Bocchi the Love Story!

By Kawaii_Lumine

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Unexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wante... More

1. Prayers
2. Sandwich
3. Mission Impossible!
4. Lethal Hugs
5. Answer
6. Experiences
7. Boy hogging
8. His side of life
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 1 )
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 2 )
10. Bitter
11. Rain, Rain, go away~
12. Please don't be a rental, please don't be a rental, please don't be rental-
13. Asachin! ( 1 )
13. Asachin! ( 2 )
13. Asachin! ( 3 )
Special Chapter: Special Feelings
14. Kessoku Band
15. Last Will
16. Mayafumi Akemi
17. The Realm
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 1 )
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 2 )
Omake: Short Stories
19. Resolve
20. Lie
21. Gifts
22. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 1 )
23. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 2 )
24. Costume Hunt! ( 1 )
25. Costume Hunt! ( 2 )
26. Mothers can't help but be worried!
27. Halloween! [ 1 ]
28. Halloween! [ 2 ]
29. Halloween ( 3 )
Omake the Sequel: More Short Stories!
30. Icepops
31. Alleviate
32. Fornication ( this is a joke please-- )
33. " Gotou-san, I love you."
33. Thou shall respond in kind! ( Actual chapter )
35. I guess that confession is being pushed back to chapter 50 after all...
36. " Is Gotou-san okay?"..." Oh yeah, she's totally fine. I think."
37. Sent and Sent Back
38. We're Bocchin' Now!

34. The three red flags are Bassist, Bassist, and.....THAT'S RIGHT! BASSIST!

2.8K 83 105
By Kawaii_Lumine

" Kenji-kun says they'll be arriving here soon." Nijika says, looking up from her phone and towards her friends. " So are you guys fine with waiting around here?"

" No problem." Ryou said as she lazily sunk into the bench under the shade.

" I don't mind. It's better if we stay here and wait for them." Kita also agrees.

Meanwhile, Bocchi couldn't help but stare at Nijika blankly.

Nijika tilts her head at her. " Bocchi-chan, is something wrong?"

" O-Oh! Uhm...uh..." Bocchi, after having been caught, quickly turned her head to the west and avoiding Nijika's gaze. " N-N-Nothing!" 

" No, it sounds like there's definitely something." Nijika raises a brow. " Like you have a question or something...."

" Question? Nah, no, of course not! Why would I--"

" It's okay to ask me, Bocchi-chan. I'm sure it's not anything harmful, right?" Nijika tilts Bocchi's to face her before giving her a warm smile. " I don't mind entertaining, since the others haven't arrived yet."


" W...Well, it's just...." Bocchi takes her time, still a bit hesitant. I mean, what she's going to ask is probably not her business but she can't help but be curious since it was unusual! 

Nijika waits patiently. She knows how Bocchi is. Everyone knows how Bocchi is. There are times to push her and times where she can take her own pace, and right now it's better to let the latter happen.

" Since when did you start....referring to Sakurai-kun by his first name?" Bocchi finally asked.

Nijika's breath hitches for a moment, caught off guard by the question, but quickly returned her cool so as not to gain Kita's attention. Luckily the red head seemed to be talking to Ryou at the moment, the perfect distraction.

" Well, we're friends!" She smoothly answers. " We've gotten close since we met and I felt that it was natural that we start calling each other by our first names." She said.

" Nah they're dating." Ryou, the supposed perfect distraction, dropped a bomb.

" W-What?!" Kita gasped.

Bocchi's jaw dropped to the floor.

"..." Nijika gives Ryou a blank stare.

" N-Nijika-chan, is that really--!" Kita's eyes were turning to stars, but before it could glow any bigger Nijika decided to put an immediate stop to it all.

" NO! " Nijika quickly exclaimed, willing herself not to blush which was so far working. " Ryou is just sputtering nonsense again!"

" You're right. Perhaps I am. I mean, I am a bit hungry right now....." Ryou admits, rubbing her belly.

" Then why don't you buy from a nearby food stand--"

" Oh, but it seems like I have no money....." Her golden eyes slowly, almost provokingly, trail towards Nijika. " Maybe...if a certain person could buy me some food....I wouldn't be sputtering nonsense."

This little.... Nijika develops an irk mark on the side of her head and dorito ahoge as she forces a smile. It seems like Ryou just wanted Nijika to be her wallet for the day, she truly represents the three red flags in a romantic partner who's musically inclined, that being; Bassist, Bassist, and....that's right! BASSIST!

The blonde girl is left with no choice but to comply with Ryou's desires. Otherwise, the girl would only fuel Kita's romantic fantasies which would consequently lead to Nijika self-imploding with the amount of warmth she'd be trying to shove back down. 

Well, there goes her allowance for the day--

"You're hungry, you say? Well, well." A voice has arrived.

" Though it's a bit too early. Why don't we grab some Takoyaki to fill in your sad tummy?" Sakurai says with a grin. " My treat."

" Kenji-kun, just in time!" Nijika thanked the gods. 

Ohoho...looks like the big wallet has arrived... Ryou's eyes shined with glee.

" Morning, Gotou-san." Akihiko stepped up from behind Sakurai's tall frame, giving her a small wave.

" Morning, Akihiko-kun." Bocchi's eyes sparkled a bit upon seeing him, and then she was reminded of today's goal; By the end of the hang out, she will confess. 

" It's so hot...." An unfamiliar voice to the group was heard. However, besides the boys, there were only two girls who were somewhat familiar with it.

The boy who looked like a younger Asahi, but with neater hair and longer bangs, stepped out from the free shade that is Sakurai's back.

His emerald eyes, like that of Asahi's, made eye contact with Bocchi first. He smiles softly.

" Gotou-oneesan. Been a while!" He greeted.

" R-Right! It really has, Seiji-kun." Bocchi lets out a small smile upon seeing the little brother. She felt giddy being called " oneesan " by her crush's little brother. It definitely gave her an energy boost!

" Eh?" Meanwhile, Asahi wore a blank look. Did she just...

" Is something wrong, brother?" Seiji asked.

Asahi coughs, waving his hand off. " Nah,'s nothing."

Snap out of it, Asahi. There's nothing wrong with her calling your brother by his first name! She's probably just doing it to avoid confusion.... Akihiko tells himself. He's being an idiot for allowing his heart to waver because of a petty desire, the desire for her to call him by his first name instead.

