Hand in hand ; ๐‹๐ž๐š๐ก ๐–๐ข๏ฟฝ...

By luv3r_111

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๐˜Ž๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ญ๐˜ง๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜จ๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ญ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ข ๐˜ง๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ช๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜บ ๐˜ซ๐˜ถ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ... More

Chapter 1 โฅ
Chapter 2 โฅ
Chapter 3 โฅ
Chapter 4 โฅ
Chapter 5 โฅ
Chapter 6 โฅ
Chapter 7 โฅ
Chapter 8 โฅ
Chapter 9 โฅ
Chapter 10 โฅ
Chapter 12 โฅ
Chapter 13 โฅ
Chapter 14 โฅ
Chapter 15 โฅ
Chapter 16 โฅ
Chapter 17 โฅ
Chapter 18 โฅ
Chatper 19 โฅ
Chapter 20 โฅ
Chapter 21 โฅ
Chapter 22 โฅ
Chapter 23 โฅ
Chapter 24 โฅ
Chapter 25 โฅ
Chapter 26 โฅ
Chapter 27 โฅ
Chapter 28 โฅ
Chapter 29 โฅ
Chapter 30 แƒฆ

Chapter 11 โฅ

7.3K 121 2
By luv3r_111

It quickly dawned on me and Leah that the team had no idea where we were or where we were going to be, but even despite that fact we didn't call or text them we just made are way back to the hotel where half the team weren't surprisingly stood in the lobby worryingly speaking with Jonás

I made eye contact with Beth and she let out a big sigh and gestured between me and Leah

"Look who's decided to arrive" she said

"Sorry we're late" I said

"Late ur way past late no one knew were you were we thought you got kidnapped or something" Katie said bringing me into a hug

"Who's gonna kidnap Two fully grown women at an art gallery" I laughed pulling away

"You never know people can be weird" she also laughed

"Where were you two" Jonas asked looking less thrilled then everybody else

"We just got caught up and lost track of time" Leah said to Jonás

"Well next time text someone because u were both gone for two hours" Jonas said

"Two hours!" I exclaimed "we were gone for that long"

"Yes and everybody needs to get packing if ur not already because we have to be on the bus ready to go in 2 hours" Jonas said to everybody before walking away

"So where were u guys really" was the first thing out of several girls mouths when Jonás walked away

"Art gallery" I said sheepishly walking towards my friends

"Art gallery for 2 and a half hours how good was the art" Katie said

"It was pretty good very intricate" I nodded

"Oh I bet" Katie said knowingly

"Anyway I've got a suitcase to pack" I said giggling and running away from Katie and her questions

"Yea me too" Leah said not far behind me, we heard the joking protests from are friends as we quickly got into the lift

"They definitely know" I said grinning at Leah

"I'm pretty sure Katie does but the rest of them I'm not sure" Leah said

"Oh come on we were gone for 2 and a half hours and we come back all giddy of course they know" I laughed

Leah also laughed at the obviousness of our 'secret relationship'

"Maybe a vague idea" Leah joked


We walked back into are pretty messy hotel room and started pulling clothes into are suitcases and cleaning the remainder of the room

"Hey Leah will u take my case down for me I really need to see a few people before I go"
I asked

"Yea sure who are u seeing" she asked still grabbing a few of her things

"Just my old team I wanted see them soon anyway and Now's the perfect time I mean competition over and everything" I said honestly

"Oh um yea sure i mean won't it be awkward tho seeing as we beat them and everything" Leah asked

"No it would never be awkward I was on there team for years and we've spoken everyday since I moved to arsenal" I replied

"Ok then yea don't be long tho because Jonás already has it out for you he won't be thrilled if we miss are flight back to London" Leah said trying lighten the mood

"My time keeping isn't that bad" I laughed

"Yes it it is your never on time for anything" Leah laughed

"Ok whatever im going now, thank u for bringing my case down" I said before sliding out the room


I made my way to the lobby trying to find my old team, one of the many perks of the hotel we were staying in wasn't only the conference rooms but there was also a massive pitch where teams would warm up before big matches and I knew for a fact the Barca team was still here before they would return to there own grounds

I walked towards where the pitch was not sure if they would be on the pitch or in the changing rooms but to my luck they were all on the pitch in there Barcelona jerseys doing what seemed like wrapping up a practice

I stood on the sidelines not totally sure wether or not to wait until they notice me or to go up to them but that decision was quickly made for me when I locked eyes with mapi and a massive grin appeared on her face

Within seconds she had made her way over to me a pulled me into a tight hug and it wasn't long until I felt the arms of all the other girls wrap around me too

"I thought u left already" I heard mapi whisper

"You didn't think I'd leave without saying goodbye to my favourite girl" I said Hugging her tighter

