
By SwanR0se

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Adriana Aleria Sinclair, known for her beauty and brains has always gotten things her way. She's always been... More

Book Aesthetics
Chapter 1: Transfer Student
Chapter 2: Infinite Academy
Chapter 4: Sinclair
Chapter 5: Academic team
Chapter 6: Lib-Café

Chapter 3: Kim

917 34 19
By SwanR0se

"She wore a thousand faces just to hide her own." - Unknown.


She reciprocates my stare and I show no sign of backing down. The headmistress barges out the school doors in black heels and a full black suit, her gray hair tied neatly in a ponytail. She runs towards the new student. "Ms. Kim, it's an honor to finally meet you. Children put down your phones, you're making her uncomfortable. I've taught you better than this!" The students groan but slowly bring their phones down, others continue taking photos in a not so discreet way.

"I would love to show you around the school but unfortunately something urgent came up." Kim's eyes never leave mines. Headmistress Anderson follows her eyes leading to me. The headmistress's face lights up, "Ah ha, just the perfect person I've been looking for! Adriana come here darling!" I hold back a grimace, walking towards the two, knowing exactly where this was going to lead.

"Headmistress Anderson, I have classes that can not be skipped. They are a priority, a missed lesson is a clutch to my learning. If my inference is correct you're requesting a tour out of me and as much as I would love to assist the new student, my education comes first and foremost. This can be resumed at the end of the day which allows the both of us to explore the campus to our hearts extent without missing any class information." I provide her a valid excuse. I really can't afford to waste any class time. Ok, maybe I can but I'd hate to ruin my perfect attendance streak. Headmistress waves her hand, "Nonsense, it won't be a clutch I'll have an email sent out to your teachers. Yours too Ms. Kim since you'll be late to class after this tour." She takes out a sheet of paper out her blue folder and hands it to Kim and smiles, "Here's your class schedule and enjoy your tour." She looks around to the rest of the students and yells, "Why are you all still standing here like idiots, off to class, all of you!"

"Come along." I order as I walk up to the school doors which has already been left open as students barge in the doors, trying to rush to their classes. I continue walking but stop in the middle of the halls, right in the middle stood one of the many famous statues of Infinite Academy.  The statue made a T out of our seemingly never ending vast halls. The statue was carved to look like a little girl in a dress with leggings. Her hair cut shoulder length, she wore shoes. Both her hands are holding a book. Her head is slightly tilted down which was a way to illustrate her reading the book. "This right here-" I say, placing my hand on the statue's book. "- Is the Lily of Infinite. Don't ask me about the specifics of her name. A long time ago a former student decided to call her Lily and everyone just went with it. The book she's holding is called the Infinite book of knowledge. It's believed that those who touch the book will be bestowed an infinite amount of prosperity in wisdom and knowledge."

I take my hand off the book and point to the left vast hall from the statue, "That hall is where the office is, the nurse infirmary room is there, as well as therapy, resources and etc. You get the gist." I shift my index finger to the right hall from the statue, "That right there is where all the the performing arts classes are, music rooms, stages, and auditoriums. You name it, it's all there." I put my hand down and walk ahead of the statue. In front of the statue was the middle vast hall. I stop abruptly by the elevator. "Now if we were to continue walking down that hall you'll see that there are three gyms, a weight room, bowling room, a pool ball room, swimming pool, and a fencing room, etc." I stop to catch my breath before continuing, I click on the top elevator button, it shifts open. I walk inside as Kim follows behind. I click on the second floor. The elevator begins moving before it makes a ding, halting at the second floor and it shifts open.

Walking out the elevator, I hold out my hand towards Kim, "Your schedule." She hands me her sheet of paper. Looking down on it, I raise a brow. Even a fool could easily see that this child was obviously an intellect just by the classes she took." My palms feel sweaty, my face heats up as I realize I have IB DP Physics HL, lunch, and IB DP History HL with her. Goodness, when did it get so hot in here. Did someone turn the heater on. Someone must have had, it's the only logical answer. Otherwise I wouldn't feel all bothered and hot. I really can't stay in anymore rooms with Kim, her presence suffocates me.

I return the schedule to her without sparing a glance. "As you can already tell by now, this floor just like the first floor contains hard earned trophies displayed in glass shelves that are seemingly very long and expand endlessly throughout the halls. What can I say we're just that good. Every floor contains different sets of trophies depending on the subject of the floor. The floor we're standing on is the math and science floor hence all the trophies on this floor are related to math and science. The third floor is the Theory of Knowledge and language floor. It also is where the lunchroom and library is. The fourth floor is where all the debate, literature, and philosophy classes are. The fifth floor are where all the art courses are at, there's a student art gallery there as well. I click the elevator button pointing up. It slides open and I slip my way through, "With that much information I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out where all your classes are at." The truth is I'm too lazy to walk through each floor and explain every aspect and corner of the school. We'd be walking for 3 hours if I did that, the school's massive and I have classes to attend. "There's really only five floors to this school unless you're counting the rooftop." I click button 6 and the elevator shoots up. My eyes still avoiding hers, why is this so suffocating. The elevator suddenly halts with a ding, once again the doors slide open.