Back then, he wouldn't have thought much about it. He would've continued on without feeling like this. But ever since Sakurai dropped the bomb shell of the century of which he and Nijika are on first name basis now....


He blames Sakurai for this.

Akihiko-kun looks a bit....disgruntled? Bocchi worries. 

He's jealous, isn't he? Seiji easily saw through his brother's act. He sighs, he guesses love really does have the ability turn one into a fool.

His eyes departed from the both of them, instead surveying the rest of the girls in the group. But then his eyes stopped on a girl who was 2 centimeters taller than him, with blue hair and golden eyes, and with the most unreadable expression known to man.

And then his eyes widened in recognition.

Her eyes widened in recognition as well.

They point at each other.

" You're the girl who swindled me for 500 yen! " " You're the boy who lent me 500 yen...."

" Wait what?" Everyone's attention was grabbed and their eyes lazer-focused on the two individuals who suprisingly recognized the other. What's even more suprising is the fact that Ryou actually recognized someone in general. 

And wait.....what's this about 500 yen?

" You know Yamada-san?" " You know Akihiko-kun's little brother?"

Both Asahi and Nijika asked the people in question.

Ryou didn't answer, instead she chose to voluntarily free herself of all thinking, entering her mini-nirvana in an attempt to drown out the world around her ( especially Nijika ) and reach true enlightenment.

Huh? Wait, she actually did it-- HEY I WAS JOKING--!



Did she seriously swindle his younger brother?! Nijika desperately clung to the copium that this was a misunderstanding. But deep down, she already accepted the truth without even needing to hear it.

Lent her 500 yen? So they've met before... Akihiko was curious.

She should've swindled him for more, Kenji's priorities were at the wrong place. another victim, Bocchi could finally relate to another.

Ryou-senpai, why must you taint the image I have of you?! Kita inhales cans of copium for it all. 

Seiji breaks the awkward silence, scratching the back of his head.

" Well, if she won't explain. Then I guess I will."


After buying the medicine he needed from the pharmacy, Seiji was already on his way home. But along the path, a convenience store immediately grabbed his attention, calling for him, seducing him.


Seiji SHOULD get the medicine home as much as possible so he could release Bocchi of the burden that is his sick older brother but...

I think I deserve a few snacks as a reward, yeah? Seiji was already on his way to enter the store. Taking care of your brother is no easy task after all! I mean, having no need to attend school, and cooking basic porridge for him 3 times a day, watch TV while Asahi mostly sleeps. Indeed, no easy task.

He was greeted by the older guy manning the register, and he greeted him back. Now then, with that aside, it's time for Seiji to search for the perfect snacks to munch on for his Netflix binge session.

" Potato chips, lightly salted? Definitely." He says as he grabs the bag and places it in his basket. Then he saunters to the aisle next to it, where the rest of the snacks were supplied.

Kit-kat? Of course! He puts that in the basket too.

Ooo...soda. Definitely need that. He puts a liter bottle of soda in his basket.

For the next few minutes, he grabs more and more assorted snacks that completely filled his basket. Once he was satisfied with his diabetic feast for tonight, he quickly went to the cashier register to pay.

" Will this be all?" The register asked.

Seiji nods.

" That will be up to the total amount of 7,000 yen." The older gentleman said.

Normally, Seiji wouldn't carry that amount of money in his pocket when he's on a snack marathon. However, today so happens to have special circumstances at play...and thus...

" Here ya go." He gives the cashier the exact amount; 7,000 yen of Akihiko's money. He was mature enough to know that this will leave more than just a dent in his older brother's wallet, but he was also childish enough not to care at the moment. Anything for snacks.


" Wait, YOU SPENT HOW MUCH--?!" Akihiko's eyes nearly bulged out from his sockets.

" Hush. Allow me to finish first." Seiji says.

" Seiji I swear to--" Before Asahi could tackle his brother, Sakurai got from behind and ceased the attack.

" Kill him later. This is gold." Sakurai laughs.


" Thank you for your purchase." The cashier said after handing Seiji two bags filled with his items.

Seiji receives it with a thankful nod, but then his green eyes land towards a figure staring through the window from outside of the store.

" Uh..." Seiji got chills from such a determined stare.

The clerk follows the boy's gaze to the window and upon seeing the person whom it landed on. The older guy released a sigh.

" Sir, I apologize." He says, creasing the bridge of his nose. 

Seiji turns to the clerk with a curious motion.

" That girl....she comes here often. And often so, she comes in broke." The clerk released another stressful sigh. " She's stubborn. Please don't mind her."


When Seiji stepped out of the store, his gaze immediately goes to the right where the girl stood. She seemed older, maybe two or three. She was also a bit taller than he was suprisingly enough. She had short blue hair, cat-like golden irises, and pale skin comparable to that of a doll.

With the way she was dressed, one could easily fool themselves into thinking she was a boy at first glance. So she was the tomboyish type, he surmised.

He should be going home. It's getting late. But his curiosity led him to her subconsciously.

" Uh, Onee-san, what are you doing?" He asked, despite already knowing her intentions.

She turns to him with a blank look, and yet he could still sense the determination in her golden pairs.

" I have my eyes on a drink. I'm dying of thirst here."

" Then why don't you buy it if you want it so much? " Seiji tested. He already knew from the clerk's information that she usually comes broke, but still just for the sake of it he asked anyhow.


S-Sadist.... Bocchi thought.

" That's mean." Ryou comments.

" Your rights to comment on the matter has been revoked." Nijika follows-up immediately.

Ryou pouts.


She pouts.

She was already looking depressed ( at least that's what he assumed ) she didn't bother checking her pockets. He somewhat pitied her, Seiji was never a heartless person to begin with but he was smart enough to not be swayed by spontaneous emotion unlike his older brother. 

" How much is it? " He asked her.

After mulling it over a bit more in his head, he's decided that he'd at least her out the price before making the final decision.

" 500 yen..." She muttered in response.

500 yen? What kind of drink is she buying with such a price?! Seiji's eyes widened.

Her eyes was staring through the glass again, and that's when Seiji followed where her gaze was focused onto. That led his eyes to the new slushie machine serving the blueberry explosion flavor.

" Why don't you just buy water? " He suggested.

" If you can't pay for it, then don't talk to me."

" What?"

She turns to him with a blank look.

" You must be broke like me, huh." Her eyes narrow in pity. 

Twhack! An arrow was shot through his pride. The boy steels himself with a smile, his eyebrow twitching before getting the idea to flaunt the amount of snacks he's bought. 

