Rapiers, Flares And Greek Fire

By user5473129

21 4 0

Lockwood and co netflix series fanfiction Female oc x male oc Mid slow burn Nathan Carlyle brother of Lucy Ca... More



3 1 0
By user5473129


The following morning was followed by endless interviews for talent which were, much to mine and George’s amusement, going horribly. Now, I have a high level of respect for Anthony but perhaps his method when it came to his ‘tests’ were slightly questionable. Personally, I think bringing out the ghost jar was more of a second interview type of test. 

But, as much as I hate to admit it, his tests were proving to be awfully effective.You see, if it were up to these interviewees we would have to seriously start worrying about George’s toothbrush cup. 

Currently, Anthony in his oversized coat and shirt and trousers, George in his casual jeans and funky jumper with his big boxy glasses and I were sitting opposite our last interviewee of the day. 

Myself and Anthony on the two seat sofa and George on the armchair sat at about arms length from my left. I say that, George and I were more lounging, he was reading his comic while I was completely zoned out watching the conversation between Anthony and the girl but not actually hearing. It's been a long day and our hunger was starting to turn into annoyance, well more George than myself. I knew he was going to start acting sulky if he didn't have some biscuits soon.

The girl looked young, younger than me at least. She had fiery red, long hair and was wearing a denim jacket with a sickeningly frilly dress. Meanwhile, I was sitting in my plain denim jeans and black skin tight,long sleeve turtleneck. It was still too chilly for t-shirts for this time of year but my top was starting to suffocate me. 

This girl, I couldn't be exactly bothered to learn her name, had just sat down and was looking rather uneasy. Her hands were fiddling with a bracelet clasped on her wrist. As much as I thought I wasn’t adding to her discomfort, I probably was, this deduction was made by her avoiding eye contact with me almost entirely. 

Anthony told me he found me slightly intimidating the first time we had met, and said my dead-pan face made him almost nervous. I guess my expressionless face wasn’t best for interviews like this. But I didn’t care enough to make myself look more friendly to our guest who, by her chalk white face didn’t look like would be staying much longer. 

Just as Anthony was looking over the girl’s paperwork and we were just about getting to the interesting portion of the interview, the doorbell chimed. George and I shared a look, that was probably Arif with the donuts. Leisurely, he got out of his armchair and his comic accommodated the space he was just sitting in and headed for the door. I turned back into the conversation happening around me. I could faintly hear the conversation at the door. 

“Okay, take a look at this. Tell me what you think it is.” Anthony said after revealing the ghost jar in his usual elevated tone just as I focused back on their conversations.

“Oh my God! Get that away from me!” The pale girl exclaimed fearfully and quite literally ran out the door and as Anthony and I turned to look at each other we heard the bang of the front door. 

“Well, that went swimmingly, we should have people over more often.” I said getting comfortable on the sofa again.

Anthony let out an exasperated sign, I felt sorry for him I could see that these failed interviews were taking a toll out of him. He stood from his seat beside me and stood beside the unused fireplace, checking over the list of names no doubt.

George walked back into the room “You win. There was more” 

“No you win. I checked the list. That was the last one.” Anthony fired back. 

“Then who’s this?” He said in a confused tone.

I stood up from my place on the sofa as I watched two people dropping their bags near the door and coming into the doorway. They looked related ,siblings perhaps, the smaller of the pair was a girl she looked to be around the same height as me. She had light brown hair just to her shoulders, slightly curled nearer the ends and had a fringe over her forehead. She had big round brown eyes and fair skin. She wore a blue top under a royal blue jacket with black leather stripes and matching trousers. She was pretty, I sensed that she had a pure aura, kind, gentle. 

The boy was about half a foot taller than her, about Anthony’s height. He had a head of messy unkempt hair, in the same light brown hair shade as the girl next to him, it looked like he had been putting his hands through it out of frustration. His eyes were different. He had such deep blue eyes, I felt if I stared into them for too long I may drown. They had the same nose, that's one similarity I noticed in addition to the hair. He had a kind smile spread on his face like he was excited but nervous and tired all the same. He wore a brown hoodie and blue denim jeans. He also had one hand in his jean pocket and his other holding the leather strap of his rucksack over his left shoulder. I tried to understand what feelings I got from him and well he was the same, his aura was warm and gentle.