I step out into the rooftop, breathing in the fresh air. Much better, goodness it was suffocating in there. The rooftop holds greenhouses and is filled with plants. I walk forward, only stoping when I reach the end where the rails lay. I look out at the beautiful view from below, "You've already seen the tennis courts, stables, and football field but the places that lie behind this school is where the magic really is. From the corner of my eyes, I see hers widen. Which is by far the most emotion displayed from her. "Beautiful isn't it, Right in front of the school back doors is a garden, flower garden to be exact. To the left is the giant telescope, access to it is usually only granted to Astronomy students. Behind that is the labyrinth, it's only used on special occasions unless you want to get lost." I point my index finger out at the distance, "Now, way beyond all of this lies a forest, hills and mountains. As you can probably already see by now deep into the forest lies a river stream. It's all very beautiful." I turn to face Kim, "Any questions." She shakes her head. Her eyes don't look so soulless when she looks at me. There's a glimpse of spark to it. My stomach turns, I feel sick right now. "Well then I'm off to class. Good luck." I say quickly before heading off towards the elevator. I check my phone. Ha, I still have time for first period. If my calculations are correct it took me 7 minutes and 18 seconds to finish the tour.


I walk into my third period physics class, rubbing my temples, that child has class with me this period. I walk to my seat in the middle row. Other students enter the room and the rows start to fill up. Kim walks in shortly after. Mr. Peters makes his way over to greet her, he has her stand if front of the room, expecting her to introduce herself. She delivers his wish. "Hello fellow students, my name is Valerie Kim-" Before she could finish her sentence the class roars in applause and whistles." "Silence!" Yells Mr. Peters. What a sweet name....oh no I mean like the kind of sweet that makes want to throw up. Yes, that has to be. "-I was born in L.A but I moved to Seoul, South Korea, when I was about eight and now I'm back in the U.S." So that's where you've been, how come there wasn't any information on that? The whole room claps. I notice the lustful eyes from my fellow classmates. It took all the power in me to hold myself back from ripping every single one of their eyeballs out. How dare they look at her like she's a piece of meet. She's human and she should be treated with respect. Valerie makes her way to a seat in the front row. I roll my eyes, of course she chooses to sit there. Goodness, why am I like this today. So damn judgmental! I'm usually not like this but being around her makes me feel irritated. I despise this feeling in my stomach.

Mr. Peters walks towards Valerie holding a packet. "We had a test two days ago. Since it's your first day I'm giving you the option to choose whether to take this test or not. It's totally ok if-" Before he could finish his sentence, Valerie answers. "I'll take it." Which puts a smile on Mr. Peters face as he gives her the test. She begins writing right away. I roll my eyes, she's awfully confident in herself. 

Mr. Peters walks stands in front of the white board with his arms crossed, "Who can tell me what ground breaking scientific theory was published 1905 and by whom?" Well this was easy, I rest my head on my palm before speaking, "In 1905, Albert Einstein published his theory of special relativity." He nods, "And what is that?" As I am about to answer, Kim answers without looking away from her paper or halting the movement of her pen. "In simple terms the theory of special relativity involves the relationship between space and time. The theory explores the idea that speed affects both mass and time as well as space." Mr. Peters beams, "excellent, and hence the famous?" I beat Kim to the answer, "The famous  E=mc2 equation thats's explained by light and the relationship between mass and energy. The E being energy, equals the mc2 which substitutes for the mass times the speed of light squared." Mr. Peters smile widens, "Correct." I smirk, beat that Valerie. "Anything else?" Mr. Peters asks. What does he mean anything else? The class looks around in confusion. What is he trying to ask right now? Oh. I see. Does he want me to also elaborate on- "Of course that wasn't all. Einstein would go on to publish his general theory of relativity in 1915. The theory attempts to explain gravity and it's effects." Kim pauses before placing her pen down, finally looking up, putting her paper up in the air. "Done." My eyes widen and so does everyone else. Gasps could be heard from the back of the room.

Is she stupid? What is this? No one can solve those problems that fast. Even I had to take my time on it. I mean we are in IB Physics HL right now. So there's no way. If this is her attempt to feign that her intelligence is superior than the rest of us. it's not going to work. She's making a fool out of herself. Mr. Peters walks over to Valerie, taking the packet out of her hand. He examines it right there. Good. Call her out on her act. If there's one thing that riles me up the most are pretentious people. Sure she may have known some of the questions he asked just now but this...this is reaching it.