" Don't act like you paid for those with your own money. I saw through the window, your bratty look suggested that it must've been someone else's money." Ryou was unimpressed.

" ?! "

S...She's perceptive, It's been a while since someone else made chills go up Seiji's spine. But what can he do now? Even though there's no point in trying to prove himself to her, a stranger. Even if there's plenty of stories that show men who carry a prideful heart-- almost always-- go through a downfall. There's just something about her eyes, an alluringness or a curse to them, he doesn't know what nor why but it's testing him. 

" For your information, I do carry around my own money." He makes his last stand. But at the time, he hadn't realized the fool he was for showing his cards too early.

" Really?" Ryou grins, her eyes going cha-ching!

" Yeah..." Hook, line, and sinker. That's how Ryou saw the situation before her.

" But..." And this is it. " I doubt you carry much, huh." She grins, malicious.

" Huh? " Again, he was met with her mocking eyes. The longer he stared, the more he was convinced, the more he felt trapped.

What is with this girl-- But then his thoughts were cut off by her.

" Even a measly 500 yen...what a shame."

" What are you trying to say?"

" Oh, nothing. Please don't mind me." She waves him off, turning around. " I'll just head home now. No use in speaking to another broke soul like myself."


Seiji's had enough.


" Here."

He hands her the drink.

" Thank you." She slurps immediately without another thought.

Wait...did I really just...? Seiji finally realized. 

" You were right. You've proven me wrong. Good job." She tells him before walking away.

" H-HEY! HOLD ON!" Seiji screams, causing her to glance at him again. 

He points at her accusingly.

" You swindled me!" He said.

" Nah, you were just swayed by my heavenly charms." Ryou retorted.

" But sorry, little boy. Onee-san is not into a 4 year age gap..." She tearfully bids him goodbye, spinning around again. " Farewell, though we may never see each other. We can only leave it to fate's choice."

" HEY--!"

" But....if fate does end up reuniting us." She turns her head to him one last time. A small smile gracing her lips.

Seiji's eyes widened. For a moment, he thought that his heart palpitated a little bit faster than it should've there.

" If you and I cross paths once more in the future, I'll pay back the 500 yen I owe you." She does a peace sign as her goodbye. " Ciao."


" And that's that." Seiji coughs before turning to Ryou, his hand out in front of her. 

" Now where's my money." He deadpanned.

" I didn't think fate would reunite us this early...." She stared blankly at his open palm. " I would've preferred if it were 10 years later....or even better! Never." 

" Well, it did. And as promised you shall pay me back--"

" C'mere you little punk--!"

" Gah?! Asahi--" Seiji's voice begin to strain, leading to a fit of coughs after Asahi caught him in a chokehold.

" Screw your 500 yen. WHAT ABOUT MY 7,000, HUH?!"

"Gfpgh--! I-I needed it--"

" Like hell you did! " The older brother continued to cut off the air flow for Seiji while everyone watched, shocked.

N-No! This is bad, isn't it?! Only Sakurai can stop them now--! Bocchi panicked. Mustering all the confidence she had to act in the situation, she quickly turned to the tall boy and pleaded.

" P-Please stop him!" She asked.

" Nah, nah. I'd rather not get involved with a sibling spat....besides," Sakurai grins, his crimson eyes shining in delight. " This is golden."

S-Sadist! Bocchi thinks again. But this time she was definitely sure that he was a sadist.

" Kenji-kun, stop him!" Nijika yelled out in panic.

" On it." Sakurai swiftly acted.

"..." Bocchi was left shell-shocked.

How much authority does Nijika-chan have on him...? She wondered. What otherworldly powers does the dorito angel possess in order to tame the embodiment of chaos so easily within a simple command?

" Hey, Asachin, chill out! You're gonna kill him--!" Sakurai grunted as he had to use all his strength to pry Asahi away from Seiji.

" Hey, who said you could get in the middle of our sibling spat?" Asahi rebukes.

" Sibling spat? You were trying to kill me!" Seiji said, gasping for air.

Asahi only scoffed, muttering about his 7,000 yen. He loves his brother and all, but he does have the capability to become the bane of his exisence. A brat he'd rather have unborned.

Bocchi glances at Asahi. He wasn't frustrated, she could tell that much. Just disappointed. As a person who has a younger sibling herself, she can see right through him and this little conflict between them. So she heaves a sigh, steeling herself into stepping on the opponent's territory for once.

She puffed her cheeks, trying to look angry as possible before showing that look to Seiji.

" Seiji-kun, apologize to your brother." She said without a single crack in her tone. " What you did was wrong and you should know better."

" Huh? " Oddly enough, it sent shivers up Seiji's spine. But it was all too familiar, it's the exact same feeling that his mother exuded when she was mad.

Asahi realizes it too.  Though he didn't say anything about it since he mostly felt a calmness wash over him seeing that Bocchi was trying to defend him.

" D...Did Hitori-chan really just scold a person? In front of my eyes?" Kita said, her eyes welling up with tears of proudness. " Oh my gosh....she's growing up so fast!" Annd here comes the waterworks.

" Woah...she did." Nijika also said, sounding very suprised.

Kita begins applauding.

" Let's go, Hitori-chan! " She cheered.

" Wohoo, go Bocchi. Assert dominance!" Ryou showed her support too.

" Hey. Don't think you're getting away with this." Nijika pinches Ryo's cheeks like a disappointed mother. " You still swindled money from a 13 year old boy."

" Owie." Ryo whined.

Meanwhile, Bocchi stood there with her arms crossed. Seiji stares at her, bewildered, and so was everyone watching. The image of a mature-like Bocchi scolding a kid is forever engraved into their minds. Peak character writing, even!

But then...

"I-I'm s-s-s-so s-sworry..." It didn't last long.

" ... "

" I-I overstepped my boundaries! Oh god. What have I done?!" Her knees were shaking, as her eyes dilated in horror and shame. " W-Who am I, a lowly creature, to scold another person like that--" 

She began dusting away.

" G-Gotou-san?!" Asahi tried to catch her but his hands only went through her, as if she was no longer corporeal.

" I-I'm so.....swoory........."

" No, wait." Seiji stood up, dusting himself of the dirt he got from being choked on the floor.

" Eh?" Bocchi's dusting process paused.

" Y.....You're right I...." He sighs, before facing Asahi with an emotionless expression. " That was my bad. Sorry about that." He said in a bland tone.

