Code Lyoko Fanmade Episodes

By metalgreymon2

310 9 7

I'm doing some changes to this Story. It'll pretty much be a story full of fanfics of the original series of... More

Kadic Bombshell
Distante Memory

Kadic Bombshell 2nd Fanfic

51 3 0
By metalgreymon2

This second fanfic crosses the timeline of the fanific I made on the episode Distant Memory. Thanks to AddisonWolvesWells for the idea.

So what if Yumi and Ulrich didn't manage to reach Aelita in time? William manages to toss her to the Digital Sea, and they must protect Hopper at all coasts. Will they manage to save the creator of Lyoko?

This Fanfiction starts in the moment when Jeremy attemped to Devirtualize Aelita, and instead, she got virtualized in the Mountain Sector, due to the bugs in the Supercomputer. Aelita looks arround, shocked with the amout of problems they had in hand

Aelita: Oh no, another major problem! Believe it or not, I'm in the Mountain Sector!(spots something) And I'm not alone either.

Two Blocks and two Kankrelats came in, and started shooting. We now change to the park, where Yumi and Ulrich found Odd, laying down on Bringa's lap.

Ulrich: Odd.

Odd: Oh, hi, guys! (sits up)

Ulrich: How was the movie last night? Which one was it?

Odd: Uh, Jurassic Experiment.

Yumi: Oh yeah? You sure it wasn't "Two Rats in the Factory"?

Odd: Uh no, what makes you say that?

Yumi: Because Jeremy's got the whole film on video. The actors are the spitting image of you two lovebirds! Anything to say for yourself?

Odd: H-H-Hey, listen! It's not what you think, I was gonna tell you about it!

Yumi: What's in that head of yours? Sawdust? The Supercomuter is on the blink! Od, you have just betrayed your way out of our group!

Bringa: What is the problem? Yes, we visited your mysterious laboratory, but it's not the end of the world.

Yumi: For your information, it COULD be the end of the world!

Bringa: I had enough of this stories! I'm going to the swimming pool. (stands up) Well, Odd, are you comming or not?

Odd looked over at Bringa, then at his friends. He knew he messed up big this time. And there wasn't much he could dou about it. He stood up.

Odd: I am... I'm really sorry.

Odd takes Bringa's hand, and the two of them left for the pool. Ulrich got an urgent call from Jeremy, telling that Aelita was in danger. Speaking of Aelita, she was now hidding, as the Monsters kept shooting at the rocks she was taking cover.

Jeremy: Hang on, Aelita. Ulrich and Yumi are on their way! I'll be finished fixing the Supercomputer really soon, just a couple of minutes!

Aelita: A couple of minutes? Survival here is a matter of a few microseconds!

Aelita moved to another rock, and shot an Energy Field at the monsters, forcing them to move to the sides. Aelita looked at the monsters.


Aelita shot at one of the Blocks, hiting the target, and destroying it. She then opened her wings to fly out of there. However, a shock wave pushed her back to the ground. The cause of that shockwave? William, of course.

The three monsters kept shooting, atempting to devirtualize Aelita. However, William didn't want to lose this chance of capturing Aelita.

XANA-William: Ceasefire! (the mosters stop, and he dashes to her) Aelita, at last, just the two of us!

Jeremy: Aelita, watch out!

Aelita tossed an Energy Field at William, who moved to the side and avoided it. But he then noticed the Lyoko Guardian running away. William went after her, followed by the monsters.


The Elevator moved down, deeper into the factory. It opened in the Scanner Room, leting Yumi and Ulrich inside. The two of them went to the scanners.

Yumi: We're here, Jeremy! (Lab)

Jeremy: Ok, you're going in right now! Aelita's in big trouble in the Mountain Sector! (Scanner Room)

Ulrich: Just a second, Einstein. How do you plan on sending us there when the Supercomputer is all messed up?

Jeremy: No idea, I'm trying to fix it. But we have to risk it! If not, Aelita will be at the mercy of William!

Ulrich: Another crazy idea. (he and Yumi step into the scanners) Gets better and better. (the scanners close)

Jeremy: Transfer Ulrich. Transfer Yumi. Scanner Ulrich. Scanner Yumi.

Jeremy: Virtualization.

Jeremy pressed ENTER, virtualizing Yumi Ulrich in the Mountain Sector. Oh wait, that's the Desert Sector. I forgot there were bugs in the Supercomputer. My bad.