Mr. Peters scrunches his face as he flips through. Ha, how amusing. He then shakes his head. I smirk, I knew it, all that bold statement and commotion and for what? A fraud? Mr. Peters then starts laughing hysterically. Oh my, did she do so horrible that he's laughing at her in front of everyone?

He slams his hands on her table, "A genius! Perfect! No flaws on anything! Just utter perfection! A genius!" He exclaims. Horror just absolute horror. I couldn't even hide my widened eyes. "Ain't no way." A boy whispers. "Damn." Said another. But what pisses me off the most is when my name is brought into these whispers, "Adriana got competition." "Even Adriana has never been able to do that." A girl says in between giggles to which a bunch of classmates join in. What a f-king nightmare.

Mr. Peters looks like he's overs the moon. His bewildered eyes staring at hers with a crazy smile in hand, "Never! Never in my life have I ever encountered a student like you! Me and you, we're going to have a great time together." He then walks back to the board to resume his class while continuously muttering under his breath, "Genius,""Perfection."


The bell rings and I rush out of class. I can't stand it. I can't stand the whispers and taunts and I certainly can't stand being in the same room as her.

I rush into the elevator as it also starts to fill up. The door slides close and the ground starts to move. I can't breathe in here and I'm not sure if it's because of the crowded elevator. Why am I so frustrated right now? Why is this affecting me so much? Why the hell do I care? The elevator starts to slide open and I run out. As I run through the hall surrounded with trophies, students stop and stare at me probably wondering why I'm in such a rush. Don't look at me. Please don't look at me are the only words currently going through my brain.

I walk into the grand cafeteria through one of its four large entry doors shaped like medieval wooden doors with arches. From inside the room, there were sconces placed in between each door, distancing them from each other. The cafeteria contained maroon walls with ceilings that possessed chandeliers. The room is quite packed, students are in line and filling up their plates with delicious food. With my lost of appetite I walk straight to a long brown table where Xavier and Ella are seated with their own plates of food.

"How was class with your idol's daughter?" Asks Xavier. "She's so pretty." Ellie states. I shrug my shoulders trying to change the subject. "The academic test for team spots will open next week on Monday and results will be out the day after."

"So..it's not like the school would make us take the test again we've been on the team for the last 3 years along with Vincent and Laura. We've contributed too much. The school only placed internationals because of us." States Xavier.

I sigh, "That's not what I meant. It's obvious us three and Vincent and Laura are guaranteed spots but it's the fact that there's suppose to be seven competitors and our 6th and 7th were seniors who graduated last year. So they're out of the picture and depending on the two newbies who make it on the team this year, they'll either make or break us at finals."

"We could get Zen's daughter to join." Xavier suggests and Ellie joins in, "Yes, we should." I rub my forehead, "You guys don't even know if she's smart enough."

"Oh please, she's Zens daughter." Ellie retorts as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I stay silent. Suddenly, there's a rush of loud noises. I turn my head to where it's coming from and the  noise leads me to Kim along with a crowd leaching onto her while she walks trying to find an empty table probably to sit by herself. So she's a loner, huh. Her attempts are fruitless, alas the crowd follows her to her seat. "The way she walks and holds herself is so dreamy." Ellie fawns batting her eyelashes as she rests he head on her hands. I roll my eyes, "The child was only walking." Ellie shrugs, "So, my point still stands." I scoff. Unbelievable just unbelievable.

I hear whispers around me, "I heard she's so smart, it took her like five minutes to finish the Physics test." "Yea and she got a perfect score." "Right and Mr. Peters class is no easy feat." Ellie gasps. "I told you she was smart." Ellie smiles looking so proud. "How come you didn't tell us about this earlier. We need to get her on the team no matter what!" Xavier demands excitedly as Ellie joins in, "Yes, and we need to get her to join our group chat!" "Will the both of you shut up about her for once!" I stand up, slamming my hands on the table in frustration. The whole lunchroom goes quiet, staring at me. Realizing what I had just done, regret creeps up my mind. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me...I got to go, I'll see you guys later." I look towards Kims table. Her eyes are on me, I give her a glance before running out the cafeteria. The only thoughts on my mind, 'I can't breathe.' 'I can't breathe.' 'Library.' 'Library.' I run mindlessly across the halls until I reach the library. Inhaling the smell of books and wisdom. I exhale, finally I can breathe again. I was at my safe haven.


The whole day I avoid everyone even my friends. Of course I still went to all my classes. You'll never catch me ever missing a single class. Although, I am tempted to skip my last class. History...Kim will be there.