 I realised too late that I had been staring when a slight smirk rose on the boy’s face, turns out he was also staring just as I had been, analysing my appearance. I felt my face betray me as heat rose onto my cheeks and turned towards Anthony waiting for him to say something to put me out of my misery. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the boy’s smile grow, just a bit. 

“Hello. I’m Anthony Lockwood.” He introduced himself 

“I’m Lucy Carlyle and this is my brother Nathan Carlyle. We don’t have an appointment but we saw your advert in the paper, and we were in the area.” She spoke. Her voice matched her aura, gentle. Well at least now I can put names to these new faces.

“You’ve heard of us?” Anthony said. No ones heard of us. 

“No.” See. The boy, Nathan said. I don't think I masked my mirth very well as I heard Anthony scoff from beside me. 

“Our CVs” Nathan said after reaching into his pocket and pulling out what looked to be two pieces of paper, then reaching across to pass it to Anthony who, didn’t even look at the pieces of paper instead said politely: 

“Would you like some tea? Or has George already offered?” 

George quickly said “I thought I’d wait until after the first test, see if they’re still here. We’ve wasted enough tea bags already today.” He definitely needs a biscuit right now. 

Lockwood didn’t mind his usual hunger mood swing and instead just said “Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and pop the kettle on.” while also staring at Lucy the entire time with well,I couldn't quite tell but it wasn’t bad, just slightly awkward. 

As this was happening, I just listened to the conversation intently, still trying to decide if I liked these two or not while wearing an expressionless face, simply observing.  

“Alright, but I reckon they’re bolters.” He said making me want to hit him for his rudeness as he walked past me out the living room door to go to the kitchen. 

“Sorry about him. He gets in a bit of a mood when he’s hungry, says things he doesn’t mean. Take a seat and make yourselves comfortable.” I said kindly with a small smile on my face as I looked between them, then sat down myself on the left side of the small sofa, closest to the armchair George had previously sat in. Anthony followed and sat next to me, we both sat forward with interest as both Nathan and Lucy also took the seats opposite us.

Lucy opposite Anthony, Nathan opposite me. We gave each other small friendly smiles but Anthony and Lucy’s awkwardness was starting to make me uncomfortable. Anthony started reading the papers Nathan had given him.

“So you’ve got the sight and the touch, but primarily you're a listener.” He said directed at Lucy.

“Hmm. I’ve got good touch, but it sometimes merges with what I hear. Touch sometimes triggers the sounds.” Her voice was shaky, she seemed nervous so I sent her a reassuring smile and she sent me a weak smile back. 

“I can do a bit of that too but I have good sight, that's my thing. For me, touch can trigger sight instead of sounds, snipits or sometimes full visions of how the person died. Sometimes if the source isn't the bones I can see what it is in the visions too, not always but most of the time. Finding sources that's what I'm good at.”  I said looking between the three people in the room, I realised I had been rambling and to make my embarrassment worse Nathan had been smiling at me while I had been talking making me awkwardly smile back.  

“George can do a bit of that too but not as good as Layla. Not me though. No sight, that’s my thing too, not like Layla though ; death-glows, trails, all the ghoulish residues of death.” Lucy let out a nervous laugh and Nathan just stared at him with an expression I couldn’t really read. 

He redirected himself towards Nathan this time “And it says here that you're good with sight, and a bit of a listener. But your real talent is with a rapier and physical weapons such as flares and chains. Well we do have to be good with a silver blade." 

“It says here you both trained up north with a local operative named Jacobs. Got your grades one to four, I presume?” I watched Nathan give his sister a side glance before answering.

“Hmm. That’s right.” He answered 

“Did he give either of you a reference?” Anthony questioned him while ruffling through the papers in his hand and I was leaning over to take a peak. 

Nathan answered with a firm “No.” We both stopped and looked up at them both.

He let out a sign and said “Our last employment ended…uh…abruptly.” I furrowed my brows softly and looked at them in slight concern and my eyes softened. They seemed desperate, I don’t know if Anthony was thinking the same but I looked over at him and he seemed to just be looking at them waiting for them to say something more, I turned to them too.

Lucy went on “We could tell you the whole story if you want.” 

Nathan continued “It’s just not something we like dwelling on.” Then sent me and Anthony a small smile. 

