Steven universe x OC gem read...

By King_Cloud47

24.8K 969 44

Another crystal Gem? Will her friendships be tested, will old friends be love-hate relations!? How will she f... More

episode 1
episode 2
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
eposide 6 1/2
eposide 6 2/2
episode 7
episode 8
episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12
episode 13
episode 14
episode 15
episode 16
episode 17
episodes 18
episode 19
episode 20 - 25
episode 26
episode 27 - 31
episode 32
episode 33 - 35
episode 36
episode 37 - 44
episode 45
episode 46 - 50
episode 51 "The Return"
episode 52 "Jail break"
season 2
episodes 1 - 7
episode 8
episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12 - 14
all the fusions so far
episode 15
episode 16
episode 17
episode 19
episode 20
episode 21 - 23
episode 24
episode 25
episode 26
season 3 + all the fusions
episode 1 - 2
episode 3 - 4
episode 5
episode 6 - 14
episode 15 - 19
episode 20 "Bismuth"
episode 21 "Bismuth"
episode 22
episode 23
episode 24 - 25
season 4
episode 1
episode 2 - 7
episode 8 - 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12
episode 13 - The Zoo

episode 18

263 10 0
By King_Cloud47

"Steven's gone!" Pearl bursted in my room and I quickly acted running to the warp with everyone else.

Our first place was the Galaxy Warp. And by luck we found him.

"There he is!" We run towards Steven, and hug him tightly.


"What happened?!"

"Ahh, you're okay!"

We all voiced our concerns when Garnet realized.


"Why can't you just leave me alone?!?!"

Garnet cracks her knuckles with her gauntlets.

"Gems! Move!"

We charges forth and Peridot tries to escape again. Peridot shoots three energy blasts in quick succession at us Gems, but we dodge out of the way, and she tries to fly away with her helicopter fingers. Amethyst swiftly tethers Peridot with her whip, and Peridot laughs as she generates and sends a electric current down the whip. Garnet then grabs the whip and stops the electric current.

"Not this time!"

Garnet sends the electric current back at Peridot, electrifying her, and whips her slamming down to the ground screaming. shocking Peridot. Peridot coughs as she gets up, and backs off as Garnet and Pearl approach her.

"Wait, wait.. you- you need me!!" Peridot aims her energy blaster at Garnet, as Pearl sneaks up behind her, drawing her spear."

"I'm, the only one who knows ABOUT THE-"

While she wad aiming at Pearl I snuck up and sliced her from top left to bottom right. Effectively poofing her but not shattering her.

I catch her Gem and bubble it. Quickly sending it away.

Peridot's disembodied limbs then fall to the ground, as we the Crystal Gems gather around to observe.

"What on Earth?"

"Ughh, sick, there's bits of her all over."

"No I already put her back into the temple so those aren't her real body."

Pearl picks up a piece to inspect.

"So these weren't actually part of her body?"

Amethyst snatches Pearl's piece, scoops up the rest and drops them all into the ocean, making it looks like an accident.

"Uhh whoops."

"Topaz, she was trying to tell us something..."

"Those were just the desperate lies of a Gem who's been caught. You don't need to worry about her anymore." Garnet speaks on my behalf and walks off.

"Come on, Steven." She pushes Steven along. "Oh, I'm so glad this is finally over."

Back at the house we Gems are in the kitchen. Garnet is standing inside the kitchen with Amethyst laying on the end in the island we have, Pearl is sitting on the bar stool and I'm leaning on the island opposite of where Amethyst is laying.

"That was a good sneak attack Blue. I didn't even notice you." Garnet smiles.

"Yes you did!" I smile and punch her arm.

"What do we do next?" Pearl says. "What about Malachite?"

"Until they show up or start a problem, then we don't have to worry about them."

"That's fair."

Peridot runs out of the Temple Gate laughing manically, followed by Steven.

"Stop! They're gonna see you!"

Peridot spreads her arms out wide.

"Freedom is MINE!"


Peridot pauses and slowly turns her head looking at us.

"Wait!" Steven runs inbetween us.

Peridot, stuttering while pointing to the ceiling, says.

"Look! Over there! Another planet to betray!"

Pearl grunts, I face palm, Garnet summons her gauntlets and Amethyst eats a whole pizza box in one gulp.

Peridot shakes in fear.


Peridot crawls to the front door, but Pearl and Garnet block her path.

"Oh no, you don't!"


Peridot scampers up the steps, where Amethyst is waiting on Steven's bed.


"AAAHH!" Peridot jumps back down to the ground floor. "Ow!"

"Get her!"

She crawls to me and I block her way to the warp pad but she turns sharply to run into the bathroom. Shutting and locking the door.

"You may have won the war, but the battle isn't over, CRYSTAL CLODS!"

"Isn't the other way around?... oh wait no we did win the war."

We dispel our weapons, I didn't even summon mine since I can tell she's not able to hurt us.

"Should we tell her that's the bathroom?" Pearl says.

"Naaaah." I reply.

Amethyst tries to turn the doorknob.

"It's locked."

"Peridot, open the door!"

Toilet flushing is heard.

"If you're trying to flush yourself down the toilet, it won't work."

"Amethyst why do you know that?" I asked and she looked at me like I was stupid. "Yeah I don't even know why I asked."

"How did she get out? We bubbled her!"

"Maybe we needed a bigger bubble."

"My bubbles are fine."

"... I did it."

"Steven! Why would you do such a thing!?" Pearl was definitely mad.

"Because she knows something! Something that's made her scared!"

"Duh. Homegirl knows we're gonna beat her into a green pancake."

"No, not 'cause of us. 'Cause of something called The Cluster."

"Cluster? That's new."

"What else did she tell you?"

"That's all I got."

"That's right, you dirt bombs! You don't even know what's coming!!!"

"I'm tired of playing these games. If we can't fight her, then fine. We'll talk. Peridot!"


'Did she slip?'

"Alright, no more fighting. Let's just have a civil conversation."

"As if I'd negotiate with you, filthy war machine!"

'Uh oh.'

Garnet summons her gauntlets angrily.

"Okay, let's kick her butt."


"Yeah! Destroy me again, and have fun trying to talk to me when I'm in a bubble!"

"Y'know I hate to say it but. She's more valuable to us locked up in the bathroom than in a bubble." I say.

"This is going to be tricky."

Water gushing is then heard.

"H-h-hot hot hot!:

"You have to turn the knob the other way for cold!"

"The way you can help out your enemies just amaze me Steven."

"Thank you." He shines.

We were back in the kitchen talking about how Peridot is gonna have to live in the bathroom when Steven announces he has to go.

"Like right now?" I ask.

"Yeah, kinda."

"Just go in the ocean, bro. Pssssh. Like a feeyush." Amethyst says.

"What's with you guys and making me pee outside!?"

He then storms off.

"Well I have fun doing it.."

"...Wait what?" I say.

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