" T-That didn't sound sincere at all..." Kita called out.

No, actually.... Both Nijika and Bocchi already knew. As individuals who have an older sibling or a younger one, it was plain to see that Seiji...

" Pfft." Asahi flicks Seiji's head.

" Ow-!"

" He meant it." He smiles. " All good. We're cool then."

" Actually, no, not really. I mean you did just try to kill me--" Seiji tried to point out but was interrupted by Nijika.

" Seiji-kun, right?"

" Hm?"

" I think my friend also has something to say." The blonde nudges Ryou forwards.

Seiji raised a brow at the girl. She didn't look up to it, whatever she was going to say. Her face was down, and very reluctant-- clearly stalling. But a whisper from Nijika immediately put her back into shape and she heaves a sigh.

" Sorry....." She starts, catching Seiji by suprise. She then continued, 

" I won't be able to pay you back now but....I'll definitely pay you back in the near future. I promise." She said.

".....Right," Seiji's voice softens, thinking it through he decided to just leave it at that.

No she won't- Bocchi kept that thought to herself though.

Seiji sighed. " Well,I'll make sure you keep to that."

" I've never broken a promise in my  life." Ryou nodded.

"...." Bocchi stayed silent at that.

" Yay! Everyone's cool now!" Nijika claps her hands. " Now, let's begin the hang out event, we wouldn't wanna waste Sakurai-kun's time now do we?"

Seiji and Asahi looked at the other before facing Nijika with their blandest look.

" I think we'd rather do that."

" You guys are too mean!" Sakurai cries fake tears,

Bocchi sighs, feeling relieved that today's plans are finally going to be set in motion...

And so will hers once the time comes...


" So, where exactly are we going?" Asahi asked.

The group is at the train station.

" I wanted us to check out Enoshima." Sakurai shrugged, " Honestly never found the time to go there myself."

" Oh! The four of us actually went there during our first hang out." Nijika recalled.

" Yes, I remember that. I still have the picture riiighht here." Kita smiles as she pulls up her phone.

" They sell good sea-salt soft serves." Ryou inputs.

" beaten up by birds there." Bocchi deadpanned.









" C....Condolences." Asahi pats her back.

Now that's just depressing...  Seiji was filled with somber thoughts for Bocchi.

" A-Ah but on the bright side, you liked the takosen, right Bocchi-chan?!" Nijika tried to remind Bocchi of the good memories of the trip. " You said they tasted good, didn't you?"

" Ah...well...yes." Bocchi nodded.

" Takosen? Now what's that?" Sakurai's interest had been peaked.

" It's like Takoyaki but they press it with a ton of force to make it flat!" Nijika explained.

" Huh. Never tried that before." Asahi honestly said. Seiji nodded along.

" Oooo, you three should definitely try it!" Kita encouraged.

" I'm down as long as I'm not paying." Ryou said.

" Don't worry, I'll be the one paying since I brought you all here." Sakurai puffs his chest. " But before that, there was a place I really wanted to check out while we're here. We can grab some of that Takosen later! "

" I don't mind. I'm not hungry yet anyways." Nijika said.

Everyone was in agreement that they'd save Takosen as a journey snack.


( At the Enoshima Aquarium )

" Woah...." Everyone marveled at the hundreds of fishes swimming around in the big tank. It was lit up with a blue light to accentuate the man-made habitat's beauty, complimenting the chosen fish that are currently living in it.

Kita constantly snapped pictures of each fish specie she spotted, Ryou was just staring at the killer whale in adoration, Nijika asked Sakurai to take pictures of her with the aquarium as her background, while Seiji was recording the trip.

Asahi smiles. Everyone was having a good time.....but....

Where is Bocchi?

He looks around, trying to find her, he wondered if they'd lost her in the crowd but any of thought of that disappeared upon finding her. She was just gazing at a much smaller blue tank with plenty of Nishikigoi fish ( Koi fish ) swimming about. She looked hypnotized by them. A small smile graced her lips, with a bit of blush on her cheeks to show how charmed she was by the fish, and the dark blue sea tone peppering her skin. At this moment, she looked like a beautiful mermaid to him.


Asahi slowly takes out his phone and snaps a secret picture of her. Just remembering the image won't be enough to speak for its mythical beauty.

He walks up to her.

" These fish caught your eye?" He started the conversation.

She jolts a bit, nearly bumping into the aquarium glass with her back but Asahi kept her still by holding her shoulders. He laughed a bit, and she blushed in embarassment before nodding shyly.

" Y-Yeah..." She affirmed. " I always liked Koi fish since I was young..."

" Really?" Asahi asked.

Bocchi nods. " Yes. Back in our old house actually....we used to have a small pond with koi fish in them."

She looks back at the aquarium, watching the koi fish swim around in their own little groups.

" When I was a kid...I'd just spend my time watching them. didn't really have friends." She said the last part in a low tone.


" But it wasn't all bad." She sighs in bliss. " I didn't really mind it because these koi fish were there to swim around in my loneliness."

Asahi's gaze softened.

He stands closer to her now, and Bocchi realized that so her shoulders stiffened in response. She glances to Asahi but his eyes were focused on the koi fish.

" Well, you're not lonely anymore. I'm here to watch it with you."


His words took place in her heart. She didn't admit it, but back then and even now, she was always jealous of the koi fish. They were social creatures so they were often bought to swim in groups in a pond or aquarium, she was envious of that ability and of the fact that even fish could develop relationships much easier than she could at the time.

But now...she....

Doesn't find herself envious of them anymore....

She shakes away her thoughts, now's not the time to be so awe-strucked. Even though this scene definitely matched the tropes she's observed in the many romance manga suggestions that Mayafumi gave her. It's still a bit awkward considering the existence of the group is still there, right behind them.

So maybe trying to say it now will only lead to them unexpectedly spoiling it... Bocchi thinks.

But she could still enjoy the moment as it is. Just don't think about it too much, she tells herself. So she tries to distract herself by continuing to stare silently at the many koi fish.

And then her gaze lands on an ususual pair of Nishikigoi. Seperated away from the cluster of groups, they were swimming around each other like they're in their own little world. One was coloured pink and blue fins, while the other was brown and with a few stripes of green.

" Huh, that's rare. Those two are just separated from everyone else." Asahi also noticed. Bocchi nods in agreement but....

Is it me or do they kind of match our colors... Bocchi curiously thought. She wanted to speak up about it, but shrunk back after being hit with the fear that Asahi would find her weird for assuming or...implying things regarding the fish.