Anthony and I shared a look, the three of us in the agency understood what it felt like to want to hide something from your past so we gave each other a look deciding we wouldn’t dwell further on this. 

I turned back to the two, who were waiting for our reply, “some other time then.” I said softly looking between them, sending them a smile each, out of the corner of my eye Anthony was doing the same. Nathan hummed in my direction as a reply still not looking away from me, similar to how Anthony was not looking away from Lucy with a sort of awestruck look on his face. I made a mental note to ask and tease him about that later.

I turned my head away from Nathan as I heard familiar footsteps to my left coming into the room. “Ah! Finally.” said Anthony. I sent George a warm smile as he walked in while carrying the tray of tea and biscuits and he sent me one back. He placed the tray of tea and biscuits on the side table beside Nathan.

“Shall we get on with the tests?” Continued Anthony. 

“What tests?” Nathan replied, I could tell he was feeling protective of his sister at that moment by the way he answered in an accusatory manner. “The advert didn’t say anything about tests.” 

"Well, frankly, I don't set much store by references or referrals. I prefer to see the talent with my own eyes. " Anthony explained as he did George sat back down in his arm chair with a plate of biscuits in his hand, already munching away on one. 

Anthony reached across me and grabbed the plate of biscuits George passed to him. Anthony picked one up and said to Lucy "Please take a biscuit. George will only eat them all." She picked one up so did Nathan then Anthony offered one to me and I picked up a jammy dodger and took a bite. 

I looked over at Nathan and Lucy and well…they…, in the politest way possible, scarfed down their individual biscuits. Seeing that made me wonder how long it had been since they had last had a meal. I didn't stare or make it obvious like the idiots I happened to be sandwiched in between, who were giving each other looks. I had to subtly shove Anthony so he would get the message and stop. 

"Now then" Anthony said, grabbing onto a corner of the cloth over the ghost jar "What do you think…" Holding for unnecessary dramatic effect. "this is?" In one swift motion he unveiled George's stolen ghost jar. As usual, I gained a heavy feeling while looking at the thing. Even though I knew we're all safe with it in there, that doesn't make it any less creepy. 

The ghost jar itself was a large, clear and dark metal, cylinder shaped with some small pressure valves at the top. I'd never had the guts to mess around with them, I don't even think George has to be honest, he's done some very questionable things when it came to the ghost jar. Inside the jar was a human skull, a source of course, and it was surrounded by a dark green plasm. As would have been the obvious guess, there was a ghost in there. 

I looked over at Lucy and Nathan to see their reactions. One thing for sure, they didn't run away like the last couple of people we had interviewed. However, they didn't exactly look at peace either. I took a glance at George and saw he had his comic infront of his face to pretend he was unbothered I suppose, but was peeking over the animated pages. He seemed to be enjoying this a little too much. I made a mental note to tell him off later for that, unlike my dear cousin, myself and our friend Anthony, not everyone has been subject to the phantom's following eyes for the past year. 

Nathan and Lucy both took a slight moment to observe the skull. "Uh…it's silver-glass, made by the Sunrise Corporation." Nathan led in his Northern accent, I couldn't pinpoint where exactly from. 

Lucy moved forward slightly to tap the glass tap, tap, tap. The phantom awoke glowing a bright green and widened its plasma mouth and eyes. Lucy jumped back in fright so fast she almost bumped into her brother. She put her hands to her chest and gasped, she quickly composed herself again. 

George scoffed lightly at her reaction, making Nathan send him a dirty look, Anthony and myself just kept watching her, waiting for her to continue. 

She took a couple breaths as she was looking around at us "Um…um Ahem. It's a ghost jar. The skull's the source, and the ghost is tied to it. Couldn't tell you what sort." she continued 

"Phantom or Specter, maybe?" Nathan suggested looking at our faces for confirmation. I took a glance at George and he looked a bit disappointed that they had both passed this portion of the test. I didn't know what else to say or do, so I just sent a small smile to the people sitting opposite me. I've been doing that a lot recently. 

"That's right, well done, both of you." Anthony said in a soft, calm voice and placed the papers that were in his hands on the side table. I'm guessing to help ease their nerves. 

George picked his comic back up, I hadn't realised he had set it down, and I sat a bit straighter in my seat, in anticipation for what's to come next. 

