I Want To Protect You projek...

De Sunshine4uuu

7.9K 210 15

*THIS IS JUST ACTING NOT REAAAL* nurul aqiah is a hijab girl and she is very lembut person but when it comes... Mais

Episod 1
Episod 2
Episod 3
Episod 4
Episod 5
Episod 6
Episod 7
Episod 9
Episod 10
Episod 11
Episod 12
Episod 13
Episod 14
Episod 15
Episod 16 (End)

Episod 8

443 11 0
De Sunshine4uuu

The next day

Nurul was walking down the staircase and saw Kahar with cut on his cheeks leaning on the wall.

"Eh Kahar kau okay tak?" Kahar looked up at her and looks angry. Kahar grab her sleeves and bring her to the rooftop.

"Eh Kahar kau nak bawak aku gi mana?" Kahar just kept dragging her. "Apa kau cakap kat Naim sampai dier buat ni kat aku?" Kahar asked. Nurul kept quiet "Nurul cakap-"

"Aku nampak kau dengan perempuan tu Kahar tolong dier orang Tak baik" Kahar scoffed "Apasal jealous?" Kahar smirked at her. "Tak aku just nak warn kau dier tu budak Tak baik" Kahar smiled at her.

"Kau mana tahu dier. Perempuan tu pun Tak tahu pasal kau. Kau tu siapa nak kesah hidup aku!?" Kahar shouted at her. Nurul slowly breath in and out

"Okay sorry aku tak Akan ganggu kau lagi" Nurul smiled and walked away.

"Jangan cakap aku Tak warn kau" Nurul said her back facing Kahar and walked away from him.

Nurul Pov

I went to Naim's dorm and knock at his door "Naim?" The door open and his hair was messy and still haven't change "Eh? Nurul kenapa kau kat sini dah pukul berape-"

"Apa kau cakap dengan Kahar?" Naim kept quiet and looked at her. "Naim apa kau cakap kat Kahar and kenapa kau buat dier macam gitu?" Nurul whispered loudly to him.

"Naim I trusted you" I sighed and walking back and forth and doing a lot of hand gesture . "Naim tell me now" Naim grabbed my sleeves and pull me in and closed the door.

"Aku tumbuk dier lepastu aku cakap jangan sakit hati nurul itu je" I took a deep breath and released it slowly.

"Naim you know that Kahar will tell that girl and then perempuan tu Akan ingat aku suka Kahar then she will talk things about me which is not true" Naim face palm and shake his head.

Then someone knock the door. Naim went to open it and it was Fakhri. Fakhri looked at Naim then at me. "Korang buat apa?" I groaned "arg takde apa apa dah jom gi class" I said grabbing Fakhri sleeves and walked to class.

When we were walking Fakhri stopped that made my body went behind still holding his sleeves "kenapa?" I asked looking at him.

"Aku suka kau" I paused for a minute to make sure that he is telling the truth. 

"Cakap lagi?" he laughed at my face who is curious.

"Nurul Aqiah Saya Fakhri Ismet suka kat awak" I looked at him then looked at the ground.

"Awak Tak suka Saya?" Fakhri said feeling down.

"Fakhri, I went to many phases of emotion and things dah macam Tak tenterang. Aku Tak tahu apa tu marah apa tu sedih and what even is love"

"Kahar?" He asked. I shake my head "I don't know"

"Saya Akan sayang awak bukan macam si Kahar tu" I smiled at him and grabbed his sleeve again and dragged him to class.

"For now I will think about it maybe Saya sayang awak jugak?" I shrugged my shoulder and continue walking.

"Oh yea pasal that time malam aku dengar kecoh kecoh kenapa?" I asked him still dragging him to class "huh? Bila masa Ada kecoh malam?" I raised my brows and just ignored it.

During class

I was just focusing what the teacher was talking until a paper ball was thrown to me. I open it and saw it was written that

'Kau jaga. We will come soon' I looked behind and saw iliana was smirking at me. I shake my head and continue focusing the lesson.

During dinner time

"Eh mana warden semua?" I asked while four of us are eating at our original tables. "Semua cuti Kut? Aku dengar Hari ini selepas sekolah Dia orang terus balik rumah" I nodded at Ayam and continue eating.

Then Hazeem brought a small tv with a table.

"Eh macam mana ada tv tu?" Ikhsan looked at them curious how they have a tv. "Hmm lesen kut" I said continue eating not caring what they were doing until.

The tv is on and I heard groaning and punching sound and I heard my voice.

I quickly looked at the tv and saw it was me fighting with Aini.

"Nurul isn't that-" I nodded at Ikhsan "that's me the one that I told you"

I stood up and walked to the tv. Hazeem was smiling at me and wanted to laugh at me. Then I kick the tv and it smash into pieces. "Eh tv aku" Hazeem said about to cry "Macan lah aku kesah Oi! Apa ni ah perempuan!?" I faced to Iliana knowing that this is her plan.

