All The Little Lights

katedayn09 által

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"You are kidding me, right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "Do I seem like I am kidding?" "No, you don't. But I... Több

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Take a look.!!!
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 74

Chapter 46

79 8 10
katedayn09 által


“….not. It's quite easy. You just need to be a little handy with the codes and passwords”

I shifted uncomfortably in my sleep due to all the chattering around me.

Annoyed, I sat straight from my sleeping position shoving the duvet away.

Rubbing away the sleepiness from my eyes, I looked at the figures around me chatting away freely.

“You’re awake.” Kevin voiced from the seat next to mine.

“Yeah..” I mumbled stifling a yawn.

Taking the pillow, I hugged it to my chest lazily tr-

Wait. What?

Confused, I looked down at the pillow and then to the duvet which I pushed away from my body a minute ago.

Where did that come from?

I was one hundred percent sure that I didn't have any such things with me when I went to sleep.

Who put it here?

Still in the haziness of my sleepy state, I shrugged away such thoughts from my mind being too lazy to fret over them.

My eyes then fell up on Gwen who was sitting next to Helen in the other row, one seat away from Nordin.

“Did we wake you?” Gwen asked making me nod.

“You did. But it’s okay I had to wake up anyway. What were you talking about?”

“About the plan. We have to take them down as soon as possible. The longer we delay things, the more dangerous it becomes. So we have to get in touch with Jake or Ryder or whatever he is  to try and track him down.” Helen explained nodding her head.

“Leave it to me. I know exactly what we should do” I said pinching my nose. “What’s the time now? It feels like we have been in the plane for ages.”

“We are ten minutes away from landing.” Aarvin said making me look at him.

I frowned when my gaze fell upon him.

When all others were engaged in talking with each other, he was sitting there looking at his phone being the cocky little business man he is.

He didn't even spare me a glance when he answered my question.

I scoffed.

“I didn't ask you”

The tone of my statement did the wonder and he looked up from his phone at me with an unrelenting stern stare.

“You didn't specify to whom it was directed. I believe hence anyone can answer.”

I narrowed my eyes at his retort.

“And when did you start answering my questions? I thought you were deaf most of the time.”

“It was the polite thing to do and I don't regret it. Being the gentleman I am, I consider it my duty to help the ones in need.” He said blankly showing no kind of emotions.

“Oh thank thee for thy free service.! I really appreciate it Mr. Anderson. If it wasn’t for your million dollar answer, I would’ve found myself on the edge of a cliff not knowing what to do.” I said adding an all too sweet smile at the end.

Narrowing his eyes slightly he opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by the speaker.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we would be landing in three minutes. Everyone kindly stay in their seats and make sure to put your seatbelts on. Thankyou”

When I realized Aarvin was not going to say anything else, I mentally patted my shouder for my victory. Putting on my seatbelt, my eyes then travelled up to my friends who kept glancing at each other with an all too secretive smirk like they knew something I don't.


“Nothing.” They shrugged in unison making it rather suspicious.

I narrowed my eyes at their odd behavior.

Nordin had this mischievous smirk on his lips when he looked at me. And with the same smirk he stole a glance at Aarvin who was now looking out through the window.


I asked with my eyes to which he shrugged nonchalantly with a knowing smile.

Chuckling, I too turned my sight to the sky waiting for the craft to land.

Me and Nordin have a healthy relationship now. It’s been only two days since I met him but I’ve witnessed how much he cares for Helen. He was there for her all the time these past two days and it made me realize how much he cares and loves her. It’s so apparent in his eyes but unfortunately, she is the only one who hasn't yet seen it, eyes that filled with obvious love.

But I can hope. Moreover I have faith in Nordin to help her bring back her memories. He is adamant about making her remember him and no one can stop him from that.

Me being the most brilliant best friend I am, is shipping them like a fangirl and is doing everything I can to make that ship sail. Kevin is also by my side with as much zeal as me. And Gwen…. Well he is a whole different story.


“Finally…!” I breathed in the air of London as I first stepped outside the craft.

It’s been only weeks since I left London but to me it felt like a decade. Because a better me, the present Alexia, was moulded here in London. It was the streets of this city which had witnessed my resurgence. It was here where I found a ray of light which could brighten my future. It give me my friends who would die for me, for whom I would gladly die fighting.

And it also give me….

“Shall we go?” Aarvin asked coming to stand beside me. He was too close to me. A little bit more and our arms would touch.