I walk into History and I'm met with everyone huddled together in the front. I'm the last one here...how disappointing. My eyes meet Kims. I quickly look away. "Ah, there you are Adriana just the person we've been missing. Now I can start my new seating chart." Ms. Levine says tapping on her clipboard. My history teacher was quite young, she was in her early thirties. She possessed long brunette hair that's now tied up into a bun with glasses on her face. Today she wears a skirt which she always does with a long sleeved button up shirt tucked in the skirt. I would say she's pretty if she wasn't such a b-word.

"In the middle right, Tim and Tom. Front row, Adriana and Valerie-" My eyes twitch, I can't even hear anything else she's saying. Out of everyone she could have chosen for me to sit by she just had to choose Valerie. Valerie makes her way to the seats as I follow behind. Sitting next to her, I avoid all eye contact.

With everyone in their seats, Ms. Levine tosses her clipboard on her desk. "Can anyone tell me when the renaissance began?" My stomach growls. Ms. Levine struts over to me, "Would you like to entertain us Adriana?" "The 14th Century." I reply. "And when?" She adds, this time my stomach replies. She tsks me, "How disappointing." Her gaze moves towards Valerie, "And what about you Ms. Kim?"

"Italy was the first, ma'am." Kim answers. "And when did the renaissance take place in England?" She questions. "During the 16th century, ma'am." States Kim. "When did the renaissance end?" She questions further. "Around the early 17th century, ma'am." Replies Kim. Ms. Levine slams her hands on our table, staring deep into Kims eyes, "Do not think for a moment that you can get cocky with me, those were easy question, even a toddler could answer them. Now this may be off topic but I'd doubt you'd know this. Up until 1930 what was the tallest manmade structure?" "The Eiffel Tower." Kim answers with ease. "When was it first constructed, when was it completed, and how tall is it?" Ms. Levine continues to question. "On January 28, 1887 It began construction and was finally completed on March 31, 1889. The Eiffel tower stands about around 1,083 ft tall." Kim once again replies with ease.

"When and where was Leonardo da Vinci born and when and where did he die? How many painting did he create?" Ms. Levine continues to push more random questions. "Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Anchiano, Italy. He died on May 2, 1519, in Chateau du Clos Luce, Amboise, France. Less than 20 of Da Vinci's paintings have survived. Many of his paintings are unfinished." States Kim.

"Okay then. Who led a revolt against the romans around 60 or 61 A.D? What cities did they did destroy. Where were they born and when did they die and by what?" Ms. Levine interrogates further.

"Queen Boudicca, a Celtic queen led a revolt against the Romans. She was able to burn down Colchester, Verulamium, and Londinium. It's believed she was born in South East England around the time of 30 A.D. She died around about 60 or 61 A.D and her cause of death is either from shock, illness, or poison." Says Kim, not once flinching from her teacher's gaze.

Ms. Levine takes her hands off the table and moves back. She pushes her glasses up closer to her eyes and smiles. What a horrible sight, that women rarely smiles and when she did it's because you were in trouble, "Not bad, not bad at all." She says before moving back to her desk, she picks up a stack of paper and begins passing them around. I look down on the paper I received. Questions about Sparta, Athens, and the Peloponnesian War filled the page front to back. "Listen up children, today for class we'll be watching a documentary on the Peloponnesian War  between Sparta and Athens. While watching the documentary I expect the questions to be filled out by the end of class. I also expect you to write an essay on this topic. It's due tomorrow and it's worth 80% of your grade." She says before playing the document.


The bell rings and no one stands up or moves. Everyone knows in this classroom, we go by Ms. Levine's rules and in that petite little head of hers she believes the bell doesn't dismiss us she does. "I'd advise you to check out the book, 'Anastasia' from the library. Much of our lessons will be on her...now you may leave." With those final words, students hurry to hand in their papers before rushing out the door. I do too.

I head to the library where most people were at the moment because of a so called history teacher. I speed walk before halting abruptly. My bag. Running back into my history class, my stomach growls. Damn you, you stupid stomach. I pick up the bag I left on my seat. "Forgetful aren't you?" Ms. Levine teases from her desk. I only give her a small smile before rushing out of her classroom.

I walk into the library filled with students in long lines getting 'Anastasia' checked out. Ms. Williams, the head librarian walks towards me with a book in hand. "Here dear, I've already checked 'Anastasia' out for you." I take the book with a charming smile, "Thank you so much." She nods and returns my smile before walking away.

My stomach growls as I reach to open my bag to store the book in. I'm met with a delicious roll of Kimbap wrapped in plastic and a Strawberry milk drink. My mouth waters as I mindlessly unwrap the plastic before taking a bite out of the roll. That's when it hit me. Kim.

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