" Ah, maybe they're lovers." Asahi said.

" Huh? " I turned to him, confused.

" You didn't know? Although in a place packed with koi fish like this, it would normally be rare to see but it does happen. Sometimes, two koi fish will come into a pair and stick with the other like glue no matter where they go." Asahi chuckled. " As if they've fallen in love."


Fallen in love...?

I looked towards the pair of koi fish again. And my view of it has changed, after Akihiko-kun's words. It does look like they're in love. The way they swam in a circular motion, matching each other's pace, and sometimes subtly bumping against each other's heads. It felt all too romantic.


What am I doing standing around romanticizing a pair of fish? How much more of a loser can I be?  I am utterly incapable of romancing my own love interest who is currently standing here right next to me in this very intimate confession-y setting but I can't even do THAT!

Even these fish have a better romance than me...

" Though there is a pretty sad saying back then about these pairs of fish." Asahi spoke.

Bocchi glances at him again. 

With a sad smile, he spoke. " It's said that if one gets taken away from the other. Then the one left in the pond would soon pass away." 


" The depression of losing your lover was said to affect the lone koi fish. That's why it's said that these fish symbolize true love. As the saying goes; For what is there to live in a world without your love? True love must be willing to follow the distance, even if it's beyond the world we live in. "

I found his words both beautiful and heartbreaking. The poor fish. If it really is true, then it's no wonder they spend as much time together as they could. The fear of losing your partner is something I've yet to comprehend, nor do I ever wish to experience. All I know is that it would cause great pain akin to the koi.


".....I think there's a good side to it." I spoke my thoughts, making Akihiko-kun turn his attention to me.

" They get to see their lover again, no matter what. No matter where they go. No matter how far. Be it life or death, right?"

"..." Anxiety filled me as soon as I got zero response from Akihiko-kun.

Bocchi, you should've kept your mouth shut! Why did you say something so morbid and disturbing to Akihiko-kun like that?! Are you speedrunning rejection?!?!

" I suppose you're right." I hear him say, snapping me back to reality, to where I was greeted with an almost sad smile from him.

" If we're going by what you said, then I guess I'm pretty jealous of the fish." 


" Akihiko-kun..."

That look in his eyes, it was unfamiliar to me. Something was hidden behind his words, and a huge part of me wanted to know what.

" Hm?" That feeling disappeared within an instant, as if he'd realized it too, as if what happened a second ago was an accident. Like a light that suddenly flickered for the first time.

I still wanted to know...

" What did you mean by that--"

" Hey! Bocchi-chan, Akihiko-kun, over here!" Nijika's voice called out to us, interrupting my question and immediately stopping my thoughts like a pause button.

We turned to her, and she was there with the group waving at us, beckoning us to come over with her gesture.

" The penguin show is about to start! We managed to buy some Takosen too, so grab yours!" She told us.

"Be right there!" Akihiko-kun responds back before turning to me with a smile. " We don't wanna miss this, now do we?" I was too distracted to notice that he'd already taken hold of my hand and running to them.

And just like that, I've forgotten about the look he made...


Everyone was seated at the room where the show was going to take place. To occupy themselves while they wait, everyone decided to munch on their takosen. The girls however, with the exception of Ryou who without a second thought devoured her takosen, decided to wait and watch the boys' first time eating the snack.

And when they did.....


All 3 pairs of eyes lit up with delicious joy.

" S-So good!" Asahi said with blissful tears.

" So unexpectedly good!" Even Sakurai, the menace to this fanfiction's society, cried tears before taking another bite.

" It's just normal takoyaki but flattened to make it takosen......and yet, " Seiji takes a big bite before releasing an outrageous moan of delight. " God, it tastes so good!"

The boys felt pleased, as if they were young explorers finally delving into the intricate delicacies of the real street culinary world. This was a foreign experience to them, and one they will never forget.

" You guys sure seem to be enjoying it a lot more than I expected. " Nijika curiously states.

" Yeah, I'm curious. I don't mean to offend, but is Oreha's food not doing it for you? " Kita asked.

" Oreha's food is good, it's just that most of the time we were served with food made for and by the rich. Not to say that wasn't good either but--" Seiji's explanation was cut off by Sakurai's joyous exclaim.

" I underestimated commoner's food! It's absolutely fantastic!" The tall boy yelled, catching a few of the adult's attention. Akihiko scolds him, whispering him to quiet down.

" The school just lacked the ' street delicacy ' taste that this takosen has. We were on a strict diet too, since Kenji and I were on the soccer team, so we had to be in our best shape. That's why we didn't often get the chance to try  food from shacks or vendors." Asahi elaborates.

" Oohh, I see." Nijika nods in understanding.

" Well, let this be one of the many firsts that you'll guys experience with street foods." Kita brightly announces.

Before the boys could utter a respond, the show already began. And everyone sat and watched in amazement as the penguins finally made their way to the icy arena...


" Hey, before we leave. Let's take a picture!"

Nobody showed objection, and so Nijika began arranging them in a way where they could fit her camera frame. 

Nijika pauses upon seeing their formation...

" Hmm..."

" Is something wrong, Nijika-chan?" Kita asked.

" Bocchi-chan is not fitting the frame."

Bocchi flinches, before quickly ushering herself out of the formation.

" T-Then please go ahead without me."

It was a sign that my presence for this picture was unneeded-- But before Bocchi could finish that thought, Nijika huffed aloud.

" That won't do! So why don't we try this; Bocchi-chan, let Akihiko-kun carry you." Nijika pointedly says.

Both the pink haired and brown haired boy wore shocked expressions.

"W-What?!" They both responded.

" Pfft." Sakurai knew what she was up to.

Smart move.... Even Kita giggled in anticipation.

God is really against my brother... Seiji sighs.

" Carry her? You can't be serious, right?" Asahi asked nervously. " W-Well, I, uh...don't mind but Gotou-san should have a say in it."

" I-I don't mind!" Bocchi perked.

" You don't?" Asahi asked her in suprise.

Bocchi shakes her head. 



T-This was a lot more embarrassing than I thought but-- oh god, I can smell his good... Bocchi shamefully takes a secret whiff of him as he carried her bridal style.

I want to keep her in my arms forever-- no, wait, don't think indecent thoughts! He scolds himself mentally after losing himself for a bit.

" Alrighty, looks good!" Nijika gives an approving thumbs up before setting the timer and pressing the button.