"I thought I was your favourite" I heard alexia laugh from beside me

"You come in a very close second" I laughed

"What about me" ingrid said pulling away slightly from the group hug

"Your tied in first"

This debate sparked uproar from the girls, they all pulled away but stayed close wanting to know we're they came in the rankings

"Ok ok your all tied in first and alexia's in second" I yelled, laughing at their seriousness but they all seemed to be pretty content with my answer well everyone except Alexia but I responded with a grin at the sight of her slightly annoyed face

"When are u heading back" mapi asked

"Soon like within an hour but i just wanted to see you all before I left" I replied suddenly overcome with emotion

"Well I can speak for everyone when I say we're so proud of you Bella, you deserved this win" Ingrid said to which the girls all hummed in agreement and I was once again pulled into the embrace of them all and I savoured the moment of us all together

"Ok I've really gotta go or I'll be late" I said pulling away

"Seems like some things never change" Alexia said

"What's that supposed to mean" I laughed

"You're always late Bella" Patri said

"No I'm not" I said shocked at the statement

"Ok ok enough we don't want her to miss her bus" Mapi said gesturing to Patri to stop talking

I giggled at the girls seriousness "ok ok I'm going, I'll miss you guys"

"We'll miss you too Bella" several of the girls said as I started to distance myself from the group of girls crowded around me

"Promise you'll call" alexia said taking my hand briefly

"I promise" I smiled " te amo" I yelled as I began to walk away

"Te amo" they all yelled in reply as I began to walk out of sight


I pretty quickly made my way to lobby I had checked the time on my phone and it read 5:47 and the bus wasn't until 5:55 so I wasn't even late

I saw the girls stood in the lobby and I immediately scanned over them to find Leah stood next to Jen but they both looked preoccupied, looking down at something

"What are you two doing" I asked looking between them

They both abruptly looked up at me and a massive grin made its way onto jen's face

"Ha Leah you owe me a tenner" Jen stated Giddily tapping her on the shoulder to which Leah just groaned in annoyance

"What, what are you doing" I asked more confused then last time I asked

"Me and Leah made a bet to see if you'd be back in time and I gave the you benefit of the doubt and said that you would while Leah thought you wouldn't" Jen said still grinning at the fact she was right

I looked Down in between them to see a timer on jens phone balancing on the back of what looked to be my suitcase with 2 minutes left on the clock

"Well thanks Jen for having faith in me" I giggled

"Anytime" she said patting me on the shoulder and retrieving her phone

I looked towards Leah to see her looking in my direction, we made eye contact and immediately burst out laughing

"Did you really have no faith I would make it back"

"Well you had less two minutes left so, not really"

"I'm actually offended but anyway your the one a tenner short so ha" I joked to which Leah nodded in acknowledgment with a smirk on her face,

The bus had arrived and we had all crammed on and me and Leah obviously found seats next to each other

I sat closest to the window and leaned my head on the glass realising how tired I really was

I leaned my head on the window lightly and started out of it fighting for my eyes to stay open, Leah was occupied on her phone next to me, and mixed with the soft chatter of my team and the warmness of the bus I was lulled to sleep


I was pulled from my sleep abruptly by a hand on my shoulder and my name softly being called

"Bella wake up we're 5 minutes away" I heard a soft voice say

I groaned in protest to the fact I actually had to get up to which she just laughed and rubbed my shoulder comfortingly

"Cmon bella or if u don't wake up I can't promise that the team won't realise your asleep and take lots of embarrassing photos of you"

This did get my attention "fine fine im up" I said sitting up more and stretching in my seat

The 5 minutes passed quick and we got off the bus and collected are suitcases before heading into the airport and quickly finding are flight seeing as the we were starting to board

We all discarded of our suitcases and made are way onto are flight the seating was the same as last time and I was as per usual sat next to Leah

As soon as I sat down i rested my head in my hands and rubbed my tired red eyes before sitting back in my seat

"Are you going back to sleep" Leah asked as she looked at my tired appearance

"Yea I'm really tired" I mumbled

"Well you can lean into me if you want I mean I'm sure it's comfier than the side of the plane" Leah offered

"Thank you leah" I smiled before lightly snuggling into Leah's side and realising this was infact way more comfy then when I had my head resting on the bus window

Just before I fell into sleep for the second time i felt leah intertwine her hand with mine and also bring herself closer to me sensing her own tiredness and while this was a nice state for us to be in it was undoubtable that we'd wake up to the team grabbing as many photos of us as they could and bombarding us about are 'relationship'

I couldn't wait


Sorry this is out so late and it's kinda boring but I hope u enjoyed it!! :))

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