Love is Magic

By RuVineet

405 33 314

The story is set in the times when not only humans but mythical creatures existed as well. This story is an a... More

#1. Prologue 0.0
#2. Prologue 0.1
#3. Conversing
#4. First Meet.

#6. Conversing

19 3 26
By RuVineet

Vaibhav comes across Sarah when she’s setting up her shop for the day. Sriti is not at the shop, she has gone to get some material and Sarah is setting some mannequins in front of the shop. Vaibhav is awestruck to see the craft pieces and the jewellery made up of fresh flowers. He’s standing outside the shop when Sarah notices him. She walks close to him.

“Yes, Sir, how can I help you?” She enquires.

“ The pieces are very beautiful. Do you make these pieces on your own?” He asks gently.

“Yeah, my friend and my Ma help me often,” she replies.

“Sarah, Ms Sarah– right?” He asks reading her name on the board placed in front of her shop.

“Yeah, and thanks for the compliment. Would you like to see the new pieces?” She asks and he agrees.

Sarah takes Vaibhav into her shop and shows him some of her new designs which are basically Rangolis. They are crafted on cardboard and when arranged in a sequence, they make a beautiful design.

Vaibhav is astonished and he looks up at Sarah for a moment. She’s amused to find him looking at her and so she turns away pulling out more show pieces to show him. Meanwhile, a lady enters the shop and greets Sarah happily. Sarah greets the lady with a hug and then gives a packet to her. The lady beams at her.

“Thank you, Sarah. You saved me, literally. The kids will be happy now.” The lady says and after making the payment she leaves the shop.

Sarah sighs deeply and then turns to Vaibhav finding him looking at the other decorative pieces. She decides to ask him what he needs and at the same time, Vaibhav turns around and smiles at her.

“Ms Sarah. I have an offer for you.” He says softly.

“Offer? What kind of offer? And what do you want? Do you want to buy anything from my shop?” She asks gently.

“Ms Sarah, your pieces are beautiful. I would like you to work with me.” Vaibhav says softly.

“Work with you? How? And we barely know each other? And you….what is your name?” Sarah is confused and she is looking at him asking his name.

“ Vaibhav Ahuja. When we will work, we will get to know each other, Sarah. Working with me means that I’d like you to lead a team of artisans and direct them about work. Train them in what you hold expertise in. Yes, you will be paid for all of it.” Vaibhav smiles.

“Really? Are you sure about it?” She asks softly.

“Yes, I am sure, Ms Sarah. You are beautiful and so are your art pieces. I want to start a business and I’d like you to work with me. You’ll be the team leader.” He says gently.

“Ah….It’s weird, Mr Vaibhav. I mean I will need time to think. I cannot take an instant decision.” Sarah says honestly.

“It’s okay, Sarah. You can take time and tell me your decision in a day or two. Here’s my card.” Vaibhav says and extends his card towards Sarah.

Sarah is in a trance as she watches him leave and glances at his business card. His words echo in her ears and she smiles a little. Okay, this is the first time that her work has been recognized and she is very happy. An unknown person has given her an offer but she has to discuss it with his mom.

Meanwhile, Sriti enters and tells her about Vaibhav and Sarah is astonished to learn that he’s the son of the King’s advisor and he’s been so sweet and down-to-earth to ask her to work with him. Sarah tells everything to Sriti and the latter chuckles to learn it. She asks Sarah to say yes to Vaibhav but the girl wants to discuss it with her mom. Also, she’s touched by Vaibhav’s gesture.

Sriti agrees with her pointers and soonish, it’s time for lunch. Sarah closes the shop for lunchtime and hurries home, after all, she wants to know her mom’s opinion.

In PearlWorld, Ruhana comes out of her trance when Vineet holds her hand. She smiles at him and he asks the reason for the tears in her eyes.

“Vineet, I was just lost in the past. I am glad we could help Sarah and Vaibhav unite. Yeah, we had to walk on a thorny path but then, it’s all good to go. I am glad they are happy together.” She says.

“Yeah, I am glad too. And their story started with all that stranger thing. But, we didn’t know we’d be able to meet them.” Vineet says.

“Yeah, it’s all destined, Vineet. Yeah, some people believe in us while some don’t. Sarah believes in us and so did Vaibhav. He might have thought of it as a trick but then he helped us.” Ruhana says, thankful to the said person.

“Yeah, I am glad about it. Now, it’s peace all around. But, I still regret, if we hadn’t gone into that region, things had been fine.” He says he’s guilty of some things that happened years ago.

“Vineet, that’s called destiny. Until and unless we got trapped, we didn’t know that the power of love is robust and it can do miracles.” Ruhana says.

“Yeah, Sarah and Vaibhav proved so and so did we.” Vineet says, his lips curving into a smile.

“Yeah! I am glad. This is the story I live every year. Love is surely Magic. Ain’t it?” She asks.

He nods and pulls her into his embrace, kissing her forehead. She rests her head on his chest as they go through another picture, another story of their life and so from Sarah and Vaibhav’s life.

To Be Continued.

What will happen further?

Stay tuned.

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