I smiled.

“We shall”

With that, we all walked towards the exit where two BMWs were parked.

“Good afternoon sir” Mr. King, who joined the group halfway towards the car, greeted him.

“Morning” He nodded surprising me with the sudden shift in his demeanor.

His voice was rigid and blank, hard with confidence. It was like a switch had been flicked, transforming him to another person. An absolute businessman.

It was then did I realize that the tone he used now was exactly like how he was with us on our first meeting. All professional.

But now..

He has changed.

The way he now speaks to us is nothing like how he speaks with others. Sure it was blank as ever. But there was something in his voice when he interacted with us which made us different from others. The Aarvin back in the plane was nothing like the Aarvin who is now talking to his PA while we walked towards the car.

Furthermore, when it comes to me, it is all the more different. Totally different.

Sure he talks rudely, retort arrogantly, make fun of me, joke with me.. but come to think of it now…

I am the only one to whom he talks that way.

The way he is with me is nothing like the way he is with my friends or anyone else.

It doesn't have that sharp edges to it. Always with a soft, teasing undertone. Which had done wonders in soothing me.

Does that make me any special ?

Somehow, the thought of me being special to him in someway made me smile.

It felt oddly.. Satisfying.

“There are only two cars?” Aarvin asked his PA making me snap out of my thoughts.

“Yes sir….” Mr. King replied unsurely biting his lips.

“But they are five and they can't go in one.” Aarvin said gesturing us.

“Oh..! I-I'm sorry sir. I didn't know there were five coming. I believed it was four” He reasoned looking slightly nervous.

Of course, he can't be blamed. I don't think he could've known about Nordin's presence without any prior notice or knowledge.

“Now what?” Kevin asked placing his hands on his hips.

“What? It is not even a question Kev. Nordin will ride with Aarvin in that car and the four of us will go in this car” Gwen stated firmly daring anyone to argue with him.

I looked at Helen to see her leaning back against the car door observing the scene before her while Nordin stood beside Kevin stealing glances at her every now and then.

“Is that okay with you Aarvin?” Gwen asked turning to him.

“It’s… I-” before he could complete, I interrupted

“Actually no, it isn't. I want to ride with Aarvin.” I said taking ahold of his arms making five heads snap towards me.

Aarvin became stiff at my touch, very much like the first time at the party, but to my utter surprise, he relaxed within a second.

“What?” Gwen blinked seeming lost for a second.

“I said, I want to go with Aarvin. We will ride together so I can let him in on our plans. I am sure he haven't heard a word of what we said during the flight.” I said making his eyebrow rise questioningly at me.

“Okay then. Problem solved. Now get in. Everyone come on” Nordin urged shooing Helen into the car before getting in after her, but not before throwing me a smirk to which I replied with one of mine.

“B-But! What are you doing? You co-”

“Get in Gwen. I am actually quite tired you know” Kevin interrupted pulling Gwen inside, whose protests could be heard even after the door closed after them.

“So…?” Mr. King trailed off on seeing their car speeding off and me still clinging onto Aarvin's arm.

“So what? Get in. We are leaving” I said looking at him who nodded his head repeatedly before opening the back door for Aarvin.

Giving him a nod Aarvin got in and I followed.

After me closing the car door, Mr. King went to the driver seat and set the car to life.

“What was that?”

“What?” I asked innocently blinking my eyes.

“The ‘I want to ride with Aarvin' performance?” He said airquoting my words making me chuckle. Even with sun rays falling on his side through the window, giving only a hazy figure of his outline, I didn't miss the little smirk playing on his lips.

“What do you want me to do then? Let Nordin go with you and miss the chance to spent some quality time with you? Never.” I teased keeping a straight face and appearing to be dead serious.

Seeing my serious expression, his eye brows lifted slightly in surprise. I wanted to laugh badly at his astonished face and just when I was about to, it all died down promptly on seeing the small smile that appeared on his lips.

It was an honest one.

He was looking at me with an entrancing sweetness in his eyes which melted all my senses into the air.

His grey orbs were no longer dull or boring. They shimmered graciously like a ray of light on a water droplet.

So simple yet so beautiful.

They were swirling with so many emotions. I couldn't decipher even one.

Before my mind could wander off into unchartered fantasy lands of silver moons and soothing storms, someone cleared their throat making me snap out of my daze.