George piped in after Anthony "She was shaken. You could see it." looking towards Anthony and myself. I glared at him just about to tell him to not talk about people like they're not in the room with you, when Lucy joined in "You know I can hear you when you say things like that?" In an offended tone.

I looked at her and my respect for her was growing. I like people that can stand up for themselves, and that can stand up to George. He can say things without thinking first. 

He sunk back into the armchair slightly. I sent him a smug smirk and he glared in my direction, his comic still over his face. 

Nathan turned to Anthony with a smile "Where did you get it? Only Fittes and Rotwell had them." he questioned with interest. 

"Time for questions later." Anthony brushed off his question 

"Now, tell me, what do you think of this Mr Carlyle?" he grabbed one of my army green and white satin scarfs from the table with his usual dramatic flare, revealing the rusted pocket knife with beige leather detailing. 

I looked up to Nathan and he seemed to be wearing a neutral expression. He let out a small sigh and reached out to grab the knife off the table. He held the knife in his relatively large hand and took steady breaths and closed his eyes. Myself, George, Anthony and Lucy all watched waiting for him to give us an answer. 

"I can hear… gunshots." he said softly after a small pause. 

"Gunshots?" I said in faux surprise, testing the validity of what he was saying, just like Anthony and I had been doing the majority of the day with numerous different interviewees. 

"Sounds nasty" George caught on to what we were doing. 

"No. They're not violent or sad. There's no suffering. This…this belonged to someone happy, gentle." I could see Anthony was experiencing a new wave of grief in that moment. I put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He smiled at me, mentally telling me he was fine, so I dropped my hand back to my lap and turned back to Nathan. 

He opened his eyes and looked over at us "I can't tell much else, as I said before, I'm not as good a listener as Lucy." 

His eyes swept over us landing on me for a moment and then back onto Anthony. 

"Very good. My uncle. Used to take it with him on hunting trips." Anthony praised "Even had it with him when he keeled over from a stroke. He was a nice bloke. Shame." He continued 

I knew no one knew how to reply to that so I said "Miss Carlyle, what do you think of this?" I lifted a white satin scarf with orange and blue stripes revealing that wretched gold strapped watch. 

As soon as I uncovered it I was overcome by a dreadfully heavy feeling attached to the watch. I remember this watch, very well in fact. It was from one of our first successful cases. I was just glad the horrid thing hadn't touched my skin, a heavy feeling wouldn't have been the only thing I would have to worry about then. 

As soon as I uncovered it I tried to put some distance between myself and the cursed object. I moved back on the sofa slightly, I tried to make it look casual, but, by the way George was giving me knowing looks, well, I don't think it had the desired effect. I ignored his prying eyes and averted my gaze back to Lucy. She picked up the watch unknowing to the horrors attached to it and closed her eyes and listened.  I bounced my leg, I was nervous, what would she hear? Would it be nearly as bad as what I saw? 

She furrowed her brows and took shallow breaths. It was bad, I could tell, she seemed almost frightened. 

She put me out of my misery. She said "There's death attached to this. A lot of death. It's vile." She opened her eyes and  looked down at the watch and in hurried movements put it back on the coffee table in between us. George looked up from his comic again. 

"I don't know what this is or where you got it, but nobody should be holding it. Certainly not in the context of a job interview." I sent Anthony a look that read 'I told you so' in big bold letters. He avoided my gaze. 

Instead, he answered Lucy "It's a memento, of our first successful case. Heard of the mass murderer Harold Beck?" he said with a smug smirk. 

"No." The Carlyle siblings said simultaneously with deadpan expressions. 

I had to fight the smirk off my face as his smug expression dropped ever so slightly. 

Nathan continued "and I don't think we want to, thanks mate." I could tell they were both becoming frustrated and irked by the tedious tests. Thankfully it was almost over. Just the last object to get through and it would be done. 

"That's very sensible. Horrible business." Anthony assured in his regular charming tone looking at Lucy and Nathan, only to receive another expressionless look. 

So he continued "Now finally, I would like you both to give this one a go. Mr Carlyle, why don't you give this one a try first. Only fair." He grabbed the maroon scarf this time and uncovered the beige and green cup. He looked back up with a polite smile. 

George put his comic back on the side table, moved forward slightly and gave Nathan his full attention.

Nathan moved with hesitation and grabbed the cup. He closed his eyes and after a moment his face stayed neutral, nothing changed in his face. He opened his eyes and had a confused expression across his face. 