Ulrich: Hey, didn't you say the Mountain Sector? Speaking of bright ideas, Einstein!

Jeremy: Sorry, guys.

Yumi: Chill, Ulrich, ok? It's not Jeremy's fault. Don't forget, we could have wound up in the Digital Sea. (Lab)

Jeremy: I could always try bringing you back in and then send you to the right sector.

Yumi: No, we can't take the chance. We'll find our own way. Just put us in the right direction (Desert Sector)

Jeremy: Ok, the Way Tower is due south from your present position.

Ulrich and Yumi ran to the Tower. Back in the Mountain Sector, Aelita was hidding from the monsters. They didn't seem to have found her, so she attemped to find for a Tower to hide. However, William pointed his sword at her, stoping her.

XANA-William: Hahahaha. Huh?

Aelita shot an Energy Field at William, who got hit in the left arm. Aelita then kicked him, so she could fly away. William imedialy went after her. Back on the Desert, Yumi and Ulrich finally found the Way Tower.

Ulrich: Jeremy, we're almost at the Way Tower!

Jeremy: Roger! (lab) Listen, Aelita, I'm almost through fixing the Supercomputer! You ok? (Mountain Sector)

Aelita: No, I'm not ok at all!

As she was flying to a Tower to be safe, Aelita ended up getting hit by a laser. A Kankrelat shot her down, and William came in. He took hold of the Lyoko Guardian with his Supersmoke, tossing her to a wall. And finally, bringing her to him.

XANA-William: XANA's finally gonna have your company for good.

William didn't waste anymore time, and went to the edge of the platform. Yumi and Ulrich got out of the Way Tower, and were finally in the Mountain Sector.

Jeremy: Hurry up! William has Aelita right above the Digital Sea!

Ulrich: We can see them, but we're to far! (lab)

Jeremy: I don't believe this!

William made a move, and finally tossed Aelita down to the Digital Sea. She screemed, as she fell down, and was finally virtualized for good.

Yumi: NOOOOO!!!!!

Jeremy: I don't believe this! AELITA!!!


Back on the Pool, we see Odd siting on a bench. Bringa just jumped down, gettign chears from all boys from Kadic. She came out, and all boys gathered arround her. She looked behind to see if Odd was there, and he wasn't there.

Back on Lyoko, Yumi and Ulrich reached William and the Monsters. The Kankrelats looked at them. The Block went to William, who was still looking at the Digital Sea.

Yumi: What's William doing?

Ulrich: I don't know, but I won't stay here! SUPERSPRINT! (slashes the Kankrelats) IMPACT!

The Kankrelats were destroyed. The Block looked at them, and shot an Ice Beam at Ulrich's legs, freezing him there. 

Ulrich: Oh no!

Yumi: Jeremy, what's going on?

Jeremy: I don't know. (lab) William hasn't moved, or said anything ever since he tossed Aelita to the Digital Sea. (BEEP) Hm? What's this?

Jeremy: What the heack? Wait. I can't believe this!

Ulrich was trying to cut the ice with his sabers. Meanwhile, William grinned, as the ball of light finally emerged from the Digital Sea.

William: VICTORY!!!

Yumi: Huh? Victory what?

Ulrich: Jeremy, what's going on?

Jeremy: Now I get it! This was XANA's plan all along!

The ball of light raised to dry land. It was now in front of William and the Block. It passed them, and dropped Aelita besides them. She was still out cold.

Yumi: Aelita!

Ulrich: Jeremy, what's going on here?

Jeremy: Now I get it! That ball of Light... is Franz Hopper.

Yumi: What? That's Franz Hopper?

Jeremy: This is the reason why XANA tried to throw Aelita to the Digital Sea! That's the onlything that can drag Hopper out of there! You gotta protect Hopper!

William: FIRE!!!

The Block started shooting at Hopper. Yumi tossed a fan at the Block, hiting the XANA eye, and destroying it. However, XANA virtualized two Tarantulas.

While the Tarantula prepared to shoot, Jeremy was still trying to fix the big. Suddenly, the Elevator door opened, and Odd was there. Jeremy didn't even looked at him.

Odd: Uh, could you use my help?

Jeremy: Odd, you're not exactly welcome arround here. I'm sorry, but I have no time to chat with you.

Odd: Well, that's great. Then let's not wait any time, and virtualize me right away! Our friends must need help!