Blinking my eyes a few times, my eyes focused back on Aarvin, who seemed to be waking from some haze as well.

Coming back to my senses, I realized that our faces were close. Far too close. So close, a bit more and our lips would touch.

With a jolt we both reclined back abruptly looking anywhere but at each other.

My eyes then found Mr. King’s shy ones, who kept glancing at us through the rear view mirror.

The fuck was that?

Are we…. Were we…?

The thought that we were that close to kissing made my inside turn in a…weird manner. Not bad weird. No. A kind of bubbly…funny weird.

That was too close..!

What would I’ve done if he had kissed me? Would I kiss him back?

I bit my lips at the thought.

I know the answer to the question. But I’m too afraid to accept it myself.

It means.. I.. I…   I don't know.!

It’s Aarvin we are talking about..! He is a living stone most of the time!

Not with me though.

I mean he banters with me, fights with me, jokes with me.

He is carefree when he is with me.

Does all that mean anything to him?

Shaking my head at my thoughts, I fixed my gaze outside over to the busy streets of London.

There was a silence in the car after our awkward moment and I didn't dare to look at Aarvin after that. Because I know bloody damn well that if I look at him now, I am going to blush like a hormonal teenager seeing her secret crush without a shirt.

Fuck…! How awkward will that be?

My eyes were still glued to the outside when I heard him clearing his throat.

Maybe he is aslo feeling as awkward as I am?

“We are going to drop Coffee first, right?” He asked to his PA who darted his puzzling gaze between me and his boss through the mirror.

“Sorry sir, but who?”

I tried to hold down the laugh that wanted to escape but Mr. King's confused stare and Aarvin’s flustered face made a barely concealed snicker broke out.

With red ears, Aarvin cleared his throat once again before answering him.

“I-I mean we are dropping off Alexia first?”

“Uh.. Sorry sir. I didn't know that. I was driving to the office because you have a meeting in half an hour.”

“Then why didn't you remind me?” Aarvin questioned firmly. Business mode on.

“I did, sir. Infact since I couldn't call, I emailed you a few hours back when you were probably in the plane”

“Oh.! I-I was busy, I didn't see it.” He stammered while sneaking a glance at me from the corner of his eyes.

Okay……..what was that?

“Can't we postpone that?” He asked looking at his watch.

“No sir. We have already postponed it two times and you have to discuss the final decision with the Reynold’s regarding the new marketing and publicising strategy”

Sighing, he turned to me

“You okay with that? I mean.. I could ask someone to drop you off”

“No need. I will come to your office. It has been sometime since I last saw your company” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“Oh! Er…Ok..Thanks..” He said and his gaze lingered on my face for some time before turning back to the front.

Was it just me or did his eyes really flicker to my lips?

Wish I could see what was going through that pretty little head of his.

Pretty? Seriously?

“Where is the file?” Aarvin asked wetting his lips.

Mr. King reached his hand to the passenger seat to retrieve a thick file and passed it to Aarvin who made himself busy with the file for the remainder of the drive.


“Would you like to wait for me in my office? I can ask someone to bring you icecream or burger or whatever” Aarvin asked once we reached his company.

The mention of burger and icecream lit up my world like nothing else and I couldn’t help but grin at him.

“Of course. That would be awesome!” I said cheekily earning a lop-sided smile.

“Then what are you waiting for? Come on, let’s go” He urged playfully while giving me as slight push.

Chuckling, I followed him into the lobby of the building with his PA on his tail.

“Hey, isn’t that a cafeteria?” I asked when I saw a small cafeteria entrance inside the building's ground floor.

“Yeah. But you can get something from the one on the top floor. Their you will have more choice”

“It is okay. You can buy me something from there too. Now I’m gonna go there and buy something light so I can munch on it till we reach the top” I said already walking towards the café.

“Wait. Don't you want money?” Aarvin asked fishing out his wallet making me stop and look at him.

“Do you think I am that incapable of buying even some snacks on my own?” I asked rather venomously at him who raised his hands in surrender.

I don't like letting others buy me food. Especially the rich ones. Then they would start thinking so highly of themselves and less of us. Of course, I am not saying everyone is like that. It is just one of my policies. They can take their generosity and stick it up their own asses.

“Good boy” Giving him a sassy smile I resumed my walk. I didn't miss the widened eyes of his PA who looked at me like I am somekind of alien landing right in the middle of a busy street in broad daylight.