She immediately scurries into her position, which was between Sakurai and Ryou.

" Everyone say Eroshima!" The dorito girl yells.

Everyone smiles before yelling,

" Eroshima!"


The group was back in Shimokitazawa.

" Today was a great day." Kita says as she scrolled to the pictures she's taken from today.

" Mhm! The aquarium was actually pretty cool. It's actually given me an inspiration for some new merch designs we could make in the future..." Nijika nods thoughtfully.

" Maybe a new song could be composed relating to our trip today...." Ryou also added.

" I'll do my best!" Bocchi suddenly said with a determined look.

" Ahaha....there's no need to rush it, y'know? " Nijika chuckles.

" Did you have fun, Sei?" Asahi asked his brother.

" It was a lot more fun than I thought it'd be. And..." The younger Akihiko smiles to everyone. " I'm glad I met all of you."

" Well," He gives a pointed stare to Ryou. " Most of you."

" Hm?" Ryou was oblivious.

" It was nice to meet you too, Seiji-kun. Maybe you can hang out with us next time too if you're interested?" Kita suggested.

" Mm, I'll think about it." He politely says.

" The trip was worth it!" Sakurai rests his hands behind his head as he walked. " I'll feel satisfied going home now--"


" Eh? What was that?" Everyone wondered,

"....That was me." Ryou painfully says.

" That wasn't enough." Ryou admits.

" Oh what're we going to do with you..." Nijika sighed.

Suddenly, Sakurai gets one last idea.

" I was planning to go home but....I guess I'm a bit hungry too! So why don't we stop by a restaurant before we end today's hangout?" Sakurai hums. " It'll be my treat, of course."

" truly are...." Ryou mouths.

" Hm?"

" Y-You truly are....a good wallet..." She sniffed.

" A wallet sent from god..."

" Hah?" Nijika gave her a blank stare while Sakurai chuckled.

For some reason, he didn't find offended by that when it came from Ryou. Even though the other people in his younger days made the same point and he'd often get into fights because of it but right was all just in good fun.

" You've done it. I give you permission to marry my Nijika-chan." Ryou proudly says.

" You don't get to decide that." Nijika blandly says.

" An interesting trade, I'd say." Sakurai doesn't miss it in a heartbeat. Nijika's face visibly turns red just a tiny bit, feeling embarrassed she just huffs and quickens her pace to get ahead of everybody.

" I'll pick the restaurant!" She yells without looking back.

She really likes him... Asahi and Bocchi thought at the same time.


We stopped by this ramen shop. It was busy, and so it was packed to the brim with people but fortunately we managed to snag an empty booth.

" Order whatever you guys wants." Sakurai-kun told us.

Sakurai-kun had been funding the entire trip, all of the expenses were handled by him alone. Even now, he still offers to pay. I looked around and it looked like everyone got so used to it that they didn't even try to offer paying in his place...

" U-Um...maybe I could pay, Sakurai-kun?" I blurted out and everyone turned to me.

" Woah, sugar mommy Bocchi?" Ryou said, which made me cringe to my core.

" N-No, it's just...." I gripped the menu tightly. " Sakurai-kun has been paying the entire time and...I thought I could ease his overall bill a bit with this much at least." I honestly said.

I felt nervous with all their stares. Was what I said really something weird?

" She's got a point," I hear Akihiko-kun say. I quickly look to him, and he smiled at me. " Your kindness always amazes me, Gotou-san. And I agree, maybe we should pay for our own meals."

My kindness....amazes you?

His words always keep me at ease somehow.

" Well, I don't mind!" Kita-chan supported.

" Me neither. I was thinking about it, but I thought it'd be a fruitless effort to convince Kenji-kun otherwise." Nijika admits, sighing while at it.

" What? Are you all serious?" Ryou-san seemed to object.

" Guys, really! It's kind of you but there's no need--"

" C'mon Kenji. Just let us do this once, will ya?" Akihiko-kun sighs. " Friendship is a two-way road."

Everyone nodded except for Ryou-san.

She shook her head in denial.

" I'm broke. I need his money. Especially with what I planned to order..." She pouted.

" To be honest, same here." Seiji raises his hand, sighing. " I kinda spent all the money I had for the week on snacks. Again."

" Seiji..." Akihiko-kun sighed.


Sakurai looked at everyone, a new sense of appreciation dwelled within him. It was definitely a feeling he linked to his friendship with Asahi, it's as if that line just expanded into a circle.....a friend circle. Who woulda' thought? He who stayed away from such things, managed to find it here somehow. With people he'd never thought he'd meet.


The crimson eyed beast lets out an adoring smile.

" Seriously...." He sighs in defeat. " Fine. But I'll be paying for myself, Yamada, and Seiji."

" YES!" Ryou and Seiji thanked the gods.

And everyone else seemed to agree. Looks like my efforts to ease Sakurai-kun's burdens worked after all!

I smiled to myself as I felt that deep pride blazing within me. From baby steps to a jump, I did it!

Not to mention, as soon as this ends. I'll finally say it.

I shot Akihiko-kun a subtle glance.

My feelings to you.

Hopefully, I'll be as lucky as a koi fish.

I clenched my fist in determination. Yeah! That's right! I'm filled with an unusual sense of positivity somehow, so much that I accidentally knocked my fork down to the ground with a clang.

" O-Oh, my bad--!" I quickly bend to my side to pick it up but then a hand reaches to it first.

" Huh?"

My eyes trailed upwards where I was met with a stranger's face. A boy with blonde hair, tanned skin, piercings on his left ear....but the most notable feature I noticed was...

Blue eyes that resembled diamonds....

" Hm." His eyes seemingly scouted me, scrutinizing me? I don't know. All I know is that I shrunk lower to my seat, feeling uncomfortable by his gaze.

" I believe you dropped this. " His tone was soft-spoken, completely opposite of his appearance. And suddenly that intimidating aura from earlier just disappeared.

He grabs my hand gently and places the fork on it before smiling. " Here you go, beautiful lady." He smoothly said.

Something felt off with him. Who is he?

Before I could thank him, a cold voice interrupted us. 

" You...." It was Sakurai-kun. I was shocked to see his crimson eyes burning with anger all of a sudden.

" Kenji-kun?" Nijika-chan also showed her suprise. Everyone at the table did, but when I turned to Akihiko-kun expecting the same reaction, I was wrong.

Akihiko-kun.....why do you look so angry...?