Jeremy: ... Ok, but with the Supercomputer down, you could be virtualized anywhere at all.

Odd: That's my problem.

Odd pressed a button and the Elevator took him to the Scanner Room. Back on Lyoko. The Tarantulas were shooting at Ulrich and Yumi. William went to Hopper, and unleashed a shockwave. Aelita finally woke up. She looked at the ball of light.

Aelita: Daddy? (sees William attacking Hopper) NO!

Aelita shot an Energy Field at William, stopping him. William looked at the Lyoko Guardian. Ulrich sprinted to one of the Tarantulas, jumped, and tossed a sword at its XANA eye, destroying it.

Ulrich: Take that!

The Tarantula blew up. William suddenly smoked to Ulrich. But Ulrich soptted him, and their swords clashed. The Second Tarantula kept shooting at Yumi and Aelita. William kept pushing Ulrich back, and finally managed to corner him. 

Ulrich: Uh-oh.

William stabbed Ulrich, devirtualizing him. Yumi and Aelita spoted that, but they couldn't do much. The Tarantula Devirtualized Yumi. Aelita shot an Energy Field at the Tarantula, but the monster deflected it with its arm.

XANA-William: Take Hopper out! I'll deal with Aelita!

The Tarantula went to Hopper. William came in between them and Aelita. Meanwhile, Jeremy hopes to finaly have fixed everything.

Jeremy: It's the moment of truth, I guess.

Jeremy pressed enter. The program opened, and everything was operational again. Back on Lyoko, William pushed Aelita to the ground, and pointed his sword at her.

Aelita: No!

XANA-William: I'd give you popcorn, but I don't have any. So, just sit back, and witness as we-


Suddenly, the Tarantula exploded. William looked over to see Odd there. Aelita stood back up, and went to her father. Odd went to William.

Aelita: Daddy, you gotta get out of here! HURRY!

Hopper managed to recover, and finally left Lyoko, back to the Network. Aelita looked behind to see Odd and William were still fighting. William raised his sword.

Odd: You think I'm afraid of that popsicle stick?

Odd shot three Laser Arrows. Two were blocked, but the third one got William in the Shoulder. Odd shot another Arrow, devirtualizing William. However, William unleashed a final wave of Supersmoke to Aelita, sending her to the Digital Sea.

Odd: AELITA!!!

In a desperate move, Odd went after her. He looked at her watch, shot it, triggering her wings. Aelita looked up to see Odd falling. She flew to him, and managed to grab him. Afew moments later, everyone met back in the lab.

Odd: Well, I know what you're gonna say. I betrayed you and i'm a tottal lame-o, and i should be kicked out of the group.(looks down) And you're right to guys. I should never have showed the Supercomputer to Bringa. It's unforgivable!

Jeremy: Well no. You simply forgot that inside that head of yours there happends to be a brain.

Ulrich: You're not the only one who was lame, we were just to jealous of you.

Yumi: Yeah. We all went a bit to far because of Bringa

Aelita: I forgive you Odd. After all, it was you, who save me from falling to the Digital Sea.

Jeremy: Well, we can't risk Bringa know about the Supercomputer anyway.(presses the Keyboard) Return to the Past now.

Jeremy launched a Return to the past, and it was like nothin gever happend. However, we skip two days after Bringa's arive at Kadic, and she was now leaving.

Odd: Why in the world is she going anyway?

Jeremy: That's actually strange.(Ulrich sees Sissi) 

Ulrich: Hey Sissi, wasn't Bringa gonna stay here for four days?

Sissi: Well, let's just say i convined my father to sent her out of town to my cousin's place. She wanted to meet the countryside, so why not!

Odd: I guess for you that a real relief, cause now that Bringa's gone, she can't steal the show!

Sissi: You may not believe it Odd, but it was really a pleasure!(looks at Yumi and Aelita) You know, i sometimes envy you to.

Yumi and Aelita: Mm?

Sissi: Because being surrounded by guys all the time could never happend to you!

Odd: Aww, now that's the Sissi we all love! How could i flipped over Bringa!(stars chassing Sissi)

Sissi: Ge away from me, weirdo!(runs away)

Odd: Sissi! Sissi, Wait!

Lyoko gang: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Ulrich(laughing): Uh-oh, Odd's gone Bananas again! We better watch out, guy!


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