“Excuse me, can I get a spicy bean burger and extra spicy chicken nuggets?” I asked to the girl at the counter.

“Of course, ma'am” she said and turned around to prepare my order.

I took that time to look around the place.

There are so many people here dressed in professional attires making it known that they belong to this firm. The relaxed air of sophistication and professionalism speaks volumes about this company as a team.

Aarvin is really an admirable boss. I have to give him that.

It was then my eyes fell upon a girl who sat with some others, probably her friends, drinking chocolate smoothie.

I gulped.

“Excuse me, A chocolate smoothie with extra cream too. And make it two, please.” I said to the counter girl who nodded in acknowledgment.

“Okay ma'am. There you go” she said passing me the bill after placing a box of my orders and two smoothies on the counter.

Smiling I took that from her and checked if I got everything. And I looked at the bill in my hand.

“11 pounds and 50 pence, right?”

“Yes ma'am” She said giving me a tight lipped smile.

I can't blame her though. It’s late after noon and she must be getting really tired after the lunch rush.

“Okay. Actually… I’m your CEO's girlfriend. So, can you add that to his guests’ account? Would you need a name?” I asked giving her an innocent smile while batting my eyelashes.

With a sigh, she stared at me like she was bored and held out her hand.

“I still need to give you money?” I asked dubiously looking down at her open palm.

Pinning me with a harsh glare she heaved a long breath

“You see, most of the girls here had already gone over with this idea and it went nowhere. So please cut out with this shit and give me the money so I could resume my job”

Hearing her words, I looked around to see many girls sitting with thier friends and boyfriends having their time of the day.

Okay then…

Biting my lips, I looked around and then my eyes fell upon Aarvin who was talking on his phone with his PA by his side. He was standing near the cafe entrance.

Why the hell is he standing here? I'm sure I had left him in the reception to wait.

“Aarvin..!” I shouted his name at the top of my lungs making all the chatter of the place to die down.

There was pin drop silence inside the cafe and each and every head was turned in my direction.

Probably taking me as a crazy fellow out of her cell

But I didn't give them any heed including the counter girl who stood there glaring at me like I am a lost cause.

“Aarvin..!” I called out once again when he didn't hear me the first time.

This time he heard me and turned his head towards me.

Smiling, I waved my hand at him like the complete maniac I am.

With amused gaze he waved back at me before going back to his phone conversation which earned a series a gasps to echo in the cafeteria.

“So…” I turned towards the counter girl whose jaw was almost on the floor. When she didn't respond to my call and continued to gawk at me, I took the boxes and walked out of the hall with severals eyes following me to the door.

Fuck…Gotta love the dramatic exit. Remind me to come here again.

I really don't like making someone buy me food but that doesn’t mean I’ve to pay from my pockets. You can call me bitch or cunning or whatever you want. I don't care. To me, it's called using your brain…

Holding the cup of smoothies in either of my hands and still trying to hold on to the box, I looked around to spot Aarvin.

I just saw him here a few seconds before and now, he is nowhere in sight.

With a huff, I continued to search for him in the lobby.

He wouldn't have left for the top floor without me right?

“.. you can just tell me”

An all too familiar screeching voice fell into my ears making me shudder.
With a grimace I looked at the direction of the voice to see Anastasia standing with Papa Winx and Uncle Winx . Her dad and Kevin's dad.

But what caught my attention was the closeness between Aarvin and Anastasia which made me frown for some reason.

But Aarvin’s face was set hard than ever and way too blank to be calm.

With a shy facade, she stepped even more into his personal space and touched his biceps with her perfectly polished finger nails.

Oh.. Trust me, I know why she is doing this. The fact that they are standing in the centre of the lobby and have the attention of several eyes only encouraged her, making her go as far as to add a sultry smile on her face.

I gritted my teeth at the sight. But before I could march down towards her and punch her right in the face, Aarvin crossed his arms across his chest and gave her that warning stare which made her take two steps back.

Did I tell you I don’t like that bitch? Even if I did I’m telling you again. I. Don't. Like. That. Bitch.!

With a huff, I masked my frown with an elegant smile before making my way towards them.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Came the sneering question of Anastasia before I could even announce my presence.

Heads of all the people in the nice little gathering turned to me at that shout. Both Alfred and Alexander’s face darkened at the sight of me.