"I…I can't sense anything." he revealed. "Alright, why don't you have a go Miss Carlyle?" He Suggested. Nathan placed the cup in Lucy's hands and sat back slightly. A look of understanding seemed to have passed between them. 

Lucy held the cup firmly in between her palms. She closed her eyes and paused for a moment. "There's nothing attached to this…it's clean." 

"Really? Are you sure?" Anthony questioned in an innocent manner. 

"Try a little harder, why don't you? George egged on. Lucy gave him a look, one that basically told him to shut up. She closed her eyes and tried again. All eyes were on Lucy. 

She continued "No, I'm positive. Nothing." and then placed the cup back on the coffee table. 

Anthony inhaled deeply. Oh goodness here we go. 

"I should hope not." he said in a grave, serious voice. "That's George's toothbrush cup." He smiled and said in his light, cheerful voice. He tossed George back his toothbrush cup making him giggle. Oh crap here it comes. 

"We didn't come here to be made fun of." There it was. It was Nathan that said it. Both Nathan and Lucy stood up, snatched their bags off of the floor and made their way to go out the living room door. 

All the members of the agency gave each other nervous glances as they did this. Myself and Anthony shamefully stood up but George seemed to be buried in the armchair. 

Lucy stopped just as she got past George's armchair and whipped around. She said "I don't know what kind of so-called agency this is, but as far as I can see, it's about as prestigious as a couple of pathetic school children playing agents before their parents get home.'' She looked furious. Nathan stood next to her; he didn't say anything and wore his, what's become, iconic deadpan face. 

I couldn't decide if I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, or if I wanted to commit double homicide against the two idiots I share this house with. I decided to listen to whatever else she had to say to us. 

Not much clearly as all she did was adjust the strap on her shoulder and said "We'll see ourselves out." and turned to walk out the living room, Nathan went to follow her but didn't get very far. 

Just as she turned her back, George whistled "Feisty." I would be lying if I said I didn't think George was about to lose his head. Lucy turned around and I caught the pure fury in her brown eyes. 

"Step over here, and I will show you how feisty I am." She said to him in a deadly calm voice. Myself, Anthony and Nathan sent each higher nervous glances. 

"Maybe I will" said George, making no movement to prove his claim. 

Lucy just fired right back "I don't see you moving." 

George nervously replied "This is a deep armchair. Takes a while to get up." he said unconvincingly. 

Lucy grabbed another biscuit off the side table and said coolly "I'll wait." and took a bite out of her biscuit. Well, after that little ordeal, I can now say that Lucy has officially gained my respect. I mean George mouths off to everyone but not many have the quick wit to actually stand up to him. 

Anthony and I let out soft chuckles at George's slightly speechless expression. 

"Miss Carlyle, Mr Carlyle I apologise for offending you but I assure you both this is a genuine enterprise and that was a serious test." Anthony started

"One that you both passed with flying colours, congratulations, both of you" I continued with a soft smile. "You'd be surprised how many people come to these interviews with a bullshit story. That would be the deadliest object in Britain if even half of their stories were true." I said trying to keep a light tone. 

George stood up and made his way next to Anthony and I. "You'd better tell them about the biscuit rule. They can't just go taking two at once like that." Of course that's what he stresses about most.

Nathan glanced between us "What?" to be fair it did sound ridiculous in the context of our conversation. 

I glanced at Anthony as a sign for him to break the news. "The rule is each member of the agency can only take one biscuit at a time in strict rotation." he informed 

"And trust me, you don't want to know why it had to be put in place." I followed as a quick side comment. 

Nathan looked at us then turned to his sister. I watched a smirk grow on his face as he turned back to us. "Each member of the agency you say?" 

"Well of course. Provided that you are both still interested." Anthony said as a matter of fact. 

"Well what do you say Luce." Nathan asked his sister

"Yes we're still interested." she said. Her gaze flicked over our faces and when she looked at me I sent her a kind, welcoming smile. 

"Excellent. How about I give you both a tour of the house?" Anthony concluded the conversation. 

Anthony led Lucy and Nathan out into the hallway and up the stairs leaving me and George in silence. He looked over at me with a deadpan look and I returned with a huge smirk on my face. He said "Not a word, Not a single word." walked away from me and headed for the kitchen.



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