It was hidden, but it was there. I could feel it.

" Ah, Sakurai. Hello."

I turned back to the tan skinned boy, his tone suggested politeness but his eyes looked disinterested upon staring at Sakurai-kun. That, however, changed when his eyes slowly made its way face to face with Akihiko-kun.

" Asahi-kun! Been a while, hasn't it?" A smile broke out on his lips. But it didn't feel nice or warm like it should, no, it was cold and filled with something else. 

And did he just call Akihiko-kun by his first name? Were they close?

" Ryuji...." Akihiko-kun gave him a cold acknowledgement. It doesn't seem like they are...

" Is that all you have to say to an old pal?" Ryuji tone suggested he was hurt, but his eyes.....

"..." Akihiko-kun said nothing else.

The silence felt uncomfortable. I looked towards Seiji-kun and he looked just as mad as Sakurai-kun and Akihiko-kun.

I looked towards Nijika-chan and she seemed intimidated too.

I looked to Kita-chan and she was sweating nervously, not even her Kita-aura could dissolve the tension....

Ryou-san however...

" Who are you?" Showed no fear at all. Remaining blank with her tone.

" I'm an old pal of Asahi-kun. I'm--"

" Ryuji Kaede." Sakurai-kun interrupted, his tone filled with distaste. " He's just an old face from the past, and not a good one."

Ryuji snorts in amusement at that.

" Aww, still seriously bitter about that game? You shouldn't really speak considering you were useless at that time, Sakurai." The blonde boy spoke down on him with superiority.

" YOU--!" Sakurai-kun's anger flared, and it looked like he was ready to burst if not for Akihiko-kun stopping him in time and keeping him in his seat with a hand pushing down his shoulder.

" Kenji, chill out." He says to him, seriously.

I was afraid to ask.....

Everything about this felt like I was walking on thin ice....

There's only bad blood between them...

Akihiko-kun, for the first time, glared at a person. At Ryuji.

" Ryuji, what the hell are you doing here?" He spoke with haste.

" You already know why." Ryuji tilts his head, a cocky smirk on his lips as his eyes glanced to Sakurai for a moment. " I'm sure your useless forward already told you."

Sakurai flinched in anger from that comment, but didn't move beyond that. From here, everyone could see that he was trying to desperately hold himself back from unleashing whatever flame he's got going on inside.

" Don't speak about my friend like that, Ryuji." Akihiko-kun was at his defense.

" But it's true!" Ryuji smiles brightly. " You were the only one on Oreha who was worth competing against, Asahi-kun! I deeply respect you."



He says so, but I couldn't believe it. It sounded more like he was mocking the boy with that supposed " compliment ".

" Stop with the act." Akihiko cut to the point. So it was an act...

" Heh." Ryuji chuckles.

" Asahi-kun, I came here to Shimokitazawa to pay you a visit as you may know. But you be wondering my true purpose here, yes?" He asked.

"....Yeah. What is it." Akihiko-kun's tone was sharp as a blade. It was unlike him to sound like this, it was unlike the image he's formed of himself inside my head.

All because of this person, Ryuji Kaede?

" I wanted to know why you quit the game of soccer."

" Simple answer; I lost interest after I lost." Akihiko-kun responded quickly.

" Ehhh~? Really? Now that's something new......" Ryuji hums, in thought. " So foreign to hear from the guy who radiated so much passion for the sport! Who said he'd beat Shiba high during the finals, who said he'd beat me."

" But once you realized that it couldn't happen? You just...give up? " Ryuji's tone suddenly gets sharp and dissective.

" Guess so." Akihiko-kun replied without much expression. He just wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible.

" Satisfied?" He asked Ryuji.

"....Normally, I would be." Ryuji smiles. " But would you mind entertaining my secondary question?" He asked in a kind tone, it was unnerving.

" Go ahead."

" Asahi-kun, did you quit because of that injury?"

And with those words, Akihiko-kun's calm expression broke. With his eyes widened, a hitch of his breath. 

An injury?


This was all new to me, but that didn't matter because of the amount of worry I was having for the situation right now. Everyone looked just as shocked as I was, but there's something else going on in the works of this, and it isn't going to end well if we stay here.

" SHUT UP YOU BASTARD!" Sakurai roared, his eyes full of absolute hatred for the boy. The diner quiets down, everyone's attention was on us.

Oh no...we really do need to get out of here--!

" A-Akihiko-kun, we should--"

Ryuji laughs. He ignored Sakurai-kun's hate, and faced me with keen interest.

" And what of you? What's you relationship with Asahi-kun?" He asked me.

But I couldn't utter any answer. I was shaking in my seat from his gaze, he felt dangerous. And on a whole different level from the first impression I had of Sakurai-kun.

" She's my friend, but she's none of your business to know about, Ryuji." Akihiko's tone sounded extra apprehensive this time as I feel his hand gripping my hand under the table, protectively.

" So protective." Ryuji's eyes narrow. 

" Everyone, let's get outta here." Akihiko said.

" Yeah, I don't mind. Kinda lost my appetite." Ryou-san suprisingly said. Even she knows that this situation might go out of proportion.

Everyone nods and gets up from their seat.

" Running away, Asahi-kun?" Ryuji provoked.

" Who wouldn't from a guy like you." Akihiko blandly said before walking past him.

We were close to leaving the restaurant, but then...

" I'm sure your father wouldn't have liked to see his son running away like that."


" Losing like that."

Akihiko-kun slowly turned his head to Ryuji.

All of us turned to him, and we were only met with Ryuji's mocking smile and directed gaze to Asahi alone.

" Ryuji, you better shut the fuck up." Sakurai spoke up, his tone restrained. " Keep talking and see what happens next--"

" I don't want to hear threats from you, Sakurai." Ryuji glared.

" ' Beast ' of Oreha? What a joke." He grinned. " You're just Asahi's domesticated pet."

" Useless on its own, following around its owner like it's the only thing they're made for. You're a disappointment, Sakurai."

" That's it, I'm going to fuck you up--"

" Kenji. Don't."

" But he's--"

Akihiko-kun's tone turned grave.

" Don't."


Sakurai released a sigh to calm himself down. Nijika-chan tried to ease him up a bit more by placing a comforting hand on his back.

" Ryuji, there's nothing here for you to gain. I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work. I'm not going to play soccer."

" Tch." Ryuji rolled his eyes. " Then Oreha is doomed without its star. How boring."