“It’s nice to see you too” I greeted, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Don't act smart, Miss. Costello. I never thought I'll see you again after your little stunt. Well.. Hope you're doing good” Alexander gritted making no effort to hide the threat in his words.

I chuckled humourlessly which made his face darker even more.

And I tell you, the sight is gruesomely hideous

“How dare you act so cool and mighty after what you had done. You don't know the consequences of messing with the Winx, young girl. You're so young and you had a long future laying infront of you which you just might as well have lost to the street rats” Alfred hissed angrily, glaring at me.

“I bet you Mr. Winx, You haven't seen the worst of me yet. Don’t make me go all out on you because I promise you, you wouldn't even know what hit you after I am done.” I challenged him with my words which added fuel to the fire.

“Oh Trust me, I would hate to make a young girl’s life more miserable than what I’ve planned for you. But you are leaving me with no choice." He seethed letting an evil smirk to cover his face.  "I surely would enjoy to see you begging on your knees for your lost dign-”

“And I dare you to complete that sentence, Mr. Winx” Aarvin, whose presence was completely forgotten by the Winx, stated too calmly.

Hearing Aarvin's words Alfred wavered a little at lose of words.

“But Mr. Anderson you can't take her side..! She is not what she shows she is. She is a two faced bitch who will do anything to get what she wants. You shouldn't trust her” Anastasia grunted throwing daggers with her eyes at me.

“And when did you start telling me who I should and should not trust?” He asked looking her dead in the eyes.

“B-but she is a bit-”

“The girl you’re calling a bitch is my girlfriend” Aarvin stated throwing me off guard.

I don't know why the fuck my heart is beating so fast at his words. But the firmness and authority held in his voice when he said that I’m his girlfriend made my chest swell with…what? I don't know. But this is all new to me. Is it natural to feel so giddy inside when someone states you as his girlfriend with such resolve ? Now, I think it is.

But what he did next almost made me loss my hold on the smoothies. Almost.

Saying that, he wrapped one of his hands around my waist and pulled me towards his side, closely enough to feel like I was in a sea of his sandalwood cologne.

“She is my girlfriend and you need to give her the respect while talking to her, especially infront of my workers. I won't tolerate any kind of misconduct in my company as long as I’m the CEO and as her boyfriend, especially towards her. You get me?” He asked plainly making sure that everyone in the lobby heard him.

I was too stunned to even lift my eyes off him that I failed to see the astonished and dumbfounded looks of the people around us, including Mr. King who was looking like he was on the verge of losing his mind.

“B-but you-” Without waiting for Alfred to finish his stammering, Aarvin moved past them with me still held to his side.

“If you are ready to behave, you can join the meeting and if not then kindly see yourselves out and never step a foot in here unless you have got my permission.”

Leaving everyone dumbstruck by his rude behaviour we got into the elevator and he pressed the button to his floor.

Shocked would be an understatement. I'd never seen Aarvin behaving this rudely to anyone especially to one of his business associates infront of others.

Holy shit! What possessed him?

It felt like the elevator was going slower than usual. And I didn't dare to utter a word. The fact that we are alone and his hand was still on my waist was hindering my logic and I couldn’t think straight!

“D-do you want nuggets?” I asked finally and mentally cringed at the words I managed to say knowing how awkward it sounded.

“Huh..?” He mumbled blinking his eyes like he was just realizing where he was.

With an awkward smile on my face, which could surely be mistake as a grimace, I held the box of nuggets towards him.

Looking down at the box, he looked at me and then to his hand which was placed securely around my waist, gluing me to his side.

Startled, he retreated his hand faster than I could blink. He had this awkward-shy-nervous look on his face which made me even more awkward in this closed space.

After what felt like ages of drowning in a sea of awkwardness, the bloody fucking doors of the damn elevator finally opened and before I could make a run for it, Aarvin dashed out of the elevator like his tail was on fire.

Seeing his rushing figure, I couldn't hold back the amused smile.

Seems like someone is more shy than me..!

With a chuckle, I walked out of the elevator like I had all the time in the world.

Walking towards Aarvin's office I saw him standing with his PA drinking water from the bottle provided by Mr. King.

Biting my lips, I decided to give him some time to recollect himself.

Finally when the redness of his face calmed down, I walked towards them in low strides.

“Hey, Mr. King”

“Ma'am.” He acknowledged my presence nervously while glancing at Aarvin.

“Here…” I said holding out one of the smoothies to him while taking a long sip from my own. My eyes were focused on Mr. King that I failed to notice the frown that appeared on Aarvin's face.