"Gentlemen this Nurul, is not a kind girl you think she was. What you see before is she fought at school, bully people at school being-" Iliana said making me pissed because is not true.


"I know.... You know why I do this?" I shaked my head and trying to calm myself down.

"AKU YANG LAYAK JADI KAPLA BUKAN KAU!" Iliana said pointing at me.

"Huh? Nurul kau kapla?" Kahar stood up and asked still can't believe he is hearing this.

"Oh? You never told them you are a Kapla?" Iliana asked, acting surprised.

"Everyone listen up!" Iliana shouting looking at everyone.

"Nurul Aqiah ialah Kapla dalam perempuan High school kami... well she was the first person to do it and orang cakap she will be the last but aku Tak rasa Kut sebab aku Akan Jadi kapla yang sesuai untuk sekolah aku"

I rolled my eyes "Kau nak jadi kapla? Kalau kau jadi kapla, HANCUR LAH SEKOLAH KITA NANTI KAU BULLI BUDAK TU SEMUA MACAM SEKOLAH NI"

Iliana scoffed and she tilt her head at me to signal her gang to attack me.

Lucky me I'm wearing hoodie and jogging pants and my hijab is tighten.

One of them came towards me running, I kick her thigh to make her fall. The other girl grabbed her wrist and anti clockwise it and push her back while the other was about to punch me but I grabbed her arm and kick her at the thigh too and push her away.

I walked back with my back facing them and feeling suffocating with this stuff coming over my mind. One of the girl try to come towards me but Ikhsan wanted to stop her but she kick Ikhsan at the stomach.

"Ikhsan!" Ayam helped him up. I turn and glare at her and give her the strong kick at the head and she fall down flat to the ground.

"Maya?" Nina perempuan gang iliana pergi ke maya. "Oi! Kau buat apa huh?" Nina shouted at me. I scoffed and give a death stare at her. "Dia tendang kawan aku, aku kasi lah Dia balik" I smiled at her then stare at Iliana.

"Kau dengar sini perempuan. Aku Tak tahu kenapa kau gila gila dengan Kapla ni. But no matter what me myself and I will always be the first and last Kapla in our school" I said clenching my fist and walked away.

"Oi! Aku nak lawan dengan kau!" Iliana shouted. I stopped walking and turn around facing her.

"Huh? Lawan apa lagi huh?" Iliana smirked.

Before she can say, someone shouted my name "NURUL!" I turn at the voice and saw two girls.

I looked at them properly and saw it was "AINI! TRISH!" They came to me and hugged me tightly.

"How wait, apa, macam mana korang kat sini and you Aku ingat kau masih tengan coma!?" I touch Aini face and scan to see if she's really okay.

"Tak aku dah okay last month aku dah bangun dan aku dah tahu the real story. Aku nak minta maaf" I shake my head "Tak aku yang kena minta maaf" Aini laughed softly and hugged me. I grabbed Trish shoulder and pull her in for a hug as well.

"The trios are back" Trish shouted loudly excitedly.

Then iliana clapped slowly

"Dah habis korang punya reunion?"

Aini scoffed "Oi kenapa budak buruk ni Dan penikut dier kat sini?" I smiled at her and shrugged.

"Eh perempuan! Kau diam ah! Aku ni nak cakap that! Aku Akan lawan dengan Nurul Aqiah ni dalam sesi Jusqu'à la mort" Iliana folded her arm and smirked.

"Weh KAU GILA KE PE!?" Trish shouted at her.

Ikhsan came behind me. "Nurul kau jangan" Nurul sighed and looked at Ikhsan and stare at iliana.

"Apa tu Jusqa le mor ah Entah lah apa tu?" Ayam asked standing beside Ikhsan.

"Dia orang punya fight bukan macam Kita. Dia orang really follow the traditional of The kudrat and Jusqu'à la mort maksud Dia orang akan lawan sampai one of them mati" Ikhsan explain loudly so that others can hear.

"Apa!? No!? Aku haram Kan kau gaduh dengan Nurul!" Fakhri stand in front of me and protecting me with his arms spread.

"Oooo kau boyfriend dier ke?" Iliana asked acting scared. Kahar looked at me and Fakhri and then at me again.

Fakhri turn to look at me and from his eyes looks like his waiting for an answer. I sighed and stood in front of him.

"Fine aku Akan lawan kau. Minggu depan after sesi lelaki Kita punya turn. No weapons just our bodies okay?"Nurul asked.

"Okay" iliana smiled and walked off.

"Dah tunggu apa lagi? Balik dorm lah!" Hazeem shouted and everyone splatter.

I walked away and went to the rooftop.

I looked up at the sky and try to calm myself down.

"Tenangkan tengok awan?" I looked at my left side and saw it was....

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