" Such a shame, but it is how it is, I suppose." He shrugs, with a sigh. " Guess I'll take my leave."

" It's a shame though, you couldn't restore your team's nor your own pride. So much for that title that'd been given to you. And so much for all of that talk about winning a championship for your father. A guy who couldn't keep his word, nothing I despise more than that." He says as he began walking towards us.

" Asahi, I'm really disappointed."

" I don't care." The boy beside me replied.

" Hm." Ryuji releases a simple hum before proceeding to walk past us, but then stopping in his tracks. Did he have more things to say?

" About that game.....the reason why you lost? "


" So much for the pride of Oreha..." Ryuji smiles.

"...." Asahi couldn't look him in the eye.


" That injury...guess we really never talked about it, huh."


" Arrghh!" Asahi yelled in pain when he tried to touch his ankle.

" It's severely sprained. You can't let him play." The doctor said to the coach as the entire team watched.

It was half-time break, and minutes before the 1st half finished, was when Asahi tumbled to the ground screaming in pain.

" If Akihiko-kun continues to play, it might lead to even more serious injuries. Trying to push through it can lead to a dangerous fall that could fracture the ankle or his leg. It'll be a painful recovery that might end his career in playing soccer." 

" I...I understand." The coach swallowed a bitter taste.

" Damn it!" Sakurai hits the locker door, causing his teammates to jolt.

" If it weren't for him...." He gritted his teeth.


" Better late than never I suppose." Ryuji turns his head to glance at Asahi, and was met with the latter staring right back at him with a breaking expression.


" Akihiko, I can't let you--"

" Coach, you've gotta let me play. We're 25 minutes left and we're 3 goals down, I can do it!"

" No."

" Why? My team NEEDS me! Only I can stop Ryuji!" The boy begged, pleaded all he could and as much as the coach was adamant on refusing him.

Even he knew that Akihiko was right at the moment.

But he can't risk putting the kid in risk of a bigger injury...

" I know you are. And I want to put you in, trust me I do." The coach spoke slowly, his tone serious. " But I can't. You'll get hurt. A lot worse, even."

" I can't risk that, Akihiko. You have to understand."

" To hell with it! I'm this close, please!" His green eyes, were tired of begging. They were desperate and they were blazing with determination. " I win."

" I can't let Ryuji win..."


" Coach...I'm begging you. I won't be able to live with myself if I lose to a guy like him..."

" .... "

" Coach, please! We can't lose here-- PLEASE!"




I notice a sad memory flicker in Akihiko-kun's eyes. 

And so did Ryuji....

How did I know? Because he smiled. That smile told me everything...


" Asahi, I should've said earlier."


" You were a strong opponent. I could've lost to you."


" Which is why I respect you, which is why i want you to come back, I never had so much fun playing with soccer ever since I played you. But you already said you wouldn't. So there's only one thing left for me to say to you."


" Ah, nice to see you again! Pride of Oreha." Ryuji waves with a smile.

" Shut up, Ryuji. I'm going to take you down." Akihiko coldly said.

" Oh? Well, that's interesting..."


" Asahi-kun...."


" You shouldn't have played, Akihiko-kun~"

" RAAHHH!"  Akihiko was on the ground. After scoring a goal, this certain player was ordered by Ryuji to....make rough contact with his leg.

" D-Damn it....fuck..." Akihiko cursed. He tries to numb out the feeling, but the pain was too great.

" A-Asachin!" Sakurai called from the background, running to him in panic.

" Oh, well here comes your pet." Ryuji boredly said, before glancing at Akihiko's injured leg again.

Seeing that put a smile on his face, and he quickly jogged back to his position on the field. Shiba High's soccer player number 06, the one who made contact with Asahi, was currently getting fouled out of the game by the referee. Ryuji acknowledged his loyalty with a curt nod before breaking into a full blown smile.


" I'm sorry about the leg, Asahi-kun."


He was met with silence.

I glanced to Akihiko-kun, and contrary to what I expected.....there was nothing. Not a single word. Not a single flinch. He was just....still.

" Well, farewell, everyone! I'd be happy to see you during my game with Oreha on december." Ryuji enthusiastically says before waving goodbye and continuing on his way.

I released a sigh of relief, thinking that things finally ended here. Ended safely.

But I was wrong.

" A-Asahi!" I hear Seiji suddenly yell.

That's when I realized that Akihiko-kun closed the distance and grabbed Ryuji by the collar, forcing him to turn to him again as he had his fist ready.

" A-AKIHIKO-KUN?!" I also screamed, Ryuji only had a smile on his face as if reveling in his anger.

I tried to move, but time made me stuck frozen on the ground. My own body against me!

" damn punk." Was all Akihiko-kun said before throwing the punch.


After the punch, his body fell to the floor. Everything was in chaos, the adults were calling the police and the owners were trying to de-escalate what was taking place in their business. Two boys fighting in public would surely become a tale spread in the neighbourhood and beyond....


" Kenji...?" Akihiko-kun struggled as his front was pinned to the ground.

Sakurai Kenji, in an act to restrain his friend, pinned him to the ground hands behind his back.

Sakurai-kun, released a huff.

" Ryuji. Please forgive my friend." 

~~~ The End ~~~

This took a while to upload when it shouldn't have.

This went through SO many rewrites till' I finally decided to settle with this.

I was planning to seperate into two chapters but it wasn't fair to you guys who've waited to see what I was cooking on this one. So I just compacted it all into this chapter!

A mostly fun chapter, all wholesome, right?

A new wholesome OC has been introduced! Going by the name of Ryuji Kaede!

I'd like to hear your thoughts on him, since the prolonging of this chapter's update was mostly on how to decide on his personality. I already knew the look I wanted to go with, but I was stuck on the personality for a really long time,

And it took a lot of adjustments before I finally settled with....I don't even know how to describe it--

I managed to upload right before my vacation break ended. Phew. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

But before I go....

*sigh* I REALLY didn't want to show this but I might as well get it over with...

you see, CrescentRWBY made another fanart of a character here in this fic...

And it's....Akihiko's mom ( Akihiko Fuyuko )

And I loved the art except...

The bastard didn't have to give her dem milkers dammit!



Damn artists backstabbing me like this. First with the non-canon Asahi and Bocchi kiss.

And now these juggernauts on Fuyuko....

I hate u fr @CrescentRWBY :D

Updates will be slower now probably , so please be patient!

See you in the next chapter~

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