“B-but ma'am..” He stammered dubiously not knowing whether it  would do him any good to accept something from his boss’ girlfriend. His strict cold boss’ girlfriend.

“Come on.. It’s okay. You can take it. I bought it for you” I urged him to take the drink from me.

Giving Aarvin -whose eyes were infact narrowed to slits at his assistant- a final peek, Mr. King took the cup from my hand mumbling a small thankyou.

“Okay. You are going to the meeting right? I’ll be in your office then. Bye.” I said giving Aarvin a nod and walked into his office. After making sure that the door was closed behind me, I heaved a deep breath which I didn't know I was holding.

That was… something! Something indeed.

Drinking the smoothie in one go, I slumped down in his office chair.

The thought that I was currently sitting in the chair where he usually sat made me shiver. Even his chair had his rich woody smell which made me take a long breath.

Fuck.. What am I doing?

Shaking my head at my weird behavior, I opened the food packets and started to devour it one by one.

I was on my last nugget when the door opened revealing Mr. King.

“Hey..” I greeted leaning back in the chair.

Do every CEOs chair feel this comfy?

“Hello ma'am. Here you go.. Sir asked to bring you this” he said placing a small container on the table and I didn't waste a second before launching myself at the best discovery of humans.

Cookie dough!

My lips stretched in to a large smile on seeing my favourite.

“Where is he?” I asked not able to wipe out the smile from my face.

“Mr. Anderson is still in the meeting. He told me to bring you this from the cafe and gave me the money, even though it could be bought for free”

I didn't know what to think of the information. But one thing is sure.

Aarvin is awesome!

The thought that he possibly does care about me made me happy. Even when he was in an important meeting, he kept his word and bought me my icecream.

But how he knows my favorite flavour is beyond my logic.

With a shy but excited smile, I opened the tub and scooped out a big spoon, like a five year old opening a present for the first time in her life.

“Mmm..” I hummed in satisfaction when the ice cream melted on my tongue.

When did ice creams start to taste this good ?! This ice cream must have something special in it for it to taste this good. It is not because it was bought for me specially by Aarvin. Of course not…!

“You know…” Mr. King said reminding me of his presence.

“I don't know what you had done to Mr. Anderson. But…I’ve not seen him like this…ever? I’ve been working for him for almost two years and let me say he is a great boss. But as a human I’ve never seen him so… alive” He said thoughtfully.

“You mean he always keeps this stoic look? I mean, I thought it was his business mode being turned on” I frowned.

“No ma'am, Mr. Anderson is like this with everybody sometimes even worse. But earlier today at the lobby, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. Beacuse in all the years of my job, I’ve never witnessed him losing his cool infront of any of his business partners. And just now in the meeting too, he is quite mean to the Winx. And you know what...?” he asked leaning in like he was going to reveal some top secret.

“He didn't even let me finish the drink you gave me.”

He whispered looking me in the eyes with utmost seriousness and sincerity that it took everything in me to hold back the snicker that was on the verge of being let out.

With a long sigh, he leaned back.

“I have to go back, Mr. Anderson would need my assistance.” And with a nod, which I returned, he left the room.

I chuckled.

Pulling my legs up to a crossed position in the chair, I adjusted my phone on the table so that I can continue watching an episode of a series I recently started.

I was licking the ice cream tub when the door opened revealing Aarvin.

“You doing good?” He asked running his hand through his hair and my eyes followed the way his muscles flexed beneath the fabric.

Great..! Now I am being a pervert too.

“Yeah.. I am” I said pausing the video, giving him my full attention.

“I’m sorry. It took longer than I expected. As a token of my apology, here…” He said drawing his left hand  behind his back which held a piece of…

“Apple pie!! How did you know it’s my favourite?” I exclaimed jumping out of the chair and launching at him.

“I told you, I’m smart” he said with a smile and handed me the pie.

“You’re spoiling me you know.” I said cheekily while inhaling the divine smell of the ultimate goodness in my hand.

“Let me”

I don't know what made me look at him. But the moment I did, I wished I didn't.

His eyes swirled with a sea of strong emotions, which scared me. They were so intense and earnest. And the most scary part was that…they were looking at me.

Like he had finally found an anchor which he had been searching for years.

But like every other time, it only lasted a second.

A second, was all it took to shake my entire being to its core.


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