluttering at the sound of Debbie's laughter.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. It seemed like yesterday since Lou Miller arrived in the city. Her life changed a lot. Living with Tammy and Debbie definitely has the greatest impact on helping her figure things out. Especially Debbie, who had been instrumental in guiding her through the adjustments she had to make. Tammy was right about Debbie; this woman truly has a big heart. Tammy was always right. And she was right about Lou's silly crush on Debbie, she was right about how this thing going on between the two women is something special. As clichéd as it might sound, but Lou had genuinely fallen in love with the woman.

"What's got you so captivated, Lou?" Debbie asked, noticing the dreamy look in the blonde's eyes.

Lou's cheeks flushed slightly, caught off guard by Debbie's sudden attention. She smiled as she shook her head in response, trying to regain herself. "Nothing. I'm just grateful you're doing this."

Was that even a convincing answer? But Lou truly felt that way.

Debbie's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Oh, it would be my pleasure to tour you around. But I'm hoping you could pay me back by touring me around Australia too," she teased, sparking playful banter between them.

Lou's warm and deep laugh resonated through the air like the deep notes of a cello or a velvety smooth cup of hot chocolate on a chilly evening. "Oh, sweetheart, I will certainly do that," she replied, her heart swelling with affection for the woman beside her.

She hoped for that too. To take Debbie to her hometown, to share her world with her, and to let Debbie know her more intimately. Lou knew she might be wishing for something beyond friendship, but the thought of sharing her life with Debbie made her heart sing.

Conversations buzzed with enthusiasm as people checked their belongings, preparing to disembark. With a gentle jolt, the train came to a complete stop. The conductor's voice echoed through the carriage, announcing the station's name and welcoming everyone to their destination. Lou's eyes met Debbie's, and a rush of emotions surged through her. It was as if time had slowed down in that moment, and all she could focus on was the warmth in Debbie's gaze.

"We're here," Debbie said, her voice soft yet filled with an unspoken invitation.

Lou felt her breath catch in her throat as she stood up, and Debbie's hand gently held hers. It was a simple gesture, but it felt so right, as if their hands were meant to be intertwined. Her heart fluttered with excitement and nervousness. She let out a strong breath. Lou tried to steady her racing heartbeat, but being so close to Debbie made it hard to think clearly. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

Debbie noticed it; concern was evident as she asked, "Are you okay?"

Lou nodded, somehow trying to put on a smile, and said, "Of course."


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